

“When will she arrive? I'm starving.” Hyewon whined as she patted her grumbling stomach, Chaeyeon narrowed her eyes on her.


They've been waiting for Sakura, Nako, and Yujin to arrive for about five minutes or so but the older girl was already whining about food. Hyewon is such a glutton, Chaeyeon cant believe how the older girl stayed fit even if she ate so much.


“Wow, Hyewon-unnie, calm your stomach down! You ate waffles after we went here.” Minjoo said before turning her attention to her phone again. Yena and Eunbi offered some candies but the starving girl refused, saying that she wanted 'real' food, Eunbi almost threw a shoe on her friend.


While the ash blonde haired girl was constantly checking her wrist watch, Sakura said they'll be arriving a few minutes later before glancing at her crackhead friends. They're already making a mess at the mall. She cant wait for her girlfriend's reaction to that. She can be crackhead like them sometimes, but she needed to look mature today. If Sakura and the others wont arrive sooner she should've joined the bickerings.


Hyewon slowly muched the buscuit that Chaewon gave her with a satiesfied smile. The orange haired can only scoffed in disbelief, she always bring biscuits or any food anywhere because of her friends, they would make some scene when they felt hungry so to prevent that, she usually put something on her bag so if that happened, there's something that could make them calm. Their stomach has blackholes, she swore.


Chaeyeon looked over to the entrance and saw that there's men on black suits entered then scattered around the mall, scaring some people. She recognized one of them, it was Wonho, so the ash blonde haired girl took it as a sign that Sakura was already at the mall. She turned over to her friends again, they're talking about those men in suits and gawking at them with confused faces minus Chaewon, the latter was only looking over at the entrance because she also knew that the chairwoman was only around.


“Hey, she arrived, she'll be here in a few seconds. Fix yourselves.” She said, and they did what Chaeyeon told them to do so. After a few moments, Sakura arrived with Nako and Yujin.


As expected, when they entered it was like a k-drama scene. Everything went slow-mo, and Chaeyeon swore there's also this music playing at the background. The people suddenly turned their attention to the new-comers, some of them had their jaw dropped, amazed at the out-standing beauties. Not only the strangers at the mall but the squad minus the two Chaes was having a brain malfunction, especially Minjoo, she went pale suddenly.


The three stopped walking when they already reached where Chaeyeon and her friends was waiting. Sakura gave them a awkward smile. “H-Hello there, Chaeyeon's friends.” She stuttered and bowed a bit.


Yujin also flashed her dimple smile and bowed a bit like what her cousin did. “Hello.” She said, and looked behind. Her smile suddenly faded when she spotted a familiar figure but tried to cover it by smiling so bright again but there's a hint of nervousness and shock there, Chaeyeon just payed no mind to it.


Eunbi almost, almost fell inlove but it's her bestfriend's girlfriend so it's a big no no. Sakura's dashing and gorgeous, she cant explain, she was speechless. She never seen any person that was this beautiful. Chaeyeon wasnt exaggerating when she described the woman to her. As for Hyewon, her bestfriend's boss was definitely the definition of 'goddess' but what caught her eye was the cute little girl hiding behind the woman's legs. Yena's mouth was agape and was endlessly blinking her eyes as if she cant believe what was she's seeing, she could only think on how Sakura looked so familiar.


Minjoo was shocked, super shocked. She was trying to keep her cool but she cant help but to give a panic glances at a certain someone.


Chaeyeon smiled sweetly at Sakura before turning to her friends to introduce them. “Guys, this is my boss, Miyawaki Sakura, her cutie daughter Nako, and Ahn Yujin, Sakura-chan's cousin.” She said and the three gave them a shy waves and nods. Chaeyeon gave them a look to start introducing, Eunbi started first nervously, Sakura looked quite intimidating.


“H-Hi, there Miss Miyawaki, I'm Kwon Eunbi. I've finally met you.” The oldest said and offered a handshake, she even thought the woman wont accept it but she was wrong, Sakura took her hand and shook it lightly.


