Ethereal (Jungkook) Part 1

Angels & Demons [Hiatus]

Angels never attack, as infernal spirits do. Angels only ward off and defend. - Emanuel Swedenborg, “Arcana Coelestia”.

“Are you sure you don’t want a ride home?” your boss asks locking the door of the small café.

“Yeah, it’s fine, I’ll catch the last bus if I leave right now, see you tomorrow” you hurriedly said your goodbyes on your way to the back door.

You strode to the stop, where you saw the bus filling up with people, so you started running desperately, hoping to arrive on time, but you missed it just by seconds, the bus already leaving you there, panting, tired and angry at the driver who couldn’t wait for a damn minute more.

“” you muttered under your breath, resorting to walk home because the subway would take too much time.

Despite the ungodly hours it should be fine as long as you walked big and illuminated streets, right? There was nothing to be afraid of.

You were almost there, you could make out your apartment building in the distance, so you unconsciously started walking faster, passing by brightly illuminated convenience stores and dark alleys, but as you were moving past one of those alleys, you were snatched into the darkness.

You felt your back hit something cold and hard. A wall? You were disorientated and dizzy, and your head started to pound due to the blow.

“Not bad, uh?” A man’s voice spoke near you.

You made an effort to focus, and you could see two men standing before you, one of them was pinning you against the wall while the other was simply staring at you.

“What do you want?” You managed to utter.

The two started to laugh, a wolf-like laugh that made you shiver in fear.

“I don’t think you really want to know, gorgeous” the second man said in a menacing tone, sliding a nasty finger along your jawline.

“What about me? Do I want to know?” A third voice sounded from the entrance of the alley; the shape of a boy outlined by the dim light of the street lamps.

“Go away, this is none of your business” the man who was holding you countered, taking a step in the direction of the voice, in an attempt to scare the boy, who didn’t budge.

“Please, leave her alone and I won’t report you to the police” the stranger added, calmly, approaching him.

“I told you to go away when you still could” the same man growled, pouncing on him.

And then everything happened way too fast for you to process, but with just two well-aimed punches he had the two offenders knocked out cold on the ground.

“Are you okay?” he turned to you, not daring to get too close to you.

“Y-yes…” you stuttered, still in shock.

“I won’t harm you, my name’s Jungkook, what’s your name?” he got a little closer, carefully as if not to scare you.

“______” you answered, this time less nervous.

Your mind was finally taking everything in, acknowledging the fact that he had just saved you and only wanted to help you.

 “That’s a nice name” Jungkook kindly said, “do you perhaps live near here?” you simply nodded, “do you want me to walk you there?”

“Yes, please” you took his offer right away, because you were still way too afraid and because of the throbbing pain on your head.

Jungkook nodded, gesturing for you to go first. He silently walked you home, taking glances at you every now at then to make sure you were okay. As soon as you closed the door behind the pair of you, you felt finally secure and able to breath normally again.

“Does your head hurt?” he asked, concerned.

“Yes, a little…” you admitted, touching it where it had collided against the wall and wincing.

“Don’t touch it!” Jungkook grabbed your hand to stop you, “you look pale, why don’t you sit and I take a look at it?”

You nodded, taking your shoes of and shuffling to your couch “there’s a first aid kit and painkillers in the bathroom, I should go get it” you spun to go there but once more Jungkook stopped you, saying that he’ll get it.

“Here” Jungkook came back with it all plus a glass of water that he gave you with the pills.

“Thanks” you accepted it.

“I’m going to take a look at your head, if that’s okay with you” he asked for your permission, to what you only turned to show him the injured part.

You felt his fingers carefully brush you hair aside to reveal the skin underneath “it’s nothing bad” Jungkook spoke after a few minutes, “you’ll have a bump for a while but that’s it.”

“Good” you ce more to face him, fixing your hair, and just then you finally were able to observe the stranger before you in your living room.

Under the light of your lamp Jungkook looked angelical, with the hair fashionably disheveled and round dark eyes; he was pretty tall yet he looked pretty young, and was carrying a rather big backpack you noticed.

“How old are you?” you bluntly questioned, taking him by surprise.

“Old enough” Jungkook answered, choosing his word carefully.

“What does that mean?” you pressed him, because you weren’t sure how illegal was to have a minor on your house.

Jungkook sighed “I’m of legal age if that’s what you’re worried about.”

You simply nodded, amazed by the way he seemed to easily understand you, thinking your next question “and where do you live?”

“Actually… I don’t have a place to stay yet” Jungkook admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

“Did you run away from home perhaps?” you inquired, pointing to his luggage.

“Yeah, well, things were kind of… complicated, and I thought it’s be better to start fresh somewhere else.”

You contemplated his words “Then I guess you can stay here for the night, unless complicated means you killed someone and had to run away” you joked.

“Of course not!” Jungkook protested, seemingly offended by your words, but he didn’t really have to prove you his innocence because, somehow, you were sure the boy would never ever hurt anyone.

“I know, it was just a joke” you said and he calmed down, “but I’m serious about you staying here, this is a fairly comfortable sofa-bed” you patted the furniture you were sat on.

“You don’t really mind?” Jungkook asked, a hopeful glint on his eyes.

“Jungkook” you said his name for the first time and it made you feel strangely good, “you saved me just now, of course you can stay here, don’t worry” you smiled.

It turned out that Jungkook not only didn’t have a place to stay, he also didn’t have a job nor did know to live on his own and, given that he had saved your life, you decided to help him live on this harsh world. So you helped him get a job in the small downtown cafe were you worked at, because one of you coworkers was leaving and, when it became clear that the two of you would be roommates for a long time, you even found a new apartment with two rooms to share. Little did you know that Jungkook wasn’t a mistreated, homeless boy but a young angel that had just started to live among humans.

A/N: So I kind of decided to post the first part for each member and then continue updating them, and it's Jungkook's turn! Hope you liked it and comments are always welcomed ^^

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I'm so sorry for taking forever updating, I'm just having a lot of things to do and a bad case of writer's block, but I'll promise I'll make it up to you!


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Chapter 12: Good luck to your studies! ❤ We'll patiently wait for an update~ ❤
Chapter 9: lmao that ending line at chapter 9 tho xD xD that just reminds me of the skit bts did for like a show i think....? xD
Hyoseong-ah #3
Hyoseong-ah #4
Chapter 10: "You sat on the counter, nibbling your nail, gaining a smack on your hand because Jin hated when you did so" omfg buy he was so casual about it, I'm dying lmao
Hyoseong-ah #5
Chapter 9: AAAAH I love all of the stories, specially when Jimin's was connected to Taehyung's omg
And Kookie's is so adorable, I'm dying *///^///*
Yoongi's is funny and cool, I seriously love how you write his personality. It's all so perfect, can't wait for the next chapter :3
Chapter 8: Yehet! Please update!!
Chapter 7: Please update author-nim
Chapter 6: YEAYY ITS SUGAAA! ><
((Theres smthg weird bout ma phone.. its suppose to be a long comment i gave but theres non duh-_-.)) Again.. its JIMIN!!! WAAA!! No worry author-nim. Bcause JIMIN is my second bias after all huehuehuehue.. This a good intro for jimin and i smiling (again like an idiot). MOAR! (More!) Update author nim. ^_^ good luck for your writing.
Chapter 3: New new new member.. hewhew.. SUGAA!!