Liar, Liar

The Dame

                “Wha…what’s going on?” Jongin raised his hands in shock, stepping back.

                “I said don’t move.” Luhan’s lips formed a thin line.

                “But we…” too late. Luhan pulled the trigger and everyone ducked. Jongin and Chanyeol fell down to the ground, covering their eyes. Chanyeol’s hand was poised on his belt to reach his own gun, when he realized he couldn’t hear anything at all.

                “What the…” he lifted his head and looked up. A CCTV camera was hanging precariously off it’s stand. Chanyeol didn’t notice it there. Luhan pocketed his gun back and lent a hand to help the detective on his feet.

                “If you guys were caught on camera that would be the end of your little investigation.”

                “LUHAN!!!!!” Kyungsoo and Baekhyun rushed forward into their ex-colleague’s arms, who laughed at his former spy partner’s adorable reactions. He hugged them all tightly.

                “It’s good to see the two of you again.”

                “Oh my god I can’t believe it! I knew you were here to help us when you pulled out that gun! The Silent Shooter, one of Suho’s prized gadgets.” Baekhyun nudged him.

                “I was given a few gadgets before I retired as a ‘parting gift’.”

                “Given?” Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow teasingly.

                “I was ‘given’ and let’s make it that way okay?” Luhan laughed. “I’m a socialite now, if anyone found out about my past I’d be ruined!”

                “Does your husband know?”

                “Of course he does. That’s how I met him! I was on a mission to investigate the embezzlement case of Mr. Choi Siwon when I met Sehun in London.” Luhan explained. “Those were the good old days.”

                “Luhan, this is Detective Park Chanyeol and reporter Kim Jongin.” Kyungsoo introduced the two men who were still stunned by the whole event. Jongin’s hair was a mess and Chanyeol just had a blank look on his face.

                “Let me guess, you guys are working on The Dame’s murder case.”

                “So you believe she was murdered.” Baekhyun patted his back.

                “That’s what the family thinks too.” Luhan sat down on one of the armchairs. Kyungsoo resumed to his old spot behind the table while Chanyeol tried to regain his senses. Jongin just seemed nuts.

                “What do you know about The Dame?” Kyungsoo asked.

                “I worked with her for her charity events ever since we got married, and let’s just say that she isn’t the nicest to me.” Luhan rolled his eyes. “She hated the fact that her son was gay. Did you know that Sehun was originally set up to marry some fancy rich girl? He hated his mother’s pushy attitude and moved out.”

                “Were you ever mistreated?”

                “Oh no, but she was very cold to me. She never really acknowledged me as family but rather someone who works for her, and I can see it in her eyes. She just hates me.” Luhan shuddered. “But I would never want or wish her dead, in case you’re asking.”

                “Do you know anyone who would then?” Chanyeol had regained his senses and now crossed his arms.

                “Hard to say. We all have reasons. Well maybe except Kris, but that’s because he doesn’t even talk to his ex-wife anymore.”

                “Would Hani want to murder her mother?” Jongin asked.

                Luhan shrugged. “I don’t know. She has always been closest to her, but a rumour is going around that she has been fighting with her mother lately. No one knows why but they seem to be very tense, at least that’s what they say in the office.”

                “What about Jongdae?” Kyungsoo asked. Baekhyun looked at him curiously. Why would he ask such a thing?

                “Jongdae? I wouldn’t waste any time with him. At this point, he’s the only person with the best relationship with my mother-in-law.” Luhan sneered a little at the end. “They seem to love talking about business, and Jongdae’s a fantastic -kisser, always kissing up to her and buying her gifts. He’s a better son-in-law then a husband to be honest.”

                “Does he wander?”

                “I bet he does. Little tried to put the moves on me once.” Luhan rolled his eyes. “But he does that to everyone so I don’t know.”

                “It’s possible that Hani was not happy in her marriage, which led to her affair with Xiumin.” Chanyeol pondered. He didn’t think he was talking so loudly when Luhan half-shrieked.

                “HANI IS HAVING AN AFFAIR?!!??! WITH OUR DRIVER?!?!??” Luhan’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god I cannot believe this. It’s beginning to make sense!”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Hani and Jongdae actually have their own driver named Eunhyuk, but if Hani is travelling alone she insists on Xiumin’s service. She says it’s because she was more used to Xiumin’s company that Eunhyuk’s. And they have always been pretty chummy, and Xiumin looks at her as if she is the sun and the stars all rolled up in one.” Luhan rubbed his hands in glee. “Wait till I tell Sehun! He is going to piss himself when he finds out that his baby sister is…”

                “No!” Baekhyun clamped a hand over Luhan’s mouth. “You cannot breathe a word about this to anyone. You know the rules!”

