

“Wow!~ i wanna ride the ferris wheel, Mommy!” Nako exclaimed pointing at the colorful ferris wheel.


The place wasn't crowded much since it's too early. Just a perfect time to have fun and enjoy the wonderful view.


The woman with medium length hair nodded at her daughter's request before tugging them to the cotton candy stall. “You'll ride it later before we go home, hmm? Let's stroll around and eat some food first.” She said to Nako which the child gladly nodded.


Sakura ordered three cotton candies before they continued roaming around the place. Chaeyeon happily ate her cotton candy like a kid and even humming in delight— which made the older girl chuckle.


They went and tried the ride attraction— Chaeyeon wasnt a fan of theme parks or any rides, but for Nako's (also Sakura's) happiness she did it, resulting to her soul leaving her body. It's fine though, as long as it made Nako and her mom happy. The ash blonde haired girl can see Sakura was very delighted and happy, the older girl only laughed and smiled throughout the ride and it's a very big help and distraction for Chaeyeon. She prayed to God that hopefully, Sakura didn't see that or feel her stares.


“I-I think, i'm going to throw u-up.” The taller girl muttered as she plopped her weak body to a bench near the rollercoaster. Her vision was still spinning and her body was shaking, she felt that she's still on the ride. Sakura looked at her with an alert expression.


“Chaeyeon... Are you fine?” She asked, there's a hint of worriedness on her tone.


Chaeyeon looked at her with squinted eyes. “Do i look fine?” She asked, her tone full of sarcasm.


The older woman looked at her with regretful and worried eyes. “Why didn't you tell me that you can't handle rides like that?” She huffed and Chaeyeon shrugged her shoulders.


“That's why i'm here, right? To join you to have fun riding some attractions? Besides, i don't want Nako to be sad. I know she want me to be at her side.” Chaeyeon answered innocently. The kid immediately sat beside the taller girl and pouted.


“Yes, unnie. But I care for you, I'll immediately understand it if you tell us.” The little girl whined and hugged the weak girl. Chaeyeon smiled and was about to answer when a voice cutted her.


“Sakura-unnie!?!?!?!?!?!?” a voice called the older woman.


Sakura confusedly looked behind her where the voice came from when she spotted a familiar puppy running towards them. She was smiling brightly, so bright that Chaeyeon almost got blind.


Ahn Yujin!? What the hell are you doing here?” She shouted, and Yujin snickered.


So Ahn Yujin huh... Damn, she's tall


Chaeyeon thought and watched them talk.


“Uhm, duhh? This is for the public? Tsh, you and your logic. I was here with Wonyoung but that giant baby decided to ditch me with her schoolmates so...” The tall girl replied before darting her eyes on Chaeyeon. Her lips immediately curved into a sly smirk.


“Hello, there! You must be Lee Chaeyeon, am i right? I'm Ahn Yujin— Saku-chan's only beautiful and gorgeous cousin! Nice to meet ya'. Can i call you, unnie? You're definitely older than me.” Yujin said and even bowed like Chaeyeon's a Queen before stretching her hand for a handshake.


The ash blonde haired girl blushed at the sudden gesture and held Yujin hand before shaking it a bit, what the tall girl did to her next shocked her—


Yujin kissed her hand!


Sakura smacked the tall girl's head, visibly irritated. “What do you think you're doing, you dog!” She shouted and even pinched Yujin's ears.


The younger girl hissed in pain. “Yaaah! It hurts you big ear-ed. I'm just being respectful and gentlewoman, y'know! I'm not doing anything wrong, hag.” She responded and Sakura let go of her ears but she once smacked Yujin's head. “That's for calling me a hag, you dog.” She huffed.


Yujin snorted before turning into Chaeyeon again, slowly her smirk crept up on her lips again. “I finally met you, unnie! Saku-chan was talking and blabbering about you all week—” Yujin did not finish off her sentence when a red-faced Sakura smacked her face once again.


“S-Shut your mouth up!”


“I'm just saying some important things to Chaeyeon-unnie!”


“If you wont shut your mouth up, believe me i'll ask Wonho to stitch your big mouth.” Sakura shouted, her face was still red. Chaeyeon's face was also flushed but decided to play dumb like she didnt heard it.


The tall girl rolled her eyes while she rubs her head and the ash blonde haired girl just watched them, amused. Yujin looked at Nako who's enjoying watching them fight. “Nako-chaaaaan!” She squealed before picking up the little girl and swung her to the air.


Nako lets out a happy squeal. “Yujin-unniiiieeee!~”


“Put my daughter down, you bad doggy!” Sakura scolded them and Yujin stopped spinning the kid around and just held her with her arms. “Psh, KJ and a hag. I won't let Nako slip into my hands!” She said and let her tongue out to annoy her older cousin more.


The older woman growled and was about to aim her neck when Yujin sprinted away while laughing with Nako on her arms. Sakura can only watch them run away from them and sigh before turning to Chaeyeon.


“Sorry, she's a little bit weird and hyper. She's only fifteen.” The older woman said.


The ash blonde haired girl chuckled and nodded, “It's fine. I like her weirdness.” She responded with a smile. Sakura scoffed jokingly and offered a hand at her which made Chaeyeon froze.


“Are you a little bit okay now? I promise you we won't ride another one again. I'll just ask Yujin to take Nako at the ferris wheel.” She heard the other woman muttering, her hand was still in the air, waiting for it to be held.


Chaeyeon fought with her inner self. Will she accept it or nah?


She immediately stood up and cleared making Sakura yelp in surprise. “Y-Yeah. Thanks for asking though.” She stuttered before following Yujin and Nako with red tomato cheeks.


The older woman stood there dumbly, and looked at her hand before studying it. “There's nothing on my hand. Why didn't she accept it?” She whispered to herself before following her.



They walked there together, following where Yujin and Nako goes. They didn't speak to each other ever since and kept silence, no one dared to glance at each other and focused their gaze on the two kids. Chaeyeon would awkwardly fix her hair and look around while Sakura would bite her lower lip and would also look around. Once, their hands accidently met and they flinched away from each other like they were electrified— they also stood two meters away from each other to avoid to happen that again.


Meanwhile, Yujin was watching them secretly. She would look back on her shoulders to see what was happening behind her. She would smirk from time to time before turning her attention to Nako who's sitting on her shoulders.


Finally, after strolling around— it's the perfect time to ride the ferris wheel.


“Hey, Yujin. Can you ride with Nako at the ferris wheel? Chaeyeon wasn't feeling well and couldn't handle rides. We'll be here at this bench.” Sakura said and pointed to the bench near the ferris wheel. The older woman saw how the tall girl smirked before turning it into a idiotic grin.


“With pleasure. Enjoy you two!” Yujin chirped before dashing to the line before Sakura can even smack her head.


“That kid!”


Chaeyeon just smiled a bit before sitting down at the bench, tapping her fingers at her lap while she watched Sakura scratch her head before slowly taking the seat beside her. It was awkward. They looked at the people who're also having fun and to the other things— just besides to each other.


Sakura gained some courage, why would she be afraid to start a conversation? Duh, she's a CEO of a goddamn Airline! But why was she nervous when she was going to talk with this girl? To be honest, she was also nervous when she first met Chaeyeon but she kept professional and kept her scary and strict CEO aura.


There's two of her, actually. The CEO Miyawaki Sakura and the normal Miyawaki Sakura.


The first Sakura Chaeyeon met was the CEO one. The professional, strict, authoritative, scary, smart, fearless, and hot-tempered Sakura. She tend to put out that aura when she was in front of her boards, workers, and other strangers. And Chaeyeon was a stranger back then— or not really?


And what she was showing now was her true self, a normal Miyawaki Sakura. A nerd, dumb, easy to be flushed, mother hen, humble, and innocent Sakura. She only shows it to a few special people, and now, Chaeyeon was one of them. She never got easily attached to a person— Chaewon, Nayeon, and some of her few friends even had a hard time to make her show her real side.


“Uhmm. How was school?” She breathed making the other girl surprised at the sudden question.


“It's fine. As usual— many tests, projects, quizzes and homeworks. But despite that, i think i'm doing well.” Chaeyeon answered while playing with her fingers. Sakura nodded awkwardly. Silence again.


And now, Chaeyeon is the one who asked the other girl. “H-How about you? Your work, i mean.” She stuttered, biting her lower lip.


She heard Sakura chuckled beside her. “Very hard, i guess. Not even half as hard as yours. I have too many responsibilities. Thousands lives of people was on my hands and i need to keep them safe.” The older woman answered with a sad tone.


Sakura leaned at the bench before heaving a sigh. Being a CEO is kind of exhausting, you can tell. And a Airlines, especially. Everyday, different thousands of people were trusting their lives, and to keep them safe so they could go to their destination.


Chaeyeon laughed wholeheartedly. “Sounds so tough.” She muttered before leaning against the wooden bench like Sakura did.


“So how's our service? Is it good?” The older girl asked, making Chaeyeon so confused. She scratched her head before turning to Sakura— she was looking at the night sky.


“What do you mean by that?” She asked, her brows raising a bit.


The older girl's lips curved into a soft smile— perhaps, Chaeyeon felt something weird from her stomach.


“I know you ride my planes when you go to Japan, am i right?” She asked, tilting her head to face her. Chaeyeon flinched a bit but she immediately recovered.


The ash blonde haired girl tried to recall the plane they always ride when they were going to Japan. The planes they always ride on always has this mark on its middle part— the Airlines' logo which consists of a bright yellow cartoonized firefly and a 'Hotaru' below it. “Oh! I remember it, yes! Well, it's fine.” She replied.


Sakura nodded, amused. And silence again. It's getting more awkward so Chaeyeon spoke once again.


“Uhm, how old are you really? If you don't mind me asking— just n-nevermind.” She stuttered, making Sakura chuckle.


“You're really curious about me, huh? Found nothing on the internet, hmmm? Chaeyeon?” Sakura said with a teasing tone, making Chaeyeon's cheeks warm. She has been caught.


“W-What! What d-do you m-mean? H-HAHAHAHA! I just want to know it -personally from y-you, hehe.” She reasoned and faked a laugh to cover her flushed state. The older girl just stared at her with a smirk playing on her lips.


God damn this woman!!! Please don't embarrass me like this huhu


“Oh yeah, sure. Hahaha.” Sakura said, and laughed before standing up.


Chaeyeon watched her with curious eyes, and the older girl scratched the bridge of her nose. The ash blonde haired girl almost squealed because she's super adorable— almost.


Sakura's really showing another side of her, she's different from who she met last week— way too different.


“Let's make a deal. I'll tell you my real age, but in one condition...” The older girl paused. Chaeyeon's heart raced in excitement and also in nervousness.


Sakura grinned like an idiot before speaking again. “I'll treat you some ice cream.” She said.


The taller girl looked at her with an unreadable expression. She blinked multiple times before she realized what the other girl had said. “What?” She squeaked.


This girl will be the death of me


The older girl shrugged. “So, deal or no deal?” She asked, her sharp eyes gawking at Chaeyeon, and it's saying something like— choose deal.


“D-Deal...” She responded with hesitation. Sakura smiled brightly.


“Okay then! Any flavor in your mind?” The woman said, her eyes sparkling.


Chaeyeon pursed her lips and thought for a second. “I-I don't know. I think i'll just get like yours.” She answered, scratching her nape. Sakura nodded.


“Hmmm. I'll be right back.” She said before running to a near ice scream stall.


The ash blonde haired girl sighed. Her eyes were only focused on Sakura's back as she waited.


After a few minutes, the older girl came back with two ice cream cones on her both hands. “Here ya' go. Hope you like strawberries.” She said with a soft smile and handed her the cone. Chaeyeon grinned at her. “Just perfect.”


Sakura sat beside her and started her ice cream also. They just silently ate their ice cream while looking around.


Chaeyeon lost hope of knowing Sakura's age, well— she can't force her. She's just a mere stranger to her, a babysitter of her daughter. But that thought was broken when Sakura just spoke suddenly.


“I'm twenty-one years old. Happy?” She said like she's reading the taller girl's mind.


Chaeyeon choked with that.


No way in hell


Sakura looked at her with worried eyes when she started coughing harshly. “Hey, are you okay? Are you that shocked when I just revealed I'm twenty one?” She asked, holding the urge to pat the other girl's back in comfort.


The ash blonde haired girl lets out another cough before wiping some excess ice cream from . “Y-Yeah. But what the f? You're only eighteen when you become a CEO!? of an Airline!? Uhm, i'm eighteen but i'm working my off so i can pay my rent and buy some food.” Chaeyeion muttered.


There are no words...


The older girl lets out a laugh. “Well, I have advantages, y'know? I was born in a wealthy family and i'm the heiress of that Airline, so it's not a surprise as you may think.” She replied before her ice cream again.


Chaeyeon was beyond shock. “What do you mean, 'not a surprise as you may think'. Uhm, yes it's normal to be a heir of a company when you're born rich but EIGHTEEN? You're already a CEO? That's too young!”


Sakura shrugged, scratching her hand and thought of it also. “They said I'm too smart and skipped some years. I graduated college when i was sixteen.” She answered like it was a normal thing.


For the second time, Chaeyeon choked again. “What!? Holy mamamia! I'm almost nineteen and i'm still in high school... I don't know anymore. I feel so little beside you.” The taller girl awkwardly answered, playing the cone of her unfinished ice cream.


Sakura lets out a yelp and glared at her. “Don't belittle yourself because i already achieved something big like that. I'm in a different case Chaeyeon. Please don't compare myself to you. I hate it. Let me tell you, Chaeyeon, it's so hard to be a different case like me. Be glad that you're normal. In my earlier days, i wanted to be a normal student like you but i 'out-smarted' them all that i need to be put in more higher level. I also never had a chance to be free, when i was thirteen i was already a senior and it — you're with a people who's much more older than you and not with your same-age friends. You will never know how hard i went through when i was attending school. Please do not wish to be like me.” She said with a sad tone.


The ash blonde haired girl can feel all the despair, sadness, and pressure when Sakura said that. She cant explain the pain in her heart when she heard Sakura tell about her with a very very sad tone. She also felt her heart was torn into million pieces when she thought of what Sakura went through.


She really went through a lot... A tough one


Chaeyeon bit her lower lip, she's also affected. “I'm very s-sorry. I didn't know that it's not very p-pleasing. Sorry.” She apologized and pressed her lips into a thin line.


Sakura laughed, sadly. “Eyyy, stop apologizing!” She said before sighing.


The woman can't really believe it, she was opening her not very pleasing past to a person who she just met last week (or maybe not?). But her heart told her to trust this girl, so she did. She's also glad to herself, she's slowly opening up easily to a person. She's not usually like this, it will take a long long time to break her shell.


And as you can see, Sakura really went through hard times. She was not welcomed in class and her relatives, and teachers, especially her parents, had a high expectation on her to the point she's pressured. She grew up not having many friends, she's really lucky that she still got three real friends and her idiot cousin. She didn't know how she managed herself to be not crazy because of all of the pressures, stress, and many more. That's why Sakura tend to hide her real self from everyone, only few special people liked that nerd and dumb her and everyone liked the smart and responsible her.


She almost broke many times— but thank god, she still got four people on her back. So she kept going even if it's hard.


Chaeyeon stared at Sakura. The older woman was looking at the sky while slowly her ice cream. It looked like she's just fine, but she's not on the inside. She was deeply sad, you can see it from her eyes. Her beautiful, sharp eyes don't have a sparkle anymore. It was pure agony and sadness.


Then if she's twenty-one, and Nako's five so, Sakura's sixteen when she got Nako and she just graduated back then— it's not probably the right time to ask that. She's really in despair


“I just want to tell you that you're a very strong person, Sakura-chan.” She muttered making the older woman look at her, her face still screams sadness.


Chaeyeon didn't know a CEO of a famous Airline has also had a rough past. She was really way different to the Sakura she first met. The Sakura she first met was fearless, and cold. And now, the Sakura that was looking at her with sad eyes is the real Miyawaki Sakura. She's proud of herself for opening Sakura's heart and mind to her. She can feel it, she's slowly trusting her.


“Thanks. You know, I could use comfort...” She muttered.


The ash blonde haired girl tilted her head in confusion. Sakura huffed before her eyes slowly darted on her lips.


She suddenly felt so nervous.


Sakura slowly lifted her free hand and cupped her cheek, making Chaeyeon froze in shock. The older woman's hand is so warm, she just wanted to lean into the touch.


Chaeyeon felt the whole world went slow as Sakura slowly smiled at her. “Silly.” She retorted before wiping the excess ice cream in the corner of her lips.


The ash blonde haired girl's heart started drumming, and her cheeks were slowly feeling warm when she felt Sakura's thumb run on the corner of her lip.


She just stared at the older person with a flushed face, it's a perfect time to examine her gorgeous face since she's close— very close. That perfect brows, delicate eyelids, long eyelashes, her eyes, her nose, her lips— everything about this woman is perfect.


“I mean, i want a hug. I'm desperate for one right now.” Sakura said with a gentle smile plastered on her lips. Before Chaeyeon can even answer, she felt arms snaking around her waist, and back— pulling her closer.


Sakura buried her face on Chaeyeon's neck shamelessly, she's really desperate for a hug.


The ash blonde haired girl lets out a small yelp at the sudden warmth. Her face was probably red as a tomato now.


After a few seconds, she recovered. A hesitating arm was placed at Sakura's back and awkwardly patted in for comfort. The older smiled at the move and oh— Chaeyeon felt that Sakura smiled because her lips were pressed on her sensitive skin.


They stayed like that for a while. They just focused on feeling each other's racing heartbeats.


Unknown to them, something started to bloom.



“Hey, Yujin-unnie. Won’t Mommy and Chaeyeon-unnie get mad? The line is long and they must be waiting for us.” Nako said as she looked outside the ferris wheel's glass window, staring at the night sky while pouting.


Yujin laughed before smirking. “It will be fine. They probably forgot that we existed now. They're too busy with each other.” She replied with a chill tone before looking down from the ride. Her smirk got wider when she saw a certain two person embracing each other at the bench.


“What do you mean by that, unnie?”




“You're really weird, unnie.”


“Hah. Whatever, you little kid.” She muttered before pulling Nako closer to her.


Yujin sighed. “Psh. They're so sweet. Betting my life that they will end up falling in love into each other, someday.” She whispered to herself.


Nako narrowed her eyes. “Unnie! Are you summoning a demon!? Please dont do it right here.”


“Oh my god, Nako-chan!”


Well... didn't expect that this will be long. Welp, i know you guys liked long chaps ;)

There ya go! Yujin already appeared and i also revealed some few past of Saku-chan and her feelings (also her age)

This is a little bit rushed but i hope you enjoyed!

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww