

A little bit warning for this chap. skip the middle part if you're uncomfortable reading a not very unpleasant stuffs but i'm doubting that y'all will skip that part lolz enjoy i guess.... :]






Yujin was walking back and forth to the living room, her chin is resting on her hand as she thinks deeply when the front door swung open, making a noise.


She then looked over the newcomer. She lets out a sigh of relief when she saw Chaeyeon walking towards her.


“Where's Sakura?” The older asked, stopping infront of her. Yujin pointed upstairs with her lips.


“She's so grumpy, talk to her, please.” The younger pleaded and scooped Meowmeow who's just below her earlier.


The cat hissed at her but Yujin ignored it, looking very sad.


Chaeyeon took a deep breath and gave the cat a pat before going upstairs, stumbling upon Nako and Hitomi who's playing legos on the hallway.


She carefully went to the kids. “Hey, you two should be playing in your room or at the living room, not in the hallway.”


Hitomi just tilted her head, confused. She can understand a few words but she cant point it out. Then Nako shrugged.


“Some changes, Chaeyeonnie. Playing in the hallways are fun! We'll prank Sana-chan.” The little child answered.


Chaeyeon gave her a look. “Nako-chan, Hii-chan? That's bad. Clean it up, and play inside okay? I'll just have a matter to discuss with your Mommy.” She said one last time and patiently waited for the girls to clean up the lego pieces and went downstairs to play.


The ash blonde haired girl smiled. The kids was still obidient as ever, even if they're kind of evil. She adores them so much.


She then sighed before continuing her way towards Sakura's room. She halted her steps when she reached the door, she hesitated for a while and thinks deeply.



Knock or Just barge in like a lead actress on a K-Drama?



Chaeyeon chose the second option, she should be a sometimes too. This is a great oppurtunity.


With one last sigh, she turned her expression to a more intimidating one before opening the door, harshly. She steps in while her hand rested on her side.


“We need to ta—” Chaeyeon pressed her lips into a thin line, and her eyes were wide as she saw something that she doesnt expect to see.


Sakura was half and is about to close and tie her robe when she barged in to her room. She looked annoyed because someone just crashed into her room without knocking first. But after seeing who's the intruder, her wolf-like face soften, she turned into a whole kitten— talking about attitude change.


drained and her face flushed at the breath-taking sight. She saw Sakura's expression, the older woman looks like she didnt mind being seen in a state like that. She was just raising her brows, amused as she stared at the flushed girl near the door.


Sakura then looked at Chaeyeon's shaking eyes, it was darted to her exposed toned body. She smirked and slowly covered it with the robe and tied it immediately. She saw how disappointed Chaeyeon was when she did that and looks like about to release out a whine but held it in, not risking o embarrass herself further more.


“Hey,” Sakura greeted her before walking up to her. She was wearing this worried expression, and looked at her girlfriend with so much longing.


She didnt saw Chaeyeon's face for three days straight, she almost went insane, to be honest. With all problems and stress handed to her, she just wanted to see her girlfriend and everything will be alright in instant but unlucky her, Universe didnt let her.


Sakura wanted to hug and kiss her so bad that her body was twitching to pull her into a tight embrace but she couldnt because they still have something to fix and talk about.


Chaeyeon flinched and yelped, Sakura smiled sweetly at her. The ash blonde haired composed herself and cleared before starting once again.


“L-Let's talk?” Chaeyeon muttered like she wasnt confident minutes ago. Exposed Sakura was a huge huge huge distraction, she cant even take the image out of her mind no matter what she do. It made her grew hotter.


Sakura eagerly nodded and politely gestured the table near the huge glass window at the side of her room.


The older walked over the corner while Chaeyeon quietly followed her beside, a little bit awkward and jumpy. Her cheeks was still tainted pink.


Settling theirselves on the seat, no one dared to talk and just stared at each other for a whole minute. The ash blonde haired girl was playing with her fingers while Sakura only stared at her.


Chaeyeon misses her little bub. She can also see the longing at Sakura's glimmering eyes. But that's not it, Sakura looked so tired and stressed, the black bags under her eyes was the proof.


And it looks like none of them was willing to initiate the conversation first. They were lost into each other's eyes, like they can already read each other's mind.


“I apologize.” Chaeyeon finally spoke first, besides, she was the one who just barged in and interrupted her girlfriend, she might as well start the conversation.


With a raising brow, the older woman was confused. “For what?” She mumbled, her voice was hoarse and low— careful and delicate.


“Ignoring you? I dont know, really. For not listening at your explanation first?” The younger replied, fumbling at her words.


Sakura blinked at her before sighing. “No, it's alright, i know how you felt. It was a sudden. My life is complicated than it is already,” She said, shoulders slumping— disappointed at herself for being secretive and hurting her girlfriend.


Chaeyeon clenched her fist, but she didnt butted in and let the other girl speak first.


“As a matter of fact, i'm who's at fault. I never told you anything. Look, Chaeyeon,” Sakura paused again before taking a deep breath. “Yujin probably told you about this but, i'm a secretive person. I tend to keep my problems to myself only, and i will never say it to anybody. I prefer to go through it alone for everyone's sake. And my wicked father... Funny huh? He was more cruel than you thought, he's a demon. Money and Power changed him into a devil and greedy man.” She explained, chuckling bitterly as she looked outside the window.


“You deserve so much better than me, Chaeyeon. The reason why i never wanted to be in a relationship is deep, there's so many reasons that i couldnt even count it anymore. Being involved with me is hard, very hard.” The older woman choked out, trying not to broke down.


It was hard being a Miyawaki Sakura.


“I tried to avoid having feelings for you, Chaeyeon, because i know the possible consequences that we might face— troubles that you might face because of me. But i cant. You're like a magnet that was pulling me closer, and i cant seem to get away from you. You made me feel like i'm a human again, and i decided, why not give it a try? Maybe, in the end we'll be happy and i went for it. But in this situation, i'm doubting it— for the first time, i felt so terrified for us, for you. We're happy and all, but problems and troubles kept going.” Sakura said, her eyes was emotionless and sparkling because of the tears forming in them.


She was terrified of what might bad happen to Chaeyeon, especially when her devilish father was only around. He got ears and eyes everywhere. He also knew that Chaeyeon was her girlfriend that's why he's already making an action. She cant hide anything from him.


The moment Sakura confessed her feelings for Chaeyeon, she vowed, she promised that she will protect her girl no matter what— from her father's madness. She would give out her wealth, her company, anything but no one can touch her family specifically Yujin, Nako, and Chaeyeon. She will even risk her life for them.


Mess with Sakura but not them.


She's willing to fight, but she would surrender from the start already because she doesnt want to cause harm to them. She would rather lose, because it's for their own good. She's trying her best to make her father's playful and greedy hands away from them.


The ash blonde scowled, glaring at the woman infront of her and huffed. “Are you hearing your self, Sakura? This isnt the end, this is the beginning only.” She mumbled.


Chaeyeon's then brow furrowed deeply, and felt anger rising up more. Sakura was also blaming herself even if she knew the real person behind those s.


“And you wont fight for me? For us?” Chaeyeon asked breathlessly, and gave the woman across her a unbelievable look. Sakura pursed her lips, and hung her head low.


“I'm willing but—”


You know who's the devil behind in all of this! And you're blaming yourself and being weak? ! You will make yourself look like a total loser and a weakly-duckling infront of your father for us?” Chaeyeon cant control her temper anymore and snapped. She glared at the bewildered Sakura, probably shocked that she got enough.


The ash blonde haired girl laughed, darkly. “That's why your father is taking advantage of you. You let him control your life because he know your weakness. How about you try to fight him for once while protecting us?” She growled, obviously angry at what her girlfriend had said just a little while.


She gulped, before adding. “How about your m-mother? If she's still alive, she's probably disappointed at you and to herself also. I know she didnt raised you to be a weak girl.” It was a sensitive topic but she needs to add it out for Sakura to understand. She then s her hand to her neck, grasping tightly the necklace that Ahyeon gave to her, and technically from Sakura's mother. She always wore it, because it meant the family's trust was on her— she wont disappoint.


Upon the mention of her mother, Sakura's tears finally fell down to her cheek. How could she forget her own mother's pain when that devil man left her, and kidnapped her only daugher— her only main source of happiness. Sakura promised to avenge her, but from the start, she's already failing to do so.


Mr. Miyawaki is a slick man. He would target the weakness to make his daughter obey at his wicked plans to gain more power, to get what he just wanted. He know Sakura cant refuse when he mention her loved ones, he always used them as a bait. A bait that Sakura was willing to bite so their lives wont be at risk.


Yes, they will be risking when Sakura fought back but it will show that the woman wasnt terrified of him, but at the consequences if she wouldnt obey him. He shouldnt live his life knowing that he can fully control his daughter and every person worship him. Sakura should make his mind change.


Plus, Sakura wasnt the old weak twelve year old girl anymore. She can now stand up for herself.


Chaeyeon can still remember how Yujin expressed that she was worried for Sakura. The older woman sacrifices for them a lot. The tall girl also said how badly she wanted to see Sakura disobey and fight her father just for once. It meant that Chaeyeon wasnt only the one who wasnt pleased at the older woman's selfless and thoughtful actions.


“Your father is the cause of everything! Your secrets? All of it was related to your evil father even if i dont know it! And yet you're doubting? Your world revolves around your father, Sakura, as much as i hated to say this— he's the full reason why your heart closed to everyone, and changed into a person you didnt intented to be. You were afraid to let people let in your life because you were scared for them, that your father would harm them in the future. You let him corrupt your system. You let him know that you're scared for us. You let him know that you'll be a obidient daughter to him when he would threaten you with harming your love ones. Why? You cant multi-task, Sakura? You can manage an Airline and other companies at the same time, being a mother to Nako while assuring the safety of your thousand passengers, writing reports for the board while checking the status of your workers. But why cant you fight and protect at the same time?” Chaeyeon asked, she was already trembling. She doesnt care if her words can hurt Sakura, to be fair, the older woman hurted her much more. And hopefully, the words thrown to her would make her back to her senses.


Sakura was intently looking at her with teary eyes.






Chaeyeon remembered what Yuri had said to her when they talked into the cafè.



“Sakura-chan is selfless. She thinks of others first before her own self.”



It was true.


For Sakura, the words that Chaeyeon said hurts, like a bullets were shot to her heart. But it made made think a lot. When she thought Chaeyeon was done dissing her, she was wrong— another batch of bullets.


“You would let yourself to be married to Yokohama Mizu? Not to Lee Chaeyeon, to me? Is that it?”


Sakura clenched her jaw at the odd question. She took a deep breath. The ash blonde haired girl was looking at her helplessly. Sakura wanted to kiss her, and hug her until their life ends.


“You would give in yourself so your father can acquire more power and totally defeat you? If your answer is to protect us and doesnt want to create a chaos then bull. He's being smart here, he wanted you to tie the knot with his other powerful comrade's daughter, to make you cage from freedom— so you could be powerless.” Chaeyeon continued, scoffing. She's trying to make Sakura snap and pushing her buttons.


And she's totally doing it right. Sakura was glaring at her, brows furrowing as her hand tightly grips at the armchair.


“I understand it, Sakura, really. It's hard to decide. I'm probably not in the position to say all of this, but i got enough already. I'm fully aware now, i'm not oblivious at what's happening around you. I have right to speak too, because i'm your girlfriend. When you have problems then we should fix and face it together. I cant just keep my mouth silent in the whole time when you're having a hard time. I'm saying all of this because i want you to wake up, and get into your senses. You can be mad at me or anything, shout at me.”


All of the words that escaping at Chaeyeon's lips was all facts.


“Did you already imagined being married to Mizu? You're just gonna let me get hurt, move on from you, and find another person that will make me happier? Does the idea didnt irked you a bit?” Chaeyeon tries one more time and she think she hitted it right.


Sakura stood up, the chair flew away from the sudden harsh movement, then marched towards Chaeyeon who's watching her intensely. She then grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the seat before pinning her against the nearest wall.


Sakura's eyes was burning, there was visible flames on her eyes. She was glaring and Chaeyeon didnt backed down, she stared back with the same intensity.


They were breathing heavily and they can feel each other's pounding heart. Their breaths fanning to each other's faces, with their close proximity.


“It angers me.” Sakura whispered, her voice was husky. Chaeyeon raised a brow. “The what?”


“The idea of not being with you, not marrying you,” She instantly replied making Chaeyeon blush a bit. The ash blonde haired girl expected that Sakura would answer that but it came out as attractive and very pleasing on Chaeyeon's ears.


“I will never marry any person beside you, Lee Chaeyeon.” Sakura growled, leaning closer. The younger grinned and gave her a smug look.


“If then. Will you fight starting now? While protecting us? And be powerful not a weakly-duckling?” Chaeyeon once again asked, her voice was more gentle than earlier.


Sakura's gaze soften, finally. “I will, starting now, i'm going to fight if that's what you guys wanted.” She mumbled, her grip on Chaeyeon's shoulder losen before sliding it around her waist, pulling her closer— for a hug.


“I dont want my bub to look weak, when you're much stronger.” The ash blonde haired girl whispered, slowly wrapping her arms around Sakura's neck very sensually and gave her a peck on the cheek.


“Promise me that when you have a problem, you'll tell me hmm?” She added, and Sakura smiled before nodding. “Yes, Ma'am.”


“Good. I expect you to—”


“Ugh, you talk too much. I badly wanted to kiss you already.” Sakura whined before crashing her lips onto Chaeyeon's.


The ash blonde haired girl chuckled in to the kiss, making Sakura smile before continuing.


Pulling Chaeyeon more closer and tilting her her head a bit, she kisses her more deeply and hard.


Chaeyeon's body trembled, and felt unusually hot. Sakura's body was pressed against her, the thin cloth that the older woman was wearing wasnt helping at all— she can feel something right there at the upper part.


She then felt Sakura's tongue slid past her lips, signalling her to part it but Chaeyeon didnt, she wanted to tease the other girl more. Sakura groaned, impatient and bit Chaeyeon's lower lip making her open with a low moan. In instant, Sakura grabbed the chance to slide her tongue inside.


Chaeyeon tried to follow the older's pace, and let her dominate her. Their tongues danced in rythm. The ash blonde haired girl slid up her hands to tug Sakura's hair and caress her locks.


She felt the older woman sighed in content from their attatched lips, before slowing down her harsh kisses in to a passionate ones.


Sakura noticed the rigged breathings of the other girl, so she took pity of Chaeyeon and pulled away from the kiss with a smack, letting her girlfriend breathe for a while and she continued lowering down her lips to her jaw line, giving it a gentle pecks before trailing her way down to Chaeyeon's neck.


Chaeyeon groaned at the foreign feeling, she lets out a small gasp when she felt the older woman bit and at her neck's pulse before giving it a kiss then continued wandering— damn, it will surely leave a mark for days but neither of them did not care. Sakura's just marking her territory.


“Sakura...” The ash blonde haired whined, panting hard, feeling jittery when she felt the other girl moved to the other side of neck and in reflex, she tilted her face upward, giving Sakura more access to her neck.


They're never been this intimate before. They only shared a few passionate kisses but it never went far as giving hickeys, and looks like they will take more far than this.


Sakura then moved, guiding her to the bed then slowly lied her down there before hovering on top of her. She took it as advantage to see Chaeyeon's face, like she had just expected. The other girl's was blushing red and flushed, her lips was swollen, and her blonde hair was messy from their intense make out, plus, she looks so attractive while looking up on her, and the marks that she made was proudly showing on her fair-skinned neck. Her delicate eyes was only fixed on her, and probably checking her out also. She was too shy to admit but Chaeyeon's messy look was turning her on.


And in conclusion, she was in love and Chaeyeon was so beautiful. But seeing in her state make her heart feel things, a fluttering feelings that she cant explain.


They never said anything, just feeling each other's next movement. Sakura slowly smiled at her girlfriend below her and tucked the hair that was covering Chaeyeon's angelic face. The ash blonde haired smiled shyly at her.


“I love you, my wife.” Sakura whispered, caressing Chaeyeon's cheek with her palm and gave her a brief kiss on the forehead.


Chaeyeon's heart bursts and grinned like an idiot. “I love you too, bub.” She replied back.


With that, Sakura kisses her again, and she responded almost immediately— and rested her hand on the older's waist. She let Sakura dominate her again, she just relaxed there, waiting for the girl on top her to make another move.


Chaeyeon didnt mind giving herself to the older woman. She trusted and loved Sakura so much anyway, and surely, her girlfriend felt the same. And it looks like Sakura doesnt mind also, she was fine taking their relationship into the next step.


After a few seconds of thinking and hesitating, Chaeyeon finally slid her trembling hands on Sakura's silk robe, tugging the tie harshly and impatiently. There's no time to be shy and hesitant in this kind of situation. Chaeyeon shouldnt let Sakura do the work alone, she also needed to make a bold move.


She felt the older girl smirked against her lips and she groaned, obviously, Sakura was teasing her for being confident suddenly. The woman didnt expected that Chaeyeon would make a move sooner than she expected because she knew the girl still felt shy.


But hey, Sakura wasnt experienced also, she looked like one— but she never, you can tell because she still havent kissed anyone until Chaeyeon happened. She mentioned that. But if no one will be bold or start, nothing will happen. And Sakura willingly volunteered since she's older and the one who initiate their kisses (Chaeyeon mostly the first who initiate skinship) even if she felt embarrassed also, she got used of the feeling.


She felt Chaeyeon opened the robe, trying to get it off her shoulders. Sakura's breath hitched at the action, she s her hand on the hem of Chaeyeon's long sleeve shirt, sliding her fingers inside and gently caressing her bare and soft side. And positioned her free hand on the other girl's jean-clothed thigh, giving it a light squeeze of reassurance.


The ash blonde haired girl lets out a muffled moan and kissed Sakura harder, her back arching at the tickling feeling. Sakura's touches made her crazy.


But before Sakura can even do more, she abruptly stopped doing what she was doing. The girl below felt that Sakura stopped kissing her and pulled away, making her eyes snap open.


The older girl was just staring at her, flushed. Chaeyeon blinked, confused.


“Is this okay? Are you uncomfortable? Lets stop if you want. I respect you, Chaeyeon, so much. I-I can wait.” She whispered.


Her respect for Chaeyeon was big, she would never continue and move further without her consent. Even if her hormones was already raging, she would control herself, she would never ever take Chaeyeon if she wasnt ready. It was perfectly fine to Sakura.


And Chaeyeon? She was deeply flattered. She was very happy to know that Sakura is going to control herself, that she has a mad respect for her, that she wouldnt touch her if she's not  ready. Chaeyeon wanted to tear up.


I'm really lucky. Are you jealous? Get your own Miyawaki Sakura then— oof, there's only one and she's taken by me, sorry.


“I love you so much, you know that? I just felt so overwhelmed that you thought of me first, and you respect me. Truly a selfless person,” The ash blonde haired girl said, smiling widely before pinching the bewildered Sakura's cheeks above her.


“But i'm ready, Sakura. No need to worry. I wanted this as much as you wanted this.” She added, staring straight at Sakura.








“Make me yours.”






Sakura flinched at the words, blushing furiously. But that's what it took to continue the business they left. She got her permission.


Without hesitation, Sakura pulled Chaeyeon into a deep and passionate kiss again. And now, her free hand was unbuckling the other girl's belt.


The couple were like that, kissing each other with all their might and feelings. Their heart was bursting in nervousness and excitement. They have their own world, not thinking of anything besides how soft their own lips are. They might be inexperienced, but as usual, instinct saved the day.


They discovered many feelings that was foreign. Letting out some unfamiliar noises that sounds angelic in both of their ears.


After a few series of kissing, and tugging. Chaeyeon's clothes, and Sakura's robe can be seen on the floor, laying peacefully.



Yujin was quietly reading a book at the living room while her free hand was caressing Meowmeow's fur while the cat was on her lap, sleeping calmly.


“YUJIN UNNIE!!!!” Nako's loud voice boomed across the room, making the girl jolt. Not only her but the cat also jumped, suprised at the screech before running away while hissing.


The taller girl sighed and tossed her book to go to Nako.


She spotted Nako and Hitomi near the staircase, they were looking up and looked worried. “You're so loud, kiddo. What do you need?”


Nako pouted and pointed upstairs. “Why does Mommy and Chaeyeon-unnie taking long to talk?” She asked.


Yujin turned her gaze upstairs and shrugged. “I dunno, theyre must probably talked about something else or making a miracle...” She replied, grinning like a total idiot before turning to the two kids who's looking at her weirdly and confused.


“Forget what i said. How long have they've been there?”



“Four hours and counting.”



“Jesus Christ, forgive them.”



“Huh, unnie?”



“Nothing, nothing. They'll be back soon, dont worry. They need to eat dinner.” Yujin reassured them, smiling at the two creepily.


Nako and Hitomi looked at each other, before nodding.


Yujin cant help but to think some lewd imaginations, but stopped immediately and thought for a second. She shouldnt judge the couple.


Maybe they were just lost to each other and talked and talked, not realizing the time? Accidently slept and cuddles after talking about the problems? Wathing movies while snuggling to each other? There's many possibilities besides from, uhm, you know.


Well what if they are, that's not Yujin's concern anymore.


She was thinking deeply when they heard footsteps coming from upstairs, someone was walking to the staircase. It's none other than the couple.


They were just casually walking side by side and talking as they reached the bottom, just noticing the three was there and watching them the whole time. Nako was the first one who reacted.


“Mommy, Unnie! You took so long, oh my god, we already ate dinner without you two.” The little kid whined and reached for her mother. Sakura scooped Nako with her arms.


“Sorry. And it's fine, we'll eat dinner now.” She said, smiling, and pecked Nako on the forehead before putting her down. Chaeyeon was hugging Hitomi, and pulled away after.


The two kids giggled before Naruto running away from the staircase.


Yujin was silently observing the two. Sakura was unusually chirper. Then she saw something horrible. She gasped silently, her eyes were wide in horror.


Sakura turned her gaze to her girlfriend. “Lets eat dinner. What do you want?” She asked, completely not noticing her gaping cousin.


Chaeyeon seems to not noticed her also and smiled at Sakura. “Anything available at your kitchen.”


“Okay. Come on.” The couple was about to walk away when Yujin immediately stopped them.


“Oi!” She called out.


The two frozed before slowly turning her head to the taller girl who's looking at them with crossed arms and teasing smirk.


She walked closely at the couple who looked very tense when she got closer.


“You guys probably super super fixed the problem now.” Yujin started, giving them a smug look.


The two blushed even if Yujin didnt mentioned anything, it was clearly the taller girl was teasing them.


“Y-Yeah.” Sakura timidly answered, gulping after.


Yujin nodded before flashing a innocent smile. “Yup, i mean. Yeah, you guys took four hours to talk— you guys probably did something, a miracle in that very room. Chaeyeon-unnie went here with long sleeves and jeans and she came out of your room, wearing your over sized tee and your sweatpants. Interesting and mysterious.” She said, clearly teasing the couple.


The older woman hissed at her, but her face was red and Chaeyeon was also blushing furiously beside Sakura. “Yah, Ahn Yujin! I-It's not what you think—” The woman was being defensive.


“Dont worry, unnies. I'm not judging you two. It's perfectly normal. When me and Minjoo got older, we'll do it too—”


“What the f—”


“Plus, uhm, Chaeyeon unnie your...” Yujin said, her face scrunching up while pointing at her neck.


The ash blonde haired girl immediately touched her neck, and realized before fully covering it, going even more red.


“You two werent even giving effort to hide it.” Yujin remarked and gasped in horror. “Sakura-chan, look at what you did! You literally marked every bit of Chaeyeon-unnie's neck. No one will take unnie from you, okay? Wild.” She was just exaggerrating, there was about four hickeys around Chaeyeon's neck but Yujin knew there's still many bites elsewhere.


Fortunately, the kids didnt noticed the red marks surrounding Chaeyeon's neck.


Sakura growled at her before pulling her girlfriend at the kitchen, embarrassed that they were caught.


Yujin laughed so hard. “Adults wildin'.” She said before going back to the couch. She saw a message notification from Minjoo at her phone and immediately opened it, reading and replying instantly, like a love-sick she is.



Meamwhile, at the kitchen.



“Oww!” Sakura whined, rubbing her arm where Chaeyeon pinched her.


“I told you not to bite that many!” The ash blonde haired huffed.


The older pouted. “I cant help it! Besides, i know you liked—” She was been pinched by her girlfriend again.


“Shut up!” Chaeyeon denied the truth  blushing.


Sakura sighed before pulling Chaeyeon's chair close to her earning a yelp from her. She then scooped a spoonful of kimchi fried rice that Kaeun prepared for them— lifting it near Chaeyeon's mouth.


“Let's eat first, i know your hungry.” She said and gestured her to open .


Chaeyeon's face softens and obeyed, letting her girlfriend to feed her. Sakura is already gentlewoman and sweet by nature but today, she was extra sweeter. The ash blonde haired liked it.


She cant believe they reached being like this. She meant, just being normal boss and worker, being friends, being playful to each other, to loving each other, being girlfriends, kissing, and here.


Chaeyeon never expected this to happen, when she first saw Sakura— she was just attracted to her. She didnt know there's something deeper would bloom.


She started from being a babysitter of her child, now she's her girlfriend. So ironic.


Many things happened, there's many unpleasant event too but Chaeyeon swore, she would never leave Sakura and fight with her if needed.


The couple happily fed each other, even teasing each other to make the atmosphere more lighter. They were so in love.


After all, Miyawaki Sakura is meant for Lee Chaeyeon only. And Lee Chaeyeon is meant for Miyawaki Sakura only.


dont kill me. i warned you guyscmshdjsbdjsbsj

i know it's badly written, i know, no need to mention it. i never wrote something intense like this in my whole life, and i'm not experienced for god's sake but i tried :[

heck, i at writting in general so what do you expect. i apologize huhu ;-;

my brain is drained after writting that scene my god, i used all my knowledge about 'it' from reading some fics that has that kind of scene. and for me, i think i succeed and satisfied, welp its my first time. and if y'all asking for more, i cant write further than that kshdhshdshsh it really took me a while to think and write this cuz i'm really embarrassed and shy. i'll leave the rest to you, it's all up to you how you would imagine the continuation lol i just cant write it

i was like 'why am i writing this'? ugh i know some of y'all liked this so i gave it a shot.

what do you think? do i need to put [M]??? well, its not fully a though and i kinda warned you guys from the start and at the last chap thats why i didnt put it. and do y'all think it was too soon for this kind of thing?

and did u guys noticed some weird patterns at the recent chapters? y'all, its fluff-conflict/drama-fluff-conflict/drama-then this 😳 im sure that the next chap, there would be another conflict and some revealings, and i can guarantee that chap twenty is just happy!!! yeet

*whispers* mr. miyawaki is freaking

see you all next update!




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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
225 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1760 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1760 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww