Chapter 4: The Red Moon

Royal Bloodlust


Joo Young was always in her chambers in the palace for almost 9 months. She seldom went out because she feels unsecure if HyukJae’s not with him. One day, Rin Jae went inside her chamber and she was surprised seeing her again for the second time. “Why do you stay here all day? HyukJae’s worried about you and the kid.” She said. “I… I’m fine, Your Highness. Besides, it’s not good to see that I’m with HyukJae when I’m not even his legal wife.” Joo Young answered. “Hmm… You’re smart. You know your place. But HyukJae insists. The palace is quite big and there are lots of gardens where you could breathe fresh air that’s perfect for you and the kid’s health.” Rin Jae told her. “I shall try going out, You Highness. It’s actually hard for me to walk now since I think anytime, I’m about to give birth.” Joo Young replied. “I see. Very well, we shall prepare for that.” Rin Jae said. “I shall leave now. Take good care of yourself and the kid.” She continued. “Yes, Your Highness. Thank you very much.” Joo Young said and Rin Jae left her chambers.





“Sung Min-ssi, I need your help.” Rin Jae said in a low voice. “Huh? Is there any problem, Your Majesty? “Lee Sung Min of the lower council who has the power to erase memories with just a blink of an eye answered. “Yes. Actually, it’s King HyukJae’s orders. Could we talk in a more private place?” Rin Jae asked him. “Sure. Let’s go to my chamber, Your Majesty.” He said and they went to the chamber of Sung Min underground. “I want you to erase Joo Young’s memory of the child that she’s going to give birth tonight.” Rin Jae said. “B-but why?” Sung Min asked. “I believe it’s for the King to explain to you later on.” She said. “Well, that would be easy but what are you planning to do with the child?” he asked. “We’ll be sending the child to the orphanage near the palace. Everything’s carefully being planned now. Do you promise to help and cooperate?” she asked him the final time. “Yes, Your Majesty. I’ll be more than happy to be of service.” He said and gave a bow. “Kamsahamnida, Sung Min-ssi.” Rin Jae said and with a bow, she went out of the room.


“I’m afraid, there’s more than 2 events happening tonight.” Lee Hyosonn spoke suddenly. She has the power to go to the future and she just took a trip without letting everyone know. She’s one of the Time Travelers. “I must speak to Dong-hee immediately.” She said and was gone. “That’s strange… what could she have foreseen?” Lee Jae Nin asked Lee Hyunjae. They’re both Time Travelers. Jae Nin who could stop and change present things and Hyunjae who could go back to the past and change it. Hyosonn quickly went to the Oracle’s chamber. “The Red Moon signifies three events that we could not stop tonight.” Hyosonn spoke and Siwon was startled by what she said. “What are you talking about?” Dong-hee asked her. “Tonight, the first prince shall be born by the human, the second prince shall be conceived by a vampire and the girl in your prophecy’s going to be conceived too. It all happens tonight under the Red Moon.” She said in a firm tone. “Are you telling the truth?!” Dong-hee asked standing up looking alarmed.



 “Yes. I just had my trip in the future. I saw everything. And to tell you honestly, we cannot do anything about the girl in the prophecy because everyone in the palace even the assassins shall be prepared for the birth and the conceiving tonight.” She told Dong-hee. “Thank you for that valuable information, Hyosonn-ssi. We’ll think of any possible way to stop the conceiving of the girl in the prophecy.” Dong –hee told her. “You’re welcome, Dong-hee-ssi.” She said and went out the Oracle Chamber.




The moon is bleeding tonight and Eunja was sitting at the balcony watching the stars above when HyukJae kissed her neck. “H-HyukJae??” she was surprised. He pulled her in a tight hug and kissed her passionately. She was shocked but she kissed him back. HyukJae felt her following his lead so he carried her to their room where there he continued kissing her hungrily. “W-what’s happening to you, HyukJae?” Eunja asked him. “I’m sorry for being a very unloving husband to you. I know how much you love me and now, I want to give that favor back. I wanna love you tonight, Eunja.” He said lovingly.”HyukJae-ssi…” Eunja whispered as HyukJae pulled off her Hanbok. He was aggressive tonight. As they were kissing and undressing each other, Eunja felt something strange. But she didn’t mind. “Are you ready, my sweet?” HyukJae asked his wife. “HyukJae, please be careful…” Eunja told him but without further warning, he entered Eunja which made her scream in pain.


“Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!” a scream of pain from Joo Young’s chamber was heard. That was the signal of the birth. Rin Jae hurriedly went in Joo Young’s chambers.


HyukJae kissed Eunja to make the pain go away as he s in a faster pace and every time their lips part ways, moans of lust are heard.


“Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Joo Young was screaming her head off. The pain was too much. She felt everything around her spinning. “Push, Joo Young! You’re almost there!” Rin Jae said as she was already seeing the head of her brother’s first son. “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!” Joo Young screamed again with all her might to get the child out of her womb. “Go on, push, Joo Young! That’s it!” Rin Jae shouted.


“HyukJae-ssi… they said that tonight Joo Young-ssi’s giving birth. Why aren’t you with her?” Eunja asked. “Are you not hurt at all about my feelings for Joo Young?” he asked her as he looked at his wife who smiled lovingly at him. “I know that you love Joo Young more than me. And I believe that’s my fault. I’m hurt but I can’t let them see because you’ll get affected. I do understand how you feel right now, HyukJae-ssi.” She said. “Eunja-ssi… I-I never thought that you could understand me more than anyone else here… I’m really sorry for being a bad husband to you…” HyukJae said and cried as he hugged Eunja tightly. “Ssshh… I’m fine. Why are you crying now?” she asked and chuckled. “I promise to be a father that our son will be proud of. I won’t leave your side anymore, Eunja-ssi.” He said as Eunja wiped his tears. “Arasseo, HyukJae-ssi. But you really need to see Joo Young-ssi right now. She needs you.” Eunja told him.

“I’ll be back and I promise, when you open your eyes tomorrow morning, I’ll be here beside you…” he said and kissed Eunja on the forehead before getting dressed again.




“She’s already asleep in her chambers. Before she fainted, Sung Min did his job.” Rin Jae told HyukJae as she handed him their son. “He looks like you, HyukJae. You do look like that when you were a baby.” Rin Jae said and sat on her high chair. “Unnie-ssi… I’ve been so bad to Joo Young and Eunja… I’m a very evil King…” he said and looked at his first born son. “Huh. You realized that just now? You’ve been hurting Eunja without knowing but she endures everything like nothing happens.” Rin Jae told him. “Yes. And she really does understand me so I need to make things right before it’s too late. Is the letter ready for my son?” he asked Rin Jae. “The money and everything’s already therein the bag.” Rin jae told him. “Very well, I need to be off, Unnie-ssi.” He said and went out carrying his baby boy with him.

Outside the orphanage, there stood HyukJae holding his son. “I’m so sorry I have to leave you here, my son. I admit that I’ve been a very bad father but when the right time comes, I shall be coming back to get you again and I shall revive your mother’s memory of you. But for now, I’m sorry I have to leave you here. I love you so much, my son. Your mother and I love you more than anything else in this world. You’ll remain the first son of King Lee HyukJae... goodbye…” he said and kissed his son on the forehead and laid him on the steps of the orphanage in his cradle and placed the bag of money and the letter beside the cradle then, he rang the bell of the orphanage twice before hiding behind the bushes. A nun came out and saw the baby and the bag, “Oh, you poor angel… what could’ve caused your parents to leave you? Come now. Let’s go inside safe and warm.” And she got the baby and the bag and closed the door behind her.

As HyukJae walked away, he tried to fight back his tears and tried not to think of what happened tonight…

He came back in the palace and went inside Joo Young’s chamber. She was sleeping soundly. He kissed her on the cheek. “I’m so sorry, love… I need to do this for your safety. But I promise you, I’ll get him back and you’ll remember him on the right time.” HyukJae whispered to Joo Young and he went out her room. “Care for some drink?” it was Rin Jae. “Nae, Unnie. I really need one.” He said.






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shyvilanueva #1
update soon...........<br />
I've already read this from facebook..........<br />
and I'm so waiting for the book 2
at last! <br />
hwaiting<br />
nak update soon ha^^<br />
UPDATE :) <3