“Hello, Eunbi-ssi, glad to meet you also. Oh and everyone, please call me Sakura or Sakura-chan. I hate being called Miss Miyawaki, to be honest, make me feel old.” Sakura said, and gave her a pointed look and a gentle smile.


So, it's my wifey's closest friend! Finally met her, i should talk with her about Chaeyeon sometimes, need to gather blockmailing photos


Eunbi understood the look and chuckled before stepping backwards a bit so Minjoo can introduce herself. The nervous girl took a hesitant steps, her eyes fixed on a certain someone before introducing herself. “I'm K-Kim Minjoo.” She said awkwardly before slowly walking behind Eunbi.


“Hello, Minjoo-ssi.” Sakura greeted her and smiled.


Hyewon was next but her attention was only focused on the shy little girl behind Sakura. “My name's Kang Hyewon, i love foods. That little girl behind you was cute, can i take her?” She said shamelessly. Chaeyeon chuckled at the bold introduction. That's Hyewon, she guess.


The woman giggled a bit and looked at her kid. “Hello Hyewon-ssi. My daughter is shy and timid but i know she'll be comfortable around you guys in a short period of time.” She answered with a smile and scooped the shy Nako into her arms. Hyewon giggled and gushed over the child.


Chaeyeon was secretly observing the woman, she was happy that Sakura felt comfortable around her friends and she's actually doing great talking with them because she's not a stuttering mess or scaring anyone.


The familiar orange haired girl finally a took step first because Yena was still dazed. Chaewon was smiling when she approached the equally smiling woman. “Hey, Sakura-chan! Wow, you changed a lot.” She said and smiled but the next thing what the older woman did shocked her.


Sakura pulled her into a hug with Nako. “Nice seeing you, again, Chaewon. And i'll take it as a compliment.” She said and broke the embrace. The child squeaked happily when she saw her ex-babysitter.




“Nako-chan...” She mumbled quietly and the older woman passed the little girl to her. She pecked Nako's cheek and giggled before turning to the tall girl who's unusually quiet. Yujin tends to be noisy even infront of the strangers so seeing her like a lost puppy is, strange.


“Yujin?” She called the taller girl over.


“Oh hey, Chaewon-unnie!” Yujin greeted her and smiled brightly at her.


Something was strange but she shrugged it off.


Chaeyeon looked over to see her duck-friend was still standing her, analyzing Sakura so she went towards her and flicked her forehead. “Aww!” The older girl reacted, glaring at the suspect but the ash blonde haired girl gestured the chairwoman who's waiting for her to introduce.


Yena squinted her eyes before pointing at Sakura then glared at her. “You! I know you!” She said, gritting her teeth and jaw clenched. Chaeyeon was alarmed at her friend's act and the others was suprised. The older woman blinked multiple times before pointing at herself.


The duck-faced nodded and hissed. “You dont recognize me!?” She remarked, earning some attention for being loud. The ash blonde haired girl smacked her shoulders lightly. “Yah, are you out of your mind?” The younger whispered harshly.


Sakura was confused that Chaeyeon's friend was shouting at her. “Uhm, i believe we've never met before...” She replied, hopefully it will satiesfy the girl but she just glared at her more intensely.


“You!!!! You're the old hag who bumped into me at this very mall and i dropped my ice cream because of that! You didnt even bothered to apologize!” Yena shouted not caring of she's too loud and gaining attention. Eunbi even covered , trying to stop her but she was too late. Chaeyeon gave the older woman a apologetic look.


Sakura thought for a second when she finally remembered this kid with a duck hoodie and eating chocomint ice cream four or three days ago. She was buying PS4 with Nako that time, and they went to the nearest ice cream stall when she accidently collided with this kid. At first, her first move was to apologize especially seeing the ice cream cup was tossed to the floor. But when she saw the victim, she was distracted because the poor girl's mouth was agape and eyes wide, she's also wearing this hilarous bright yellow hoodie making her stand more and her duck printed shoes.


Then her bodyguards started surrounding her until they were dragged out for safety purposes. And so, she didnt managed to apolpgize.


