DAY ONE: Oh Sehun, Luhan.

Kill, Live, Win, Repeat.

II. Oh Sehun, Luhan.


        Oh Sehun looked up to the sky of green. He frowned as his surroundings got gradually darker. He groaned. He impatiently tapped his foot on the ground. Nothing interesting was happening. He didn’t even sign up for this crap. Things were getting worse. He was hungry, cold, scared, and even worse, he was all alone. He sighed and scanned the area around him. He knew his stalker was still there, so he technically wasn't really alone. Even knowing so, he still felt incredibly lonely. He knew he was watching his every movement with much interest in his eyes. Does this boy even have a better thing to do? Sehun doesn’t think so.

Sehun turned around, hands still placed inside his pockets. He glanced over a bush and waited for any movement. He knew his stalker was hiding there, he's got to be. He had heard a sniffing noise coming from his left side before, and yet, no movements were seen. He decided he was way too bored by now and is not patient enough to wait any longer, and so he walked as calm as he could manage towards said bush. He doesn't want to drop his cold image. Yes, image.

At this point, we can conclude that Oh Sehun actually watches a lot of action or crime genre shows in his free (or not so free) time. He was actually a big fan of James Bond, and was a daily viewer of CSI. And you thought he has sixth sense or some sort. Jokes on you.

“Hey. Come out. I know you’re behind this bush.” Sehun said in a threatening tone. He clicked his tongue disapprovingly once there was no answer, which he entirely expected. Little did he know, the stalker's heartbeat was getting faster by each second. He was scared, but he knew he had been spotted. Sehun turned around with a smirk.

He took out his hand from his pocket and scratched his sharp jawline. He looked up towards the trees nonchalantly, pouting his cherry lips with a frown. He sighed as his frown turned into a grin.

“Fine, then. Don’t blame me when a spider gets mad at you for violating its property and crawls up your ear while you’re—“ And just like that, Sehun hears a loud screech and a thud following right after.

Sehun chuckled and turned around to see, unsurprisingly, a boy. He couldn’t get a good look at his face since it’s dark, but from the pose of silhouette, he can tell that it’s a petite boy, much smaller than he is. He can easily take this boy down.

Sehun moved closer to the boy who was rubbing his bottom in pain. He was still sitting on the ground, eyes wide in fear. He could feel the embarrassment and anger fuming in him. Sehun observed him quietly, scanning him from the tip of his hair and down to his white Adidas shoes, which was tainted by the dirt. Other than that, from the little light from the full moon illuminating the two of them in the midst of haze, he can tell that the boy has a honey-brown colored hair. What a nice color for a nice boy.

He chuckled as he felt the boy glare at him sharply. “Hey, aren’t I the one who’s supposed to be glaring at you? You’ve been following me for ages now. Or should I say stalking?” Sehun shot back at the boy teasingly, smirking in amusement.

He can see the embarrassment flashing in the boy's eyes as it went wide in surprise. He decided to take it easy and crouched beside the boy. He was feeling pretty lonely after all. He was actually glad that there was someone with him, feeling the same exact fear that he felt right now. The other boy could only stare back at him. Deep inside, Luhan felt intrigued by the mysterious stranger. He was like some knight with a shining armor held tight in his hands, ready to save his princess.

Sehun coughed, causing Luhan to wake up from his beautiful daydream. “Oh Sehun, but you can call me whatever you want.” Sehun introduced himself with a wink as he held out a hand. The boy didn’t take his hand. After a slight frown, the boy just glared at him sharply once again as he looked away, crossing his arms. How dramatic.

“Fine. It seems you don’t mind me calling you an , .” The boy replied followed by a huff. Sehun chuckled at the reply. Sehun found the boy pretty interesting, the way he found all the witty replies and knowing all the right things to do in the worst situations. He wanted a chance to get to know him better. He just hoped that he would actually get a chance to do so, before it started.

Sehun just shrugged and stood up as he brushed off the dirt from his knees with a loud sigh. He stared down the boy who was still observing the area all around him. Sehun sighed impatiently, wanting for some action to happen.

“At least tell me your name or something?” No reply came, unsurprisingly.

He thought something interesting would at least come around after a while, but all he had been doing for the past hour was wandering around a forest with someone following him behind, in a not-so-secret way. Sehun was actually really glad he has now revealed himself. He has a friend. Well, more like a complete stranger that doesn't consider him as a friend, but close enough.

Sehun sighed in plain frustration and was just about to walk away for a bit to trigger some noise from the boy, but just by seeing the slight movement, the smaller one in size finally spoke once again, too scared to be left alone in the darkness.

“Luhan. My name is Luhan. Don’t… don’t leave me alone. Please.” He heard the boy beg. Sehun, once again, was amused. He turned around and stared down the boy’s begging eyes. His lips were slightly pouted. For some reason, Sehun’s breath hitched in his throat, almost causing him to choke embarrassingly. Thank the Lord he didn't. He took a long, deep breath and nodded hesitantly.


“Hurry up, then. I haven’t got all day.”

“Fine. .”

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Chapter 10: This story is really good! I can't wait for the next chapter!
Chapter 9: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!