Chapter 1: Vampires and Humans

Royal Bloodlust


“It’s another ordinary day for us.” Han Geng said as he and Siwon went out the Oracle Room. “Tomorrow’s the start of class.” Siwon told him as he patted Han Geng’s shoulder. “I saw how Kyu Hyun and Chaekyu killed Mr. Fong. It’s not a pretty sight.” Siwon confessed. “You know how they work, it’s a bit gruesome.” Han Geng replied.

They went in the Council Room where Hee Chul was alone, reading. “Good Morning, Hee Chul. Where’s Jung Su?” Han Geng asked as he tried to approach him. “He went out with Gyo Eul today. He said he wants to see the school where we have to transfer again.” He replied as he looked back to the book he was holding. “It’s a school for us right? I mean… for vampires?” Siwon asked. “Yeah. I think so…” he replied again. “Hey, Hee Chul, you should go out more. I could see that you’ll just sit here and read all day while thinking of Eun Hee.” Han Geng told him. “Just shut up and get out!” He shouted at them. He was always sensitive hearing Eun Hee’s name. Han Geng and Siwon went out.




No one knew the existence of the Silver Coven under the grounds of Gyeongbok Palace. And still, the death of Mr. Fong Xie Lei is considered a mystery. Mr. Fong was a well-known businessman who had issues on being a drug lord and a smuggler. He was a good friend of the Royal Family. And everyone was wondering why he was found dead in his own home, 12:00am a while ago.


“I want to be like Kyu Hyun.” Dong Hae said as he took a bite on his waffle. “You’ve been saying that since you were 5 years old.” Eunja, his mother told him. “Why can’t I be like Kyu Hyun? Being a crowned prince is boring.” He complained. “You’re father might hear you.” She told him. “All I do is assist father. Unlike Kyu Hyun, he kills, he’s having all the fun and-” he broke, “And?...” a familiar voice from behind him spoke. Dong Hae fell silent. “You’ll enroll in the University of Korea.” It was King HyukJae. “What?! With humans?!” he asked, looking shocked as he stood up to face his father. “You are the crowned prince, incase you’ve forgotten. We need to mingle with humans even if we’re the other kind.” HyukJae said in reply. “Whatever, Your Majesty!!!” Dong Hae said as he stormed out the dinning room and shut the door behind him. “ARGH!!!” he exclaimed in frustration. He went underground to look for Kyu Hyun. As he entered the “Torture Chamber”, he felt strange and uneasy. Every guard and assassin was looking at him. “What do you want?” Jong Woon asked him. “Uh… I’m… looking for… for… Kyu Hyun.” He said stuttering. “Kyu Hyun’s not around. Isn’t obvious?” Haelhinn said.