Yujin laughed out loud. “She called Sakura a hag! Omg, sis is informed.” She said, giving a thumbs up at Yena. Chaewon piched her arm and she yelped in pain. “You're not helping at all, Yujin!” The orange haired huffed.


The older woman shook her head in panic. “A-Ah, you're the kid that was wearing a duck hoodie? I have an explanation—”


“No! You suddenly walked away with those men in suits and one of them even glared at me, the hell?” Yena continued blabbering, not giving Sakura a chance to speak.


“Look, I— i was dragged by my bodyguards that's why i couldnt apologize. If you want me to apologize for that then, i would gladly do it now,” The chairwoman said softly before bowing. “I'm very sorry for crashing into you, and regarding of your ice cream, i'll buy you dozens of that. Name the flavor.” She apologized making Yena mixed guilty and satiefied.


Sakura was panicking that Chaeyeon's friend would be holding a grudge on her. It's not like she wouldnt apologize but her guards misunderstood everything making it more complicated than it should. She also wanted to be close with her friends, and she want to leave a good impression on them, she's really trying hard to be not awkward or come out as scary.


Minjoo smacked her friend. “The heck, you duck. I'm apologizing on behalf of her, sorry if she shouted at you, she's not on the right mind today. Please dont sue us.” The girl pleaded, her eyes was also shaking in fear.


Yujin giggled but stopped after when she realized what she did and kept mum while Sakura understood everything. “It's perfectly fine. I understand what your dear friend had felt when her ice cream dropped on the floor because of me.” She said and smiled sweetly. “And why would i sue you? I wouldnt do that. I'm not that type of person. I really wanted to friends with you guys as soon as possible.” She added and Eunbi instantly replied.


“Ah no no! We really appreciate that you even made effort to leave on your work just to treat us here.” She said, smiling. Chaeyeon was just silently watching them and laughed out loud suddenly, making all of them turn to her, confused.


“That's hilarous. What a great start to get to know each other!” She said and sighed, like she was contented. “Well there it goes, Sakura-chan. That duck faced girl who just shouted at you minutes ago was Choi Yena. And yes, we're this insane. Pardon us.” She added and the older woman nodded then smiled.


“I like fun people. Dont worry, just be yourselves even if you're with us. I wanted people to be comfortable around me and as exchange, i'll be comfortable around you also.” Sakura explained, smiling sweetly at them. They were swooned.


Hyewon suddenly popped out, her arm was extended at the air while she was carrying Nako with her free arm. “If so, can we eat food now? Me and Nako-chan are hungry.” She said without showing any emtion. They bursted out laughing at Hyewon's cute act even Nako looked like she already felt comfortable at the weird girl.


And they finally started walking to the restaurant of their choice. But Yena was still feeling down, a little bit guilty for shouting at the poor woman like t hat without even letting her to explain.



Majority of them chose a simple buffet, and Sakura agreed without hesitation, even suggesting to reserve the whole place so they could eat more peacefully but they refused and let it be.


They finally reached the place and the older woman paid the expenses immediately. “You guys can choose any food and take as much as you want.” She said and Hyewon instantly dashed to the counter still with Nako on her arms.


Eunbi shook her head in disappointment and took the other girls with her and the couple was only left at the table. Chaeyeon glanced over her girlfriend who's also looking at her. “Are you having fun? Not comfortable?” She asked, holding Sakura's hand and interwined their fingers, then hid it under the table so no one could see it.


Sakura shook her head. “Yes, except when your friend suddenly shouted at me. I relly panicked because i thought she'll be mad at me for long. And i'm comfortable, your friends are fun to be with.” She admitted, and pouted. Chaeyeon chuckled.


“That's Choi Yena for you. We're just crazy for foods, so sorry if she had acted like that but overall, she wasnt a bad person. She's the noisiest and funniest one at our squad.” The ash blonde haired girl said and smiled sweetly at her.


Sakura nodded and smiled back at her, equally sweet as Chaeyeon's one.


They waited for the girls to come back before getting food for themselves. The older girl would put healthy food at Chaeyeon's plate and even lecturing how good it was for your body, the ash blonde haired girl just let her do what ever she wanted and appreciated the gesture.


