
Love at First Hi-Touch [EDITING]
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The last bell rang and you closed your notebook in relief. If you had to listen to one more second of Teacher Kim droning about the history of the Chosun era, you'd for sure die of boredom. Stretching your arms above your head you released a wide yawn that resulted in you looking like a dinosaur.

Jungkook, to no surprise, was already mobbed with a bunch of fangirls so he shot you a look, saying goodbye. You lifted your fist up and mouthed "Hwaiting" before cheerily waving goodbye. Just as you finished stuffing your despised history textbook into your bag, you eerily felt a shadow darken your desk. You looked up and saw a sneering face looking down at you.

"Hey new girl." The girl, Min, you recognized, twirled her pink hair around her finger while raking her eyes up and down your body.

You felt oddly violated as she continued to stare you down with a gaze that could potentially start WWIII. "Hey old girl." You cracked a grin in an attempt to lessen the weird mood, but you recieved no grin in return.

"Listen...I'm not going to beat around the bush." Min glanced over to Jungkook, and seeing that he was fully occupied with fending off fangirls, she placed her hands on your desk and leaned her body towards you. She was close enough that you could smell her Chanel No.5 perfume wafting in the air. "Jungkook and I have a special relationship. Something that a newbie like you can't ruin. I suggest you stay away from him before things get out of hand, hm?"

You snorted, causing Min to lean away from you in surprise. This felt like one of those movies where the cliche mean girl tormented the new girl. Except you wouldn't let yourself get victimized.

"First of all, my name is Hana, not new girl." You ran your hands through your hair and then crossed your arms across your chest. "And second of all, what makes you think you have the right to tell me what to do? I don't know how special you and Jungkook's relationship is, and quite frankly, it's none of my business. So just like I'm minding my own business, you should mind your own too."

Min's eye started twitching and you smiled. She wasn't as strong as she seemed. 

"And last time I checked, you don't own Jungkook. He's my friend and I don't abandon my friends that easily." You slung your backback over your shoulder and started to walk away. "Ah, by the way, your threats are cute." You winked and walked out the door.

Min's possy started rapidly fanning her. Min slapped the fans away with her hand and stood quivering in anger. "I messed up once with Jungkook. I'm not messing up again...especially not because of that ."



You managed to break through the swarm of girls and sprinted to your manager hyung's car. You ripped open the door and triumphantly threw yourself onto the leather seat, taking in the comfort of the familiar car. You slouched into the seat and took a deep breath. Day one was officially over.

"How was your first day? We're going to the practice room for a bit but you'll be able to go to the dorm early to do homework."

You closed your eyes, ready to take a nap before your long dance practice. "It was a normal school day."

It was far from a normal school day. You met Hana, the girl that you never thought you'd see again. Ever since the hi-touch, you couldn't get her out of your mind. Meeting her again was like fate, a rare occurence. She was so much more beautiful than you remembered. It wasn't just her appearance that was beautiful, you could feel her genuine soul each time she laughed and talked. Thinking of her just made you smile without thinking.

You wanted to trust her.

You also saw Min. It had been a year and a half the last time you saw her. Tears had streaked your face then, contrary to the cold poker face Min had. But it was all over. It was in the past.

You drifted off to sleep with the though of Hana, but just as you fell into a slumber, you were awoken by your manager's voice. "Jungkook, we're at the studio."

You rubbed your eyes and looked around. You weren't at the usual gray building that your management ran. "This isn't BigHit's studio. Where are we?"

"We actually switched your dance studio. Your school wanted to train you specifically, just like the other dance students. It's a requirement of graduating."

You jolted up from your seat, banging your head on the roof. Groaning, you clutched your head. "You guys literally never tell me anything! I really don't want to dance here. What if I can't adjust?! How can I practice without J-Hope and Jimin hyung?"

Your manager just shrugged. This man seriously had no sympathy. "Just give it a go. You're a good dancer Jungkook. Bang PD and your members want you to get some experience outside of our dance studio."

You grumbled and reluctantly gathered your dance clothes. This was a battle you couldn't win. You couldn't defy the orders of Bang PD and your members would force you back here in an instant. "Fine, I'll go today because I don't have a choice. But we'll talk later." Your manager flashed you an encouraging smile and waved goodbye.

You stumbled out of the car and grumpily squinted against the sunlight. The studio was quite large and was lined with clear windows, allowing the sunlight to shine through. Your hand stopped at the doorhandle. What if there's more fangirls? No...this is a place for students who are passionate about dancing, not a place where you follow around an idol.

You swung the door open and started to walk down the wide hall that was filled with modern art. Music faintly trickled from all sides of the building and into your ear. You slowly walked down the hall, peering thr

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Chapter 5: I haven't even finished the chapter yet but I just really wanted to say I'm so glad you made Hana stand up for herself right away. 1 because she's American and, 2 because now I seriously like her.
shereenvrm #2
adsfljkn SO CUTEE <3
Chapter 15: Omg! So good i really fell in love with these characters. Really loved the ending too! Woooow i really liked this. Thanks for finishing
ARMY_101 #4
Chapter 6: Too cute!!!!!!
Chapter 15: AWW THIS WAS SO CUTEEE!!!^^
miyuki143 #6
Chapter 8: so adorable <3
Chapter 6: WOOOOO the accidental kiss ;)
Tammil #9
Chapter 5: This story is really cute! I love it!