
*Eternity*(Woollim New Girl Group! Infinite's sister group)
The girl waited in their waiting room, nervously. It was finally their collab stage with Infinite but the oppas were not next to them for comfort.

 Haneul took a deep breath as she did a quick check in the mirror. She looked completely different with the makeup and clothes she wore. She had to go on stage first, before her other dongsaengs. As she fiddled with the strap of her dress, suddenly she heard a laugh behind her. She looked in the mirror to see Sunggyu leaning against the doorframe.

"Looking good there 'umma'." he grinned to create his famous eye smiles. Haneul turned slightly pink but tried to ignore the feeling.

"You don't look that bad either." she gestured to the tux Sunggyu had dressed in. He scratched his head and smirked.

"I do look pretty good don't I(:" he posed. Haneul rolled her eyes and got up to push the leader.

"Get out of my dressing room." she joked. Right then, her heel got caught in the chair, causing her to fly towards the Hamster. Luckily, his reflexes were fast and he caught her right before she tripped. For a moment their faces were extremely close and both their hearts stopped. Quickly Haneul got back up and straightened her dress.

"Well, if you could leave now~" she gently pushed him. Sunggyu laughed and pushed her forehead lightly.

"I found another nickname for you. Klutz." he teased. Haneul slammed the door. Sunggyu yelped, making her open the door again.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" she gasped. Sunggyu chuckled.

"Yeah I was just trying to trick you~" he stuck out his tongue before prancing away. Haneul turned red.

"YAH!" she yelled after him.


"Oppa's, embrace the entrance of Suyun and the AMAZING Soojin!" Soojin threw her hands in the air as she entered. Strangely, the room was empty. Suyun looked around then pursed her lips.

"Well....that didn't work." Soojin muttered. Suyun shrugged before feeling a vibration in her pocket(she has her normal clothes because she's last)

"Infinite oppa's are in our waiting room! Hurry and come to get ready." Jinhee texted her. Soojin looked over her shoulder before groaning and turning back towards the door.

"Well, I guess we've gotta do what we've gotta do." she sighed. Suyun nodded and followed her unnie out the door.


"Yo dongsaengs~"Dongwoo greeted as he slung his arm around Sora's shoulder. Slightly embarrassed, she tried squirming out but he kept her in place. The the girls greeted their oppas. Sungyeol looked around.

"Where's Soojin? I would think she'd be really nervous and like frozen." he joked. Right on cue, the door flung open to reveal Suyun and Soojin.

"Excuse me sir, but that is so not true." she stuck her tongue out while plopping next to him. Suyun inched closer to L, before getting pulled away by Sungjong.

"Suyun, I'm so excited for this!" he grinned and gave her a thumbs up. L narrowed his eyes at the maknaes and gave his sister a knowing look. She bit her lip before smiling at Sungjong.

"Yeah me too. Let's just hope your fans don't kill me." she laughed nervously. Sungjong snickered.

"Our Inspirits are so understanding, what are you talking about?" he laughed. Suyun shrugged then sat crisscross.

"Nan Top Girl tok tok tok tweeneun hot girl~"Sookyung sang as she twirled out of her dressing room in a gorgeous white dress and curled hair. Being the mindless girl she was, she clumsily bumped into her partner.

"Oh~? Hehe sorry Hoya!" she giggled. He chuckled.

"Are you drunk or something?" he asked slowly. She giggled again.

"Yes~Love--" she was cut off by Jinhee.

"Sorry Oppa. Right now is Sookyung unnies weird hour so pardon her." Jinhee spun her unnie around before pushing her back into her dressing room. Hoya laughed and turned to L.

"How interesting, huh?" he nudged his dongsaeng. L gave the dressing room door an annoyed look before shaking his head. Hanny shyly peeked out of the dressing room and widened her eyes at the sight of all her friends. She slowly cowered back into the room when someone pulled her by the wrist back out.

"Oh, I don't think so Missy." Woohyun teased. Hanny let out a small squeal but was easily pulled out by the stronger guy.

Woohyun's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. Hanny, who usually was conservative when it came to clothes, looked flawless in a pale blue sleeveless dress. Her hair was in a fringe and looked extremely natural.

"Hanny, you look..." he began before shaking his head in disbelief and continuing to look at her. She pressed her lips together, feeling the redness crawl up her face.

'Save me!' she screamed in her head. Seconds later, someone smacked Woohyun in the back of the head.

"Yes she's beautiful. Now stop ogling at her. I'm watching you." Haneul pointed a finger at the main vocalist. He held his arms up in surrender style and nodded.

"Yes mother." he joked. Hanny smiled and made her way towards the others.


short but I hope you enjoyed it! Leave lots of longgggggggggg~comments!(:

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Cant wait for the next chapter!! Keep up the good work ^_^ !! I loved the Myungsoo X jinhee Couple :D
Haneul and Sunggyu!! <3 <3
Sora you can do it! Sora & Dongwoo Hwaiting!!!
asdfghjkl no no no~ woohyun must be misunderstand >////////<
lol Sookyung & Hoya~
omg! Seungyeol! backhug! kyaaa~~
hahahaha, myungsoo, jealous much? :p
awww Sungjongie was trying to be a man for Suyun~~ <3
Oh my ramyun... SUNGJONG IS SO COOL! Hehe, trust trust trust~ We shall do great! ...As long as none of us accidentally falls... Oh! What if the stage was sabotaged!? What if umma got into a big accident on stage and there was chaos!? WHAT IF... Hehe, don't mind me XD
I'm so sorry for not being online much >< But aigoo Haneul umma and Sunggyu are so cute xD SUNGGYU!! Hahaa! Aish~ I'm so jealous of Hanny and Woohyun~~ :3 Keke Woohyun's eyeing Hanny so lustfully xD Haneul umma saves the day~
*Sigh~* I ish so sad I go last as the maknae LOL! Sungjong and Suyun hwaiting! :3
Oh btw, I'm KimSuyun14 xD I changed my name so don't get confused...
YAYYY! The collab stage!!! :D Haneul Umma and Sunggyu Appa are the cutest things, both Infinite and Eternity members should call them umma and appa <3
AND DONGWOO! He's so ing cute, I just can't. AHHAHAH, and I love all the interactions between the members. But maybe you can add some more interactions between different members and not just their love interest to spice up the story a little bit. Jealously is not a bad thing (;
Sookyung is very...interesting. AHHAHA, she acts drunk? Nice. Woohyun better not eye-molest Hanny. I loved this update! Sorry that it's not a longgggg comment though. Well, update soon hun (;
ohh so we're in the same room with Dalshabet and Apink~~
hahaha Sora hates heels~ lol!
BAP?! too bad that idk them very well~~ *sigh* *brb googling*
cant wait for the performance!! XD
no~~~ it's okay author shi~~!!
OHMYOHMY! I have missed you author-nim! T-T
I'm so glad you're back <3
AHAHAH, Jinhee, stop being such a drama queen. xD
Oh please, author-nim! Can Sora cheat on Dongwoo for a little while for Bang Yong Guk? Pretty please? AHHAHAHA.
Ah, I can't wait for the performances (:
We forgive you!!!! School's important as well :D
Please update soon!
Hmm the only member I know from BAP is Yong Guk, and that's only cause my namjachingu told me about him xD Though the name Zelo is familiar... Keke~ yeah I feel old when people are younger than me xD and if I'm someone's noona/unnie, I'll become very childish in hopes of being younger xD
OMG! what were you guys doing?? the massage thingys??! XDXD<br />
haneul and sunggyu~! XD<br />
the way Dongwoo teased Sora~ awww ><<br />
aish~ what's with 'touch-y touchiness' woohyun-AH???!! i don't even now the meaning of it~~! >;p <br />
ohmygod.. i did that..? *snoobs* i even snucked into boy's dorm just for woohyun??? :"D<br />
both soojin and seungyeol worry about me~ gomawo~~ >< *hugs* i'll be fine~ ><<br />
"Is someone jealous~?" hahahahaha aish seungyeol!!XD<br />
omo omo~ hoya and sookyung! <3<br />
awwwwwwwww sungjong and suyun!!! both of them are cute, the maknaes!!! XD<br />
hahahahah L, jealous much??? XDXD
Ahahaha! Aigoo Sungyeol! xD Yah yah yah Woohyun got a little close to Hanny there O.O Haha so TENSE! xD And Myungsoo... yah oppa you can't be mean to Jinhee eonnie >< though I will admit it was funny haha! Keke Sungjong xD He's so cute~