“Uh... just… asking… um… thanks anyway… bye…” he said and he quickly went out. He bumped into Min Seo of the Lower Council as he got out. “Oh? Crowned Prince Hae! What are you doing here? Did you go inside the Torture Chamber?! Aigoo… You should avoid that place if you’re alone.” Min Seo explained. “Avoid it? Why?” Dong Hae asked curiously. “The Royal Guards and Assassins only respect the King and Queen and the Council members. If you’re not included in those positions, they won’t ‘give a damn’ to you. Min Seo told him. “But what about Kyu Hyun?! He’s my friend.” Dong Hae exclaimed. “Yeah. He’s your friend but he doesn’t consider you as someone he should respect. That’s how the Royal Guards and Assassins are.” She said. With great disappointment, Dong Hae went up to the palace and searched for his mother but he found his aunt Rin Jae in the throne room. “Aunt Rin Jae…” Dong Hae approached her. “Hmmm…? Is there something bothering my nephew?” Rin Jae asked as he looked at Dong Hae. “I’m disappointed…” he began in a sad tone. “Why? What’s it about?” she asked. “Come. Sit beside your Aunt.” She asked him. Dong Hae sat. “Why is father so unfair? School days will be starting tomorrow and the council and the others will be going to an exclusive school for vampires while I enroll in that university for humans.” He complained. “Ah… because you’re the crowned prince. Of course the whole nation observes the Royal Family. If you are to go to a school for vampires, then everyone would wonder why you went and studied there.” She explained. “Father’s too strict. He doesn’t understand me.” He said. “You’re a bit wrong about that, dear. You’re father understands you a lot. He just doesn’t know how to express his feelings. And besides, your father is so much like you when he was your age.” She said as she looked and smiled at Dong Hae. “Could you tell me more about father? Please?” he asked his aunt. “Hmmm… where should I start?...” she said, thinking. “Ah… I know! Your father was a very naughty boy when he was your age. He was very interested in humans and he never cared about his image being a crowned prince. I remember clearly when HyukJae finally discovered his power. He would ask everyone to do whatever he likes because he could control people.” She started. “I wanted to ask about father and Joo Young-ssi...” He said. “I think… that is a topic your father needs to answer directly to you. I’m not in the position to tell you their story…” she said in a sad tone. Dong Hae thought hard about Joo Young and his father’s real connection. He could always see Joo Young in the palace gardens sitting alone when he was young. His mother told him not to approach Joo Young or else his father might get mad. Dong Hae thought deep of Joo Young. After having a chat with his aunt, dong Hae went to look for Eunja. Again, he passed the garden and saw Joo Young sitting alone. He couldn’t take it anymore. He approached Joo Young.

“Uh… err… Joo Young-ssi?” Dong Hae began. This was his first time to look at Joo Young after many years. And then she looked at Dong Hae. Her calm eyes and beautiful smile created a warm feeling inside him. He never felt that way before even with his aunt and mother. Joo Young was a different woman. He became more curious to ask her. “Hi… err… could I?...” he asked and she moved sideward and gestured him to sit beside her. Joo Young was warm. He breathed her scent. She was human. “Who are you? Why are you living among us? You’re a human!” he exclaimed. Joo Young looked at him calmly. “What if I’m a human? Is there anything wrong? Am I considered a threat?” she asked the crowned prince in a calm but serious tone. “I-I’m sorry… I just want to know what’s your relationship with my father.” He said. Joo Young was about to answer when Eunja called Dong Hae from inside. He noticed that Joo Young didn’t look back. “You’re not supposed to be in that place…” she said and Dong Hae’s eyes grew big. He was shocked. “What do you mean?!” he was shocked. “Dong Hae!” it was Eunja calling him. Still shocked, he went inside and his mother pulled him in an empty room. “How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn’t be talking to Joo Young?!” it was his first time to see his own mother mad at him. “I… I’m sorry, mother…I got curious…” he explained. “You should practice your curiosity with caution! What if your father finds out?! He’d get really mad at you!” she exclaimed. “Why is it that everyone around me fears father?! He’s just the King! He’s just like us! You’re all making me feel like I’m a human! Like I’m Joo Young’s kind!” Dong Hae was shocked with what he said even his mother was surprised. He quickly went out and got in his room and changed his clothes. He got in his car and drove away from the palace. He didn’t care where he was going. All he wanted was to escape from that place where he felt so different. He drove and stopped at Gwangjang-dong. He stepped out the car and the cold winter wind swept his hair. The crowned prince was a very handsome guy with a perfect physique. He never went outside the walls of Gyeongbok Palace after he became 15. Once a vampire turned 17, his age stops there but his face and physique continues to mature. Their kind is not easy to kill because the Silver Coven has existed for over a thousand of years and never before had any coven tried to destroy their existence. Dong Hae was frustrated and sad because he felt that he still had many things to learn about being a vampire and he still had many things to learn about their coven. His power, his father’s history, the councils, the guards, the assassins and Joo Young. He felt empty then, he suddenly remembered the warm feeling when Joo Young looked at him. The warm feeling that flooded him. And with a sudden change of heart, he was interested on humans. “You’re alone.” A voice from behind startled him. It was Gyo Eul. “Gyo Eul-ssi…” he said. “You gave me quite a fright.” He continued. “Is there something wrong?” Gyo Eul asked him.



