Chapter 5.


"Well, soon to be my fiance." Suho held Jiha's hand tightly. He threw a smile to her. She was too confused to give any reaction. "I haven't proposed to you officially and properly. However, you need to know that I don't think I can live without you. We've been together for more than 10 years. I never and will not ever get tired or get bored having you by my side." Suho knelt and he took out a tiffany box. "You think the same, right?"

"I.." Jiha was loss at words. It was unbelievably unexpected. Dilemma attacked her instantly. She didn't know what to do. Every body was really focusing at them. And she knew people were in awe and obviously expecting a pretty positive answer. If she said no, the impact would be... not very good. "I.. I don't know either how you would survive without me by your side." She smiled as sincere as possible.

Everybody squealed at the same time as Jiha approved and Suho put the ring on Jiha's finger right away.

"My God! This is the best birthday gift ever!" Suho's grandmother exclaimed, sounded very happy.


The night had come. Jiha was isolating herself at the veranda and had been staring the newly ring endlessly.

"Knock-knock." Suho popped out his head and joined her. He found Jiha was startled by his presence. "Surprised by everything, huh? It would be strange if you're not. Sorry, for not telling you anything in the first place."

Jiha didn't answered. She just smiled looking at her best friend.

"Come here." He pulled her into his warm embrace in that cold night. "I don't want to lose you."

Jiha felt like hypnotized by Suho's scent. The scent that she had known for the entire of her life. She let out a short hum, meaning a yes.

"I don't want to lose you, to Sehun. He is an outsider, that suddenly came into our life. I don't like the fact that he is trying to take you away from me. Maybe you don't know, but I do and he really is." Suho hugged her tighter, in a slightly possessive way. I will do anything, whatever it takes, just to keep you here by my side, he continued in his mind.

To be honest, that was Jiha's first time seeing him like that. Even she could feel Suho's aura was unusually different. She had no idea that he had such a jealousy feeling towards Sehun. Probably that's why everything became awkward everytime she got caught enjoying moment with Sehun.

"Seo Jiha, I've known you since you've known me as well. I'm serious about saying I can't live without you." Suho leaned his forehead against Jiha's. He cupped Jiha's face with his two hands. "I can't, Jiha. I can't. I need you."

Jiha forced a smile. She couldn't describe her feeling and she was too speechless.




'Noona, eodisseo?'

'Noona, why can't I reach you?'

'Are you out of town, Noona?'

'Just call or text me back asap, okay, Noona. Neomu bogosipda.'

Sehun had been trying to reach Jiha for the last few days. The texts he sent mostly were not succesfully delivered. Everytime Sehun called, it would be the mailbox answering, telling him to leave a message. If he was not patient enough, he would have left thousand messages. Suddenly a thought came to him. Is Jiha with Suho?

He became tense. He quickly dialed Suho's number. But then his fingers stopped. Ah, maybe not.. he thought. He switched over to the SNS and he kept scrolling down until his eyes found something. It was Suho's new posting in his SNS, a family picture consisted of his grandparents, parents, his big brother and wife, Suho himself and Jiha. At first Sehun found it surprising (and somewhat annoying to him). He calmed himself by believing that Suho and Jiha had been best friends so they were like family to each other.

Sehun threw his body on the bed. He turned his head to a small table beside his bed, where he put photo frames on it. He silently stared at the photos. Some old photos. Mostly they were the photos of himself when he was still a baby peanut in high school, and the early twenty Jiha and Suho. Jiha was always in the middle, or if not she would be next to Suho. Sehun frowned at those photos.

He got his attention back to the SNS, and there was another new posting from Suho. This time, it made Sehun pissed, as he saw Suho's new posting. A picture of Suho being really close with Jiha. Like really close. Sehun just wanted to believe that they are best friends so it's not strange if they just hug or cuddle. Casually. However the fact was Suho back-hugging Jiha and it was not very casual. Unless arms on the waist and chin rested on shoulder in the position almost kissing the girl's neck was considered casually normal.

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pastelpalettes #1
Chapter 8: Thanks for the story! It doesn't seem complete though? :)