Chapter 1: Meeting the Roommates

Double uality

Luhan unlocked the door and looked through the room which was nothing like he expected. The room was quite small but really long, making it really big for a dorm. The beds were on the right side and from the end of it there was a bit more than 3 meters space.  Between each bed there was another two meters space, but on each right side there was a nightstand that took away some space that made the distance between the beds look a bit smaller. At the end of the room there were 4 doors. Looking at the first two beds, it seemed they were taken by two other guys. Luhan walked towards the last bed that seemed to be appointed to him. He put his luggage on the bed and started and turned around to look at the doors. He opened the first one which obviously was the bathroom. "Wow, a private bathroom.." He said, a bit amazed with the luxury as the bathroom was quite big with both a hot-tub and a shower. For the rest there was a big mirror with the washing stands in front of it. At the end of the bathroom and against the wall, there were three small cabins that seemed to be filled with towels, shampoo, conditioner, etc. He looked at the cabin that was all the way on the right since it had his name on it. It was still empty though. Luhan smiled a bit. The place seemed more luxurious than his own house, so wouldn't this academy be way too expensive for his parents? Luhan wondered for a few seconds but then shrugged the thoughts away. He then left the bathroom and looked at the next two doors. On the first one next to the bathroom it said "Kris", and on the one next to that "Sehun". Luhan tilted his head slightly. "Se..Hun?" He said out loud, having the feeling he had heard that name before. But it was a common name so the possibilities where he may have heard it are endless. He then moved on to the next door that had his name on it and opened it. His eyes widened as there was a large bookshelf on one side with a desk next to it. On the other side there was a closet that filled the whole wall. At the end of the room there was a huge window that was covered by a big curtain. Luhan walked over to it and opened them, getting a few of the whole campus. He couldn't help but to smile as he suddenly felt a lot more happy with the academy. Even though there were no girls, there seemed to be a lot of fun things to do. Enough to not be bored during the whole summer. 

After a few hours Luhan finally finished unpacking. During the time he heard a school bell, guessing his roommates were still in class. He was a bit nervous to meet them as he didn't know what kind of people they were at all and was a bit scared to end up with people he wouldn't like. Feeling hungry, Luhan went out of the room to explore the place a bit with as goal to find the cafeteria. It seemed as if classes were by hallway since this time, the hallway where his dorm was in was completely empty. After looking around some more he finally made his way to the cafeteria that was as crowded as any other cafeteria. Looking around for the place to get some food, he noticed multiple people staring after him which made him feel a bit uncomfortable. But of course it was to be expected as a new kid. Most of these guys probably already knew each and every face.  As Luhan found the food area, he grabbed a plate and looked at all the possibilities. Though there were endless possibilities, Luhan ended up changing his plate for a bowl and got himself some ramyeon. He looked and walked around to see if there was any place to spot but as expected; all of tables were crowded. He sighed and was about to head back until someone called after him. "Hey princess! Yeah you, new kid! Come sit over here~" someone said while his friends were laughing. Luhan turned around and debated whether or not it was a smart idea to sit there. They seemed like the type of popular kids who would mess with the new guys. And what, princess? Oh how Luhan hated to be called like that as it certainly wasn't the first time. "Depends, are you my prince on the white horse?" Luhan said in response with a grin. It had always been his come-back when people called him a princess, simply because the others would be disgusted and back off. Though this time.. Things didn't go the way he thought it would. "One night with me and you would be mine." the boy said in a teasing way. Luhan bit his lip as he didn't know what to say in response. He felt embarrassed and instead quickly turned back around to go back to his dorm.

As he arrived, he put his food on his nightstand and covered himself under the blanket. How could he get that embarrassed on his first day? He started to feel unsure whether or not he would like it here. After a couple of minutes Luhan sighed and looked at his bowl of ramyeon. He didn't feel that hungry anymore but he knew that if he'd let it stand there it would get cold and in one hour he'd be starving again. He put the bowl on his lap and grabbed his chopsticks to start eating. As he was almost finished, he heard the door being unlocked. Luhan prayed for them to be people who were at the cafeteria earlier but his prayers did not get answered. When the door was opened and two guys came in, one was the person who called him out and the other one being the person who was sitting next to him. "So our new roommate turns out to be the princess huh, this will be interesting, I'm Kris by the way, or at least that's what they call me." Kris said. Luhan however could care less. "Shut up and don't speak to me." he said while glaring at Kris with a deadly gaze. The boy next to him then snorted. "Seems like someone doesn't like you hyung~" he teased before turning to Luhan, skipping over to him. "I'm Sehun, and don't worry I'm not a player like that one over there." Sehun laughed. Luhan couldn't help but to flesh a quick smile. "Ah.. I'm Luhan. Nice to meet you I guess." he mumbled. "And don't worry too much about earlier, nobody really cares since all new guys get embarrassed once or twice at the start. But after everyone will be really nice trust me~" Saying reassured with a wide smile. Luhan felt relieved after these words and started to smile a bit, curious about what all might happen in the future.

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LaxanaLeonheart #1
Chapter 6: Is it weird that I want Kris and Luhan to be together??? XD
keruinggirl #2
Chapter 6: Let it be hunhan.. Sehun has suffered so much
joanna20 #3
Chapter 6: Author nim ty for updating. I ship Kris & lu and sehun & lu. So I am okay with any pairing. I get hope happy ending only for all of them.
Chapter 5: Yesssss Sehunnie don't ever give up. You need to make Lulu yours. Kris....I don't like him -_-
I want hunhan. And because i'm a saddist I loved when Lulu got in a car accident +-+
noddy1 #5
Chapter 5: Poor sehunnie
I kinda admit I forgot my login- don't kill me! ono
LaxanaLeonheart #7
Chapter 4: Haha a Luhan Love Triangle mwuahahaha XD I love Luhan harems,hes so shippable~! Update soon author-nim~! Fighting!
Chapter 4: Hunhan pleaseeee.TT
Chapter 4: Goshhhh I'm heart broken right now!!!!
Luhan should know that Sehun is the one who saved him and why can't he remember Sehunnie??? I ING HATE KRIS. HunHan all the way
Okay where did all these subscribers come from, cus it's impossible that they came from my crappy writing ; ^ ; <3