Guardian (Seokjin) Part 1

Angels & Demons [Hiatus]

The Lord will command his angels to take good care of you. - The Bible, Psalms 91, 11-12.

Sundays for most people mean a day to relax and sleep until late, but not for the person who was insistently knocking on your door at nine in the morning. With an annoyed call of ‘coming’ you snapped the door open, ready to yell at whoever it was for waking you up, only to find a tall and handsome boy with really broad shoulders and a smile capable of placating even your bad temper just after getting up, and it was then when you regretted opening the door in your pyjamas and with dishevelled hair.

“Good morning” the boy spoke, seeing you weren’t saying anything, “did I wake you up?” he asked with an apologetic smile.

“Eh… yes, but it’s okay, my alarm was about to go off anyhow” you lied with hoarse voice, “what did you want?” because it wasn’t every day that such a good-looking boy knocked on your door.

“I’m here for the announcement on the newspaper” he showed you said thing, pointing to a certain box full of text, “you are still looking for a roommate, aren’t you?”

“Well, yes but the announcement stated clearly that I’m only looking for girls…” you said and, although you had your reasons for it, it was hard to reject this guy.

“Yeah, well, I know but…” he rubbed his neck, looking at his feet and back at you, “I thought that maybe you’d change your opinion if I did an interview maybe…?” he trailed off, sensing that probably you were strict about this, especially since you hadn’t let him in.

You shifted your weight from one foot to another, “well, you see, I had to kick out my last roommate and that’s why I’m looking for a girl now, sorry.”

He looked honestly discouraged but he still tried to persuade you, “can I know what he did?”

“Why?” you blurted out, getting tired of the awkward situation.

“Because I promise you I won’t make the same mistakes at him, just please let me stay here” he joined his hands as if praying.

“But why are you so interested on living here?” you replied with another question.

“Because it’s near my job and I like this building and you seem like a good person to live with” he answered, “so please? At least a trial period?”

And you couldn’t say no to that puppy face so, with a sigh, you stepped aside, inviting him in, “okay, I’m giving you a month to prove yourself” you gave in, his smile so big you thought his face would split.

“By the way, my name’s Seokjin but you can call me Jin.”

“____” you gave him your name, guiding him to the living room.


Unlike your last roommate, who was an that did nothing to help with the house and spent most of the time trying to hook up with you until a really gross incident after what you kicked him out, Jin was practically the perfect roommate: he knew how to cook, kept his room tidy and helped you clean around the house on his free days, when he wasn’t doing voluntary work at the nearby orphanage, besides he was always kind and respectful towards you. So the month turned into a permanent roommate agreement or, at the very least, until his job as nurse in the local hospital lasted.


One night you woke up suddenly, a piercing pain in your stomach, and you ran to the bathroom, hastily kneeling before the toilet as a violent retching hit you, emptying its contents.

“Hey, are you…?” Jin’s words died on his lips as he saw the state you were in, and he immediately came to your side, getting your hair out of your face to tie it in a sloppy ponytail.

He sat on the floor with you, soothingly rubbing a hand over your back until everything stopped.

“Better?” he asked and you could only nod weakly. His hand reached for your forehead to feel your temperature, “oh my God, you’re burning” Jin said, getting into his ‘mom mode’, “I have to get you into your bed, but first wash your mouth” he helped you up and watched carefully as you did what he said.

After you were done removing the disgusting taste from your mouth, he commanded you to get into your bed, tucking you in tightly as he went to get you some medicine. In that short while he was in the kitchen, you slipped in and out of a feverish and turbulent sleep.

“I’m here” Jin announced, sitting on the side of the bed, putting a trail on your bedside table with a bowl, a spoon, a glass full of water and a couple of pills.

“I’ve made you a soup that will make your stomach feel better and I got something for the fever” he sat you up, setting the pillows to make you comfortable.

“Thank you” you mumbled, briefly wondering how he was so awake in the middle of the night, before accepting the spoon full of soup Jin was offering.

Once he ended feeding you the whole bowl, he gave you the pills and the glass of water, “now get to sleep, you’ll feel better in the morning.”

“Can you stay with me for a while?” you pleaded, not sure if your cheeks were burning only because of the fever now.

“I guess I can stay with you until you fall asleep” Jin accepted, laying down by your side over the covers.

You closed your eyes and snuggled against him, enjoying the warmth radiating from his body. One of his hands caressing your hair as he softly sang a song that you didn’t recognize and like that, lulled by his voice, you fell asleep.

The rays of sun spilling over your room wake you up in the morning, and the first thing you did was check the other side of the bed, only to find it empty, just as your beside table, and you wondered if you had dreamed of what happened last night.

With a sigh you got up from bed and went to the kitchen, from where a delicious smell was spreading throughout the house, making your stomach growl.

“Good morning” Jin greeted you with a bright smile, pink apron on and spatula on hand, “feeling better today?”

So it wasn’t a dream and suddenly you felt uneasy, because how were you supposed to act around him after sharing such an intimate moment last night?

“Yeah, I think I’m fine now” you sat on the counter, nibbling your nail, gaining a smack on your hand because Jin hated when you did so, and you made an scornful face that he played off giving you a piece of the apple he was slicing.

“Let’s see how well the breakfast sits you before I discharge you, okay?” Jin offered you his hands to help you down the counter.

“Okay, Doctor Kim” you joked, to which he only chuckled giving you a plate full of food.

What country had you saved on your past life to deserve such an angel like him to look after you?

A/N: Sorry this took so long, my classes have started again this week and I already have an exam next Wednesday (why? OTL), and I need to get used to the routine again, but I think I'll be able to update on the weekends consistently. Anyhow, welcome Jin to the family! Now there are just two more left to appear, though I don't know when this will happen, but I can promise you that Hoseok will be important in a way... Hope you liked it! Because I know first parts tend to be quite boring, but the next one will be better! ^^

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I'm so sorry for taking forever updating, I'm just having a lot of things to do and a bad case of writer's block, but I'll promise I'll make it up to you!


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Chapter 12: Good luck to your studies! ❤ We'll patiently wait for an update~ ❤
Chapter 9: lmao that ending line at chapter 9 tho xD xD that just reminds me of the skit bts did for like a show i think....? xD
Hyoseong-ah #3
Hyoseong-ah #4
Chapter 10: "You sat on the counter, nibbling your nail, gaining a smack on your hand because Jin hated when you did so" omfg buy he was so casual about it, I'm dying lmao
Hyoseong-ah #5
Chapter 9: AAAAH I love all of the stories, specially when Jimin's was connected to Taehyung's omg
And Kookie's is so adorable, I'm dying *///^///*
Yoongi's is funny and cool, I seriously love how you write his personality. It's all so perfect, can't wait for the next chapter :3
Chapter 8: Yehet! Please update!!
Chapter 7: Please update author-nim
Chapter 6: YEAYY ITS SUGAAA! ><
((Theres smthg weird bout ma phone.. its suppose to be a long comment i gave but theres non duh-_-.)) Again.. its JIMIN!!! WAAA!! No worry author-nim. Bcause JIMIN is my second bias after all huehuehuehue.. This a good intro for jimin and i smiling (again like an idiot). MOAR! (More!) Update author nim. ^_^ good luck for your writing.
Chapter 3: New new new member.. hewhew.. SUGAA!!