twenty seven


“Your life ,” Yuri exclaimed, downing the can of beer that she's been holding for fifteen minutes now. Sakura lets out a weak chuckle. “I know.” She whispered, and also took a sip from her can.


Meanwhile Yujin blinks, still confused and slowly brought up her banana milk to her lips, gulping it down in one go before asking her cousin. “Wait, are you serious about this, unnie?” Her brows furrowing. The two older looked at her. “What if that man is just brainwashing you?” She grumbled, clenching her jaw.


After Chaeyeon and her sister, Chaemin went back home (Sakura made sure that they got home safely and made Wonho follow them behind), She asked Yujin and Yuri if they can company her at the rooftop and have a talk and drink a bit, because she badly needed one again, well not after they drove their own girlfriend back home and Sakura made sure Nako is asleep.


Now, they're at Sakura's glamorous rooftop, the CEO telling them the stories. She felt so troubled. Well, maybe if she aint stupid and didnt gone harsh towards her girlfriend, her anxiousness wont go up like this but its already done, Sakura snapped at her before she could even control herself, the alcohol made her temper thin as a thread. The two intently listened to the older, knowing she needed some comfort and advices, theyve been listening to Sakura's stories since half an hour ago. Yuri took everything well, she's calm and quiet, listening to every words Sakura says.


However, Yujin, of course- she's in rage. Just the mention of Sakura's father made her blood boil because she's there when that man tried to take Sakura down. She's not handling it very well.


Sakura sighs, covering her reddening face with her hands before letting out a frustrated groan. Yujin got a point, that's also the first thing that Sakura thought of when she walked out aimlessly from her Father's place. There's no way that devil and cruel man is just a puppet or some sort of unwilling minion, well, if that words are not really real, then Miyawaki Shun is the best actor in the world. The CEO know she shouldnt fall easily in this kind of trap, especially that the Yokoharas are coming for her but the way the older man said each word, its sincere, Sakura's stomach churned when he talked to her but in a good way, not like those previous conversation that her stomach really always turned up side down. The feel is real. There's no way thats a lie. Sakura can feel it. She knows whether a person is lying, and she's fully aware that her Father always lie, but that talk? No, there's not even a trace of lie and hesitance, just pure and soft.


The way Miyawaki Shun talked to her is like when he comforted Sakura when he was about to fly to Japan again when she was six. Sakura ruffled her hair. “I know that everything he did in my life is to ruin it, but Yujin, its different this time. He's cruel, but all the action he did, someone is ordering him, like what he said to me.” She said, her voice getting lower. Yujin snorted. “Uh huh. Okay, lets say, i'll trust you in this one, unnie. I know you, you're smarter than Albert Einstein and three best psychologists combined. But then who is that person behind his action, and why would he let himself be controlled over? What a piece of .” She hissed, crossing her arms and looked away, pissed.


“That's what i also asked to him, but he said i dont need to know and will take care of that person soon, and will never ever let himself to be controlled ever again.” The CEO answered, staring at nowhere, mind still running as she drank from her can. Yuri is still quiet, analyzing the situation and story, probably. Yujin sighed, massaging her temples.


“I still dont trust him, unnie, god no way in hell. You dont know what's on his mind. What if he's just trying to get your trust, oh god, unnie, please dont fall in that trap. You know what he is capable of, we know.” She lowly said, sighing again before grabbing a can of soda at the table. Sakura nodded. “I know. But i have a feel in this one that he aint lying. He even called the Yokoharas infront of me to say that the wedding wont happen. He's just a Father begging for forgiveness and trying to prove that he will fix this stupid mess that time. Oh well, i dont know anymore, for now, ill put a little trust on him for once.” She said, emptying her can before tossing it to somewhere. In the corner of her eyes, she saw Yuri smiling while closing her eyes, she thought the latter must be tipsy and shrugged it off.


The youngest among the three clapped her hands. “Okay, okay, now lets leave this topic for now and move on to the most important one,” She exclaimed. “Chaeyeon-unnie.” She added, making Sakura's face drop, guilt eating her up again.


“You guys really cant live without each other. So, my advice is to immediately talk it out, give her kisses or whatever.” Yujin said, smiling a bit at Sakura's reaction. The CEO went more red but there's still a guilty expression on her face. “Yea, i cant be like this to her for a long time. It pains me seeing her hurt because of me. Ahhh, stupid me.” She said, plopping her face down to the wooden table. Yuri finally piped in. “It's normal to have a quarrel in a relationship. There's no such perfect relationship.” She said, looking at the starry night before turning to Sakura.


“Just make a move already, while everything is getting well. Your Father likes Chaeyeon for you.” She said seriously. Sakura is confused so does Yujin. “What do you mean?”


Yuri sighed, and smiled after. “Let's just say an angel disguised as a devil knocked into my door.”




Chaeyeon lets out a annoyed groan, sitting up as she slowly fluttered her heavy lids open. Irritated by the endless knocking on her door that woke her up from her sleep, “Stop knocking on my door, you aint the nation's girl group, TWICE.” She shouted but the knockings didnt stopped. She stood up and went to the door with a frown on her face. Who the hell is knocking early in the morning? Hell, her head is aching also because of the lack of sleep, she probably only slept for three hours.


After she left Sakura's house, she brought Chaemin to a restaurant to eat dinner and also brought her to the mall to distract her, she obviously failed since her mind is floating as they strolled around. She then brought Chaemin to their old home and earned a lot of yellings from her father. When she finally reached home and plopped herself to her bed, tears instantly flow from her eyes. She bawls her eyes out as she tried to comfort herself by eating all the foods that are inside the fridge and also called Eunbi around midnight. The call didnt last long as Chaeyeon doesnt really want to bother her friend, so she spent another 3 hours of sobbing and thinking until she fell asleep, even crying didnt made her drowsy at all since the thoughts of Sakura and conscience kept waking her up.




“I'm already opening it, geez, who might be you its early in the morn—” Chaeyeon's lips instantly pursed as she saw the person standing infront of her. Her frown just got deeper.


“H-Hi? Good morning?” Sakura greets awkwardly, and the younger's expression got softer at the voice. “What are you doing here?” Chaeyeon asked, voice hoarse but came out soft, she's still a little bit upset but she loves this woman so much.


The CEO brought up her hands, she's holding two plastic bags and Chaeyeon assumed its food and probably some drinks. “Let's talk while eating brunch?” She said, voice a little bit low and cautious, as she know they're not in a good terms. Chaeyeon blinks, and without a word, she pushes the door wide enough for Sakura to enter. The older's eyes lit up and went inside, Chaeyeon following after she closed the door.


Sakura prepared the breakfast and Chaeyeon washed up. After a few minutes, the ash blonde haired girl walks out of her room and sat in the opposite chair as her girlfriend. “Here.” Sakura said, giving her some pancakes and placed the coffee near her plate. Chaeyeon muttered a small thank you and started to dig in, feeling hungry and the food looks delicious. She felt her girlfriend's stare at her.


“Is it delicious?” The CEO asked after clearing , she needed to start the conversation then awkwardly took a spoonful of rice. The younger gave her a small smile and a timid nod, swallowing down her food before speaking. “Yep, its quite nice.” She replied with her as ever gentle tone. Grinning, Sakura puffed her chest out proudly. “I cooked this for you. I'm glad you liked it.” She said, taking a bite into her food with a smile.


Chaeyeon lets out an amused snort. She liked the effort. God, oh how she loves this woman. She's already making a big move to probably apologize, and its been only a day, she doesnt want to make their quarrel longer. Sakura wont last long, she doesnt want her girlfriend to be sad and hurt because of her, its her fault anyways— she loves Chaeyeon as much as she loves her.


“Uhh,” Sakura's cheery aura dropped in a second after a two seconds of silence around the small dining room. The younger kept mum and just stared at her. “I'm really sorry for yesterday.” There it goes.


“Uhm, i'm just really mad and jealous when you picked Seulgi over me. That wave of emotions i felt blocked my mind to think that you might have a big reason for that, i didnt understand you but now, i regret that. I swear! I wanted to talk to you nicely yesterday because that night i cant sleep and kept bugging me to end. Its not my intention to came out harsh to you yesterday, i'm under the influence of alcohol and im not really in the right mind when i snapped to you that time. I want to give you space but i cant last long knowing were not okay. So here am i. Chaeyeon-ah, i'm really really sorry.” She quietly explained, looking down as she played with her food. Chaeyeon was stunned but immediately fixed her composture and smiled at her guilty looking girlfriend. “Its okay i'm sorry too, its my fault also.. somehow,” Sakura was about to protest when Chaeyeon silenced her with signalling her to stop, meaning she's not yet done talking.


