
*Eternity*(Woollim New Girl Group! Infinite's sister group)
"Haneul, Sunggyu, you guys are up first." Mira called in before exiting the dressing room. Haneul followed the her and breathed with her diaphragm as she warmed up a little.

"Nervous?" he asked with his eyes smiling. She rolled her eyes then shrugged.

"I guess?"

They were now backstage, and getting their mics hooked up. Sunggyu stuck his tongue out childishly then reached for her hand. Haneul quickly pulled back, hating skinship and all. She tried glaring at him but his soft smile only softened her.

"Come on. If we're gonna do this, might as well do it right." he said. She sighed then slowly slipped her hand into his.

"My gosh, your hands are freezing!" Haneul hissed. Sunggyu raised his eyebrows.

"Well of course...it's because I'm a warm hearted person." he joked.

"Oh so I suppose I'm cold hearted then?" she responded sarcastically. He nodded and grinned. She shook her head but decided not to complain anymore.


Meanwhile, Dongwoo and Sora began to practice too, their nerves finally kicking in.

"Dongwoo, you know I at singing...ugh, I just pray that your Inspirits won't hate me forever." she mumbled. He looked at her in feign shock.

"Our Inspirits? Hate you? How could they?" he teased. Sora narrowed her eyes.

"I sense sarcasm in your voice." she grumbled flatly. Dongwoo ruffled her hair.

"You'll be great, don't worry."

"You're a liar." she sighed. He chuckled then poked her forehead lightly.

"It's not that I'm lying...you just gotta believe."

Sora made a face.

"Wise mouth."

"You know you think it's amazing."

"Sure I do."


"Here." Woohyun put his hand on her stomach and pressed lightly. Hanny tried to ignore his touch and continued to hold out her note. Woohyun pushed more to let the air be released.

"Breath, Hanny."

"What do you think I'm doing?" she mumbled throughout gritted teeth. Woohyun slowly took his hand off and let Hanny do the work.

"Good. Now we should balance it out."

The two did as planned, creating the beautiful sound.

"Great! It'll be awesome." he smiled. Hanny half-smiled, sat next to him and took a sip of water. Woohyun draped his arm behind Hanny, somewhat unconsciously. But Hanny was very conscious and immediately stood up.

"I'm gonna go monitor Haneul unnie." she quickly informed before bustling off. Woohyun watched her in amusement.

"She must really still hate me, huh..."


"Hoya, I'm going to die."

Sookyung smoothed out her dress, her legs shaking as she sat down. He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Stop it Sookyung, you're gonna do fine." he assured. She shook her head and took long sip of water.

"I don't know Hoya. You know I'm a dance person--"she started. Hoya firmly planted his hands on her shoulders.

"Sookyung. You are a "queen-of-trades". You can dance, sing and rap so could you quit putting yourself down?" he sounded exasperated. Sookyung looked into his eyes before nodding.

"Okay...I trust you."

He exhaled and chuckled.

"Good. I thought I was gonna have to give you a reassuring hug."

Sookyung widened her eyes.

"Wait, Hoya! I don't trust you!" she said as he winked and stuck out his tongue playfully. Sookyung mentally face palmed, cursing herself while following him out the dressing room.


"Soojin, we'll just have to wing this." Sungyeol sighed, refraining from messing with his hair. Soojin nodded and pressed her fingers on her temples.

"Ugh~we'll definitely not be a good "coupling"." she grumbled. Sungyeol made a face.

"Don't say that! I think we're pretty amazing." he pressed his lips together. Soojin rolled her eyes before gesturing to the stage that was before Sunggyu and Haneul's.

"Tell that to her."

Sungyeol glanced over at the screen, seeing that Rainbow was on the stage. At the sight of Hyunyoung, their maknae, he slightly blushed. Soojin pursed her lips.

"That's what I thought." she mumbled.

Sungyeol shook her head.

"Soojin, I don't think of her like that." he assured her. She made a face.

"Sure you don't." she stuck out her tongue before turning around.

"Nuuuuu~!" Sungyeol lunged forward and gave Soojin a back hug. She tried to struggle out of it.

"Let go of me!" she insisted. Sungyeol held on tighter.

"No you stubborn girl. I'm never letting you go."


'Why is he so anti-social?' Jinhee glanced at her bias of the group and wondered what was so amazing about him. He was simply listening to music while playing an iPad game. She rolled her eyes and got up. Right then, the door opened to reveal...Teen Top?

"Jinhee! Gosh, I finally get to see you again." C.A.P. greeted while making his way in the room. L glanced up then stood.

"Hey Minsoo." he said with a grin. "Long time no see?"

"Hey Myungsoo. What's up?"

Jinhee stood between the two boys; her childhood friend and her partner. She looked from one dude to the other.

"Well, this is awkward." she mumbled, the boys towering over her. C.A.P playfully patted her head.

"It's okay Jinhee-yah." he teased. L narrowed his eyes, wondering how they were so close. Jinhee didn't seem to notice as she punched him in the arm.

"Don't even get me started--"she threatened. C.A.P smiled and held his arms up in surrender. L raised his eyebrows.

'How come they just met once and they're closer than me and her?' a twinge of jealousy appeared in his mind. He shook it off, assuming they must've met before.

"Whatever." he said aloud. The two turned to face him, giving him a weird look.


"Are you talking to us?"

L turned red, a rare sight, and sat back down with his iPad.

"No...it's nothing."


Suyun nervously pulled at her extensions, her hands shaking like crazy. Sungjong seemed so normal as he plopped right next to her.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked. Suyun bit her lip and shook her head. Sungjong smiled and grabbed her hand. She slightly jumped, but relaxed.

"Suyun, look at me." Sungjong turned her to face him. She slowly looked him in the eye.

"I need you to remember that you're not alone. I will always, no matter what, be right next to you even when you might not see me. I won't hurt you or leave you alone ever. So calm down and just trust me." he said in a soft, calming voice. Suyun looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

'Since when was Sungjong this...mature?'

He didn't seem like the little boy she's known for a while but instead, a guy who sincerely seemed to care for her.

"Will you do that for me?" he asked. Suyun hesitantly nodded then looked down again. Sungjong let out a small laugh then lightly pressed his lips in her forehead.

"Thank you." he said. She shook her head then whispered,

"No..thank you."


Hey guys~hope you liked this chapter!(: leave lots of comments andddd suggestions!

Oh and I'm gonna skip the details of the stage and focus more on the intimacy of each couple!!! Yes, it'll be good(:

Til then,


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Cant wait for the next chapter!! Keep up the good work ^_^ !! I loved the Myungsoo X jinhee Couple :D
Haneul and Sunggyu!! <3 <3
Sora you can do it! Sora & Dongwoo Hwaiting!!!
asdfghjkl no no no~ woohyun must be misunderstand >////////<
lol Sookyung & Hoya~
omg! Seungyeol! backhug! kyaaa~~
hahahaha, myungsoo, jealous much? :p
awww Sungjongie was trying to be a man for Suyun~~ <3
Oh my ramyun... SUNGJONG IS SO COOL! Hehe, trust trust trust~ We shall do great! ...As long as none of us accidentally falls... Oh! What if the stage was sabotaged!? What if umma got into a big accident on stage and there was chaos!? WHAT IF... Hehe, don't mind me XD
I'm so sorry for not being online much >< But aigoo Haneul umma and Sunggyu are so cute xD SUNGGYU!! Hahaa! Aish~ I'm so jealous of Hanny and Woohyun~~ :3 Keke Woohyun's eyeing Hanny so lustfully xD Haneul umma saves the day~
*Sigh~* I ish so sad I go last as the maknae LOL! Sungjong and Suyun hwaiting! :3
Oh btw, I'm KimSuyun14 xD I changed my name so don't get confused...
YAYYY! The collab stage!!! :D Haneul Umma and Sunggyu Appa are the cutest things, both Infinite and Eternity members should call them umma and appa <3
AND DONGWOO! He's so ing cute, I just can't. AHHAHAH, and I love all the interactions between the members. But maybe you can add some more interactions between different members and not just their love interest to spice up the story a little bit. Jealously is not a bad thing (;
Sookyung is very...interesting. AHHAHA, she acts drunk? Nice. Woohyun better not eye-molest Hanny. I loved this update! Sorry that it's not a longgggg comment though. Well, update soon hun (;
ohh so we're in the same room with Dalshabet and Apink~~
hahaha Sora hates heels~ lol!
BAP?! too bad that idk them very well~~ *sigh* *brb googling*
cant wait for the performance!! XD
no~~~ it's okay author shi~~!!
OHMYOHMY! I have missed you author-nim! T-T
I'm so glad you're back <3
AHAHAH, Jinhee, stop being such a drama queen. xD
Oh please, author-nim! Can Sora cheat on Dongwoo for a little while for Bang Yong Guk? Pretty please? AHHAHAHA.
Ah, I can't wait for the performances (:
We forgive you!!!! School's important as well :D
Please update soon!
Hmm the only member I know from BAP is Yong Guk, and that's only cause my namjachingu told me about him xD Though the name Zelo is familiar... Keke~ yeah I feel old when people are younger than me xD and if I'm someone's noona/unnie, I'll become very childish in hopes of being younger xD
OMG! what were you guys doing?? the massage thingys??! XDXD<br />
haneul and sunggyu~! XD<br />
the way Dongwoo teased Sora~ awww ><<br />
aish~ what's with 'touch-y touchiness' woohyun-AH???!! i don't even now the meaning of it~~! >;p <br />
ohmygod.. i did that..? *snoobs* i even snucked into boy's dorm just for woohyun??? :"D<br />
both soojin and seungyeol worry about me~ gomawo~~ >< *hugs* i'll be fine~ ><<br />
"Is someone jealous~?" hahahahaha aish seungyeol!!XD<br />
omo omo~ hoya and sookyung! <3<br />
awwwwwwwww sungjong and suyun!!! both of them are cute, the maknaes!!! XD<br />
hahahahah L, jealous much??? XDXD
Ahahaha! Aigoo Sungyeol! xD Yah yah yah Woohyun got a little close to Hanny there O.O Haha so TENSE! xD And Myungsoo... yah oppa you can't be mean to Jinhee eonnie >< though I will admit it was funny haha! Keke Sungjong xD He's so cute~