He's Not Your Pet

Until You Said Yes [Sequel Collection for ESNE]

He's Not Your Pet
5600 words
A suggestion by wonja2


Luhan can barely contain his own excitement. He knew that this was coming, or at least he had hoped for it. At some point, there was going to be an opening vacated within the company to allow for an intern to step up into a full position. What he hadn’t previously expected is that upon such an opening, they would directly offer it to Luhan instead of making all interns apply for the position. Luhan doesn’t have to go through an interview process or reformat his resume. No, he was pulled into an office just after his lunch break to be told that the position is his.


Luhan will now make a decent paycheck nearly four times that of the measly pay that the internship had provided him. He can finally begin to stand a little independently from his parents, even though he knows they will still proceed to try to direct his life until he is the success they want him to be. Luhan doesn’t really mind, however, since he is able to find good things about the company and the people he interacts with.


Luhan leaves the building and immediately pulls out his cellphone while walking to his car. He calls his father first. The man’s response is typical, boasting proud congratulations followed by encouragement to keep working his way up. Luhan takes the advice with a grain of salt. All he has ever done is try and he knows his dad is simply looking out for his best interests. Luhan can’t be accused of never trying his best.


Luhan calls his mother once he’s finished talking with his dad. He knows if he doesn’t that she will be aggravated to hear the news second hand from his dad instead of from him directly. Luhan listens to the gushing pride before telling his mom that he is at the car and needs to get off the phone so that he can get home.


The only person Luhan can’t call at that moment, even though he would have done so even before his father, is Kai. This is simply because the other doesn’t have his own phone. Luhan doesn’t even have a home phone since he’s never far from his cellphone, so why bother? He thinks to himself, as he starts the car, that he will have to make sure to add a line to his plan and get Kai a cellphone soon.


Luhan nearly bursts through his own front door, too excited to tone down how eager he is to tell the other. He stops right inside and turns to look into the room before whipping to the other side to find Kai standing in the kitchen with a glass of milk.


“Something wrong?” the younger asks.


“I’m not an intern anymore!” Luhan shouts.


Kai stares wide-eyed for a second. His boyfriend wouldn’t be this excited to have been let go, which only means he’s been given something better. Luhan’s face is brilliant with joy and his eyes are glittering with excitement. “They gave you a regular position?”


“Yes! A position was vacated. They didn’t even post it! They came directly to me and offered it first!” he gushes.


Luhan’s happiness is beyond infectious. He’s wearing a smile that Kai likes to classify as a bit silly and yet still beautiful. He’s deemed it as Luhan’s ‘real’ smile.  “That’s amazing!” Kai reciprocates.


“I know! This is great! I pretty much start immediately. I have new responsibilities and wont’ be running the same old errands and dumb tasks. It’s nothing managerial, yet, but it’s a step!”


“Of course!” Kai puts down his glass and rounds the corner of the counter. Kai loves seeing Luhan so excited. “You’re amazing,” he states while staring directly into Luhan’s eyes.


This has Luhan feeling just a bit overwhelmed. He can take the success at work and the praise from family. What he can’t take is the intense gaze of his boyfriend as his eyes dance just between dark and light, settling on a gray tone. Luhan blinks a few times and then directs his gaze elsewhere.


“Why don’t we go out to eat tonight? Nothing fancy, but in celebration,” Luhan suggests. He is sure that Kai has been home for at least most of the day if not all. It is best that they go out for a change of pace. Kai nods while smiling.


“I’m going to change into something more comfortable. It’ll only take a moment,” Luhan states cheerily.


“There’s no rush,” Kai laughs.


Still, Luhan rushes to grab a change of clothes.


Kai keeps a happy and warm expression on his face until Luhan closes the bathroom door.


Inside, Kai’s head is a whirlwind threatening to collapse his happiness for the other.


