Love it is pain without you ( the end )

Love Is Pain Right ?











Morning :

N's PVO :

Yesterday night I slept on the couch.. I didn't sleep with Kris.. Anyway I woke up first and headed to the bathroom for a shower.. I headed out quickly and dressed out.. I decided to make breakfast.. While I was at the kitchen Kris waked up and saw me.. Good morning he wins.. Good morning I said back without turning my back to him to see his face.. I don't know what's gone into me.. I just feel like Kris changed and he's not that same..I just get that kind of feelings don't know why.. K : are u making breakfast honey.. He said with sleepy voice.. Yes I replied back.. Go take showed so u can eat.. Ok I will he said. He headed inside as I putting the breakfast on the table.. Gosh should I talk to him abt why is he acting like that I know that he's not sick or something at all..

He headed out of the shower and we enjoyed our breakfast.. But honestly I'm little mad at him.. 

K : So N what should we do today.. I'm really bored.. I wanna hang out and never come back home.. What u mean I said curiously.. K : I mean me and u hang out together and stay out forever.. Are u crazy Kris ? Is this possible to not come back home?! K : N what what's wrong with u. I didnt mean it.. U just say it? K : yeah but I was using it as exaggeration N... I looked at him and said sorry... He got up and headed in the room.. Kris wait kris!? .. Why did I talked to him like that.. Gosh what's going on with me..? 

After couple hours I was sitting outside and don't know what should I do.. Now I don't have no friends I lost Joon and Kikwang... love Ilhoon..  Omg he can't get out of my mind.. I really love him a lot.  But I don't deserve him alt all.. 

Now he's living his great life without me.. And I think thats better for him.. But definitely not for me.. I still want him back.. While I was thinking and mind completely somewhere else.. I saw Kikwang coming out of his home..  Where is ilhoon then.. I stood up as he saw me coming closer to him.. Where the hell is Ilhoon then.. I walked to Kikwang as he stopped.. Kikwang I said.. Where are u going and where is Ilhoon huh? K : N why the heck do u care abt.. Actually this is my first time seeing Kikwang that mad abt something.. What happened to Ilhoon.. Kikwang answer me now.. Where the hell is Ilhoon.. K : N this is all ur fualt.. Ilhoon is in love with anther man.. And he's happy with him.. He's at his house now.. And u wanna know what's more.. I free with Ilhoon.. He find the guy that love him back not like u N.. And how dare u lie at him and tell him that ur Version and ur not... N I wouldn't ever though that ur like that.. Ur bad guy N ur dirty.. And Ilhoon won't be with a guy like u get it.. I raised my hand and slapped him really hard.. He looked at me with eyes full of anger.. I feel like he wanna kill me or some thing.. He looked at me in a disgust way and headed on his car and drove off.. I fall on the ground.. With hurt feelings.. Gosh I just wanna scream... I hate being alive.. What have I done what have done what have I done.. Oh no gosh help me plz.. I was very hurt and weak..


Kikwang's PVO :

While I was driving I feel like my body is on fire.. 

This is my first time I'm so frustrated like that.. Actually I was mad before N could do that.. But anyway how dare he do that to me.. I will never forgive him.. I'm really frustrated.. 

What Ilhoon and Hoobin doing now.. When I think abt it makes me so crazy seeing them together.. ! 


Ilhoon's PVO :

I was sitting and thinking abt the frist day i saw N.. And i wish i didnt see him..  While I was thinking hoobin came inside the room and he was holding something behind his back.. He wasn't here actually he came just now I guess.. H : hey baby.. Hi honey I replied back.. Is everything ok.. H : yes...yes.. Where were u bin.. H : somewhere and I brought u something.. What is it.. It was stak of red flowers.. I took them and hugged him.. Why bin ur love is enough for me.. He then smiled and kissed me very hard.. I thanked him again and hugged him.. Gosh I'm so lucky that I have him.. 

Ok I'm going to do the best lunch for u honey.. Ok he said I agree cause I'm really hungry.. Ok now u go take shower and I will make the lunch.. While hoobin was abt to head to the bathroom I stopped him and said.. Bin can we have the best night me and u today.. H : yes sure honey every night.. No wait I mean... This night I need u.. He smiled as he at me and headed inside the bathroom.. I blushed as he at me.. I'm going to make hoobin happy tonight no matter what.. He's the best boyfriend in the world and deserve to be happy and I will do my best tonight to make him happy. 

I started making lunch while hoobin in the shower.. I was enjoying the time and having fun a lot..  While making lunch.. Hoobin headed out of the restroom nekedly.. I screamed as I saw him like that.  Ahhh are u crazy?!! He hugged me while I was trying to get away from him.. YEH! I yelled.. 

I closed my eyes while I backed away from him..  Go put something on.. H : Whyy.. He grains.. Do u want me to kill u.. Hurry up put something cloth on go hurry what are u waiting for.?  H : aahh ur so bossy . he say that while going in the room.. I opened my eyes and smiled about what he did. Is he crazy to do that any way.. I went back to finished making lunch when Bin cane out of the room and set on the couch without saying any word omg is he mad.. He really seem to. I let go of anything I have in my hand and set next to him.. He actually didn't look at me.. He is mad.. Bin I groan.. Hey talk to me.. H : I don't wanna talk to u.. He cross his hands and turn his back to me.. He was acting like little kids.. And I love the way he act that he's mad.. Binny stop it.. H : Why should I... U didn't want to see me neked so now I'm mad.. Come on baby u know that I get shy and embarrassed.. Imnnot use to this thing.. So now are u mad I'm sorry honey..  H : not until u kiss me.. 

I kissed his beautiful lips and he said I except it apology.. And we hugged each other.. He helped me with lunch and we ate happily and don't have any problems.. I love hoobin and I know that he love me back no matter what..


Tonight :

It I'd the time to show hoobin that I love him a lot. And I will do anything to make him happy tonight.. He's for me and I'm for him.. I think we are beautiful couples.. Anyway hoobin is not here he went he said that he have some work that he need to finish.. I actually don't care I'm just worming up for this night.. I'm sure that I will do this.. This whole time I was waiting and waiting but he didn't come yet where the heck did he go.. I don't know how they can use those phones.. There is huge one in the lobby but I don't know how to use it.. Its hand hung up.. But I don't know what to do.. I dont even know why they made those things for.. I think its weird.. But u know what who ever made them they are brilliant people.. Cause when u need something u can use those things to help.. So I think its smart idea.. But now I don't know how to use it so now what should I do..

Anyway.. I set back down and waited for hoobin to come back.. 

Actually there was a surprise in the room.. I light up candles and red light with red flowers everywhere.. I know that I'm not good at these things at all but I kinda have an idea abt how to do this a romantic night.. I used to watch it in dramas.. After couple mints the door knocked but I was actually surprise because bin won't knock the door he would just come in quickly.. What happened.. Any way I got up to check who was at the door and I opened immediately..

Kikwang? I said with surprised face.. What happened is everything ok.. Come in.. 

He wasnt ok at all gosh what is wrong with him.. Kikwang what's wrong with u where did u came from.. Huh tell me.. K : I know that hoobin not here that's why I came to talk to u ilhoon.. I'm sorry abt everything that ur going to hear from me.. I apologize for everything but I can't stand it.. I need to tell u what's going on with me ilhoon.. Tell me kikwang ur really making me worried what's wrong what's happening to u..      K : I'm going to tell u everything bit promise me friar that u will not tell Hoobin.. What!? I said. But what's hoobin doing in the middle.. K : because this what I'm going to talk abt ilhoon.. Plz hurry cause I don't know what's going on and I'm abt to freak out kikwang tell me.. I won't tell him trust me its deal its a secret between me and u only ok.. K : ilhoon... I'm in love with hoobin.. WHAT ?!! I screamed with shocked feelings.. And don't know what's he was talking abt.. Is he joking or what.. K : no regrets plz let me finish and u can say what ever u want to say.. But let me finish first plz.. This can't be happening.. Anyway..

I was totally shocked and can't speak any more.. 

K : as I told u I'm in love with him.. At the first time u met me to him.. My heart opened for him and I totally thought that he's going to be my man.. This is the true love that I'm waiting for this whole years.. 

Days after days my I can't get him out of my heart and mind he was stack there and all I was thinking abt is him.. I even thought abt going to meet him again.. Or ask him on a date.. But after couple days I realized that u and him have something more then friends between u guys.. Until that day comes and he called me at night and we were talking me and him the whole night.. I was enjoying every second every mint he talks to me.. I felt like the world is great and fabulous..

After couple seconds I was abt to tell him that I'm in love with him.. When he spoke up first and said.. Is ilhoon next to u.. I said yes why are u asking for him he is sleeping.. No nothing he said just whisper in his ear and tell him that hoobin loves u a lot.. That's when I couldn't sleep at all agreed and close the phone.. 

U should feel the pain that I was in.. I cried very hard that no man can do.. 

I really got hurt I wish I die instead of getting hurt like that. 

I was really hurt too and didn't what this to happened.. I don't wanna see kikwang getting hurt.. Suddenly he cried and put his head on my shoulders.. I then hugged him and told him his ok. 

K : Ilhoon I don't want this to change anything between us or everyone.. I just wanted someone to talk to.. Plz ilhoon don't do nothing ok plz.. Tell me that it didn't change nothing.. Kikwang.. I said.. Ur not hurt honey.  Even if hoobin didn't liked u I want u know that I love u and I will always be.. Ok.. I'm here for u.. And I'm glade that u came and told me everything that u were keeping in ur heart.. And trust me that I will tell u my secret and everything that I wanna talk abt I'll make sure that ur the first persons who will be their for me.. 


He hugged me again and he said.. I have to go see next time ilhoon.. And thank u so much.. Why are u going honey.. I have to go do some work I'll see u next time.. And thank u for everything without u I would be lost.. I higfed him and walked him to the door.. He drove off and I was still shocked abt what just Kikwang told me.. I couldn't do nothing I don't even know what should I do.. Its unbelievable.. Kikwang really in love with my boyfriend. Should I tell him.. But I promised him that I wont ... I closed the door and I was banking and very hurt.. I set down and I was so crazy.. What should I do WHAT SHOULD I DOOO?!! AHHH.. 

After couple mints hoobin wasn't here yet.. 

I headed inside the room and destroy everything I did this earlier.. All I can say right now is that I hate being alive..  I lay down for couple seconds and remembered everything that Kikwang told me..


N 's PVO :

This whole night I headed for a walk.. 

When I came back home Kris was sleeping already.. And the same thing I didn't sleep with him I smelt on the couch.. While I was resting my body and try to sleep I remembered something weird.. The first day I came here and met Joon.. this .. Why am I freaking remembering him.. What the hell is going on with me.. Any way is ilhoon really have anther boyfriend.. Actually I can't stand seeing ilhoon with anther guy.  I'm just so frustrated.. And how dare I slap Kikwang.. I'm so idiot.. This all happening because of a hoe guy like me.. How can I leave an angle disappear it of my hands.. 

All I can say is that I'm dirty like Kikwang said.. 

But i wanna know something.. Why is Kikwang that mad.  He's not happy for ilhoon or what? I mean its really weird.. I just wanna meet ilhoon and talk to him.. I wish I can see him again.. I want him back so bad.. I love him I mean gosh its really obvious.. I'm in love with ilhoon and I don't think I will ever stop.. 

Tomorrow I need to talk to Kikwang no matter what and tell him that I wanna meet ilhoon.. I'm sure he will help me.. I closed my eyes and try to sleep and the last thing came on my mind is Ilhoon and I together.. I love u ilhoon and I know u do too..


Tomorrow :

This morning I woke up late because I slept late.. And whenni looked around I didn't see Kris anywhere.. Where the heck did he go.. I washed my face and headed outside to see Kris some where.. He was sitting outside and looking at joon's door... What the hell? Why is he looking over there.. Is he planing on doing something crazy..? Kris.? I said.. Getting his attention.. K : hey u wake up I missed u.. He was trying to kiss me when I backed away and said.. I...didn't...brush teeth yet.. Oh he nod.. Is everything ok kris.. K : yes yes of course.. Why where u looking at joons house.. K : oh my god come on N.. I look where ever I want to look.. If I look over there it doesn't mean that there is something.. Kris I was just asking.. K : well N don't ask because that really annoying me and u know that o don't like to much questions.. Pk what ever.. 

I headed in while Kris was standing next to the door.. 

I was very frustrated.. Why the hell would he talk to me like that.. I mean I didn't tell him anything.. He shouldn't be that ing mad.. To be honest I can't hand stay with Kris no more.. He's really going to make me hate my life whiches I am so.. But he won't let me be happy.. I'm sure abt that.. 

I mean me and Kris don't belong to each other.. 

I headed out of the both room and saw him sitting and waiting for me.. K : What's wrong with u N.. ? Why are u mad all of sudden huh? I didn't tell u nothing.. Why just wanna be mad like that.. I'm not mad.. I was trying to headed to the room when he said.. Ahh N ur so easy.. I stopped with surprised feelings I turn to face him and said.. What did u say? K : what? Kris what the hell did u just said.. K : heyy calm down I just said ur so easy.. I mean that u easy that's all.. I turn away and headed out.. I actually didn't wanna see his face anymore staying in one house together.. I actually don't wanna be around him anymore.. 

I walked to Kikwangs house and he opened the door for me..

Frist he was trying to close it when I stopped him and said I really wanna talk to u..  He was very angry.. And wanna kill me immediately... .. I really hate how am living.. 

Actually Kikwang didn't say nothing the whole time he was just listening with anger coming out everywhere.  So plz I need u to take me to see ilhoon.. I really wanna see him really bad.. K : that will never happen.. He say that while trying to close the door in my face.. Kikwang plz stop being like that.. I told u that I can't leave without ilhoon plz understand me.. K : really? Are u freaking serious.. Who choice kris that unknown man over ilhoon huh tell me who? Kikwang everything u say its really true but its not the time to talk abt right now.. I need to see ilhoon and talk to him before its too late.. Kikwang plz help me plz.. Ur the only person left in this world.. K : and who said that ur not late ur late already.... Huh u are late N u are.. 

Kikwang u need to tell me where does this boyfriend taker live at tell me now.. K : don't talk abt him like that or even ilhoon get it.. Don't and now plz out I don't wanna even see u or talk to u.. No plz I need to see him plz.. I say that while a hot tears drop on my cheeks.. Kikwang looked at me with hurt feelings and he was hurt abt something too.. 

K : N I can't do nothing no more.. Its to late for u and me.. 

And u know what I'm leaving tomorrow back to my state.. I'm not going to saty here anymore.. and if u have the time to see ilhoon and his boyfriend tell them good luck with it lives.. 

Kikwang don't do that plz don't.. What abt me.. What abt our friendship.  Where did it go..

K : really? Now u remembered ur friend who are friends.. I want u to know that our friendship is over N.. And good luck u too.. In ur life...            I headed out and tears were running down my face.. I didn't wanna lose kikwang.. No plz.. I'm losing everyone.. I can't handle this.. Suddenly the door opened of Joon's house and he saw me on the floor.. He came quickly and helped me up.. What the hell I said..? J : are u ok ? He said worrying.. Its not of ur ing business now get the hell out of here.. 

J : don't u ever talk to me like that.. I was trying to help u.. I don't need ur freaking help..suddenly while me and joon arguing Kris came out and saw us like that.. 

He came quickly and said.. What happened are u guys crazy.. Ur voices are so loud.. And u I told u to not get near N no more.. 

Actually I didn't even what to see those two faces at all.. 

While Kris was talking.

I left them alone and headed in the house.. K : N..N..N wait.. 

I headed in and close the door.. 

I opened the window to look at them.. Is he going to do.. I will not open this door for him.. He's lying to me.. Everybody is lying to me in this world.. Except one person.. Which is ilhoon.. He's the one who can understand me.. He knows what I want.. I wasn't him back I want ilhoon back to me..


Kris's PVO :

when...ur going to leave N alone huh? I was actually talking to him in a nervous way.. Gosh he's very hot.. Why my heart is racing.. This is my first time my heart race for someone.. I never felt that feelings before.. What the hell is happening to me.. J : When are u going to leave him alone huh.. What the hell do u mean huh?! I said leaving N alone.. 

J : I didnt know that ur so hoe like that..

U are .. I raised my hand and slapped him really hard.. HOW DARE U TALK TO ME LIKE THAT.?! he then got really angry and I can see that.. He punched me and knock me on the floor.. I got up quickly and punch him back.. He trapped me to the wall and try to punch me when he looked in my eyes and stared at me really deep geez and I can see it in his amazing eyes.. Suddenly he calm down and left my shirt.. He was to leave when I said.. U are the hoe one get it..?!! He actually didn't respond but headed in his home.. I then had this kind of weird feelings again abt him.. Why did he looked at my eyes like that is like there is something deep.. That he's keeping away from people.. Joon is a really strange guy and I must find out what he's up to.. Or what he's hiding.. 

I knocked the door for N to open for me.. 

He then opened and let me in when he saw me bleeding.. 

He asked me what was going on and why am I getting in his business.. 

N I'm getting in ur business because I care abt u..

No kris u don't he said surprising me.. What u mean. ? N : I mean that u don't love me at all Kris.. And ur changing very fast.. What happened?  What are u talking abt N I love u trust me.. N : why I couldnt trust u I just don't know.. U know what kris we shouldn't even be together at all.. This love is whole wrong.. 

Ok n.. I know where u up to.. SAY THAT U STILL LOVE ILHOON AND U WANNA BE WITH HIM.. SAY THAT THATS ALL UR FAULT.. AND SAY THAT I MAKE U DIRTY SAY THAT.. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT U MEAN OR WHAT U THINK .. SAY THAT I WAS A BIG MISTAKE IN UR LIFE.. N : STOP YELLING AT ME KRIS STOP.. U KNOW WHAT.. IM STILL IN LOVE WHIT ILHOON AND I WANT HIM BACK.. AND I WISH THAT I DIDNT HAVE U IN MY LIFE.. NOT JUST LOVING U.. BECAUSE OF U.. I DIDNT ONLY LOST ILHOONNI LOST KIKWANG TOO.. HES GOING TOMORROW AND NEVER COME BACK BECAUSE OF U.. I WISH I DIDNT SEE UR FACE KRIS U ARE A BIG MISTAKE.. IN MY LIFE AND I WISH I NEVER LOVED U.. U know what N I didn't tell u to love me.. Ur the one who preferred me over ilhoon  " your lover" as u say.. He's not urs anymore.. He's gone.. Stop daydream N.. Ur living in wonderland. Always what everything to be as u like and what everyone.. N I wanna tell u this.. That I didn't even loved u at all.. U were just a friend to me no more then that.. 

U just seem to easy to lie at that's why I did this.. 

I can see he was very shocked and his eyes wind as he heard me saying this.. 

N : GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT .. !! I HATE U MORE THEN EVERYTHING.. ALL OF U ARE ES.. He got me out as he was throwing my cloth and everything on the floor straight to my face.. I actually didn't do nothing but put my cloth in the bag and was abt to leave.. When I looked at joon's house for the last time.. 

I smiled and said nice meeting u.. I hope we can see each other again..

I started walking and walking and remembering every single thing that I said to N.. I actually didn't wanna lose him like that.. I mean he was pretty good.. 

He didn't do nothing to me.. 

I was doing all that because I wanted to get closer to Joon but I guess its too late.. I really need to leave.. 

I stopped somewhere and looked for my bank card.. I'm going to take all my money and leave back to my state... I shouldn't be here.. I'm really bad at having a boyfriend.. 

I actually loved N a lot but he was just a friend to me no more then that.. 

But hes good at having with.. He was hot.. I should have do it with him again before I broke up with him.. While I was standing by the machine and getting out my money.. Suddenly a man behind me said.. Where are u going Kris I was very surprised.. I turned around to chech who the hell was that and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing amni dreaming or something.. JOON?! I said with shocked feelings but I was super happy couldn't believe my eyes.. 

J : where are u going I said.. 

And why do u care.. I mean where did u came from..

 I mean how do u know that I was here..

J : I saw u and N fighting so I followed u.. I was wondering where are u going to go.. I mean u don't have no where to go.. So where are u going.. I'm going back to my state.. J : where are u going to do over there.. Maybe work.. I said.. Why don't u work here.. Ur going to spend this money for nothing think first.. 

I dont wanna stay here anymore.. 

J : come with me.. 

What the hell... Why would I ho with u.. 

I dont even know u.. So why would I trust u.. I don't trust no one in this world.. 

J : but ur going to trust me.. Follow me..

( to myself ) what the hell.. What does he want.. But I'm actually happy that he's here.. I wouldn't ever except him to be here ever.. Wow.. He really does seems rock.. I mean hes so beautiful I wish he's my boyfriend.. 

Anyway I followed him and I was wondering were is he going to take me..  Suddenly we entered his car and he drove off. I was actually talking a lot in the car.. But he don't listen to no word I say.. 

He was very bossy and he was putting loud music so he can listen to me.. 

It was actually lone drive suddenly we stopped by a huge house.. It seems very beautiful it even look like just from the outside.. Where are we going who live here and why did u brought me here huh? J : follow me..  He opened this huge home and told me what are waiting for come in.. What ? U want me to CME in.. Who is belong to.. This is my home.   Ur the first one who see my really home.. WAHT?!! ur lying who live here tell me stop lying.. What do u want Joon.. J : are u crazy I don't need anything.. All I want u to do is to come in and I will tell u everything.. Omg this is weird.. 

Anyway I followed him inside and I was scared actually.. He opened the light.. It was very crazy the house look like idols houses.. It was beautiful.. Everything seems very expensive.. Why doesnt he live here then.. 

Want smething to drink he said.. Going to the kitchen.. thanks..


He brought a can of beer and drink it.. Do u drink all the time I said.. He looked at me and didn't respond.. What the hell is the matter with u . if ur not going to answer me and tell me whats going on.. Then im going.. I was abt to headed out when he said.. My boyfriend die.. I looked at him and have no idea whats hes talking abt.. what !? What are u talking abt I said.. J : he looked at me with deep eyes and said.. My boyfriend die.. Ur boyfriend?! I mean who how why where.. I was asking all this questions... J : he had a car accident because of his father.. He wanted him to marry to a woman when he knew that his son was gay.. Who's ur boyfriend I mean why are u taling abt him now.. J : He used to love me more then anything in this world.. And so am i.. 

We used to live in here at this house.. 

he died I decided to go look for different home.. I dont wanna stay here and feel him everywhere here.. Everything in here remind me of him.. Every single thing.. 

After i find anther home i still cant forget him.. 

I used to cry day and night.. 

All I can see and hear and feel is my boyfriend.. After couple months i headed a friend he was really dirty.. He gave me some pills and he said this will make u feel better.. 

And after i took this pill i felt like the world was spinning around and around.. What is it drugs? I asked.. J : no not really i mean its kind of drugs pill buts not like im going to use to it and take it everytime.. Its just pill that makes u feel crazy and want everyrhing.. It makes u feel very good and happy.. 

So after this pill i slept with my friend.. And when i realized that i did that i was goingbto kill myself.. When i felt someone said no dont.. And i couldnt do it.. 

And after a year I started sleeping with other guys too. And now I'm really dirty and disgusting.. I'm bad guy kris on bad.. Suddy I can see his tears running down his face.. He was really hurt i can see.. Also he was drinking very fast.. I was actually shocked and surprised at the whole thing i dont onow what should i do.. Should yell at him or feel sad for him or do what.  

I then took the beer away from him throw it away..

He was actually crying with his head down..  He was so sad and crying really hard.. He really did loved his boyfriend.. Joon I said.. So did u brought me here.  He looked up at me and said.  I brought u here because u loon exactly like my boyfriend everything of u remained me of him.. Even ur face even ur mouth everything.. He was beautiful just like u kris.. I was actually surprised and i feel really sorry for him.. I just don't know what should I do.. 

I quickly grapped him and hug him very tie.. Omg I feel very peaceful.. Hosh his worm arms around me feeling very good.. He actually hugged me back too.. 

And he started crying like a little kid lost his mom.. Shhh I said.. Everything will be ok Joon I would ever though that u have those kind of problems.. Joon can I ask u something while looking in his face.. J : what? Did u stopped taking the pills.. Or are u still taking them huh tell me plz.. J : I have stopped them already.. Really ?! I said happily.. And hugged him again.. I didn't want to stop hugging him at all.. He just was so hot and beautiful and everything.. 

Suddenly joon pushed me away and he said ok now.. Do still wanna go back to N or what.  Tell me.. What are u kitting no I don't wanna go back to him.. I told u that I'm going to leave this state.. 

And why did I even listen to u and came with u.. 

J : I'm really relaxed that I talk to u Kris.. I was keeping this secret for years and no one know except u.. And why did u trust me that much huh..? I'm not what an angle like u think .. I'm bad guy too. I have lied at boys too.. I had a lot with guys.. And N was my fifth guy that I had with.. I mean I'm not good Joon so don't trust me that much.. 

I don't care he said.. 

And ur going to stay here ur not going anywhere.. 

What u mean.. U don't know me how come ur going to make me live with u.. I mean u have anther home.. J : who said I will live with u.. Ur going to stay here until u find anther home.. And we can be friends.. He smiled and headed out.. 

Joon is really weird.. 

JOON.. JOON!! I yelled.. But it was to late..

He headed out and left me alone.  

Am I really going to stay in Joon's house oh my gosh.. I was very happy and I headed up stairs to look the bed room.. It was a huge bed room.. Omg. How can he own this beautiful home.. I'm so happy that I'm staying here.. Yes yes.. I said jumping up and down.. 


Night :

Ilhoon's PVO :

I was laying down all day long.. Didn't want to get up at all.. I was so weak.. And hoobin wasn't here yet.. The pillow was wet because I was crying all day.. I was weak and tired and don't wanna do nothing.. I was crying each time remembering what Kikwang say.. He love Hoobin and I must let them be together no matter what.. I know that hoobin love me to be honest I love him to bit not like I loved N.. N still on my Brain and I don't think he will be out never.. Suddenly the door opened of the outside and I can feel foot steps.. After a while the voice was gone.. I headed out to see what's going on.. I opened the bed room door and I saw hoobin sitting on the couch with his head down and he was subbing and crying very hard.. 

Bin?! I said while walking closer to him.. He then grabbed me and hugged me very tie.. And he was all crying.. Bin what's wrong with u.. Tell me what's wrong.. 

He couldn't speak at all.. 

Binny honey take break calm down and tell me what's happening.. 

I was actually very shocked to see him like this.. Why is he crying.. I mean did Kikwang tell him something.. I don't think so because he's the one who tell me to not tell him anything.. Bin what's worng..?! He then calm down a little bit and he started to explaining what's going on.. B : when I go there to take money from the bank.. The manager that fired me he he said that.. Even if u still fired u still need to pay us that money that got stolen.. I was very shocked abt what he was saying.. 

I dont have that much of money to pay the bank.. Anyway..he said if u don't have them now with u.. We are going to take the car and the house from u.. 

I was really shocked abt what bin was saying.. 

I really wanna help him but how.. 

I dont have no money or nothing.. 

I'm the one whos living with him.. Gosh what should i do now..

 I hugged him and said.. Its ok we will go and live at kikwangs house.. He then looked at me and said..No ilhoon.. I can't do that.. I can't.  I'm the one who should spend on u.. I don't no one spending at us.. 

Tell me now ilhoon would u wanna still live with me if I'm like that.. Even kikwang won't be here.. He send me a message saying that he will leave take care and take care of ilhoon too.. I looked at him with shocked eyes and said what?! Ur kitting right?! And is N going with him?!! Hoobin looked at me with shocked eyes and he said who's N.. what did I just did.. What ahh N..No one.. He got up and said.. Ur ex right? Then got inside the room and I followed him immediately.. Bin..bin wait.. 





TO BE HONEST I DID LOVED U BIT I LOVE N TOO.. U ARE RIGHT.. Mr. Hoobin.. Hoobin was very shocked on every word I said.. H : ilhoon we should.. I spoke up first and said.. We shouldnt be together.. 

We really dont belong to each other.. 

U would want to live with a man who love u back right..? And kikwang is the one.. We were both crying and dont wanna live each other but we really dont belong to each other.. And we know that..

We hugged each other very tie and we were waiting for the time to splet.. He said that they will take it in 2 days.. 

I lean in and kissed his beautiful lips.. He kissed me back and said if u get back to ur boyfriend plz dont forget me as friend.. 

I will never do I said.. 

We took shower together and headed to sleep..

But actually hoobin couldn't so am I.  

Suddenly he picked up his phone and called Kikwang.. 

Kikwang picked up immediately.. 

I didn't actually care.. I hope they will love each other..just like how I want them to be..

H : Kikwang.. 

Dont leave plz..

K :WHAT?!  why. 

H : because I say so.. I dont want u to leave plz.. 

K : I was very surprised abt what he was saying..

Did ilhoon told him..?

H : ur not leaving right.. 

K : H..hoobin..I...have to go..

I can't stay.. 

H : but im telling u to stay that means stay.. Plz dont leave.. Dont leave me u too.. K : what do u mean hoobin..? I mean me and ilhoon we broke up.. K : what why how.. I mean are u guys crazy.. H : no wait.. We are actually happy abt it.. We dont belong together kikwang.. We dont.. Ilhoon still love his boyfriend.. And I know that from long time and I shouldn't take him from his boyfriend.. 

And also ilhoon told me that ur in love with me..

So and I'm ok with it and I dont want u to leave.. 

Kikwang I love u too u know.. 

K : I was completely shocked.. 

did ilhoon told him?.

H :  kikwang we can be together.. But actually to be honest I will forget ilhoon.. If u want first let's know each other more and then we can fall in love I mean.. I'm really interested in u know that right.. 

But now all I need u to do is to wait and dont go.. Also I need u to give me that guy.. N ilhoons boyfriend.. 

He gave him the number and they were talking all night.. And they are already falling in love.. 


After One day :

Morning :

This moring hoobin wake me up by a kiss on my cheeks.. 

And we ate breakfast and he said I'm taking u somewhere for the last day.  

We actually headed out in his car but he put black clothing on my eyes and he said.. I'm doing a big surprise with out u.. 

When we headed there he opened the car for me and opened my eyes when I opened them.. I saw N in front of me.. I was very shocked and didn't know what to do.. Also kikwang and hoobin were holding hands..

They were smiling at each other.. 

Anyway.. N told me everything and he said that he will never lie at me and let's start new life.. 

At frist I didn't agree when I told him u need to tell me the truth.. If he slept with a guy before and he said yes and explain everything for me.. 

At the end when hoobin told me to forgive him and I just did.. 

I hugged him and I was very happy that I'm really home.. Now I know what's home means..


Kikwang and Hoobin time.. 

K :when he entered my home I feel like it was a dream or something.. 

K : do... U...wanna...drink... Something..  H : sure anything.. 

K : I handed him a cup of juice and he drink it all.. Gosh he was very hot . just starting at him makes me off.. 

H : So kikwang when did u started falling in love with me huh..  So ur not easy.. K : Yeah stop ahh.. I mean. I dont know why are u asking that.. H : because u know what I'm already in love with u.. U know what before even me and ilhoon would be together I was keeping a eye on u but dont tell ilhoon that ok.. I hit him with the pillow and we started mocking around.. 

SuddeSuddenly he kissed me and hugged me tie..  

I hugfed him and couldnt believe myself.. 

I whsiper in his ear I love u.. He kissed my head and said thank u.. For loving me I love u too.. We smiled and kissed each other.. 


After 10 days :

We actually knew each other better me and kikwang.. And everything was going great and everyone is happy in their lives..

Untile this day .. I wanted kikwang so bed.. I actually live him a lot by now and dont wanna leave him.. 

I feel like he's for me and no one else own him.. 

I was doing a great night with red lights and red flowers on the floor..

He was taking a shower when I did all this.. 

WheWhen he headed out with towel around his amazing wist.. I pulled it off from behind and kissed him very hard.. He groind in my mouth and held me very tie.. I want u I whispers in his ear.. 

We were kissing tell we headed in the room.. He broke the kiss and said.. When did u do all this I smiled and said just now.. We go back kissing again.. And he took off all my cloth with really y moves.. And he said.. I want u on top.. I kissed his lips down till his stomach.. He was enjoying every moment that I do.. Then I take in my my moth all the way in.. Aahh he moan.. Aah .. Yes ahh.. Do u like it I said.. Yes keep going.. I'm going to give u something better.. I enters my carefully in.. Because I know that he's not use to this.. AHHH he moans hardly.. I'm sorry baby I'll go careful on u.. 

He then pulled me all the in and he said .. me.. Dont go easy on me.. 

me hard he said surprising me by his reaction.. He was so hot.. And couldn't handle it anymore.. 

I than started going in very hard and fast until we together.. We smiled.. And I said do u wanna take shower.. K : u know what I can't stand up.. Then I will carry u.. I actually carried him and we were kissing all the way to the bathroom.. We actually had in the shower too..


Joon and Kris time.. 

K : I cant handle stay like that without joon the lat day he came to see if I want something and he kissed me while I was sleeping and I could forget him at all.. I'm actually in love with joon a lot.  Very much..

I dressed up and walked all the way where joon live.. 

I got there when it was dark all ready..

I knocked the door and my legs were very weak and couldn't walk anymore..

I knocked the door and joon was surprised that I'm here.. I fall right away in his hands.. 

He got me in and cave me water and he was massaging my feet he was actually so worried abt time a lot.. 

 I hugged him and said.. Are u crazy to live me like that.?! I love u with tears running down my face.. Joon plz say that u love me back I swear this is my first time to fall for a someone.. I loved u plz dont break my heart I love u plz love me back.. 

J : I love u kris i loved u too.. That's why I couldn't go to see u because every time I see u I fall more and more in love with u.. 

I lean in and kissed him hard on the lips.. He kissed me back and ripped his shirt off.. I break the kiss for moment and looked at his amazing abs.. I tauch them and lean in and them he was and want more.. He then held me and kissed my forehead.. I live u he said.. And this is my friar time saying this word to someone.. 

I love u too I said kissed him very hard..

And then I said.. Joon I dont have that much of abs like u are u still going to love me.. He smiled and said of course not.. With jock.. He then kissed me again and carried me to the room.. He took his cloth off and he was very big.. He then said ur going to love it.. I am already I said making him smile.. 

He kissed me and I whisper in his ears I want u inside me plz.. 

After couple of hours we slept happily and we are going to happy for ever.. 


Ilhoon and N time :

I was waiting for Ilhoon to come out of the shower.. When he got out.. I jumped at him and missed him very hard.. He was surprised..  What's wrong he said.. 

Ilhoon.. I am waiting for this moment for long time.. Omg u should see what happened.  Without u I was lost in darkness ilhoon.  I love u and I want u so bad that if u still want me.. And wanna have to night.. 

He throw his towel away and he said I love u and I want u.. I lean in kissed his soft lips.. 

He kissed me back in hard way.. He was very hot.. I broke the kiss.. And pulled his hand I pushed him on the bed and I said I'm going to do the first move and u just going to be on the top.. I smiled and couldn't believed that ilhokn is here.. I ripped his cloth off and his nibbles.. I was  

Gosh he was very hot..

I then  took of his pants and him off. 

He then pushed me back again and did the same thing.. Gosh it feel is good..I : Can u me already.. I said.. N smiled and his entered inside me and I told him to go hard and fast.. He was going really hard and fast until blood came out of my but hole.. He was apologizing for doing that we took shower and headed to sleep..before we would close our eyes N said.. U know what with out u I can't be alive I wasn't relaxed with out u.. Love will be always pain without u in my life.. I kissed him and we said I love to each other and headed to sleep happily..


5 days later.. :

We were having fun at Kikwangs house all of us.. We are friends again and nothing will ever split us.. 

Hoobin worked to help Kikwang.. 

And they are so happy together..

And are we.. 


Thank u guys I hope u like it.. This is the end of N and Ilhoon story..

I hope u injoy it . 

Sorry for my mistakes.. I dont know that much of English.. I will lean and bring more powerful stories.. 

I love u guys..

There will be a lot stories more.. Plz follow.. 

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I_luvTHAwayUlie #1
This so good ill be checking out later your geat
Chapter 17: Oh my god
I love Vixx N stories so much.
Are you kidding me this is really great
I love N so much hes really great
YeolXXYeol #6
Chapter 13: Oh my baby N is so hot
YeolXXYeol #7
Illhoon and N is just crazy idea which I love
Chapter 2: NNNN. God he is so hot to be that way. Who is illhoon. He seems beautiful. Is he a singer. I'll check him out.
I've always wanted a story my way. That's what I've always wanted thank you.
MoonAndSun #10
Ahhh yes Illhoon That's what I'm talking about