When they went back, the girls are already eating noisily, especially Yena, she was talking while was full and also Yujin, they were having a deep deep conversation.


“I literally laughed when you called her a old hag! Like where did it came from!?” The taller girl said, and chewed her food quickly. Yena snorted before stabbing the piece of meat and putted it on .


“I dont know either but she radiates this hag energy!” The duck faced replied, and ate a spoonful of rice making Yujin choke because of too much laughing.


Sakura's eyebrows furrowed, atleast if they're trashtalking her make it less obvious and loud. She pulled the chair for her girlfriend before she took her own seat and unknowningly looked at Yena who's shooting dagger looks at her.


“We're not yet finished, hag. This wont change my mind hating on you!” The girl retorted, referring to the treat of food. Sakura just nodded eagerly, afraid that Yena would be mad at her more if she will speak her thoughts.


Chaewon turned to her friend. “You're so childish. Remember that she's a CEO, Choi Yena, you dont know who you are threatening.” She attempted to make Yena scared and finally move on at the ice cream incident. But the latter just rose her brow.


“And so if she owns an entire Airline? I'll take her child as my hostage!!!!” Yena shouted before pointing at Nako who's being fed by Hyewon. The child blinked and looked at her, confused while Hyewon glared at her and pulled Nako closer to her.


“Dont you ing dare, Yena. Or i'll push you off the rooftop. This little child is precious, i'll kill anybody who will hurt her.” The girl said in a scary tone naking Yena tremble in fear. Nobody messes with Hyewon.


Nako giggled. “It's okay, Hyewon-unnie. I know Yena-unnie wont do that. Besides, Mommy promised her that she will buy an ice cream just for Yena-unnie only!” She said, and smiled at the girl.


Yena almost teared up, she's stupid for planning Nako as her hostage. The child was so cute and precious, how dare her to think something like that!


“Please forgive me, my child! I'm such a cruel person!” She cried before sobbing then continued eating even if she's crying out of disappointment to herself. Minjoo also did a fake crying just to annoy the older girl more and Yena did cried harder than before. Eunbi was covering her face because of embarrassment, the people was staring at them, weirded out that they made a teen-ager cry. Meanwhile, Chaewon was still peacefully eating food while talking casually at Hyewon and Nako like nothing was happening beside her.


The ash blonde haired girl laughed at her friend and ruffled her hair to comfort her. “It's okay, Yena!” She said, failing to say another word because she bursted out laughing again. Then, Yujin was hyping them up by saying some gibberish.


Sakura watched them, they're a mess. But she cant help but to smile and recall all the memories with her friends. They're also this embarrassing and messy, but they dont give a damn care at the people who stare at them and judges them, they were just simply having fun and being their goofy selves. Mentioning her friends, she felt suddenly sad. It werent the same as the past. They werent complete anymore. But it wont hurt to make friends with these girls, right? It's been ages when she's been around with this kind of people and it's been a long time since she also made friends with this many.


She liked these people a lot already.



They continued eating after Yena calmed down and talked about anything what comes on their mind. It went smooth. Sakura would ask few questions about her girlfriend, cooly and Eunbi was answering it without hesitation. Yujin was a little weird today since she doesnt talk much, Chaeyeon noticed that again and asked her if she's okay, but the latter would only nod and smile at her.


Hyewon was eating her 4th plate now, and Nako was bewildered, she cant believe how the girl managed to be fit when she's literally eating all the foods at the buffet, even the employees was getting pale whenever they saw Hyewon walking over to the table again to take another batch of food to eat. Sakura was a little bit suprised when the ash blonde haired girl mentioned that the weird girl is a part-time model, Hyewon is beautiful but her personality shocked her the most.


In the middle of the chaotic conversation, Yujin suddenly stood up and excused herself to the bathroom. A few seconds later, Minjoo also stood up, looking nervous. “I-I also want to use the bathroom too, excuse me.” She said before going to the bathroom. The girls continued talking but Chaeyeon was thinking deeply. That two was already acting weird earlier. They're both not in their usual selves and they always quiet, awkward, and nervous.


