Chapter 5: Back to the Present

Royal Bloodlust


“That is as far as I can go, Prince Hae.” Siwon told him. “I... I can’t believe it… I have a brother?” he looked at Siwon who gave him a nod. “Thank you so much, Siwon-ssi. You’ve been a very big help.” Dong Hae said. “I’m happy to have served, His Majesty.” Siwon said with a bow.

They went out the Room of the Past and Dong Hae saw Gyo Eul and Kyu Hyun. “Yah! Kyu Hyun-ah!” Dong Hae exclaimed. “Prince Hae! Your father’s mad. He’s been looking for you.” He told Dong Hae. “Sure. You go first I just need to talk to your sister.” Dong Hae told him. “Okay.” He said and disappeared. “Gyo Eul-ssi, this has been a total enlightenment to me. I now know my place.” Dong Hae told Gyo Eul. “I want to thank you all so much for helping me.” He continued and bowed at Gyo Eul, Dong-hee, Siwon and Han Geng. “We’re happy to help you solve your problems, Prince Dong Hae.” They said and bowed back at him. “Ahh… Sure. I need to go. Haha! See you!” he said and smiled. He went back to the throne room and looked at his father eye to eye. “Where have you been?” HyukJae asked him with a tone of disappointment. “I’ve been Time Traveling, Your Majesty. I just went back to the past. Specifically, your past.” He said. Rin Jae and Eunja were shocked and looked at HyukJae who was calm. “So… you already know.” He said calmly. “Yes. And don’t worry, Father. I won’t be like you. I’ll be better than you. I promise that and I’ll be looking for my brother so that Joo Young-ssi could be reunited with him. It’s been years, Father.” He said. “Well, if that’s what you want, I will not stop you.” HyukJae said. “Thank you, Your Highness.” He said as he bowed and left the throne room. “Your son is really like you.” Rin Jae said. “It’s like I’m seeing HyukJae years ago but with a different face.” Eunja said.




Outside the palace gardens, Chaekyu was talking with Kyu Hyun. They were up the Cherry Blossom Tree. “Do you ever get tired of killing?” Kyu Hyun asked. “Nope. Wae?” Chaekyu asked. “Nothing. I was just wondering. The council said that we’re the best killing team they ever encountered.” He said. “Haha. I know right?” she said sarcastically. “Chaekyu-ssi, why do you kill?” he asked her and she gave him a smile. “Cho Kyu Hyun, you’ll be the first vampire in my whole history to know about the reason why I kill.” Chaekyu said. “Really now?” he asked and smiled back. “Yep. Well, the truth is, my family got killed by the villagers in our place centuries ago, when I was still a little kid. A villager saw my sister doing a hunt in the forest and they decided to kill each one of us. But since my brother knew about their plan, they asked me to go out and play the night the murder was taking place. Those ing humans killed everyone in my family and when I returned from playing, I just saw them dead. They were stabbed many times in the heart and because of that, I became angry. I killed everyone in our village and that’s when King Lee found me and invited me in his coven.” She said. Kyu fell silent. He suddenly hold Chaekyu’s hand. “You know, you’re the bravest girl I’ve ever met.” He told her. “Yah… you’re acting weird again, Mr. Cho.” She said and laughed. “If ever I’d get married, I want someone like you to be my wife.” He told her and smiled. “Why not just marry me eh?” Chaekyu asked him and they laughed hard. “We’re so evil.” Kyu Hyun said and smiled sweetly at Chaekyu. “Yeah.” She said and smirked. “Kyu Hyun? Kyu Hyun?” it was Gyo Eul. “Unnie!” they called her and she saw them up the tree. “You’re really cheap eh? Dating Chaekyu-ssi up the tree? That’s gross, dear brother.” Gyo Eul teased. “Mwo?! Dating? I-I’m not dating her! You’re thinking of malicious things again!” Kyu Hyun protested. “Yeah. Not dating my face. I know you Kyu Hyunnie.” Gyo Eul said. “then what about you and Jong Woon-ssi eh? You’re dating too right?” Kyu Hyun said and Gyo Eul went red. “We… we’re not dating! We talked about some important things that’s why we ate together.” She explained. “Nae. And I saw you giggling.” Kyu Hyun said and laughed. Gyo Eul shot him a very bad look and she walked away. “You always tease your Unnie. Wae?” Chaekyu asked him. “It’s my way of saying I love her very much and I thank her that she’s my Unnie. She may be always interested in humans, which is very weird for me but she’s the only family I have now.” Kyu Hyun explained. “You’re still lucky, Kyu Hyun.” Chaekyu said and sighed. “Yah, why are you saying that? Do you think you have no one? Chaekyu, you have me.” Kyu Hyun said and smiled. “Haha. Yeah. Thanks so much.” She said and blushed. “Omo? You’re blushing?” he teased. “What?! No! of course not!” she said trying to hide her face but Kyu Hyun pulled her close to him. Their eyes met, sparks fly but then… “Kyu Hyun?” it was Prince Dong Hae. Kyu Hyun looked away. “Y-yes Prince Hae? I’m up here!” he said and smiled. “Oh! Hiya, Chaekyu-ssi!” Prince Dong Hae greeted. “Good Evening, Prince Hae.” Chaekyu replied. “Am I disturbing you?” he asked them. “N-no! of course not. Actually were about to go underground before you arrived.” Kyu Hyun said. “Ahhh! Haha. Well, I just want to remind you for our hunt tomorrow. You could come too, Chaekyu-ssi. I believe Kyu Hyun feels weak when you’re not around.” Prince Hae said. And with those words, Kyu Hyun blushed. “I… well, yeah, she’ll come! Right, Chaekyu?” he asked. “Ah… Nae.” And she gave a smile.


**I know it's short but I promise to end Book 1 with a BLAST! :D**





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shyvilanueva #1
update soon...........<br />
I've already read this from facebook..........<br />
and I'm so waiting for the book 2
at last! <br />
hwaiting<br />
nak update soon ha^^<br />
UPDATE :) <3