
Love Is Pain Right ?

              http://imageshack.c Om/a/img924/1294/DOvAdF.jpg







After the poor ilhoon took the pill... He was feeling very different and his head is not hurting anymore... 

Suddenly joon asked him if he's feeling better.. 

Ilhoon's PVO :

" OMG I feel so much better.. My head is not hurting anymore.. And suddenly I laughed a very awkward laughing... Don't know what the I'm I doing.. J : I know ur feeling better.. I actually take this pill when I'm mad and happy too. It really does make u feel very different and carzy also u can do stuff that u don't know what it doing.. Its really great. Suddenly I can feel myself getting duzy and I say wow I feel like I'm in wonderland hhhhhhh.. Yes yes I'm in wonderland.. Can u carry me. I was saying and doing very weird stuff. J : no I can't now do u wanna go home.. I : no no I don't wanna to home I wanna finishe working and put makeup.. J : what no no u must go home now. I yelled and say no get the out of here I'm going alone.. I actually didn't know what am I doing... Suddenly I pushed join and headed out of the restroom. ...            I was feeling very duzy oh god what's gone into me..suddenly join headed out of the restroom and and he didn't see me anywhere...... I was already out of the mall... I didn't know what the I'm doing... Suddenly I stand by a car and was thoughtless I just feel like I wanna through up.. Suddenly a man came up to me and say do u need help sir. Can I help u with something.. I didn't know what say to him.. I can think a little bit.. And my thoughts were coming back.. I was feeling very freacking weird abt myself.. Suddenly after couple seconds... I can remember who am I and what am doing here... Iwas very shocked abt myself... Suddenly I started I asking myself questions.. What the hell am I here.. Where is joon ?and what happened. That guy was still here and he say are u ok sir need help with something.. I can do my best to help u.. I thinker him and say. I'm just thoughtless abt what just happened..... Why am I here... Suddenly he say is there is anything u need help with..

I thanked him and say its ok I can leave right now... I was very afraid.. Suddenly I got up and run run run and didn't know where am I going... Suddenly I stopped somewhere and asked my self.. Where the heck am I going.. God I must go back to n...  No no plz god not again... 


Joon's PVO :

" I actually didn't see him anywhere.. I was going to look for him but then I had to take someone else's place.. And I was working.. I was very scared where did the he go.. When I find him I will teach him a lesson.. Abt how did the he go and leave me..."

Oh god if N knows he will get so ing angry and that what makes me crazy.. Gosh after i finish working I will go look for him. Oh no what have I done.. He don't know where to go or even how to come back.. him..." Suddenly it was getting dark and I finished working.. And headed out very quickly. I must bring him back.. First I look around the garage to check if he was there.. What I serious can't see him anywhere.. Gosh where did the he go.. I looked and looked everywhere. I was driving carefully so I can see him I actually was getting bored and I decided to go with out him I don't care.. 


He really did it and go with out him.. Poor ilhoon what's happening to him right now...

Gosh joon is a very evil guy who doesn't care alony abt him self....

Suddenly joon headed back to his home.. And saw N was standing outside is like he was waiting for someone... Well actually he is...

N's PVO :

" I really ing got surprised when I saw only joon by him self.. I quickly run up to him and say what the where is ilhoon??!!!! He laugh very awkwardly and say. Well ask him when he get back... And my eyes wind and feel like I can't speak any ing more what's the does he mean by that.. He was walking up to his home and I was standing couldn't do nothing what the is he talking abt what does he mean that when he comes ask him. Suddenly I yelled and run to joon and say... JOONNN !! U STUPID WHAT THE HAPPENED TO ILHOON HUH ANSWER ME NOW TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME... I was getting crazy and was very frustrated... I was hitting joon from the back on his shoulders... He yelled and say ... Stop stop I didn't do nothing to him.. I was staring at him with eyes wind and deep full of tears..              He say I didn't know what happened to him h went out of the mall.. And I didnt see him any ing where!! I shake my head I knew this wasn't true at all. what ever he's saying its obviously not ing true. Suddenly I speak and say u are lier joon. 


Bit he quickly ignored me and got inside his home. And I fall on the floor and I was very ing unbelievable.... What is he planing to do. I'm sure I'm really ing sure that he did something to him.. If he doesn't comeback I will kill joon or even know that he did something...                NO NO THIS IS NOT TRIE WHERE IS ILHOON. Suddenly kikwang  got out from his home and came running to me... He saw me knocking on joon's door and I was crying... He say N N what's wrong with u what's wrong ?!! He was very worried abt me. And he quickly stopped me and say what happened hyung plz tell me brother... 


I hugged him tie and say why why is he doing that to me why. What have I done. K : what happened plzzz tell me hyung plz...?!!! N : he lost ilhoin. K : WHAT?!! WHAT ARE U TALKING ABT SERIOUSLY HYUNG..!?? be serious where is ilhoon and who lost him... N : do u think IM ING PLAYING HE LOST HIM... HE DID SOMETHING TO ILHOON THAT JOON.. K : HE DID WHAT LOST ILHOON.

 BUT HOW. I yelled and say what the u mean how 

I don't know I don't know... I say that while I was crying.. 


Kikwang hold my arms and helped me to his home he really was worried abt me.. I just can't believe that ilhoon got lost I swear to god of joon knows anything by this accident I will definitely kill him...


 Poor little ilhoon didn't even get the chance to live a happy normal life...

Now an evil man is against him and what now.... He's already lost

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I_luvTHAwayUlie #1
This so good ill be checking out later your geat
Chapter 17: Oh my god
I love Vixx N stories so much.
Are you kidding me this is really great
I love N so much hes really great
YeolXXYeol #6
Chapter 13: Oh my baby N is so hot
YeolXXYeol #7
Illhoon and N is just crazy idea which I love
Chapter 2: NNNN. God he is so hot to be that way. Who is illhoon. He seems beautiful. Is he a singer. I'll check him out.
I've always wanted a story my way. That's what I've always wanted thank you.
MoonAndSun #10
Ahhh yes Illhoon That's what I'm talking about