
Drabble Battle 2k15

Unicorn | Kris and Tao


…. I don’t even know what to say about this. Except that is (obviously) set in early EXO history.

It was a miracle: EXO had a free day. Tao had been delighted when he had seen that beautiful occasion on the schedule; it had been months since the last time they had been able to rest. Promotion after promotion had taken its toll, and the entire band was worse for wear. The enthusiastic young man had spent the morning sleeping in (Hallelujah!) then went shopping with Suho (so much new swag) before collapsing in a happy puddle with Sehun in front of the tv. It was pretty much the best day ever. As it drew to a close, though, the happy little panda yawned and realized something: He had not seen Kris since dinner.

I should at least go say goodnight, the brunette thought. Pushing off the couch, he stumbled down the hall until he came to Kris’ door. Carefully opening it, he poked his head in and was met with an absolutely unexpected sight. The sandy-haired leader was propped up on his bed, laptop perched on the pillows, watching something Tao had never seen before: a gaggle of squeaky voiced, brightly colored unicorns frolicking around speaking in English. Tao blinked, then rubbed his eyes. Nope, it was still there.

He watched for several long moments in silent shock before pulling the door shut. Standing in the hall, Tao decided he needed to do research. Slipping off to his room, he began by searching “unicorn cartoon.” The first result – Charlie the Unicorn – was definitely not it. The Last Unicorn? No.Tintin “Secret of the Unicorn.” No. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Tao clicked on the clip, and his eyes went wide. Yes.

By the time the rest of EXO had bedded down for the night, Tao had learned all about the strange little unicorns (and pegasi) that Kris had been watching. He had read the wikis, learned about cutie marks, and even discovered the term he supposed applied to Kris: “brony.” Tao was fascinated. The other boys would never believe the tall leader was into something so entirely adorable. But, then again, Tao thought, he personally knew just how much Kris liked his cute things. A smile twitched his lips. He clicked a little icon titled “Etsy” and went to work finding what he needed.

A few weeks later, Kris stomped into his bedroom – rehearsals for the new song had gone badly – only to stop short at the sight of a box on his bed. He raised an eyebrow at it and approached with caution. (He learned to never trust packages left on his bed after Chanyeol and Chen had left an exploding packet of glitter neatly wrapped under his pillow.) But, then he saw the familiar handwriting on the tag that simply spelled out, “My Ge.” Tao. Smiling (but only a little), Kris sat down on the bed and pulled the box into his lap. He tugged at the ribbon and pulled the lid off, eyes going wide as the contents were revealed. Two plushie unicorns rest inside: One electric blue with an hourglass symbol on its flank and the other was emerald green with a golden dragon mark. They were… Tao and Kris as My Little Ponies. The Tao one even had the piercings, and the Kris one had his distinctive, Angry Bird eyebrows. Kris felt a smile twitching his lips as he held them in his hands.

Reaching down into the box once more, he read the note Tao had left him:

Happy anniversary, Kris! I hope these make you smile and can keep you company when you watch your show. And maybe when you go flying they can keep you company too! Just know that I think you are the best boyfriend ever. Thank you for being so amazing! Love you! – Tao

His panda had to the most dorky, wonderful creature on the face of the planet. But Kris was left with one burning question: How did Tao know he was a brony? Maybe he really was magical…

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boy_youre_so_dope #1
Chapter 5: Whitetigeress, I've been a longtime fan of yours but I never knew what piece I should comment on first. Then I found "Problematic". It is just too freakin' perfect! I love Daesung and Jiyong as nerds. And Seunghyun and Youngbae playing coffee drinking games is so precious. Never apologize for sneaking academic junk into your writing. It's been a while since I dabbled in queer theory, and it reminds me of a time when I would debate people over the pros and cons of the appropriation of the word "queer" to mean other things: over whether it was chiefly erasure or elevation of similar but different experiences. Thank you so much for writing this. It's just what I needed.