                “Okay okay.” Luhan raised a hand, nodding away. “You know, the only person who loves Xiumin more than Hani is The Dame. She spoils him, constantly taking him everywhere with her, even on overseas vacations with the family. I think it has something to do with the fact that he treats her very well, and she misses having a son to baby over. Or maybe she…”

                “You don’t think…” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, as if he read Luhan’s thoughts.

                “Nah it would be weird. I don’t think she’s in love Xiumin.” Luhan laughed. “God I do miss this spy stuff though. The adrenaline, the action…”

                “You could always come back to the job. I’m sure there’s a spot open for you somewhere.”

                “I can’t, especially not now.” Luhan shook his head. “Now that my mother-in-law is dead, I’m the next person to take over her position in the charity foundation. I have a ton of work to do.”

                “At least you have something.” Baekhyun shrugged.

                “Maybe.” Luhan rose to his feet and headed to the door. “I’d better go before anyone else realizes I’m gone.”

                “Luhan,” Baekhyun called. “Thank you.”

                “No problem. If I spot anything suspicious, I’ll let you guys know. But be careful.”

                “You used to tell us that all the time.”

                “And it looks like I’ll still have to.” Luhan turned around to give Baekhyun and Kyungsoo one last hug. He stepped back and opened the door, exiting swiftly, leaving the original four in their places.

                “So it looks like we have a spy in their midst.” Jongin mumbled. Chanyeol heard what he said and nudged the kid. He exited the library for a short while, just enough to see Hani walking up the steps. The party was still on but she was heading back to her room. Jongdae was chatting up everybody he saw while his wife disappeared.

                There is something not quite right with Hani.


                Chanyeol wasted no time in scheduling an appointment to interview Hani the next day. He just wasn’t convinced that this gorgeous, sweet and lovely looking lady did not have anything to hide. He bought Baekhyun with him this time as they sat in the waiting room of Hani’s cosmetic company.

                “She is terrible sorry but she has a prior engagement to attend to.” Her secretary said, serving them water in paper cups. “She will be with you shortly.”

                “No problem.” The lady bowed a little and walked off, leaving them in the waiting room. Just a door away would be Hani’s office, and wouldn’t it be lovely to be able to enter and do a little snooping.

                “I don’t think we should. We have no permit to enter her office and just ransack her belongings like that.”

                “You think you should care?” Baekhyun scoffed. “People like her have secrets that they have to hide. You’ll never find anything from just questioning her.”

                “It’s against the law.”

                “And this is why crimes don’t get solved.” Baekhyun reached into his jacket and pulled out a pen. The top came off and inside was a cleverly sealed lock pick. He tiptoed over to her office and inserted the pick. 1,2 and 3, the lock was picked.

                “Baek…” Chanyeol was about to protest but the door was opened and Baekhyun ran in. “Start looking at that side. I’ll check her computer.”

                “We…” he decided there was no use in protesting. With the door locked behind them he quickly scurried over to the drawers on the right. Baekhyun had already unlocked her personal computer and was scrolling through her work files.

                “Nothing much here except her modelling resumes, pictures and a few pay checks.”

                “Check this out, it’s a map of her cosmetic factory.” Baekhyun pointed. He pulled out his hidden pendrive and connected it to the computer. “EXID Cosmetics using all natural ingredients, harnessing the secrets nature has in its every fibre to bring out the natural beauty in you.” He read one of the articles regarding her company.

                “Hey look, a law file.” Chanyeol dug out one of the files and flipped through the pages. “Oh my god look! A divorce form!”

                “She wanted a divorce?” Baekhyun’s eyes widened.

                “Listen to this. I, Kim Hani, request a divorce from my spouse, Kim Jongdae for irreconcilable differences.”

                “Poor thing. So she wanted to get away from her husband.”

                “But Jongdae hasn’t signed it.” Chanyeol pointed at the lower part of the form. “I don’t think she gave this to him yet. Have you found anything?”

                “I’m trying to look her evidence of her affair of the driver, but I don’t think she stores anything important in here. These are all work files.” Baekhyun removed the pendrive and shut off her pc. “Let’s get out of here. The number one rule in snooping, always spend no longer than 5 minutes.”

                Sure enough, not long after they returned to their seats, Hani had returned from their meeting. They didn’t get much of a chance to meet Hani during the party, but she was an extraordinary beauty, even more so in real life.

