Rhythmical (Yoongi) Part 1

Angels & Demons [Hiatus]

The devil’s voice is sweet to hear. - Stephen King, “Needful Things”.

“Come oooooooooooooooooon” your friend, May, asked once more.

“Nope” you refused, determined not to give in.

“Pretty please with cherries on top” she was on her knees, begging at this point.

You sighed, tired of the situation “I said no, like twenty times already.”

“Don’t be like that” May whined, “besides you need to go out once in a while, get your nose off of those books, you’re going to end up ed up studying so much.”

“I have an exam in ten days, I need to study” you scoffed, turning your chair to face her.

“Oh, please, you have the whole week, and it’s Friday, just come with me, just today, I won’t pester you about it never ever again, I promise”

You sighed once more, tossing your head back, and she knew you were about to give in. “Never ever again, okay?” May practically jumped on the spot.

“Yes! But now go get changed, I don’t wanna miss his performance” she hurriedly pushed you towards the bathroom, handing you some of your own clothes.

You rolled your eyes, closing the door, of course it was him, that random guy from the underground club she was all about lately.

“You don’t even like hip hop” you protested through the closed door, changing into dark tight jeans.

“But I like him” May retorted, “and you should listen to him, his voice is amazing, so deep and smooth… it’s like anything you’ve heard before” she started daydreaming.

“Well, that’s what I’m going with you tonight, so you stop pestering me about him” you said coming out of the bathroom, changed.

“I know, but first you need some make-up” May pushed you back into the bathroom with a groan on your part.

                                                                                *             *             *                                          

The club was an underground space with a small stage on the back and a counter along the left wall. Being Friday night it was full of young people drinking, dancing and just having some fun overall.

You wrinkled your nose when the smell of alcohol and sweat hit you upon entering the club. Without wasting a second, May dragged you to the stage where a boy dressed in hip hop clothes was announcing the next performance between the excited cheering of the crowd.

“NEXT UP SUGA!!!!” The crowd went wild as a boy dressed in hip hop clothes too and a snapback went up the stage, mic in hand.

The so called Suga didn’t even wait for the multitude to calm down, as soon as the music started he just went with it, passionately rapping to the rhythm. You weren’t really that big of a fan of this kind of music, but you had to admit that the boy did have something to him; maybe it was the way the words came out of his mouth, so effortlessly, or the naturalness with what he moved around the stage, nevertheless he looked in his element and it was impossible to not pay attention to him, to not get involved in the cadence of his low voice.

Sooner that you wanted Suga’s performance ended and he disappeared from the stage, but you’d never admit that to May, who was giving you the ‘I-told-you-so’ look. With a scoff, you made your way to the counter to get something to drink with your friend on your tail.

“Isn’t he amazing?” May asked while the two of you waited for your drinks.

You shrugged “he’s pretty good, yeah” you tried your best to act nonchalant, glancing at the stage where someone else was about to start his performance.

Suddenly there was a commotion around you and, before you could realize what was happening, you found the very guy you were talking about leaning on the counter by your side. You were shocked and trying not to let your mouth hang open, because damn he was really handsome up close, but May was about to faint, you were pretty sure judging by her face.

“Hey” Suga coolly greeted the two of you with a smirk.

You tried to back up, but May didn’t let you, giving you a reprimanding look. You weren’t sure what it was, but there was something about him that put you on edge but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it.

“Hi” May greeted him back, obviously flirting, so you happily gave her your spot to grab your drink.

“Did you like the performance?” he asked cockily.

And that was when you definitely decided that you didn’t like this guy, he was too full of himself, he surely was one of those cocky s that flirted with every girl that seemed interested in them just the littlest bit. Meanwhile, May was being one of those girls, flattering him hoping for something she wasn’t going to get.

After a while of insufferable flirting between those two, while you tried to entertain yourself with a game on your mobile, May had to go to the bathroom so Suga decided to talk to you.

“What about you?” He came closer to you.

“What about me?” You countered, averting your gaze from his dark eyes.

He chuckled softly “do you come here often?”

“Not really, I’m not interested on this music, I just came with her because she begged me for a whole week” you pointed to the general direction where May had gone.

Suga gave you a dazzling smile, showing his gums “and didn’t my amazing performance change your opinion?”

You scoffed “I think I’d need more than that to change my opinion.”

“Well I guess I can…”

“Hey!” May reappeared interrupting Suga. “We need to go, Subin called, the inspector’s back at the dorm and we’re going to be locked outside if we don’t make it on time.”

“The inspector?” Suga questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, it’s how we call the woman in charge of our dorm, she’s rather strict so we need to go now” May explained to him, “but I’ll come back tomorrow to see you performance.”

“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow then” he waved the two of you goodbye while you were hurrying outside.

As soon as you got out the two of you started to run to catch the bus that was coming from the end of the street.

“Could you be more obvious?” You said to May after you got on the bus, still panting.

“What do you mean?” She replied, looking outside the window.


“Okay, I know” May gave in, “but at least I got his number” she proudly showed you her phone.

You sighed, somehow, you had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.

*             *             *

Monday came around quickly without anything more relevant happening, at least that you were aware of. You were on your way to the library when someone pop up.

“Medicine, uh?” Suga asked, falling in the same step as you.

You stopped on your heels, watching him in disbelief “How the hell have you found me?!”

“You’d be surprise how much your friend could speak last night after I was done with her” he cockily explained.

“You slept with her?” You knew you shouldn’t be surprised about this, it was obvious, but you couldn’t quite believe he was so despicable as to sleep with May just to get something about you.

He shrugged “that’s what she wanted and I wanted to know more about you, and it was a pleasant way to get the information.”

“You’re disgusting, you know?” You replied, crossing your arms.

“You won’t be saying that” came Suga’s response, taking a step toward you with a smile on his face.

“On your dreams” you took a step back and took the opportunity of a group of students passing by to get away.

“You can be sure I’ll dream of you!” he shouted at your back.

After that May got depressed when she realized that Suga had only used her but, even worse, she got mad at you because he was interested in you and stopped hanging out with you. You tried to keep calm about that, thinking that maybe she’d get over it sooner or later, but you were still mad at that stupid rapper for ruining one of your friendships. That’s why the next time he appeared to pester you, you lashed out at him.

“What do you want?”

Suga raised his hands with the palms facing you, as if to protect himself “Nothing bad, I swear, I just want to make you feel good, squirming under my touch, enjoying every second of it… But not like this, you will come for it” and like that he left you in the middle on the hall, a little bit bothered and , though you would never admit that to anyone.

For the next two weeks, Suga kept appearing from time to time to say something to you, whether it was to invite you to his performance or you to bother you, and you were starting to find the efforts on his part rather cute despite trying to keep in mind that he was a womanizer and was only playing with you because you weren’t an easy target like the ones he was used to.

*             *             *

It was Friday evening and you were coming back to the dorm from the library when you found yourself thinking of Suga, because that night he was performing on the club again. Just then you heard a whistle that made you come back to your senses, speaking of the devil… You were passing by a basketball court and the person who you were thinking of was there, playing with a bunch of other guys.

“Hey” Suga approached you, covered in sweat but smiling, “came to see me?”

You rolled your eyes “I was just passing by on my way to the dorm.”

He nodded “Are you coming to watch me perform tonight?”

“I don’t think so, I have an important exam coming up” you turned him down like all the other times.

“Yoongi! Are you going to flirt with that girl or are we going to play?!” One of his friend called him from the court.

“I’m coming!” He shouted back, half turning to them but enough for you to be able to see the mark on his shoulder, visible thanks to his thank top. An Ankh. And you knew what it was that you didn’t like about him and why the bad sensation, he was half demon.

By the time Yoongi turned back to you, you were already pretty far, and he wrinkled his forehead, wondering what on Earth was wrong with you.

A/N: Second update today, so maybe you should go one chapter back ^^ I honestly wante to write Jimin's second part but my muse said otherwise so here, have some Yoongi, hope you liked it :3

Btw, welcome to all the new suscribers, comments are pretty much appreciated~ 

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I'm so sorry for taking forever updating, I'm just having a lot of things to do and a bad case of writer's block, but I'll promise I'll make it up to you!


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Chapter 12: Good luck to your studies! ❤ We'll patiently wait for an update~ ❤
Chapter 9: lmao that ending line at chapter 9 tho xD xD that just reminds me of the skit bts did for like a show i think....? xD
Hyoseong-ah #3
Hyoseong-ah #4
Chapter 10: "You sat on the counter, nibbling your nail, gaining a smack on your hand because Jin hated when you did so" omfg buy he was so casual about it, I'm dying lmao
Hyoseong-ah #5
Chapter 9: AAAAH I love all of the stories, specially when Jimin's was connected to Taehyung's omg
And Kookie's is so adorable, I'm dying *///^///*
Yoongi's is funny and cool, I seriously love how you write his personality. It's all so perfect, can't wait for the next chapter :3
Chapter 8: Yehet! Please update!!
Chapter 7: Please update author-nim
Chapter 6: YEAYY ITS SUGAAA! ><
((Theres smthg weird bout ma phone.. its suppose to be a long comment i gave but theres non duh-_-.)) Again.. its JIMIN!!! WAAA!! No worry author-nim. Bcause JIMIN is my second bias after all huehuehuehue.. This a good intro for jimin and i smiling (again like an idiot). MOAR! (More!) Update author nim. ^_^ good luck for your writing.
Chapter 3: New new new member.. hewhew.. SUGAA!!