“There is… actually, I’m looking for someone who could tell me something about the coven. Everyone in the palace fears my father and I’m not that close to him so I’m having a hard time…” he began. He hoped that Gyo Eul could help him with his questions. “You really want to know what happened years ago?” she asked him. “Yes. Please.” He said as he looked at Gyo Eul with that look of longing to know the truth. “Get in the car. We’re gonna see the time travelers.” She told him. It’s as if Dong Hae saw a small light that glowed inside him. They got in the car and he followed Gyo Eul’s directions that lead them to a big mansion three blocks away from the palace. Gyo Eul and Dong Hae went out the car. “This is the place of the Oracles and the Time Travelers. If you want to know what happened in the past, this is the perfect place to go.” She told him. “So… could we go in now?” he asked her. She led the way. The place of the Oracles and the Travelers had a warmer feel than inside the Palace. As they went in, Siwon welcomed them. “Oh? Crowned Prince Hae and Gyo Eul-ssi? So Han Geng was right about this meeting. He predicted that you were coming 5 minutes ago.” He said. Dong Hae had never met Siwon before and he was surprised about what he said. Predicted them coming? It was obvious that their power was about time. Gyo Eul led him to the right place. They went inside the Oracle Hall where Dong-hee and Han Geng were eating. They stopped and smiled at Gyo Eul and Dong Hae. Dong Hae smiled back. “You’re hungry, Prince Hae.” Han Geng told him. He was right. Dong Hae’s waffle breakfast was ruined by his father. Dong Hae smiled and sat beside Han Geng. Siwon gave him and Gyo Eul plates. Gyo Eul just got a rice cake while Hae got a bit of everything. He was really hungry. “He’s here to know about the past.” Gyo Eul said as she took a bite on her rice cake. Dong-hee looked at her. “The history?” he asked her. She nodded. “We could take you to Hyunjae. Or Siwon could just tell you the whole story.” Dong-hee told him. “Who’s Hyunjae-ssi?” he asked as he finished his first serving of kimbap. “Hyunjae and Siwon are what we call ‘the past’ because they have the ability to go back and see the past. But if you really want to see it for yourself, you could go to Hee Chul. One of the members of the higher council.” Han Geng told him. “Ah… the one whom they call Hee-nim?” he asked. “Yes. But mind you, he’s a bit of a grumpy type. You wouldn’t dare ask about his past.” Siwon told him. “Hmmmm…then I’ll just ask you to narrate it to me then.” He said as he looked at Siwon who smiled at him. “So you’re contented with the narration? Hmm… anyway, the actual scenes are not that nice to visit back too.” Han Geng told him. “I’ll let you finish first before we do the narration, Prince Hae.” Siwon told him. Dong Hae quickly ate his food and followed Siwon in a small room beside the Oracle Hall. “Please take a seat.” Siwon told him and gestured him to the empty seat beside him. He sat in front of Siwon. “Please hold out your hand.” Siwon asked him. He obliged and held out his right hand.

Siwon touched it and Dong Hae felt strange. After a moment, Siwon opened his eyes and looked at Dong Hae sincerely with eyes full of concern. “You have a past which involves humans, Prince Hae.” Siwon confessed. Dong Hae wasn’t surprised. He thought of Joo Young. “Please tell me everything, Siwon-nim.” He asked. “Yes. I will, Prince Hae.” Siwon assured him.







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shyvilanueva #1
update soon...........<br />
I've already read this from facebook..........<br />
and I'm so waiting for the book 2
at last! <br />
hwaiting<br />
nak update soon ha^^<br />
UPDATE :) <3