                “Where were you on the night your mother was murdered?”

                “I was in my home, getting ready for our party of course.” Hani explained, crossing her slender legs.

                “Was your husband with you?”

                “Yes. He was talking to the kitchen staff while I talked to the performers of the event. We had tango dancers to perform for us that night.”

                “Did you mother behave any strangely a few days or weeks before she was murdered? Do you know if something out of the ordinary occurred to her?”

                “She was particularly close to my husband. They spent a lot of time together discussing business, then later I found out that they were interested in setting up a business together. My husband also invests in the same experiment she did, the one about the earthquakes. The experiment seemed to be reaching a conclusion so my husband takes my mother out to the university for it’s test runs.”

                “She was planning to collaborate with your husband? Were you in on the deal?” Baekhyun asked.

                “No. I was never involved in any of their business.” Hani rolled her eyes, clearly showing her distaste for the situation. “I could care less anyways.”

                “About your husband,” Chanyeol cleared his throat. “Would you say that he has been a good husband? For the most part? Or is your mother’s close relationship to your husband threatening it?”

                “Oh no! Jongdae has been a good husband!” Hani shook her head. “He’s always treated me well and even though I don’t agree with them setting up a business together, I’m still glad he cares for my mother the same way I do.”

                “So you have no reason to doubt him? Especially with your mother? Or anyone else?”

                “Ever thought of divorcing him?”

                “No! Why would you say that? Why are you picking on my marriage?”

                “Just checking.” Chanyeol raised his hands, making a small nod to apologize for his behaviour. He noted Hani’s heavy breathing and tight shoulders. Why is she lying about her unhappy marriage? Could Jongdae be having an affair or some kind of clandestine relationship with his own mother in law?

                “I’d like to know more about your business.” Baekhyun piped up. “What kind of products do you put up?”

                “Well we do everything from simple lipsticks to moisturizers and even eyeshadows. We specialise in using natural ingredients and we have them flown from all over the world. They are mixed in our labs at specific amounts and then put in our products.”

                “What kind of ingredients are we talking about?”

                “Everything from lavender to aloe vera to garlic.” Hani laughed. “We have also been experimenting in wild herbs and plants used in indigenous medicine for our cosmetic purposes. We’re thinking of expanding our line to include ointments that could help with skin diseases and ailments as part of our company.”

                “Are you the sole founder of the company?”


                “Does your family get involved?”

                “No, I’m on my own with this one.”

                “Miss Hani, before I met you last night, I saw you with Driver Kim Minseok, or you call him Xiumin perhaps,” Chanyeol watched Hani hold her breath. “It seems the two of you are very close.”

                “We’re good friends. He has always worked for me even before I was married.”

                “But I’m assuming that now you have your own family driver right?”

                “Yes but I prefer Xiumin’s service. He just knows what to do and I trust him more.”

                “Really?” Chanyeol narrowed his eyes. “You two are of the same age?”

                “He’s older than me.”

                “Alright, except from what I saw last night it seems that you guys might be more than friends.”

                “Detective,” Hani chuckled, shaking her head. “Xiumin has always been a gentleman, but I will assure you I would never cheat on my husband.”

                “Do you deny having romantic feelings for him?”

                “He is a handsome man and we may have flirted a little.” Hani mumbled a little. “But that’s all there is to it. Our relationship is strictly professional otherwise. Like you and your fellow colleague here.”

                “Us?” Baekhyun shot up in his seat. Chanyeol scoffed. Criminals do this all the time, using reverse techniques to throw the scent off them and back on the accuser. Hani may not be a criminal (yet) but she was lying a lot.

                “Yes. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. It’s obvious you must find the other party attractive.”

                “Of course he does.” Baekhyun smiled. Chanyeol glared at him while the latter just smiled teasingly.

                “You are the worst.” Chanyeol grumbled under his breath, just loud enough for Baekhyun to hear when they exited her office.

                “Oh come on, that was the only time she was telling the truth though. As if you could keep your eyes off me.”

                “You are such a pain in the .” He grumbled, pulling out his car keys.

                “I didn’t know you like to play that way. Maybe if you asked nicely I’ll consider.” Baekhyun laughed at Chanyeol’s stunned face, which was turning pinker and pinker. “Get in the car Yeol.”

                “What did you call me?” that seemed to snap him out.

                “Yeol. You know, short for Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said, putting on his seatbelt. “Why? You don’t like it?”

                “No it’s just that I’ve never heard you call me by anything else other than Chanyeol.”

                “Oh? I haven’t noticed.” Baekhyun shrugged. “But you don’t mind me calling you that?”

                “Not at all.”


                “Maybe I should give you a nickname too.”

                “How about Fabulous Baek, or Hot Byun? I like Hot Byun! It’s like Hot Buns!!”

                “I am not going to do that.” Chanyeol laughed. “That sounds like some cheap spy code name from the 70s.”

                “You know when I first signed up for P.I.E, I thought we were going to be given fancy code names like 007 and Thriller.” Baekhyun told the story of his enrolment as they pulled up into a Burger King drive through. “Then later they said they would go by numbers instead and boy was that a bummer. The code name Sweet would never be used.”

                “What’s your number then?” Chanyeol asked.

                “If I told you then I would have to kill you.”

                “Hahaha!” Chanyeol laughed.

                “No seriously.” Baekhyun said.

                “Oh,” Chanyeol took the burgers and paid for it. “Okay then. Mushroom chicken for you?”

                “Thanks. What are you getting?”

                “Double cheeseburger.” Chanyeol removed the wrappings and took a bite. It has been a while since breakfast and he was starving. The hot cheese melted in his mouth and he moaned unconsciously. Baekhyun nearly snorted Mountain Dew up his nose. “What the is wrong with you?”

                “Are you one of those people who moan when they are eating?” Baekhyun giggled.

                “What’s wrong with that?”

                “Nothing, just make sure you don’t go to a buffet or anything. People would think you’re having .”

                “Food is to me okay?”

                “That’s because you haven’t met someone to blow your mind away.” Baekhyun’s finger ran along the inside of his jaw and tickled Chanyeol’s chin.

                “This is supposed to be a professional relationship.”

                “It’s not my fault you’re cute.”

                “I am?”

                “Yes.” Baekhyun nodded. “Has no one told you that before?”

                Chanyeol rolled his eyes and chewed his burger, trying his best to pretend he was unaffected. He didn't realize this case took so much willpower.


A/N: My last chapter left everyone on a massive cliffhanger and I have seen a lot of comments on people going crazy over Luhan's actions, so I hope this chapter explains them hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I have also been working on some (yes, Baekyeol ) and those who are frequent readers of my work know that is not my forte so please keep your expectations low this time. On the other hand, my and seduction sections are coming together even better than the actual . How is this possible?! Aish....

Thanks for all the lovely comments and make sure to keep subscribing and upvote if you like this story! XD

Have some y Xiumin! XD

And a very unnecessary Yixing

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161 streak #1
Chapter 24: Okay I have finally finished reading this masterpiece and even though I am a little sad that this fic has ended, I must say that you wrapped up the story perfectly, you let us see the murderer's perspective, you gave everyone a happy ending (well other than the Dame I guess), and your writing style in general is perfect. I did not expect most of the plot twists, although some of them I considered, but nevertheless this story kept me on the edge of my seat. Also, I liked the fact that Baekhyun got over his fears with Chanyeol, and their and Jongin and Kyungsoo's relationships were very sweet. Oh and the part where Baekhyun used his pole dancing skills and seduced Chanyeol was hot, along with the that followed. Honestly this is probably the longest comment I have written for a fic, but this fic definitely deserves it and I would upvote it a thousand times if I could. Thank you so much for writing this masterpiece ?
161 streak #2
Chapter 23: And reading this chapter I sorta feel bad for Hani, but I still think killing her mother cannot be justified... Anyway it's nice how she realizes her mistakes though and tries to start over even in prison...
161 streak #3
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/964385/22'>Free, Love and Pole Danci...</a></span>
I knew it was either Minseok or Hani... I was actually leaning more towards Minseok but nvm...
Chapter 21: Whaaaaats happeningg ??
Chapter 16: Holyyy i ddnt expect that
Chapter 15: Hunhan adorable as always kekekeke
Chapter 9: I still miss tao and im still waiting for him ?
And i love this so far
yousra_ #8
A masterpiece, put it in my re read list
1312AZ #9
Chapter 26: Okay... THAT IS JUST WOW!!!!! I can't tell you how much it means to me that you cleared up the thing with Hani(I know she's not the main character) but when you went into her mind, it's just so sad and I think if jongdae treat her better then maybe she won't go with minseok but all turned out for the better.... And the relationship with her family is just so heartwarmingヾ(≧▽≦*)o ........ For baekhyun and chanyeol I would say they're cute and I'm glad baekhyun overcome his problem,, I LOVE THIS FIC !!!!!!o(〃^▽^〃)o
ByunDal #10
Chapter 27: I’m excited to read more of your stories!