“I just wanted to talk with Seulgi about you because her idea about you is not accurate, and i thought its a good idea to pick her over you, thinking you'll understand and talk with Mizu about stuffs too. But i'm stupid for that. But now i'm glad we sorted ou this childish quarrel very fast, small things might go bigger if we wont solve it quickly.” She said and ended it with a soft smile. Sakura grinned and stood up, walking over to her and engulfed her into a tight embrace.


Its been only a day or so but she missed Chaeyeon, having a misunderstanding with her girlfriend is HELL, she hates the heavy feeling knowing everything is not right especially when you're the one at fault.


Sakura kissed her passionately, but it didnt last long as Chaeyeon was the one who pulled away, saying they should eat first before doing stuffs. As much as Sakura wanted to kiss and cuddle her girlfriend, she cant, she's too whipped and obidient. They continued eating breakfast while smiling at each other, the atmosphere is also light too.


Now, they're in good terms again. Sakura gulped when she thought of telling Chaeyeon about her father, but its probably not the best idea, she'll fix it alone, its her own business anyways, she doesnt want to drag her further in this mess.



After dropping Chaeyeon at her house to look for Nako and the other kids, she drove to her dad's office here in Korea. She needs more clear answers, and wanted to know his plans.


Parking her Aston Martin at the private parking space, she immediately went out and walked to the entrance when she suddenly spotted someone she never expected to see in this place, the person is walking out of the building and probably on her way to the parking lot. Her brows immediately twitched and her feet slowly came into a halt.


The person seems to notice her too, she's also surprised and stopped walking. Theyre just 10 meters away from each other and having an eye contact.


“Oh hey there,” The person exclaimed, taking a slow few steps forward, Sakura didnt flinched, she's annoyed to see this face around especially knowing that this person is the main reason she got overly jealous last day.


“Why are you here, Seulgi? Do you work for my Father?” She straightforwardly asked, not greeting the blonde back or anything. The model chuckled, and looked over her shoulder, glancing the building she just exited a minute ago before turning her gaze to the visibly annoyed Sakura. “I believe its not your business.” She answered, putting her hands on her jacket's pockets, looking at the other girl with innocent expression.


Sakura sighed, trying to calm her self down, this girl is getting on her nerves. She doesnt want to snap, because Chaeyeon will surely be upset if she learned about this. “Okay, okay,” She said, and started to walk with a bored expression. “Whatever.” She added and walked pass through her, but before she could even reach the front entrance, she heard a voice making her stop on her tracks again.


“Yes, i do work for your Father. I'm just his temporary employee and my job officially ended yesterday, i just went here to get my things.” Seulgi exclaimed, smiling then shrugged when Sakura gave her a look. “Just wanted to let you know,” She said.


Sakura rose a brow. “I thought its not my business.” She asked, turning to her and crossed her arms. Seulgi lightly chuckled and shrugged. “Hmm, it depends. You will hate me more if you learned everything.” She answered truthfully. The other girl froze, mind running and when she finally solved the puzzle and realized something, she scowled.


“So you knew from the begginning huh, i knew youre suspicious. Everything is not a coincidence.” She said, gritting her teeth and fist balled. Seulgi smirked. “Just be glad that i did not succeeded on your Father's forced orders and finally opened his eyes before it got worser. But everything about Chaeyeon is genuine,” She said, smirk slowly fading and her lips turned into a bitter smile. Sakura's ears perked at the mention of her girlfriend's name. She kept mum and waited for the blonde to continue.


“Chaeyeon is a great friend and companion. I definitely consider her as my true friend, or more than that. I didnt expect this to happen either, i was been ordered, its my job, but unknowingly— she just charmed me. I like Chaeyeon, and let me say that you're a lucky prick, Sakura. Dont ever make her cry or hurt her again, or else, i will definitely steal her away from you.” She explained, grinning to piss Sakura more. But before the other  girl could open to speak, she talked again, cutting her off. “I will help you, we will help you. Dont worry, Sakura. Even if i'm bitter and envious, my real job is to help you from those ers. Sorry if i confused you, but youre smart, and you will know everything sooner.” She suddenly said, definitely a new topic making Sakura confused than ever.


Seulgi sighed, “See you in a bit,” She muttered and turned her body, just to crane her neck again. “And oh, before i go, i wont apologize for snapping at you like that last day.” She added and smirked before walking away, leaving the CEO there, dumbfounded.


The woman stood there for more than five minutes, gathering her thoughts, she can feel another headache coming. Another revelation, another s, another headache. But for now, Sakura tried to shrug it off, focusing on her real purpose here.


With a tired face and lazy movements, she walked inside and went to the front desk. The woman in the desk, Myoui Mina, her Father's secretary immediately recognized her and bowed. “Miss Miyawaki, what can i do for you?” She asked politely. Sakura took a deep breath. “Where's Father, i need to meet him.” She replied, formal.


“Oh. Mr. Miyawaki is not here in Korea at the moment. He flew to Japan earlier, around 7am. ” The woman responded, making Sakura's brows raise. “Huh? For what?” She asked. The secretary smiled. “Some personal matters, he said, he kinda expected you will drop by so he ordered to me give you his short message— he said, that you should not worry and he will fix everything up sooner.” Mina responded with a uneasy smile as she looked at Mr. Miyawaki's schedule.


Sakura blinked and was speechless. He's already moving fast. Mina spoke again. “He cancelled all the meetings for today, Mr. Han and Director Hong of YS Ent. And KIP Inc. already visited to ask personally why he cancelled such imporatant meetings. It seems like this personal matters comes first.” She exclaimed, smiling a bit to lighten up the atmosphere.


The young CEO bit her lower lip, leaning away from the desk and bowed. “Okay then. Thank you for the information, Mina. I'll be going now.” She said and when the secretary nodded, she dashed off the building and immediately took out her phone and dialed her secretary.


“Sakura-chan?” Sooyoung answered.


“Hey Sooyoung, prepare the private jet, i need to go to Japan quickly.” She ordered as she opened her car and hopped in. Sooyoung hummed in the other line.


“I heard that clearly, Miss Miyawaki. 30 minutes and everything will be already set.” Sooyoung answered, serious and formal. Sakura muttered a small thank you before hanging up then drove off to her airport.


She cant just stand there and wait. And plus, she wanted to witness how sincere and real her Father's words are.



Shun just stared blankly at the angry Yokohara Ishizu who waited for his landing at Japan, and now currently greeted him with a yell, attracting the people's attention and Shun's guards are trying to stop him from going near and punching the Chairman.


“You dip! Explain, right now! Why did you cancelled the deal, huh!? Everything is already set, Shun what the is going through your mind? He is mad already at your sudden and stupid decision.” Ishizu shouted, not caring if it will taint his image, for now, he's angry at the man whos staring blankly at him.


The chairman smugly chuckled. My words are firm and absolute. I wont take it back. The arrange marriage deal of my daughter and Mizu is cancelled. The contract of our deal is also being processed to be terminated as we speak, Ishizu. I dont want to deal with you people anymore, especially regarding about my daughter.” He said, serious and no emotion then he signalled the guards to get him out of the way.


The guards nodded and tried to hold the other man. “Dont touch me, you fools! I'm still talking with him. Look, Shun, i thought you ing hate your daughter and want to make her life a living hell because she's the worst mistake you did in your life aside from marrying Rahyeon. Huh, you thought you can be a good father now, playing father now, hmm? When everything is already done and ruined?” Ishizu shouted, smirking because he knew he hit the jackpot. Shun froze, eyes slowly squinting as he glared at the man before slowly approaching him.


“Listen here, you ing . You knew everything, from controlling me and threating me. You're also the one who refused the marriage deal first because you dont want Mizu to get married with a girl but when he said you will get a big share of the empire you immediately agreed and said you're hitting two birds with one stone because Mizu likes my daughter. You're completely aware of him manipulating me in many ways. And what do you mean worst mistake? Let me tell you this, Ishizu , you know how i love my daughter and wife to death and i never wanted all of this ing hell, if lives were not on the risk i will never do this ery. I will make sure you and him will rot in jail.” Shun firmly said, words sharp and he smirked mentally when the other man finally recognized his power and shook in fear.


Before he could even back away, the man hissed again. “Y-You are nuts, Shun. You know how powerful your father is. You are stupid for doing this, y-you'll regret this.” He stuttered, fixing his tie as he bravely glared at the taller man even theres a fear evident in his eyes. Shun tilted his head. “If i knew he's still powerful than me, then i wouldnt dare to make a move. I'm sick of this, i cant keep on hurting Sakura and the others, making myself look like a monster that i never wanted or intended to be. Remember this, Yokohara. Even if it cost my life and wealth, i'm willing to give it all away just to have a happy and normal father-daughter relationship with Sakura. I will fight back, y'all will see the devil that he created within me.” Shun whispered before finally walking away leaving the other man dumbfounded and shaking in fear.


Shun was immediately escorted to his car. He called a few persons through out the ride and after a while, he reached his destination. The guard opened the door for him, and the chairman went out then saw the guards lining up and bowed after they saw him. He sighed and looked up, scanning the huge building where he is working, the building he owned, where he is the boss.



IZONE Empire



With another sigh, he fixed his suit to look more presentable and finally went inside the place.


He greeted some few employees and directors who he bumped into the lounge, he straightly went to the elevators with a two guards beside him. The guard pressed the highest floor button and tapped a gold card to the scanner then the elevator finally moves.


They reached the floor and he went to his office, letting the guards stay outside. One of them opened the door for him to enter, and he did.


Shun slowly walked into his desk, only to halt his steps when he saw a familiar figure standing at the corner, looking at the glass window while smoking. Of course, he's here.


“You're finally here.” The man said, low and hoarse before dropping the cigarette on the floor then stepping on it. Shun is not amused. “My office is not a smoking area.” He replied, walking to his desk and sat there before looking at the paperworks. The person looks annoyed, Shun never disrespect or talk back to him like this.


“Talking back now, huh.” The person growled, not liking the tone of the current chairman. He then slowly walked to the desk, kicking the chair away that is blocking his way. “Never ever talk back to me, you little . You're making a mess, Shun. How dare you to be a smug little while talking to your own father.” He said, firm and clearly mad. Shun smirks as he looked up to the man, who he called his father.


Miyawaki Shiro. The ex-chairman of IZONE Empire, Shun's father, Sakura's grandfather, the mastermind, the manipulative , the Satan. He's the reason of all the mess, the reason why everything is ed up, and he do it for entertainment or whatsoever. He's insane, Shun is clearly aware of that. Even if the man is already in his mid 70's, he's still standing strong and powerful, still dashing. Shun was terrified of him, was. He never scares him now.


“Shut up. I dont want to be controlled by you anymore. The pain and mess i caused is already enough. I cant deal with this anymore.” Shun bravely exclaimed, blank and cold. The ex-chairman chuckled bitterly.


He then kicked the coffee table out of anger but Shun didnt flinched and just watched him break things. “ing ! You thought you have the power now, huh? Kid, let me tell you, its not enough! You will ing do whatever i say, got that!? Or you know what will happen. Now, ing get your off here and go apologize to Yokoharas. Sakura and Mizu's marriage, continue it.” He yelled. Shun huffed, massaging his ears. Shiro's voice is still so loud even if he's already old. Tch. Sakura sees him as a greedy man who wants more power to ruin her life when its a complete lie. This ing oldie is good a toying and playing words. God knows how he dont want to hurt his daughter.


“No. I wont take orders from you. Get out. I'm ing done with all of these. My daughter saw me as a devil and cruel man throughout her life. I already ruined her life because of your threats, make her hate me as you wish. You also ruined my life as well. I will fight you back now.” Shun firmly said, and Shiro glared at his son. “You'll be in jail soon. I have all evidences of your drug and trafficking, and other illegal s you did, every single one of them.” He added, while taking out a folder in his drawer full of files.


Shiro is not amused, its making him more angry. “I dare you. I have such huge connections, Shun. You cannot defeat me.” He replied, chuckling and smirked, however Shun wasnt fazed at all and just spoke.


“Oh god knows how much i ing hate you, i never see you as my father. You ruined all of my everything. My ing family. You hypocrite old man. You dont know how much i tried to keep the pain, the emotions whenever my daughter looks at me with full of hatred and disgust as i did evil stuffs that a father will never do to her daughter, even her friends got involved. Poor Sakura. I would rather die than ing comply your evil grants but youre good, you attacked all my weakness. You manipulative . I ing want to throw you out. Everything you did, you are so ing evil. Why just why, Miyawaki Shiro? Why... She's your granddaughter. You ordered me to ruin her life, so i'll be the one who look bad for what? Entertainment? What did my daughter and wife even do to you. Why didnt you just killed me instead of making me do things like that and always threaten me that you'll kill people. You are crazy. ing hell. I feel so guilty, even i know all my actions have someone behind it, like a puppet, i feel so guilty that i cant even do anything to stop it, all i do is comply and hurt Sakura unwillingly. You made me make my daughter cry and hurt, ruin her, tore her life. God,” Shun finally let everything out. Everything is so ed out because of this person.


Yes, he doesnt know why Shiro kept doing this. For what purpose? He's simply insane. Shun felt like crying. He felt so overwhelmed, wave of emotions going through him. He's shaking in anger because of him. He wanted answers. He's tired of everything.


