Eternal (Taehyung) Part 4

Angels & Demons [Hiatus]

“And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you.”

Taehyung never thought he could get that attached to a mortal, not even in his wildest dreams. Sure, demons often got involved with humans, but falling in love with them? That was impossible. Yet, there he was, mourning one of them, regardless of being fully aware that this was going to be the only possible end from the beginning.

He walked away silently, without anyone noticing and not bothering to look behind, why would he? She was gone, like the ones who were crying for her now will be one day, like all the humans he had ever met died.

A soft sigh escaped his lips. What could he do now? For the past years she had been the centre of his life, his safe place, his everything. Taehyung looked at the cloudy sky -she always hated the rain- , and wondered, not for the first time, how he let himself get that deep in, it was the most stupid thing he had ever done, and Taehyung had a long list of crazy and stupid things in all his years on Earth.

However, he couldn’t really complain, after all it was him who accepted her by his side and it was her, out of the two, the one who had given her whole life to him, even when for Taehyung those years were nothing, just like a short holiday. And, truly, being with her was like that, it was a new adventure every day, Taehyung couldn’t remember one day in which he felt bored with her, and for a creature like him boredom was the worst of illness, he felt really grateful for that.

“I see your little human companion is dead” a voice startled him and there weren’t a lot of creatures capable of that.

Taehyung took a defensive stance, trying to locate the source of the voice, “Namjoon?” The person revealed himself, waving at him casually while leaning against a tree. “What are you doing here?”

Namjoon shrugged, never losing his aura of coolness “I was curious about how you were doing.”

“I’m doing just fine, thanks” Taehyung answered, annoyed, turning to leave because he was sure Namjoon was about to give him a lecture of some short, something the older demon was rather prone to.

“You’re not” Namjoon stated, moving at the normal speed of the demons to block him from walking away. “The first time it’s always the hardest, believe me, I know, but with time you’ll forget her, there are plenty of interesting humans out there to entertain yourself.”

Taehyung crossed his arms before him, averting his gaze because he was reluctant to talk with the other about his feelings.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to talk, just… don’t do anything stupid, like Anzu did, please” Namjoon said, to which Taehyung only nodded and the older left him with a pat on his shoulder.

Anzu was an old demon, or rather an angel when they still were that, one of the first ones to come to Earth and also the first one to get attached to a mortal, so much that when the human died Anzu tied his spirit to his own essence. But ghosts are not happy in the material world, and with time the spirit forgot everything becoming a wandering ghost, detached from everything. After that, Anzu, crazy and desperate, killed himself and that was one of the things that started the fall of the angels.

But Taehyung was not Anzu, he wasn’t going to make the same mistake.

*             *             *

Taehyung wasn’t sure how many years had passed since then, but he still remembered her and that’s why he recognized her, even though she looked different and had a different name. His first thought was that he must be crazy and was imagining things, so he went to see Namjoon.

“You’re not going crazy” the old demon stated as soon as Taehyung finished exposing his problem.

“What is it then?” Taehyung inquired.

“Easy, human souls are indeed immortal, they exist in an immutable cycle of life and death, so when a human die his soul reincarnates in a new body, then lives this new life, dies and so on. Each body, each life, is different, even their soul change depending on how they live but in essence, they’re the same person.”

“So…it’s her? Just with a different cover? Like when we change our appearance?”

“Yeah, it’s similar to that,” Namjoon agreed, “but the weird thing is that it’s exceptional to find the same person twice, even for a demon, you know?”

“What do you mean?” Taehyung leaned over the table, interested.

Namjoon smirked “I mean that this one must be your soulmate, or else you’re really crazy.”

*             *             *

It turned out that Namjoon was right, which wasn’t really strange in his opinion, but Taehyung couldn’t help but be amazed by this trick that fate, or God, or whatever was playing on him, to give him a mortal soulmate to find again in every lifetime.

There are lives in which Taehyung fails to find her because her life span is so short that he’s unable to; then there are the ones when Taehyung swears she recognizes him, a faint glint of familiarity in her eyes, like a blurred image out of a dream; other times he has to settle for watching her from afar even if it hurts him; a few times he had to win her over; but his favourites are the ones when he gets an early start.


It was a warm Saturday morning in which Taehyung was able to sense the proximity of summer. The air smelt of nature and people’s barbecues, and it was filled with the joyful voices of families spending a day out. Suddenly a stray ball rolled to his feet, promptly followed by a small girl with long dark hair. She stared at him, ignoring the ball and he was suddenly certain that it was her.

“Excuse me, sir, but why do you have black wings?” she asked pointing to them.

Taehyung smiled and kneeled to her level “It’s a secret, but I will tell you if you promise me to keep my secret” he raises his pinkie.


Yeah, Taehyung absolutely loves this one, he thinks while watching her peacefully sleep on his arms, and wishes that the night would last forever.

A/N: Hey guys~ Sorry for taking so long updating, I was on holiday for a week and away from my laptop ;A; But I'm finally back with lots of things I want to write ^^ This is more of a bridge chapter, because people on my Tumblr (in case you're curious it's this) kept asking for the next part to Eternal and I'm stuck with the storyline, so this came out, hope you liked it :)

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I'm so sorry for taking forever updating, I'm just having a lot of things to do and a bad case of writer's block, but I'll promise I'll make it up to you!


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Chapter 12: Good luck to your studies! ❤ We'll patiently wait for an update~ ❤
Chapter 9: lmao that ending line at chapter 9 tho xD xD that just reminds me of the skit bts did for like a show i think....? xD
Hyoseong-ah #3
Hyoseong-ah #4
Chapter 10: "You sat on the counter, nibbling your nail, gaining a smack on your hand because Jin hated when you did so" omfg buy he was so casual about it, I'm dying lmao
Hyoseong-ah #5
Chapter 9: AAAAH I love all of the stories, specially when Jimin's was connected to Taehyung's omg
And Kookie's is so adorable, I'm dying *///^///*
Yoongi's is funny and cool, I seriously love how you write his personality. It's all so perfect, can't wait for the next chapter :3
Chapter 8: Yehet! Please update!!
Chapter 7: Please update author-nim
Chapter 6: YEAYY ITS SUGAAA! ><
((Theres smthg weird bout ma phone.. its suppose to be a long comment i gave but theres non duh-_-.)) Again.. its JIMIN!!! WAAA!! No worry author-nim. Bcause JIMIN is my second bias after all huehuehuehue.. This a good intro for jimin and i smiling (again like an idiot). MOAR! (More!) Update author nim. ^_^ good luck for your writing.
Chapter 3: New new new member.. hewhew.. SUGAA!!