It should have been Kai to have suggested dinner and pay for it. He should be responsible for celebrating Luhan’s achievement. But, Kai still hasn’t found a job. In fact, Kai hasn’t done a whole lot to go about finding one either. He’s been somewhat taking advantage of Luhan’s hospitality in lieu of putting himself out there for more rejection. He knows that Luhan promised to help him in this regard, but the older has been focused on his internship and when he’s home the two of them need no excuse to bask in each other’s company.


Kai can’t help but feel guilty.


“I’m ready! Let’s go!” Luhan happily states as he almost skips from the restroom to join Kai near the apartment door. Kai continues to smile. If he can’t do anything grand, the least he can do is continue to be happy for his boyfriend and figure out how to fix the situation later.


First thing tomorrow, Kai will change. He won’t squander away Luhan’s hard work just because he’s afraid.



Maybe it was never fear in the first place, Kai thinks as he slams the apartment door closed. He has just made it to the studio he shares with Luhan after a day of going through job ads and trying to hand in resumes for jobs he doesn’t really want. He figures anything is better than nothing. However, at the end of business day, nothing is still what he has.


This is exactly how the days went before he met Luhan. He would spend hours trying for jobs that were met with polite smiles and steady rejections. The only difference is that he used to come home to two beings with similar issues. Now he has come home to a house that he’s lucky to exist in and a boyfriend he doesn’t deserve and Kai can’t help but sink to the floor and drown in how tired he is.


He can’t even move to crawl towards the bed. Instead, he stays on the floor near the couch.


Maybe this is all he is. Maybe he should resign to be Luhan’s pet for as long as the other will keep him. Kai doesn’t want a second-hand lifestyle, but he’s never been very good at picking himself up. Baekhyun picks him up. Suho picks him up. Even Luhan picks him up. Sometimes Kai has just the right amount of determination. At least, he thinks he does when he starts his mornings. Lately, he watches Luhan march off to work as if the older is about to win a war against the world. Kai feels as though he’s walking the sidelines and trying to simply fight to exist within the world. He doesn’t want to give up, but he just doesn’t know the correct way to find a solution.


Kai gets up and changes out of the clothes he wore during his job search. He finds a pair of drawstring pants, pulling them on while keeping his tail curled down his thigh and just around the top of his knee. He searches for a comfortable shirt and doesn’t like anything he sees. He toys with the idea of looking through Luhan’s clothes and does so, even though there’s nothing specific he’s looking for.


The smell of Luhan hits him hard. Suddenly, he doesn’t care what it is as long as it smells like the older. It’s a tank top that Kai finds in his grasp. Nothing special, but he pulls out the top and pulls it over his head. It fits just fine, but it’s the scent that really gets to him.


Kai finds his way back to the floor just at the foot of the couch and curls up into a ball while turning on some music. His mood doesn’t improve, however, as he suddenly thinks that he shouldn’t have dirtied Luhan’s shirt by wearing it without asking. Kai’s ears fold back against his head as he listens to the music and tries to settle his emotions before his boyfriend’s return.



It isn’t that Luhan’s job is harder than he expected. He’s not merely an intern or a glorified errand boy anymore, meaning Luhan has more stress and feels wearier by the end of the day. He isn’t, by any means, overwhelmed. If he were, then any hopes in rising further up in the company would have to be dashed. No, Luhan simply has to find a new balance.


As he drives home, he thinks he knows what that is. He could take hours of concentration, analysis, phone calls, and report writing if it meant that at the end of the day a certain blonde haired hybrid would curl up on the couch and let Luhan pet him as he pleased. He wants to see the flick of the other’s tail and the twitch of his ears as he excitedly welcomes Luhan’s arrival home. More than anything, Luhan wants to kiss the other and sleep holding him as it’s the only way he thinks he’ll get the kind of restorative sleep that he needs to confront every new day.


Luhan’s balance is Kai and he can’t wait to get home.


Luhan can’t lie. What he is expecting is to be met with a happy Kai when he opens the door. He’s only a little dismayed when he opens the door to a mostly dark apartment with Kai sleeping on the floor. It’s been like this lately. He knows that the other likes to catch the sun in the window, but when the sun moves so that the rays are no longer directly seeping in, Kai usually moves to the couch or the bed or winds up with one of his energy boosts. However, for the entire week Kai continues to nap on the floor.


Luhan wants to wake the other just for the attention. He stares while he takes off his shoes and removes his wallet and stores his keys. There’s music playing, but it’s not too loud or too quiet. Luhan takes in the casual attire Kai is sporting and realizes that the tank top is one of his own. Not that he minds. In fact, Luhan thinks the other should wear it more often because his arms are gorgeous. The expanse of olive skin and toned muscle has Luhan craving physical interaction with the other about ten-fold to how he was before arriving home. He now wants Kai to be the one holding him when they go to bed tonight and not the other way around.


Luhan approaches the cat-boy and crouches down on the floor just in front of him. He takes to rubbing the other’s shoulder hoping to wake him up. It takes a few moments before Kai’s eyes open and search out Luhan. Once their gazes lock, Kai sits up but looks away from the older.


“Sleepy?” Luhan asks playfully.


Kai nods.


“Long day?”


Yes, Kai thinks, but he knows it’s not as long as Luhan’s probably was. “Not really.”


Luhan looks at Kai’s puffy eyes thinking that the younger probably got too much sleep. He still hopes he can catch some time with the other after dinner and before his energy spikes and keeps him up for the night. Luhan places his hand against the side of Kai’s cheek and smiles fondly as the other leans into it. He isn’t sure how it’s possible, but Luhan swears that his heart swells that much more for the other. He can’t stop himself as he leans forward and slowly kisses the other. Their lips come together in a delicate dance that spells out love a lot more than mere attraction.


When Luhan pulls away, he reaches up to ruffle Kai’s hair. “You’re so cute when you’re sleepy.”


Kai pouts. I’m still useless.


“See? Just like that,” Luhan laughs as Kai’s expression. He thinks it’s perhaps because the younger doesn’t like terms like ‘cute’. Once he tried calling Kai ‘baby’ only to get a firm hiss in return from the hybrid. Luhan has since censored himself from using the nickname, but he can’t help it when the younger is actually quite adorable.


“I missed you. Will you sit with me for a little bit? I can make us something quick to eat in a few minutes.”


If this is what Luhan wants…


Kai waits for the other to move to the couch before Kai pulls himself up on the piece of furniture. Luhan pats his thigh and Kai obeys by laying his head down so that he’s facing away from Luhan and towards the opposite side of the room. Luhan takes to running his hands through Kai’s hair. He massages with more pressure at the back of Kai’s neck and at the valley between his shoulder blades.






“Why isn’t your tail out?” Luhan asks curiously.


Kai mentally flinches at the request. It’s the first time that he interprets the question differently from before. Is that why Luhan really likes me? Why is it so important? Kai wonders if maybe he’s responsible for Luhan suddenly developing a hybrid . Maybe he really is just a pet to him. Kai would surely be sporting raised fur, if in fact he had been covered in it like a normal cat. But, he’s not normal. He’s not a normal human and he’s not completely feline. He finds himself getting angry and feeling defensive.


But on the heels of his initial reaction, Kai can suddenly understand. He’s been freeloading off the other for a couple months now. He doesn’t contribute so how can he be on equal footing with Luhan? Kai shifts on the couch as he lets his tail unwind. He brings his knees closer to his chest while still laying on Luhan’s lap until he can maneuver his tail so that it’s out in the open the way Luhan seems to like it.


Luhan smiles. He takes great pride that Kai doesn’t hide his true self from him. He was worried for a moment that the younger was perhaps feeling a bit insecure. He quickly resumes his idle play with the blonde hair until he finds himself tracing small phrases against the back of one of Kai’s ears. He kind of hopes the other is guessing what he’s writing, but regardless he means every word of each endearment.