Shiro looks amused at his breakdown and laughed. Shun glared at the ex-chairman. “Hahahaha! Finally, after long years, you got the guts to confront me. Hmmm, seeing you guys looking miserable is so satisfying than anything, haha! Sad, angry, hatred, anger— and stuffs, god, seeing you guys broken and helpless makes me happy after what you did in the past. Oh, poor Rahyeon and Sakura. The naive and innocent mother-daughter. Haha. They got involved because of their husband and father's ery —”



“What the did you just say.”



The two men looked behind after hearing another voice. Shun instantly stood up from his seat when he recognized the person. Shiro froze but immediately recovered, muttering a small curse, because his victim/prey heard everything.


“Sakura, what are you doing here?” He asked in Korean. Shun is surprised and nervous also, seeing his daughter here is shocking. He never heard or noticed the door was opened and a person already got in and heard everything they talked about.


Sakura stood there near the huge wooden door, expression blank, and you cant seem to read her but the fire in her eyes only tells them that she's beyond angry. She slowly took a step, not breaking her gaze to her grandfather. When she's close enough, she stopped on her tracks, her eyes were boring holes and sharp, like it could kill anyone.


“So father's words are sincere and true, now i absolutely trust him and i believe in him after hearing everything that came from your own mouth. I ing knew you aint trustable, creepy old man. It was you all along.” Sakura whispered, jaw clenching, trying to supress the beast inside her.


All the pain, hatred, anger— Shun maybe did it but because of this old man, threatening him that if he wont comply he will harm people. She still feels upset, sad, and mad that her Father did that to her but she slowly understood.


“You're the main cause of everything. Everything is all your fault. Tell me, what did we ing do to you!? ing answer me!” She yelled, her patience running out. She now know who is the real to blame, she now know why her father kept ruining her life but why? What is this old man's purpose. Its definitely not for entertainment only.


Shiro slowly smiled, evilly and putted his hands behind him like a usual old person do then looked to the glass window and kept mum. Shun decided to speak again. “All my life, i only did was to serve you, comply your orders, be the perfect son— everything was so ing dull and gray. The only good thing that happened to me was when i met my wife, Rahyeon and then when Sakura was introduced from the world. But all of it, you ing took them away from me, you messed everything up for what? You took the only happiness i have. I ing did everything to make you proud and almighty but you turned my life into hell when i was happy. Why?” He asked, shaking as he stared at his daughter who's also in the verge of breaking down. “My precious wife, my lovely daughter... I messed it up, and i'm not embarrassed to blame you for it because you exactly know you're the main reason of my actions, i did ruin everything like what you ask me to do and i complied unwillingly.” He added, voice cracking, his eyes begging for an answer but the old man just stood there with a smile.


When Shiro realized that no one is gonna speak up soon, he finally opened his mouth. “Everything was perfect. Shun being the perfect son i wanted, my company rising up to the tower, i'm getting more wealth, but things went downhill when Shun ing started to disrespect, disobey, and talk back to me when he met Rahyeon. He slacked off with his work because of that ing woman. The company slowly crumbled because Shun was being irresponsible. I'm ing mad. Why is that woman suddenly appeared and took my son? Ever since Shun ing met that woman, to me, everything changed, he changed, he's not my son anymore.” He said, still looking blankly at the sky.


Sakura huffed, rolling her eyes. This man is literally nuts. Dont he ing say that he ruined their life because of that.


“In conclusion. It's all Shun's fault. Everything went more downhill when Rahyeon got pregnant with his child and the company is in a risk state. So i did what i had to do. Rahyeon and you, Sakura, are the cause why my son ing changed and turned his back at me for you two. I did not like that, i perfected Shun, i will never accept like that. And theres where my hatred and anger to you three intensified, i thought of many ways of breaking you guys apart. I'm satisfied, seeing you guys so ing miserable. So pleasing to me. You made a huge mess to my company.” He pursed his lips after that and lets out a chuckle. Shun and Sakura could not even move because of anger.


Shun looked at his father, defeated and with a gaze of full of hatred. “ing hell. Because of that! Because of that! you! You are crazy!” He muttered. Sakura's jaw clenched again, wanting to smack a old man.


“You are absolute nuts. I will ing kill you. You made our lives miserable because my father ing made a small mess to your company. I cant even describe how awful you are.” Sakura growled in Korean, fists clenched. The ex-chairman chuckled and shrugged.


“Now you guys know everything. Haha. Its just simple, right? Maybe i'm indeed crazy. Hahaha! Its so fun toying and controlling you my dear son, and you, my lovely granddaughter, its so satisfying seeing you being hurt. Haha! Hating on your father but its my fault haha! But now, even all of my hidden doings are exposed, i will never forgive you for ing digging on that, Shun.” Shiro's face darkened, and took a step forward to his son who's red in anger, he smiled at him.


Oh how, he missed his perfect son. But Rahyeon and Sakura had just to ruin it all. Shun is raised to work and make the company bigger to be perfect. Only for that. But his heir fell inlove, his son is weak for them. Its unacceptable for Shiro.


“Let me see the limit of your bravery, Miyawaki Shun,” He said, low and hoarse, before pulling something on his side and swiftly pointing it to his son.


Shun's eyes widened at the sight. The ex-chairman is pointing the gun at him. He's nervous and alarmed.


Shiro chuckled. “You knew too much. I wont let you go out of this office alive.” He whispered, tilting his gun into much better angle, aiming for his head. He's not afraid to kill his own son, Shun deserve it after changing and disobeying his own father.


He was enjoying the alarmed and panicking expression of his son when suddenly he felt something on his head. If his guts were right, it was also a gun.


“Get that away from my Father, or i will ing shoot you, you mentally ill old man. Why are you so ing obssessed.” Sakura grumbled, serious as she points the gun to Shiro's head making the old man curse. But the ex-chairman stayed still. Fortunately, she knew that her Father hides gun in the single drawer of the table in the corner, she learned it as she usually observant and after a countless times of visiting this office.


When suddenly, the door was kicked open. Around ten people with protection suit and guns entered, approaching the three with hurried steps, Shiro knew he's doomed.


He pulled the trigger, and luckily, Shun dashed away before it could even hit him. The sound of the glass breaking make them flinch. Sakura threw her gun on the floor and grabbed the old man's arm, trying to prevent him to shoot the others. “! GET AWAY FROM ME OR I WILL KILL YOU ALL!” He shouted and started to shoot again, over the places while Sakura tried it to make him point the gun to the corner where there's no people. It's not hard for Sakura to move his arm around since the old man got no such strength anymore because of his weaking and aging body.


The armed polices immediately ran to the old man and kicked the gun away, before trapping him into the floor. Shiro tried to squirm under, cursing. “Let me go! I'm Miyawaki Shiro, you fools! I have lots of money and connections!” He shouted many random stuffs as the police explained the warrant of arrest to him, also mentioning all the illegal stuffs he did with the Yokoharas and other people.


“Damn, he ing lost it. He's definitely nuts.” The other police beside Sakura said, glaring at the old man who's being held by four polices and cuffed him.


Sakura looked at her grandfather, she felt pity even she knew there's no room for that. Finally. Everything ended. No one is being manipulative and controlling her father. She felt like she can finally breathe freely. She then looked at her Father who's talking with the other police.


She forgave him already. The damage is still there, and will leave a permanent scar on her forever, but everything feels so light now knowing its not his intention to ruin her life willingly. She understood immediately, but she definitely needed space.


“He needs to be checked. I think he's really mentally ill.” Sakura said, and the police nodded. “I'll tell Officer Takeuchi about your request.” He said, and bowed before walking away.


The ex-chairman calmed down because they injected something to him. She saw her father walking to him, and she followed quietly.


“I still hate you. You deserve to go to jail. Remember this stupidity of yours until your last breath.” Shun muttered and Shiro is not answering, he's just staring at him blankly. Sakura then also crouched to say a few words to her grandpa.


“I just want to tell you, forgiving is not easy. All the pain you caused is just unimaginable. Hope you regret everything you did.” She whispered to him, and stood up. The polices took him out of the building, the nosy employees looking at the scene of their ex-chairman being arrested and gossiping a while after.


Shun took a deep breath. He's free. But for now, the most important thing is his reconciling with his daughter. He walked to her and Sakura noticed he's approaching.


The young CEO smiled and engulfed him into a hug. The last time they hugged when Sakura was around six. And Shun missed his daughter's hug, and Sakura is too. Everything felt so warm and fine when they embraced.


“Sakura, i'm really really sorry. Father will accept if you wont forgive me easily. After what i did to you. I know sorry wont heal everything but i beg, i will do anything to get your forgiveness.” He whispered, hugging his daughter to tight. Sakura smiled.


“I already forgave you. I know that everything felt off. Anna mentioned you in her letter for me. She said, you're actually nice and she knew youre apologizing through your eyes. I was confused and didnt believed at first, but the day you revealed everything to me... I knew, but i'm not believing it fully until today. I'm also sorry, Father.” She said, wiping her tears.


“I will do anything to make you happy from now on, Sakura. Do whatever you want now. I also want you to marry, Chaeyeon.” Shun suddenly said and chuckled after saying the last part. Sakura broke the hug in surprise.


Shun just smiled at her. “I know you love her so much. I also like her for you, i think Yuri already told you about this. She's ready to involve herself to this family drama just to protect you and be with you. She's a great kid. I want you guys to marry. Do you want to marry her?” He asked, smiling. Sakura thinks.


She smiled at the thought, she wont hesitate but Chaeyeon is too young to tie the knot with her. Even if she officially wanted her to be her wife and be a Miyawaki, she still respect Chaeyeon's choices.


“I want to marry Chaeyeon. I will marry her in a heartbeat but, she's too young and only about to start college. I'll definitely ask her to marry me after she graduates. And Yuri, yes, she told me everything last night.” Sakura said, as they walked down to the hallway, to the elevator.


The old man smiled a bit. He indeed went to Yuri five days ago at 11pm, just to explain his plan and say the truth to her first because seems like he cant still tell Sakura about it. He begged not to expose it first, and give him time. Yuri was not hesitant to believe since she knew from the start, she revealed that she overheard Shun and the ex-chairman arguing at the phone about Sakura and saw the man cried alone in despair that he cant even protect his daughter, even Anna knew that Mr. Miyawaki is a good man but like Sakura, she didnt believed on that first because of her absolute anger towards him.


They talked for a while until they reached the ground floor, the employees are gossiping as usual and flocking around, but they couldnt care less, the directors are also panicking.


Sakura's brow arched when she saw a familiar blonde running to her father. “Wow finally, everything is settled.” She said and turned to Sakura. “I did say that see you in a bit, huh?” The blonde smiled.


“Seulgi, you know everything?” the young CEO asked, shocked. Seulgi nodded. “My real job is to monitor Mr. Miyawaki so yea, i'm sort of a spy.” Seulgi turned to Sakura who's beyond surprised at the revalation, Shun knew. Sakura was about to speak when Ryujin and Chaeryeong suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


“Shhh. Let me explain. We're also spies. This family drama is so complicated. I had to make Mizu drunk to ask her about her father's doings for evidence. Haha.” Ryujin said, and smiled, Sakura felt a headache coming in. Chaeryeong chuckled.


“Its a lot to take in, Sakura-unnie, i know. Chaeyeon doesnt knew about my job or my involvement here but i already said the current situation and explained everything for you. She's worried sick and waiting for you at South Korea.” She said, and crossed her arms. “Take care of my sister.”


Sakura is malfunctioning, she doesnt know what to do anymore. It wont sink in to her brain. Its a lot to take in. Seulgi suddenly snorted.


“If you wont move you off, i'll beat you going to Korea first and steal Chaeyeon away from you.” She challenged, making Sakura snap back in reality, her eyes lighting up with fire. “Excuse me?”


“Come on. Go. Chaeyeon is waiting. I dont want my future daughter-in-law to wait.” Shun suddenly spoke. “We'll go back after we settle everything and have a talk after.” He said, and gave his daughter another hug and a kiss in the forehead, Sakura melted and gave him a warm smile.


“Sooyoung already prepared everything up.” Chaeryeong said, and clung into Ryujin's arm.


Sakura nodded like a robot and rushed to her car then drove to her airport. Not forgetting to drop by to a accessories store.



A promise ring is a good gift for her Lee Chaeyeon right?




first of all i apologize again, i know its delayed (i did said on wp that ill update sooner) im really sorry... i dont have any bit of motivation to write and i dont know why (that kkuchaen moment about three days ago or so made my motivation skyrocket) plus goddamn school, i wont make my excuse go long... i hope you guys understood my inactiveness

uhm i'm already rushing this because i really wanted this story to end hahahaha the pressure is real! i dont want to leave you all hanging for months so yea, probably last 1-2 chapters and epilogue already :] yes, babysitter is nearing the end!

im actually hesitating to publish this chapter, it felt like its lacking something so im sorry if you guys are not satisfied at all...

thats all, and hopefully it wont take me months again to update lol if im not busy, ill definitely write another chapter before september ends x.x

see you ~~~

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
219 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1752 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1752 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww