

“Why do i feel so nervous? This isn't my first job at all.” Chaeyeon muttered under her breath as she gawked at the familiar huge house again.


It's d-day. Her first day being Nako's babysitter.


She doesn't even know what was the reason why she's so nervous. Maybe because it's the first time she babysits someone? Because Nako might not like her at all and just want her hair? Or because of the certain attractive woman?— definitely not the third one, probably the first one.


She sighed and recalled everything she needs to do so Nako will feel comfortable when she's around.


She learned to Chaewon that Nako used to have a lot of babysitters because Sakura had only limited time to take care of her daughter– even though the woman will choose just to stay with Nako than to work, unfortunately she can't do that– she needs to work so Nako can live comfortably.


Chaeyeon also learned that it will be a little challenging to earn Nako's trust because she got too many babysitters in the past, she doesn't know who to trust and to like, and she's ready to earn it— also Sakura's trust.


She sighed heavily before pressing the doorbell. She waited patiently and jumped in shock when someone just spoke– she's a scaredy cat as you can see.


“Good Day. Is it you Miss Chaeyeon?” The ash blonde haired girl heard the familiar voice of Mr. Yang. Chaeyeon scratched her head and tried to find the device where the voice came from. She spotted the camera and curiously looked at it.


“Oh hello, Miss Chaeyeon. It is really you. Please come in.” She heard Mr. Yang said again with a little bit of a monotone voice. And instantly, the gate opened.


Chaeyeon took steps with hesitation but went through anyway. She slowly took the path where Mr. Yang led her to yesterday. After a little bit walking, she saw Mr. Yang striding towards her, he's wearing that soft smile again.


“So i guess you work as Nako's babysitter now?” He asked, stopping in front of her. Chaeyeon happily nodded and gave him a sweet smile.


“That's good to hear! I'll introduce you to the other workers here. We're nice and we will make you feel welcome here.” The guy said before gesturing her to walk again— so she did.


The familiar pathway greeted her. It didn't fail to amaze her even if she already saw it yesterday.


Different kinds of plants and flowers were planted in the corner, it really looks stunning and refreshing. There's even some streetlights built.


“This place looks no ordinary. Everything really screams expensive.” Chaeyeon said, stretching her hand to caress the flowers. She heard Mr. Yang chuckled in amusement.


“Of course! What do you expect? She owns an Airline. Everything here are being taken cared well. Miss Miyawaki adored flowers so much, specially rose– as you can see.” The middle-aged man said and gestured all over the place.


Chaeyeon noticed that. Roses are almost everywhere.


They walked in silence. As they make their way at the huge house, Chaeyeon's mind runs again. She remembered how she searched Sakura on the internet.



Chaeyeon cracked her fingers and even stretched her neck before wiggling her fingers near the keyboard. “Okay! Time to know my boss!” She said and started typing Sakura's name at the search bar.


She wasted her last money on the internet cafe just to search for Sakura. Chaewon informed that the food is free at the Miyawaki's Residence, you can take any food from there but the head maid should know it first. The workers there are also friendly and kind, Chaewon had said so it won't be hard to work there.


You don't know how happy Chaeyeon was when she knew that she would eat three times a day plus snacks! She shed real tears at that time.


After typing her name, she pressed enter. She nervously clicked her tongue as she waited for the results. Her lips turned into a smile when it finished reloading. She clicked the very first article and read it happily.


Her smile faded slowly.


CEO of Hotaru Airlines


Name: Miyawaki Sakura

Age: —

Birthdate: —


Chaeyeon was really epitome of “???”. She was confused when she saw Sakura's profile. There's only her name, and achievements— and her rumored parents. She clicked another article and another article– she found nothing. Everything was only her achievement and her only exclusive interview two years ago.


CEO of the famous Hotaru Airlines, Miyawaki Sakura– finally agreed to have an exclusive interview with WIZ!


Get to know the trending CEO!




One of the WIZ staff said that Miyawaki finally agreed to interview her but there will be only three questions that she will answer.


The media were following her ever since she was declared as the CEO of Hotaru Airlines– but Miyawaki refused to go to interviews or go near the media. Netizens are even curious about her. The CEO looks young and looks only in her early twenties. Miyawaki was also the hot talk of the town when she was announced because of her out of the world beauty.


