Chapter 8: After 500 years

Royal Bloodlust


It was a very bright spring morning when Dong Hae woke up. He was ready for school. “Today will be my first day with humans. Ooohhh… I hope I won’t bite.” He said and smirked. He heard a knock on his door. And he found his Aunt Rin Jae waiting for him. “Good Morning, Hae.” She said and greeted him. “Aunt Rin Jae!” he said and asked her to come in his room. “Mianheyo… I still haven’t asked the maids to clean my room.” He said as he scratched his head. “I’ll ask them to clean it for you. Anyway, since it’s your first day today, I want to give this to you.” She said as she showed him a silver bracelet with a fish pendant on it. “Omo! Aunt Rin Jae-ah… this is… well… a fish?” he asked looking puzzled. “Well, yes, that’s a fish. That’s all I could see in my jewelry box. That was given to me by your father when we were in school. He said that that fish won’t make me feel hungry because I was always studying and I skipped meals because of that.” She said and smiled. “That’s weird. But thanks, Aunt Rin Jae. I’ll wear it right away!” Dong Hae said smiling. “Oh… and I almost forgot. Your father might give you a small amount of allowance to discipline you but feel free to use this.” She said and handed him an ATM card with his name on it. “OMO?! Aunt Rin Jae! This is too much! Thanks!” he said and hugged his Aunt. “You’re welcome, my nephew. But do fix yourself fast or you’ll be late. Remember, a Prince, is never late.” She said and smiled. “Yes, Aunt Rin Jae!” he said and went to the bathroom as Rin Jae left his room.




The press people were already waiting in front of Kyung Hee Cyber University for Crowned Prince Lee Dong Hae. And a lot of girls too were waiting for his first public appearance. By 8am a black Ferrari made its way to the school’s parking lot with a convoy. And it was positive that Prince Hae was already in school. The girls squealed with delight as they saw for the first time the handsome crowned prince of their country. He was surrounded by body guards and he was with Gyo Eul and Jong Woon. “Ooohhh…  didn’t know you had fans, Jong Woon.” Gyo Eul said and smiled. Jong Woon blushed as he passed by screaming girls. “Oooh! Henry! Look! It’s the Crowned Prince!” Hee Neul called Henry. “Wow! He drives a Ferrari?! I wish I could have one too!” he said. “Tch. What a show off! I hope he won’t be in the same class with us!” Yoonhae said grumpily. “Hey, you’re very early today huh?” Henry teased. “I know. Because they told me it’ll be traffic because of that Royal Dork.” She said irritably. “Have you met the Prince before, Yoonhae-ah?” Hee Neul asked. “Well… No. and I don’t like to. He’s being a show off driving a Ferrari having a lot of body guards around him. He makes me feel like he’s not a normal person.” She said. “Well, he’s really not normal! He’s the Crowned Prince, Yoonhae!” Henry said. “What are you talking about, Henry? Do you idolize that guy?!” Yoonhae asked. “No. I just want to be like him. You know what I mean, Yoonhae.” He said and looked away. Hee Neul and Yoonhae fell silent.

Prince Hae was in class 1-A and he was with all the genius and rich people of the university. “Wow! Thank goodness! That was a great relief!” Yoonhae said as they were walking to the school pavillon. “You really don’t like him, Yoonhae, eh?” Hee Neul asked. “He seemed kind.” She continued. “Of course he’s kind whenever there are people around but just wait, he’ll turn to a spoiled brat when he’s alone.” She said.

“You talk too much. What would you feel if someone’s talking like that about you?” Henry asked her that made her stop walking and Henry continued to walk away looking disturbed. “W-what’s wrong with that guy?” she asked Hee Neul. “Well, he’s got a point you see.” She said.




“Gyo Eul-ssi… I feel strange today…” Dong Hae said. “Hmm? What is it, Your Majesty?” she asked looking concerned. “I feel so odd today like well… like I feel I’m going to meet someone who’s going to change my life. Eww.. that’s too odd.” He said and chuckled. Gyo Eul laughed. “Maybe you’ll meet the future princess today!” she said and smiled. Jong Woon smiled too. “Yah, I still don’t have plans to fall in love right now.” He said. “Well, we’ll see.” Jong Woon said. “Very well, off to your class!” Gyo Eul said and smiled. Hae walked away. “Well, I think he’s right. I’m feeling strange today, Gyo Eul-ssi.” Jong Woon said as he looked at her. “I feel the same way.” She said.




“I’ll be going to the locker room.” Henry told Hee Neul. He wasn’t still talking to Yoonhae. “Well… okay…” she said. Yoonhae looked grim. Henry went to the locker rooms. Where he saw Prince Hae fixing his shoe laces. “Omo! Your Majesty.” He said and bowed. “Hi!” Dong Hae said and Henry looked at him. At that moment, he felt something strange like he’s known Henry eversince. “I’m Henry Lau.” Henry said introducing himself. “H-have we met before?” he asked. “Oh. I’m afraid not yet, Your Majesty. I was from an orphanage you see.” He said. “Oh… I’m sorry to hear that.” He said. “It’s okay. You should be going back now. I don’t want His Majesty to be late because of talking to me.” He said and gave a bow again. “Eh?! It’s alright! I don’t mind. Well, I’ll see you around, Henry.” Prince Hae said. “Yes, Your Majesty. See you around.” He said. “Oh. And please just call me Hae or Dong Hae, okay?” he said. “Omo! Y-yes… P-prince Hae.” He said and smiled. “Just Hae. Okay? Bye!” he said and went away. “Wow… he’s so kind!” Henry said and smiled. “And I feel like having a connection with him.” He said to himself.




“That was strange… Henry Lau… who are you?” Dong Hae asked himself. And because he was busy thinking, he ran into Yoonhae who was looking for Henry. “OUCH! Hey! Will you watch where you’re going?!” Yoonhae said and turned around to see Dong Hae. “Oh. It’s the Brat Prince.” She said. “Mwo?!” Dong Hae said looking surprised. The sky began to darken. “And who do you think you are calling me like that?” he asked looking mad. “Oh me?! I’m Yoonhae! Lee Yoonhae!” she said and turned away. Dong Hae froze not knowing what to do. And from the palace, King HyukJae asked for an immediate meeting…



>> To be Continued…

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shyvilanueva #1
update soon...........<br />
I've already read this from facebook..........<br />
and I'm so waiting for the book 2
at last! <br />
hwaiting<br />
nak update soon ha^^<br />
UPDATE :) <3