*Eternity*(Woollim New Girl Group! Infinite's sister group)
Haneul's POV:

2:00. Oh my freaking 2:00. I am going to die. My dongsaengs shine so brightly it'll make the crowds eyes hurt, while I, the leader will be as dull as ever. I just really hope we succeed. Inspirit...they'll have high expectations for us. Plus our next stage is with Infinite themselves...

Oh dear...even though we've practiced on stage with outfits and everything for 2 hours, the show was on at 5:30. It was the Christmas special, where even performances from summer are aired. So Infinite was here too for 'Be mine' and the other members were eating and chatting with them. But I couldn't...I was too nervous!


Sora POV:

2:30. Lunch time is over but I barely had ANYTHING to eat. Dongwoo even tried FEEDING me  but still I didn't. And of course I become hungry after the food goes bye bye. Now we waited patiently in the waiting room, where we were going to have an interview. Ahh~! I'm going to die =A=;;

But I trust that tonight we'll make a great appearance. As Eternity, as Infinite's sister group, and as a fresh new rookie group. We'll take over the kpop world. I promise myself that much.


Hanny POV:

It's 3:00, but I'm not freaking out. 2 1/2 hours until our debut stage but still, I'm not worried. I'm actually really content. I'm exhilarated actually, because this is it. 5 years of hardcore training in Woollim alone. In Starship, 3. Unable to debut in SISTAR, I left and made it here. It was finally my time to shine. I'll prove to my members that I've got what it takes to dance and sing. I'll show my parents that my dream is not only one that never comes true. And mostly, I'll show Woohyun I have every eight to be his counter partner. That's why I'm excited. That's why I'm not scared.


Sookyung POV:

I'm not the nervous type. I'm like Hoya, I kept it cool and wing it if it doesn't work. Which is why I'm his counter partner. But nope. Not today. Today is a day where in absolutely, positively scared. I know, I know that I have a supportive, loving family who is watching over me. I know that I have amazing sunbaes who are cheering me on. And I know that as the "happy-go-lucky" person I am, I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. I'M GONNA EXPLODE!!! It's 3:30, so 2 hrs until the stage. Breathe in, breathe out. Our interview was at 5:20. Which gives us barely any time to CALM DOWN. I need my therapist. Hoya~~!! TT TT.


Soojin POV:

4:00. Eh this'll be good. Even though we had a week to practice, I had confidence in ourselves. We tried hard and as long as we DON'T worry, everything will go smoothly. I want to enjoy my first time on stage, I want to remember each and every moment, rather than make it go by quickly all just because I'm nervous. Nope. This is a memorable moment. And I don't want it to be forgettable. So I'll relax, sing and dance my heart out, and show all those Inspirits that I am Song Soojin, Sungyeol's partner in crime. And I'm proud(: So look our KPOP world! Another lovable choding is coming your way!


Jinhee POV:


OMGOMGOMGOMG~! Okay, I know I'm a drama queen but right now, I'm NOT being melodramatic. It was almost time for our interview. And I have to worry about looking nice for L too. Speaking of which, I haven't gotten any closer to him..(*tear*) and I'm pretty sure Suyun isn't quite happy about me liking him >.>;; Aish~I'm gonna go crazy! I have to focus on the stage! Focus!! I can't be distracted! This is big. Finally, it's my turn so I can't let it slip through my fingers.


Suyun POV:

5:00. Our interview was in 20 minutes. Our stage was in 30 minutes. I don't know which was more nerve-wracking. I hope I'll succeed like Myungsoo and make my parents proud. Instead of being the timid maknae, I wanna really shine. I wanna be like Infinite's "Cover Girl."

I know I can do it if I tried. So I will try. Kim Suyun fighting! Eternity fighting!


"Hello Music bank viewers! I am Onew,"

"And I'm Jiyeon,"

"And we are your MC's for the night!"

Onew and Jiyeon greeted the cameras with a bow, wearing festive clothing and bright smiles. They looked so natural, and did not seem nervous. Unlike the 7 girls who stood behind them.

"1 2 3. Annyeonghasehyo Music Bank viewers, we are Eterinty!" the girls greeted with peace signs, their signature greetings.

"Wow! You guys look so fresh tonight! A rookie group debuting on Christmas, produced by Tablo, and known as Infinite's sister group. Wow~well, would you like to introduce who you are as Infinite?" Jiyeon asked while glancing at her cue cards. Each girl went down the line and informed the audience. After the short interview, Eternity bowed a farewell and prepared for their stage.

Infinite, who was coming off right before Eternity went on, comforted their hoobaes soothingly and gave a "Hwaiting!" and hug before rushing away so the girls could go on.  Eternity had a few last minute mic checks, their hearts beating very quickly. They all prayed that the stage would have response.

"On in 3...2...."

They all took a deep breath and squeezed each others hands.

"1!" the PD directed.



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Cant wait for the next chapter!! Keep up the good work ^_^ !! I loved the Myungsoo X jinhee Couple :D
Haneul and Sunggyu!! <3 <3
Sora you can do it! Sora & Dongwoo Hwaiting!!!
asdfghjkl no no no~ woohyun must be misunderstand >////////<
lol Sookyung & Hoya~
omg! Seungyeol! backhug! kyaaa~~
hahahaha, myungsoo, jealous much? :p
awww Sungjongie was trying to be a man for Suyun~~ <3
Oh my ramyun... SUNGJONG IS SO COOL! Hehe, trust trust trust~ We shall do great! ...As long as none of us accidentally falls... Oh! What if the stage was sabotaged!? What if umma got into a big accident on stage and there was chaos!? WHAT IF... Hehe, don't mind me XD
I'm so sorry for not being online much >< But aigoo Haneul umma and Sunggyu are so cute xD SUNGGYU!! Hahaa! Aish~ I'm so jealous of Hanny and Woohyun~~ :3 Keke Woohyun's eyeing Hanny so lustfully xD Haneul umma saves the day~
*Sigh~* I ish so sad I go last as the maknae LOL! Sungjong and Suyun hwaiting! :3
Oh btw, I'm KimSuyun14 xD I changed my name so don't get confused...
YAYYY! The collab stage!!! :D Haneul Umma and Sunggyu Appa are the cutest things, both Infinite and Eternity members should call them umma and appa <3
AND DONGWOO! He's so ing cute, I just can't. AHHAHAH, and I love all the interactions between the members. But maybe you can add some more interactions between different members and not just their love interest to spice up the story a little bit. Jealously is not a bad thing (;
Sookyung is very...interesting. AHHAHA, she acts drunk? Nice. Woohyun better not eye-molest Hanny. I loved this update! Sorry that it's not a longgggg comment though. Well, update soon hun (;
ohh so we're in the same room with Dalshabet and Apink~~
hahaha Sora hates heels~ lol!
BAP?! too bad that idk them very well~~ *sigh* *brb googling*
cant wait for the performance!! XD
no~~~ it's okay author shi~~!!
OHMYOHMY! I have missed you author-nim! T-T
I'm so glad you're back <3
AHAHAH, Jinhee, stop being such a drama queen. xD
Oh please, author-nim! Can Sora cheat on Dongwoo for a little while for Bang Yong Guk? Pretty please? AHHAHAHA.
Ah, I can't wait for the performances (:
We forgive you!!!! School's important as well :D
Please update soon!
Hmm the only member I know from BAP is Yong Guk, and that's only cause my namjachingu told me about him xD Though the name Zelo is familiar... Keke~ yeah I feel old when people are younger than me xD and if I'm someone's noona/unnie, I'll become very childish in hopes of being younger xD
OMG! what were you guys doing?? the massage thingys??! XDXD<br />
haneul and sunggyu~! XD<br />
the way Dongwoo teased Sora~ awww ><<br />
aish~ what's with 'touch-y touchiness' woohyun-AH???!! i don't even now the meaning of it~~! >;p <br />
ohmygod.. i did that..? *snoobs* i even snucked into boy's dorm just for woohyun??? :"D<br />
both soojin and seungyeol worry about me~ gomawo~~ >< *hugs* i'll be fine~ ><<br />
"Is someone jealous~?" hahahahaha aish seungyeol!!XD<br />
omo omo~ hoya and sookyung! <3<br />
awwwwwwwww sungjong and suyun!!! both of them are cute, the maknaes!!! XD<br />
hahahahah L, jealous much??? XDXD
Ahahaha! Aigoo Sungyeol! xD Yah yah yah Woohyun got a little close to Hanny there O.O Haha so TENSE! xD And Myungsoo... yah oppa you can't be mean to Jinhee eonnie >< though I will admit it was funny haha! Keke Sungjong xD He's so cute~