Yujin came back first, looking calm and a little bit brighter than a few minutes ago. And Minjoo came right after, and she looked worried.


“Uhm, guys? Can i have your attention, please?” The tall girl suddenly spoke, and all of the girls turned to her.


She cleared first and composed herself. “This might sound shocking but, actually, me and Minjoo-unnie know each other...” She paused and looked over the mentioned girl. Eunbi nodded.


“Oh, that's better! But why are you two acting like strangers—”


“And we're dating for a month now.” Yujin revealed making Sakura choke on her drink.


The girls were silent, except for the poor woman who's harshly coughing while the usual caring Chaeyeon was patting her back. Eunbi's brain wasnt functioning at the announcement, also Yena. Chaewon was looking back and forth at the newly revealed couple without showing any emotion or whatsoever. Hyewon was still chewing her food and just staring at them with her innocent big eyes.


Minjoo finally spoke up in panic. “W-We dont really want to keep it to you guys but we're still kinda sorting our feelings. But we felt bad that you guys doesnt have a clue that we've been seeing each other for almost three months now and officially dated last month. And i think it's the right time to reveal this now because the universe literally made us all meet.” She explained hastily. Yujin grinned like an idiot and stared at her girlfriend lovingly.


“What's the meaning of this, dog?! A-Are you finally over with Wonyoung?” Sakura asked, she was beyond shocked that her only and closest cousin kept this all from her for three months or more. She was glad that she still havent told her about that she and Chaeyeon was already in a relationship also. Minjoo flinched at the mention of a familiar name.


The taller girl groaned. “I wouldnt date Minjoo-unnie if i'm not over with that dense bestfriend of mine. I'm not that type of person, you hag. I wouldnt use Minjoo-unnie to forgot Wonyoung like that. It just happened that i fell for her and got over with my  crush.” She said, glaring at her cousin. Sakura scoffed.


“I cant still believe you didnt told me that you're seeing someone.” The older woman sulked, disappointed that Yujin didnt told anything about this.


Her cousin smirked. “Well, i dont want to bother, i want to get through this by myself. And, you're busy with a certain someone.” She replied before snorting. Sakura just huffed and looked over at her girlfriend who's raising a brow on her friend in a teasing manner.


“That's why you're always using cellphone and been missing out lately for the past few months. You never told me you already found someone who made you felt loved again after Kriesha left.” She said like it was only normal making Minjoo shrug.


“Because of Wonyoung and Kriesha, me and Yujin met. I'm thankful of what i have today.” She shyly answered before glancing at Yujin who's grinning at her.


Yena looked at her friend. “Are we even your bestfriends? This is so unfair!” She whined before sulking with Eunbi. “It all happened too fast! And, its not like you needed to know everything that was happening on my life, unnie.” The younger girl answered.


“What are bestfriends for then!? I'm sad.” The duck faced girl sighed before pouting. Hyewon suddenly piped in. “I wanna know how you two met. Bet its like those fanfics.” She said before feeding Nako food.


Yujin clasped her hands and smiled brightly. “We met four or five months ago? At the park. I was strolling around there the night were i tried to confess my feelings to Wonyoung but obviously failed because i'm a coward. I spotted a girl crying on the swing, at first, my reaction is to ignore her but she suddenly shouted something about leaving her and feeling worthless so i decided to step in, it wont hurt to try and help, right?” She explained and made a eye contact at Minjoo before continuing their fanfic-like meeting.


“I went to the other swing beside her and tried to initiate a conversation with her. It suprisngly turned out well since we almost had the same problem, lovelife. Minjoo's ex left her while i cant confess my feelings to Wonyoung. We talked so long after that we stopped talking when the sun was almost setting up. For the first time, i felt like i was able to open up about my problem and Minjoo did the same. Since we needed to go home, we just gave each other our numbers. We talk or text daily after that and grew closer. But of course, we're only good friends who had problems at love until this happened. We're indenial at first because we thought we'll not getting over our pasts but guess what, i realized if i will stay a coward, Minjoo might slip into my palms too, i cant let that happen. And i dont regret confessing though and look at us, we're happy and staying strong! Right, babe?” Yujin finally finished their story while Minjoo was smiling at her girlfriend the whole time, recalling all their memories.


“Yep! I'm really sorry for keeping this though.” The girl apologized and Eunbi sighed.


“It's okay. As long as you're happy, then we're contented. Oi, Ahn Yujin. Dont let my bestfriend be hurt again or i'll break your legs, i dont care if your cousin is a CEO. I dont give a , hurt her, we'll make your life a living hell.” Eunbi said seriously and rose a brow at the sweating Yujin. The taller girl nodded furiously and muttered, 'i promise'.


Chaeyeon smiled at the new couple. “World is really small, right? I cant believe you're dating each other. You two already knew each other way before even me and Yujin met. I'm happy. Yah, Yujin, i'll hand you this idiot now. It's your responsibility to feed and protect Minjoo now huh... That's why you're at school yesterday, right? Old friend my . You two are kinda sneaky.” She said, and laughed but overall she's satiesfied now, she's confident that Ahn Yujin wont break her bestfriend's heart like that. Yujin is a literal dog, she's loyal and would do anything to protect and make her owner feel safe no matter what it takes.


Chaewon finally shared her thought. “Congrats, i guess. I just never exprcted this. I'm sure that Yujin willl take care of this idiot here.” She said and smiled. Yena huffed then sighed, “Whatever! Yujin-ssi, please dont break her heart, i'll break your nose since Eunbi-unnie will take care of your legs.” She said, trying to lift the mood up. The people was happy for that couple and they supported them.


But Yujin and Minjoo are the happiest.



After they finished eating they decided to stroll around, Sakura even said she would pay everything that they wanted to buy, just name it. Of course the girls refused, they dont want to look like they were taking advantage of her wealth.


And that's that, Sakura got some few pictures of Chaeyeon from the one and only Eunbi. And the older girl also texted Sakura a letter regarding Chaeyeon because they cant talk or the other girls might hear their conversation.


Hi, Sakura. Please take care of Chaeyeon well and i will feel at peace. Dont you dare to hurt her also, i'll snap your neck! Chaeyeon is fragile and it's her first time to be in a relationship. My bestfriend went through a lot also, so i beg you, protect her and give her the love she deserves. I'm really serious that i would snap your neck when i saw Chaeyeon on my doorsteps crying, i will also burn your house, no jokes. Tell also to the cousin of yours that take care of our monkey or else.


It's actually more like a death threat letter.


Yena was her usual self after that but she would sometimes ignore the older woman. She even almost fell at the flight of stairs after walking backwards. That's how idiot she was.


Hyewon was holding Nako all the time, and refuses to hand over the child, saying that she will take her home. But when they really need to go home since Eunbi and Chaewon needed to do their businesses, they got Nako from the girl for the nth attempt.


The little girl was giggling as Chaeyeon tried to pull her away from her friend's arms and when they succeed, Hyewon cried.


“Hyewon-unnie dont cry! We'll see each other soon!” Nako brightly said to the crying girl. The mentioned girl sniffed her snot and tried to blink her tears away. “Promise?”




And they parted ways after that. Yujin and Minjoo said they're going to go somewhere and Chaeyeon went with Sakura.


At the car ride, the smiles on their lips wont fade. Nako fell asleep at the backseat as they made their way to the house.


Sakura looked over at Chaeyeon who's smiling at herself, she cant help but to giggle at her girlfriend's cuteness. “You really look happy.” She said and turned her eyes to the road.


She heard the younger girl chuckle. “Well yeah. You met my friends. One day, when we met up again, i'll introduce you to them as my girlfriend. I'm sorry if i couldnt do that earlier just now.” Chaeyeon said, and sighed after.


The older woman just grinned when her girlfriend suddenly felt sad and guilty. Well, of course, she also wanted Chaeyeon to introduce her to her bestfriends as her lover but if the younger wasnt ready, then so be it, she understood. She slowly s her free hand to hold Chaeyeon's and interwined it, making the girl suprised.


“I understand, okay? There's always a next time. Dont be sad or guilty. I'll wait until you're ready.” Sakura reassured her girlfriend, and gently placed a kiss on the back of Chaeyeon's hand.


The ash blonde haired girl's cheeks warmed at the gesture, she cant help but to grin like an idiot. Sakura is so romatic. She never failed to make Chaeyeon's heart flip.


“I love you so much.” She muttered to the driving girl who's smiling like an idiot.


“I love you so much too, my wifey.” Sakura replied back, biting her lips from grinning so much wide because her jaw was already hurting from smiling too much today.


She looked over to the headlights and saw it was red, so she stopped the car and turned to her girlfriend. She carefully held her chin and gently turned it so they were facing before stealing a kiss from her soft lips.


Chaeyeon's eyes widened, her heart beating wildly again even if it's just a peck. Sakura just gave her bewildered girlfriend a idiotic grin.




“What??? The lights said red and Nako's sleeping so, i took the advantage.” She said, and giggled before planting a quick kisses again at her girlfriend's lips and forehead then finally fixed her attention at the road, very satiesfied.


Chaeyeon just scoffed in disbelief and grinned before shaking her head. “I cant believe you.” She mumbled before looking outside the window with a cheeky grin.


They finally arrived a while after that. Chaeyeon carefully scooped the sleeping Nako with her arm while the older woman would support them. When they're walking towards the door, Jinsoul suddenly popped out. She bowed a bit at them.


“Welcome home. Sakura, you have a guest waiting inside.” The blonde said before opening the door for them. While Sakura furrowed her brows, as long as she remembered, she never invites someone at her house.


“And who might that be?” She muttered but Jinsoul remained smiling at them. Chaeyeon glanced at her, and gestured to go in because of her child.


“I never invited someone over. And the guards wont let them in that easily.” Sakura said as they walked towards the living room area. The ash blonde haired girl shrugged and gentle patted Nako's back. “You will never know until you see the visitor.” She answered.


When they arrived at the living room, they spotted a figure sitting comfortably at the couch. Her back was facing them so they couldnt point out. Sakura squinted her eyes and walked a bit closer.


Soon she finally recognized that familiar figure. She froze after she can finally name the unknown person.





“Jo Yuri?” She breathed. And the person stood up and turned around.





Chaeyeon scanned her. She was wearing a simple white shirt tucked on the jeans, and wearing a sneakers. The girl was also breathtakingly beautiful, she looked so simple but she got this girlfriend-ly aura around her, making her more appealing.


Yuri grinned when she finally saw the older woman after two years. “Hey there, Kkura-chan, long time no see.”


And i finally finished this 💀 i can finally be at peace now!!!!

And Yuri finally appeared after thousands of chapter!

Regarding about Jinjoo, i know most of you wanted to know what happened to them but dont worry, i've already planning to make a one shot about their own story.

That's all, see you around! I wont make the author note long because all of my thoughts was already at the previous chap <3



twt: @rosesrunaway_

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Thank you again for supporting this crappy story of mine until the end :] i will be forever grateful to you guys! Love ya WIZONE and KKUCHAEN NATION !!!!! <3333

see you on my next works!


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Giefany #1
Chapter 21: love this story, curious about jangchae and hyebi couple, hope there side story ... but really love this, goodluck author ^^
alexandrarbd065 #2
Chapter 8: Rereading this story, I love it!
226 streak #3
I saw this while browsing my list of subscription.. and now i want to re read it.
1761 streak #4
rereading this masterpiece again! no matter how many times I read this, it's always good!
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 34: Oh, wow! Thank you for this special chapter, Jero!
Chapter 34: Thanks for this kid. Its really a stress reliever.
1761 streak #7
Had this sudden urge to read this again and boy it’s good every time I read this story!!
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 31: Oh wow. Sana all can immediately date on London.
Mall wedding huh? That sounds nice. Make sure to invite us author-san~
Chapter 33: thank you so much author-nim, keep support kkuchaen!! hihihi nako is waiting for a little sister awww