Kai is holding back frustrated tears while simply waiting for the older to be hungry enough to stop for dinner. He doesn’t want to be a wimp like Baekhyun accused him of being as a kid. He can’t let another day of rejection stop him from proving that he is Luhan’s equal. He will try again tomorrow. Maybe, if he’s lucky, he’ll be successful enough to not feel like a failure all weekend.



Kai sits in an office that is mostly beige and brown in coloring. It’s drab to say the least and there is a part of him, albeit small, that wishes he had the luxury to walk away from this interview. He needs a job, any job and that is why he’s here. The man sitting on the other side of the desk is much older and rotund. He radiates impatience and looks over Kai’s resume as if he can’t believe he is wasting his time on it.


“Your job experience is next to nothing,” the man states with annoyance.


“I have impeccable grades, sir. I learn quickly,” is Kai’s best response.


“But you haven’t held a job longer than a few months,” he sneers.


Kai doesn’t want to tell him that it’s because of all the staring. He can’t stand all of the staring.


“You weren’t fired, but you quit. Why should I give you a job if it basically says here that you won’t last very long? Why should I waste my time?”


In truth, Kai can’t promise him anything or give him a good reason. If he did what he wanted, he’d already be walking away. Kai needs this job and has to think of an answer that works, and quickly.


“Besides, your species is too fickle…”


Kai reasons in his head that it’s because no one gives them the chance, or works to make employers accountable for it.


“Look, kid…”


Kai hates being called ‘kid’. He’s 22. He’s not 6.


“Why don’t you just find yourself a good master and do what you things do best. You’re obviously not meant to professionally be in this industry. Besides, I don’t have time to cater to pets when there’s work to be done.”


Kai feels like he’s been punched in the gut. He breathes heavily a few times while trying to maintain eye contact and not look like the other has the power to hurt him.


“I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time. Thank you for at least considering,” Kai forces himself to say. He feels sick at being polite to such an ignorant human being. Kai stands and maintains his straight posture as he leaves the room and the building. Kai starts walking faster and faster until he’s sprinting towards the closest bus stop. He can feel everything closing in on him until the bus pulls up and the doors open. As soon as the bus leaves the stop, Kai huddles into the furthest backseat corner and repeats to himself that he’s an adult and adults don’t cry.



Luhan throws open the door to the apartment late in the afternoon after rushing home from work. It’s Friday and he’s excited because he is in the possession of concert tickets but has been waiting until the actual weekend of the event to tell Kai. The concert is tomorrow night and he wants to give Kai something to look forward to. It’s a concert to a band that both agreed that they liked when discussing their music preferences. Maybe not either of their absolute favorites, but one that they can both enjoy together.


Luhan glances around, ready to simply wave the two pieces of cardstock printed tickets in front of Kai. Luhan is grinning with uncontained excitement until he can’t seem to locate his boyfriend.




Luhan checks around the bed and back around the couch. He takes a deeper look into the kitchen, although there is no way he could have missed the other had he been standing there. He peeks into the restroom only to be met with empty darkness.


It’s the first time Luhan has come home to an empty apartment since the day Kai agreed to move in. Sure, Kai has left to go out several times, but not before Luhan returned. He knows that Kai leaves during the hours when he’s at work, but never long enough that’s he’s not back in time for Luhan to come home.


Luhan isn’t sure it’s something to be alarmed about, even if it’s the first time. If only I’d bought him a cellphone.


Luhan can’t decide if he should overreact. If he followed his first inclination, he’d drive over to Suho’s. But if the younger wasn’t there, then he risked worrying Suho as well. Kai could have simply lost track of time. Or maybe one of the busses had run late.

Luhan places the tickets on the counter and paces the kitchen for a little bit. He has Suho’s address but no phone number. He assumes that the other must have one, but that since Kai doesn’t have a phone to use, he has no use for storing Suho’s number.


Luhan decides to change into comfortable clothes and give his boyfriend some time to return home.


An hour later and Luhan is going to lose his mind. He just knows that if Kai walks in now that the younger will laugh at him for being so silly. Luhan grabs his keys and slips on his shoes and runs to his car. He pushes away all of the reasons why he shouldn’t leave for the reasons he should: Suho could know or Kai could be with him.


Luhan runs up to the door of the more modest apartments that are nestled a little further downtown. He collects himself before knocking on the door.


The door is pulled open a moment later as Suho stares at Luhan in slight shock. However, the expression changes to one of complete understanding and expectation as he pulls the door open a little more now that he’s knows it’s only Luhan.


“Is he here?” Luhan asks.


Suho blinks twice and inhales before he nods his head. “But… I think it might be wise if he stays the night. He can come home tomorrow,” the other offers.


“What do you mean ‘he can come home tomorrow’? What’s wrong?”


Luhan takes a step forward, but realizes that Suho isn’t moving to accommodate his presence.


Luhan can hear the sound of quick steps across the floor. His gaze leaves Suho in favor of Baekhyun who has just approached the door.


“You can’t have Kai,” Baekhyun growls.


Luhan moves back a step as he is met with a side of Baekhyun he didn’t even know existed. This time, Luhan can see the dual eye color and it’s as beautiful as it is intimidating. In fact, under the circumstances it is downright scary.


“Baek, you know that this isn’t Luhan’s fault,” Suho reasons.


“I don’t care. If he’s so great then why did Kai come back here?” Baekhyun is still staring at Luhan, even though he’s talking to Suho.


Luhan is completely confused. The only thing he knows is that somewhere behind the two, his boyfriend isn’t okay and has taken to hiding here instead of coming home.


“Kai!!!” Luhan yells. He has no patience for the other two and he wants to see his boyfriend and figure out what’s wrong.


The three of them here a soft muffled whine. Baekhyun spins around and disappears back into the room.


Luhan looks at Suho, knowing that if anyone is going to be reasonable it’s him. “Suho, what happened? I honestly haven’t the slightest clue. I came home and he wasn’t there. I waited an hour and came here first to check. I don’t know what’s going on.”


Suho takes pity on the other. Sometimes it can take forever just to get Kai to explain himself when things like this happen. He already has enough to gauge the whole story and he doesn’t want it to take hours for Luhan to get the gist. Suho tells Luhan about the interviewer and the things he said to Kai. He tells Luhan about how Kai’s been frantically trying to find a job again only to be met with the same rejections over and over.


“But, I told him that we would do this together.”


“It’s been a couple of months now, Luhan. You got a better position. You don’t have a lot of time during the week.” Suho stops suddenly and debates something for a moment. “Kai isn’t your pet. He needs to feel like he can be with you as an equal.”


Luhan lets everything swirl around in his head for a moment. “Can I see him, please?”


This time, Suho backs away from the doorframe and gives Luhan enough room to walk in. To his right is an open door to another room. He can hear movement from inside and assumes that his boyfriend is somewhere inside and probably with an overly-protective Baekhyun.


Luhan approaches the doorway and looks inside. Baekhyun is holding Kai’s frame to him, the both sitting in the middle of a twin-sized bed, while the other seems to be hiccupping or sniffling. Baekhyun shoots Luhan a glare but then turns his attention back to the distraught boy. “Kai-ah, Luhan came.”


Luhan hurries to the bed and sits down - promptly pulling his boyfriend into his arms. There is no fight from the other or Baekhyun, which is reassuring considering everything. “Kai, why didn’t you come home? I told you we would do this together. I just thought you were so happy all this time that I didn’t think we immediately needed to find you a job. There’s no pressure, you know. There’s no reason you should be panicking over having trouble finding work. It’s certainly not something that I hold against you.”


“I can’t just live off of you forever,” Kai presses.


“It’s not like that. I don’t think of it that way at all. But I said we would do it together, and I meant it. And don’t listen to ignorant idiots. That hiring manager is an . You know you’re better than that. You don’t want to work for him anyway.”


“It’s not just him, it’s everyone.”


“No,” Luhan said with a firm shake of his head. “It’s not everyone. There are more people out there who don’t care about what physically makes anyone different. They will look at your skills and nothing more than that.”


Kai buries his head closer to Luhan’s neck as it rests heavily on his shoulder. His biggest insecurity is bubbling up to the surface and despite his doubts about his own boyfriend, he can’t stop himself from voicing them. “…I’m just a pet.”


Now, Luhan is furious. He wasn’t mad at Kai, per say. But, gone is the tough man who knows he is capable and just missing his chance. In his place is someone more destroyed by who he is than even Luhan had been previously aware of.


“You are no one’s pet. Kai, I love you and I admit that I like taking care of you, but not because you’re incapable of doing so yourself but because I just like it. You don’t need a home in which someone is there to feed you and provide for you. If I’ve made you feel that way, it wasn’t my intention at all. To me, you’re worth all of the attention and I wanted you to feel special not incapable.”


Kai exhales heavily and soaks in Luhan’s words because despite the insecurities, he has to believe him. Suho and Baekhyun are good at reassuring him, but he needs Luhan, who isn’t a hybrid, to help him believe in himself.


Luhan moves his hands to Kai’s shoulders and helps him sit up, prying him away from Luhan’s shoulder so he can really look at him. Kai looks like he hasn’t slept in a week. Luhan suddenly wonders if he had been missing clues about the other’s state of mind all this time. Luhan’s eyes narrow as if he’ll get an answer just by staring at the other.


“Why didn’t you tell me you’d been applying for jobs and getting rejected?” Luhan whispers.


“I wanted to surprise you by getting one.”


“Together, Kai. Surprise me with little things, but lets do the big things together, okay?”


Kai gives a small nod in acceptance.


Luhan wraps his arms around Kai’s waist, hands settling at the small of his back. Luhan just wants his happy boyfriend back. He quickly closes the space between them, catching Kai in a kiss that starts playful and light but turns into one of need and passion. Kai pushes closer to Luhan throwing the older a little off balance resulting with him falling back against the bed while Kai unabashedly takes what Luhan knows is only his.



Luhan ignores the work that’s piling up today. He’s been doing research for a good part of yesterday and today, however it has nothing to do with his job or the company he works for. In fact, Luhan is pretty sure that if anyone looked into his computer search history, they would think that Luhan is about to betray his current job for another. This is not Luhan’s intent at all.


He has found a small production company that is doing well even if its business structure is small. He doesn’t want Kai working somewhere that will only fall apart with the changing tides in popular culture. He thinks that this one has a bit of staying power. They currently have job openings and Luhan sits backto make a phone call to inquire about the position.


Luhan is strictly professional as he asks questions about their policies and views on discrimination. He asks about resume requirements and the position expectations. His conversation stays very professional and by the end, he not only respects the honest answers given by the person who he talks to, but he genuinely finds that the person quite likeable. Luhan thinks that if that person is the same one to interview Kai, his boyfriend might finally have at least a decent experience. Now, Luhan just has to tweak the other’s resume.


When Luhan goes home that evening, he works with Kai on his resume. Kai doesn’t quite understand why he’s making the document so completely specific and detailed, but he can’t deny just how impressive the whole thing reads when Luhan is finished. The best part is that nothing on it is a lie. It’s simply a better construction of impressive language and format.


The following morning, Luhan preps Kai a little bit. He tells the other of the interview appointment time and gives him a few details about the company so that if Kai is asked then at least he sounds like he has done his research.


Luhan still has to go to work, however, and leaves Kai with a quick good luck kiss and a cheesy thumbs up as he runs out the door.


Luhan has a ton of work to make up. His morning starts off at a hectic pace as he hurries through reports and plays catch up before anyone has a chance to send him another email or add paperwork to his desk. He still isn’t anywhere near caught up as he reaches his normal lunch hour. Luhan knows he will have to skip lunch that day and doesn’t even notice the time as he works straight through. In fact, Luhan doesn’t stop until his phone begins to ring effectively pulling him out of his current focus.


“This is Luhan.”


“You have a visitor,” the receptionist starts to explain. Luhan didn’t get visitors. He isn’t anyone of any importance, yet. He’s a little surprised. The woman tells him that whoever his visitor is has already left her desk to find his way up.


Luhan hangs up the phone and moves around his desk to go to the door. He’s about to open it when the door swings towards him. Luhan steps back, but gasps in surprise as Kai’s frame fills his vision.


Kai is all smiles and abundant energy as he steps towards Luhan and hauls the older against him in what has to be the tightest hug Luhan has ever experienced.


He doesn’t have the chance to say anything as Kai loosens the hug just enough so he can catch Luhan in an overeager kiss that has the older almost laughing against the younger’s lips.


“Kai..Kai!” Luhan shouts as he turns his face away from the other so that he can stop him from the welcome yet inappropriate behavior.


“I got it! I actually got it!” the younger shouts. “Luhan! I got the job! Next week! I start next week!”


Luhan returns Kai’s brilliant smile.


“My boss, I think, is human – but there is another one in the office who is a hybrid. I’m so excited!  He didn’t even seem concerned that I was part cat. We talked about my resume the whole time. He even understood about the lack of work experience. He said he sees something in me! Me!” Kai rambles excitedly.


Kai’s excitement is overridden just a tiny bit by the proud look in Luhan’s eyes. Kai thinks about what a waste all his previous experiences have been. He knows, however, that there’s nothing he can or will change about his past. If he could or if he did, then he might not be staring at the love of his life on the second greatest day of his life (the first being the day he met Luhan).


“I skipped my lunch. Why don’t we go celebrate right now?” Luhan offers. Kai nods and trades his need to embrace the other for simply holding his hand.


Luhan has never really been one to procrastinate. But then, this isn’t procrastination. Kai is his priority. His work will still be there for him later in the afternoon and tomorrow. Right now, Luhan is going to make sure that Kai doesn’t come down from his excitement high for at least a little while longer.


Luhan treats Kai to a lunch but doesn’t return to work until after he pulls Kai into a nearby store for a gift as well.


Luhan knows he’s done well when his afternoon is filled with distracting text messages and more than a handful of Kai-taken selcas.



Phew. I think the next chapter needs to be a bit more fluffy to make up for all the drama.

Since most of you want Rated scenes, then I will do so - but they will be just every once in a while. I will also very CLEARLY mark the rated chapters so that the few of you who don't want them, can skip them. If there is a plot in the chapter that shouldn't be missed then I will CLEARLY mark where the rated scene begins so you can read up to and/or after so that you don't miss any of the 'story'.

I hope you all continue to enjoy!

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If the side pairings are too much, I'm sorry. You know I love KaiLu the most.


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Chapter 12: Always loved these stories ♡
Waaaaah a sequel author-nim (♥ω♥*) I just saw this and I'm gonna make sure to read this :)) thank you author-nim
Chapter 21: One of my favorites ♡
Demitria_Teague #4
Chapter 16: Aww, Baek and Chanyeol are so cute.
Chapter 21: ASAFSLLSJGSISL OMG OMG.YEY! they are engaged. <3 dagakkstslalagsf
Chapter 21: I need KaiLu's fluffy too,., thankz for this,., (^_^)
Rb2012 #7
Chapter 21: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww cuuuuute ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 21: I love the way you described Kai's hybrid traits. Loved this fluffy chapter!
Chapter 20: Chen and his mouth ahahahahahah
Rb2012 #10
Chapter 20: Cuuuuuuuuuuute ♡♡♡♡