Eternal (Taehyung) Part 1

Angels & Demons [Hiatus]

If Satan could love, he’d stop being evil -  Saint Teresa of Avila

As a general rule, humans can’t tell apart an angel or a demon from a common human but there’s a minority, few gifted people, who can see them for how they truly are. Like you, who inherited the gift from your grandmother.

Since you were little you were able to see things no one else could notice. Faint grey people who was barely part of this world, a person with a bright aura and a pair of wings made of pure light or people with a dark aura and wings made of the deepest darkness. When you were old enough you learned what they were: ghosts, angels and demons, supernatural creatures who weren’t only part of tales and myths, they were real, and you had to learn how to live while knowing all of this, dealing with the scepticism and all.

Your whole body became rigid as soon as you set a foot on your apartment, there was something in there and you could sense it, meaning it wasn’t human, most likely a spectre asking for help to find the tunnel.

You closed the door with a sigh and proceeded to the source of the sensation. You were surprised to find out it wasn’t a ghost, no, it was a solid figure with two black wings cascading from his shoulder blade, who came to face you, sensing your presence in the room, looking at you with his two red eyes gleaming in the darkness. A demon. You switched the light on frantically, revealing the rest of him.

“Taehyung!” You yelled, half annoyed half relieved to see it was him. “What are you doing here? And why are you bleeding? You’re getting everything covered in blood!”

Your demon friend gave you an apologizing smile, his hand pressing the wound on his shoulder, totally exposed due to his ripped shirt.

“Could you maybe help me?” He asked you with a hint of pain in his voice.

You hurried to fetch the first aid kit and patch him up. There was only one thing capable of hurting a demon: an angelic sword, and you were pretty sure who the culprit was.

“Jimin?” You questioned, bandaging it after stopping the bleeding, he didn’t need antiseptic because it was impossible to become infected, he was a demon after all, they were the cause of diseases, not the ones to catch them.

“Yeah, he caught me off guard this time, but I managed to get him bad too.” He replied smugly.

“But you still didn’t kill him, huh?”

“It’s been too many years now, I wouldn’t know how to live without fighting him once in a while.” He explained, shrugging and making a face, he’d forgotten he was injured.

“You two have a strange relationship.” You replied with a half-hearted smile.

It was normal for a demon to fight an angel and the other way around, it was their nature, but it usually was a fight to the death, unlike those two who had been fighting each other for centuries now, like old enemies or old friends.

“Well, it’s not stranger that my relationship with you, isn’t it?” He commented with a bright smile, making his way to the kitchen and leaving you to clean up all the blood from the couch.

You nodded, silently agreeing, as the memory of how you met him came to your mind. You were about seven at that time and were playing in the park with some friends when you spotted him watching from the side. Then you thought he was old (but he looked like he was in his twenties, the same age he appeared now because demons don’t grow old), and old man with a black aura looking at you, but he looked strangely amiable and cute, so you approached him despite knowing very well that you shouldn’t talk to strangers and asked him about his wings, something you had always been curious about, and he kindly explained to you that he was a demon, not surprised at all that you were able to see his real essence. After that day he continued to visit you from time to time and talk to you.

The day came when your grandmother explained everything to you, about the angels and the demons, about how you couldn’t be part of that world because you were human and that you shouldn’t implicate with demons because they were wicked and cunning, only using humans on their own benefit. And it hurt you, deeply, because you were far too attached to Taehyung who had seen you grow up for years, had he been doing that with a hidden purpose? So the next time you met up with him you told him to leave you alone, that you didn’t want to be friends with him anymore, but that didn’t discourage him. He said that he was honest with you, that he didn’t have any dark reason to be friends with you, that he simply found you interesting and amusing because of your gift and because he was bored. And you believed him because, contrary to what most people think, demons hardly ever lie, they know how to make the most of any situation anyhow.

And so far you two had maintained your friendship (unknown to your grandmother of course) with him showing up whenever he felt like it and you knowing that the rest of the time he was a merciless demon who likes to seduce women and deceive men to steal their souls, contributing to make this world a little more chaotic.

You shook off those thought out of your head. He was Taehyung, the best friend you ever had, demon or not, that wasn’t relevant.

“I hope you’ve made one for me too.” You said pointing to the sandwich he was devouring.

You disposed of the blood-stained cloths and took a seat across him at the kitchen table to eat the sandwiched he had left for you.

A normal person only could see a young man in his twenties (the age you were now) with blonde hair and dark eyes, but you could see through that, you could spot the creature who had been living among the humans for centuries, under different aspects and names (though you could probable follow his trail in mythology and history like many other demons and angels).

“So how have you been doing?” He asked, with that quadrangular smile that made him look like a cute little kid, distracting you from your thoughts.

You told him about what was going on in your life, your studies, your part-time job, that annoying ghost in the neighbourhood who kept pestering you to help her even though you weren’t able to and the rest of your trifles, while he listened to you like you were the most interesting thing in the world, which you were pretty sure you weren’t, but he simply enjoyed listening to your voice, the way you narrated your life for him.

“Are you going to stay?” You asked when you were done and the silence had settled in the room.

“Yeah, for a couple of days, until I’m fully healed. If you don’t mind.” He added. He was always considerate with you.

“I don’t.” You assured him. “It’ll be fine to have a roommate for a while, also you won’t be an extra cost, so yeah, you can take the couch but please let me sleep.”

Demons, and angels (they’re more similar that they’d like to admit), don’t need to sleep or eat, but they can if they want to, like Taehyung who loved the food, especially strawberries.

“Will do, don’t worry.” He smiled again.

You smiled back, pleading to any God or Goddess out there, that he couldn’t hear with that great hearing of his the way your heart was beating just at the thought of having him over for a couple of days, because ever since you started to feel this way towards him you knew you couldn’t allow yourself to fall into it, because he was a demon and loving wasn’t part of his nature, you should keep this in mind.

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I'm so sorry for taking forever updating, I'm just having a lot of things to do and a bad case of writer's block, but I'll promise I'll make it up to you!


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Chapter 12: Good luck to your studies! ❤ We'll patiently wait for an update~ ❤
Chapter 9: lmao that ending line at chapter 9 tho xD xD that just reminds me of the skit bts did for like a show i think....? xD
Hyoseong-ah #3
Hyoseong-ah #4
Chapter 10: "You sat on the counter, nibbling your nail, gaining a smack on your hand because Jin hated when you did so" omfg buy he was so casual about it, I'm dying lmao
Hyoseong-ah #5
Chapter 9: AAAAH I love all of the stories, specially when Jimin's was connected to Taehyung's omg
And Kookie's is so adorable, I'm dying *///^///*
Yoongi's is funny and cool, I seriously love how you write his personality. It's all so perfect, can't wait for the next chapter :3
Chapter 8: Yehet! Please update!!
Chapter 7: Please update author-nim
Chapter 6: YEAYY ITS SUGAAA! ><
((Theres smthg weird bout ma phone.. its suppose to be a long comment i gave but theres non duh-_-.)) Again.. its JIMIN!!! WAAA!! No worry author-nim. Bcause JIMIN is my second bias after all huehuehuehue.. This a good intro for jimin and i smiling (again like an idiot). MOAR! (More!) Update author nim. ^_^ good luck for your writing.
Chapter 3: New new new member.. hewhew.. SUGAA!!