Ha Sooyoung, her secretary spoke about Miyawaki not accepting interviews.

“Miss Miyawaki isn't a fan of interviews or anything related to the media. She wanted her profile to keep low. All she wanted is peace, and hopes that the media or paparazzi won't bother her anymore.” Ha said.


But after a year she finally agreed to go on her first interview.



“Why didn't you make your personal profile public?”


“I think everyone knows the word 'privacy' right? And i want that. I'm not comfortable saying personal things to someone i don't even know. Sorry if i sound rude there. My name and face was already enough to be in public. I just wanted to work peacefully so i can support my own needs like every adults do.”


“Are you the one who takes down your old photos and rumored profile?”


“Yes. Because all of the photos that were taken down were not even me. And the profiles? It's only a rumor. It's not even right. You don't know how much i laughed as i read everything about me that was actually false?”


“So, is the rumor that your father is Miyawaki Shun– the famous President of IZONE Empire was true? There's a rumor like that going around?.”


“Like what you said, it was a rumor. Okay, thank you.”


That was the short interview of WIZ and Miyawaki. The interviewer tried to ask Miyawaki again but he was turned down. Miyawaki said:


“The deal is only three questions and I will answer those three. Only three. I won't answer any questions again.”


The answer gathered attention and the Netizens were amazed at what the CEO had acted. The netizens even called Sakura a 'savage-and-goddess CEO'.




Chaeyeon's jaw dropped after she finished reading. That's why Chaewon won't say anything about Sakura because the woman still barely knew her.


Chaewon earned Sakura's trust so of course the woman will tell something about her life that only few people only knew.


Chaeyeon decided to do her best so Sakura can open up with her and so her curiosity will vanish.



Chaeyeon thought of that until they reached the porch. Like yesterday, Mr. Yang also opened the door for her and she smiled softly at him. “Thanks.”


“Hmmm. Please take care of our Nako well.” He said with a gentle smile on his lips. The ash blonde haired girl grinned and nodded.


“I will.” She replied and went into the house.


As soon as she stepped into the house she heard a squeal.


“Aaaaaah! Chaeyeon-unnie!~” Nako squealed as she ran towards the latter.


Chaeyeon chuckled and crouched, opening her arms wide for a hug which Nako gladly complied. The little girl jumped into her arms happily.


“I was waiting for you, unnie! Since yesterday. When I came back to the house you were already gone! I got sad! But Mommy told me that you will come back tomorrow which is today!” Nako chirped and smiled widely at the older girl.


The ash blonde haired girl gazed at Nako lovingly. “Chaeyeon-unnie is sorry. It won't happen again! Are you happy that i'm your new babysitter?” She asked the little girl in her arms.


Nako nodded eagerly. “Yes! Who wouldn't be happy if a nice real life barbie will babysit you!?” She replied with a pout making Chaeyeon's heart warm.


She grinned. She's happy that the kid already likes her, it wouldn't be hard to earn her trust now.


“Oooh, you little cutie pie!” She chirped and spinned her around.


Nako squealed and laughed happily, and it made Chaeyeon's heart flip in delight and happiness. They played around like that at the living room, their wide smiles not leaving their lips.


Sakura was watching them at the stairs, amazed that Chaeyeon made Nako comfortable at her existence within a day. She examined the ash blonde haired girl, finding what's so special with her unlike the past babysitters.


Chaeyeon got this ash blonde hair that made her shine and make her look like a barbie– like Nako said. She's a little bit tall. And she got a cute smile— not forgetting how her eyes turns into crescents and her nose scrunch up when she smiles—


Sakura, what the hell are you even thinking!?


The girl shook her head at the stupid nonsense thoughts.


She turned her head to the two girls again, she unconsciously stared at Chaeyeon and her mind runs again.


Maybe. Maybe just a little— Chaeyeon's special. She thinks.


She smiled a bit and let out a chuckle when she saw how happy her daughter was when she's playing around with the taller girl. She can really see how satisfied and delightful Nako was.


Sakura was also relieved that it won't be a little hard for her to leave Nako at their house and be worried about her because she already got Chaeyeon's company now.


She can also see the happiness in Chaeyeon's eyes. She can see how the girl likes what she was doing with her daughter.


I can leave my daughter at her hands


The woman looked at her wrist watch– she needs to go to work now. She glanced one last time at the two before finally going downstairs.


Chaeyeon stopped tickling Nako when she heard footsteps coming from the stairs. And there she was, Sakura walking down the stairs while watching them seriously.


She unconsciously stared at the attractive woman as she walked down to the stairs.


How can someone look so elegant while walking down the stairs?


“Mommy!” Nako shouted, making Chaeyeon snap in reality.


She felt her cheeks start burning and averted her gaze to the attractive woman infront of her. She looked around except at Sakura's direction while awkwardly spinning her body and biting her lower lip.


The little girl jumped into her mother's arms happily and pointed at the awkward girl. “Mommy! Mommy! I'm very happy that Chaeyeon-unnie is my new babysitter. She will take care of me well, I'm sure of that! She won't make me feel lonely when Mommy is gone for work.” Nako said as she giggled when she saw how the ash blonde haired girl just grinned like an idiot at her.


Sakura smiled softly and kissed Nako's temple. “Of course, baby. I hope you will feel a little bit less unhappy because i'll be gone again.”


Nako giggled and pecked her mother's lips. “Chaeyeon-unnie will be with me while you're gone, Mommy. She will play barbie houses and pokemon with me so i wont be sad.” She said and grinned.


Sakura chuckled and faked a sad expression. “That means, you won't miss Mommy Kkura because Chaeyeon-unnie will company you?” She teased in a sad tone, even pouting.


Chaeyeon stood there watching them with a gentle smile plastered on her lips. Her heart flipped when she saw how the older woman puckered her lips sadly. She looks like a lost puppy.


She doesn't look scary at all! Can she stay like that for a while? She really looks so cute omg


Her smile got bigger when she saw Sakura smile brightly when Nako argued with her. Sakura was really different when Nako's around. Yesterday, she looked like she was about to kill someone but when Nako appeared she would transform into a mother hen.


“Noooo! I will still miss Mommy so much!” Nako whined and hugged the older woman who's chuckling.


Sakura held her daughter tight on her arms as she cradles Nako to comfort her. “Mommy was just kidding.”


Nako lifted her face, she's pouting and Chaeyeon can't help but to be in awe. “Really!? Okay then, Mommy. It's almost your working time! I don't want Mommy to be late at work!”


With one last chuckle, Sakura put Nako down slowly and kissed her puffy cheek before ruffling her hair lovingly. “Aye aye, Boss!” She said and turned to Chaeyeon.


The ash blonde haired girl flinched when she saw the older woman turn her gaze to her. Her looks were sharp like yesterday. “I'm handing you my sunshine. I will never hesitate to do something harsh to you when you hurt her, physically, mentally, or emotionally.” She hissed, her brows creasing.


Chaeyeon nervously nodded. “Yes!”


Sakura lets out a satisfied nod. “Good.” She muttered and turned to Nako again.


“I'll be going now, baby. If you want to call me just ask Mrs. Song, Hmm? Bye bye.” She said and walked to the front door while Nako cutely followed her behind.


“Yes! Bye bye, Mommy! Love you!” Nako chirped.


Sakura smiled brightly. “Love you too baby!” She responded and opened the door, but before she could even step out, she gave Chaeyeon one last sharp look and went outside.


Nako ran to the window and waved through the glass before pouting when the car finally moved. Chaeyeon watched her jump down before Naruto running towards her.


“Hey, Chaeyeon-unnie. I think you're still not familiar with our place, right? Can i be your personal tour guide!?” The little girl said and smiled.


The taller girl grinned. “Sure, why not!? Lead the way!”


Nako's really cute and also her mother! Hnnggg


I updated early because I don't know when I will update again– this chap was also rushed so it means I still haven't proofread this yet also. I have many tests to take this week and i hope i can still write a little bit

I also dont know about interview thingy but the most important thing is i explained a little bit how Sakura wants only a low profile. There's also some terms that i dont know and a litrle bit confusing– i apologize for that!

And for now, ChaeKura has still no progress :((((( but ANYWAYS Nako is so cute i'll die for her

Please vote and comment your thoughts or anything!



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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww