
*Eternity*(Woollim New Girl Group! Infinite's sister group)
The girls, after finishing their shopping expedition, piled back into the van to head towards Woollim's building. Despite the fact rehearsals began tomorrow, the girls couldn't wait to meet their "brothers"(of course) and decided to pay them a visit anyways. "La la la~I get to see HIM~!" Sookyung sang, making Jinhee roll her eyes. All the girls felt somewhat excited inside, being able to finally meet their sunbaes after the long years of separation due to training separately and Infinite debuting. Even though Suyun saw her brother yesterday morning, she already missed him, and couldn't wait to see Sungjong. Jinhee, who had been anticipating the wait for many days, wanted to finally meet L. Soojin knew that meeting her choding Oppa in crime, would be a sweet reunion. Sookyung was just plain ditzy at the thought of meeting Hoya again. Hanny hadn't said anything about Woohyun, but she did ache to see him. Sora grinned, kinda stupidly(a first) when she thought of Dongwoo. Haneul remained poker faced, and no one could tell what she was thinking.

"Girls, we're here." Soomin called from the drivers seat as Mira unbuckled. The girls all looked around and out the windows. Sookyung immediately jumped out of her seat and ran into the building. Jinhee, Soojin, and Sora excitedly followed. Hanny, Haneul, and Suyun quietly chattered as they made their way in. Soomin had gone to park, leaving Mira to herd the group of girls.

"Okay girlies, Infinite actually had a camera crew in there, so you guys have to act collected and NO PDA. Wait until they're finished filming for that." she announced as she leaned against the door to the rehearsal room. Jinhee huffed melodramatically, causing Sora to slap her lightly, but they obeyed as the slowly rapped on the door. A few moments passed until the girls heard a loud.

"Come in!" 7 voices chimed. The girls had a small fangirl moment before taking a deep breath and opening the door to reveal...

"SURPRISE!" the boys cried as Eternity entered the room. No cameras were around, simply just Infinite themselves and their managers. Sora whirled around to Mira demandingly, only to be met with a large bear hug from Dongwoo instead.

"SORA!" he exclaimed with his famous laugh. Sora, froze for a second, in shock, before hugging him back.

"Hey Kenya Oppa."

Meanwhile, Suyun was, for once, smiling and talking brightly as she greeted her brother and Sungjong[chorus of "Aww"s]

Jinhee was absolutely frozen and just stood, watching her fellow bandmates greet their sunbaes. Since Jinhee has joined the group last, she didn't know the Infinite members personally well.

Haneul, who was being like a leader, simply gazed over everyone, before pushing Jinhee towards Suyun's direction.

"Hurry up and go." she ordered. Jinhee gave her puppy eyes.

"Umma~" she whined. Haneul raised her fist jokingly then poked Jinhee's sides to tickle her.

"Go! I don't want to hear you whining later on!" Haneul said forcefully. Jinhee squealed before obeying and walking towards the 3.

"So you're Umma this time?"

Haneul heard a voice behind her. She turned slowly to face...Sunggyu. Haneul swallowed and pressed her lips together.

"Long time no see Oppa." she mumbled. Sunggyu grinned, creating his eye smiles before opening his arms out widely for a hug.

"I missed you Haneul~!!" he teased before ruffling her hair.

On the other side, Sookyung and Soojin sat with their beloved oppa's. Hoya and Sungyeol.

"Yah, do you know how hard it was for me to stay up without you helping me during training?" Sookyung exasperated to Hoya. He grinned and nodded as she babbled on. Soojin and Sungyeol immediately began planning their "choding" plans of pranking and hanging out with each other.

Lastly, Hanny sat in the corner observing the sight while listening to music. She itched to draw the image, but refrained to, waiting to hopefully see Woohyun. A few seconds later, he came out of the restroom and looked directly at her. Hanny smiled and waved. He smirked and waved back before making his way towards her.

"Hey Hanny. You must've missed me a lot right? Figured." he laughed while looking at the mirror to check his hair. Hanny's smile slowly turned into a frown.


"You obviously came to visit. But you were afraid I wouldn't remember you?" he continued without breaking gaze with his reflection. Hanny's heart broke.

He didn't think she was debuting. He thought she came to fangirl to him. Hanny stared blankly at him.

"Who are you and what have you done to my Nam Woohyun?" she whispered.


Dun dun dun~!((: sorry Hanny. All the dramas on you :3

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Cant wait for the next chapter!! Keep up the good work ^_^ !! I loved the Myungsoo X jinhee Couple :D
Haneul and Sunggyu!! <3 <3
Sora you can do it! Sora & Dongwoo Hwaiting!!!
asdfghjkl no no no~ woohyun must be misunderstand >////////<
lol Sookyung & Hoya~
omg! Seungyeol! backhug! kyaaa~~
hahahaha, myungsoo, jealous much? :p
awww Sungjongie was trying to be a man for Suyun~~ <3
Oh my ramyun... SUNGJONG IS SO COOL! Hehe, trust trust trust~ We shall do great! ...As long as none of us accidentally falls... Oh! What if the stage was sabotaged!? What if umma got into a big accident on stage and there was chaos!? WHAT IF... Hehe, don't mind me XD
I'm so sorry for not being online much >< But aigoo Haneul umma and Sunggyu are so cute xD SUNGGYU!! Hahaa! Aish~ I'm so jealous of Hanny and Woohyun~~ :3 Keke Woohyun's eyeing Hanny so lustfully xD Haneul umma saves the day~
*Sigh~* I ish so sad I go last as the maknae LOL! Sungjong and Suyun hwaiting! :3
Oh btw, I'm KimSuyun14 xD I changed my name so don't get confused...
YAYYY! The collab stage!!! :D Haneul Umma and Sunggyu Appa are the cutest things, both Infinite and Eternity members should call them umma and appa <3
AND DONGWOO! He's so ing cute, I just can't. AHHAHAH, and I love all the interactions between the members. But maybe you can add some more interactions between different members and not just their love interest to spice up the story a little bit. Jealously is not a bad thing (;
Sookyung is very...interesting. AHHAHA, she acts drunk? Nice. Woohyun better not eye-molest Hanny. I loved this update! Sorry that it's not a longgggg comment though. Well, update soon hun (;
ohh so we're in the same room with Dalshabet and Apink~~
hahaha Sora hates heels~ lol!
BAP?! too bad that idk them very well~~ *sigh* *brb googling*
cant wait for the performance!! XD
no~~~ it's okay author shi~~!!
OHMYOHMY! I have missed you author-nim! T-T
I'm so glad you're back <3
AHAHAH, Jinhee, stop being such a drama queen. xD
Oh please, author-nim! Can Sora cheat on Dongwoo for a little while for Bang Yong Guk? Pretty please? AHHAHAHA.
Ah, I can't wait for the performances (:
We forgive you!!!! School's important as well :D
Please update soon!
Hmm the only member I know from BAP is Yong Guk, and that's only cause my namjachingu told me about him xD Though the name Zelo is familiar... Keke~ yeah I feel old when people are younger than me xD and if I'm someone's noona/unnie, I'll become very childish in hopes of being younger xD
OMG! what were you guys doing?? the massage thingys??! XDXD<br />
haneul and sunggyu~! XD<br />
the way Dongwoo teased Sora~ awww ><<br />
aish~ what's with 'touch-y touchiness' woohyun-AH???!! i don't even now the meaning of it~~! >;p <br />
ohmygod.. i did that..? *snoobs* i even snucked into boy's dorm just for woohyun??? :"D<br />
both soojin and seungyeol worry about me~ gomawo~~ >< *hugs* i'll be fine~ ><<br />
"Is someone jealous~?" hahahahaha aish seungyeol!!XD<br />
omo omo~ hoya and sookyung! <3<br />
awwwwwwwww sungjong and suyun!!! both of them are cute, the maknaes!!! XD<br />
hahahahah L, jealous much??? XDXD
Ahahaha! Aigoo Sungyeol! xD Yah yah yah Woohyun got a little close to Hanny there O.O Haha so TENSE! xD And Myungsoo... yah oppa you can't be mean to Jinhee eonnie >< though I will admit it was funny haha! Keke Sungjong xD He's so cute~