Chapter 5: Dreams pt.2

Double uality

About a week has passed and Luhan was still unconscious at the hospital. The whole class seemed to not care at all except for Sehun, though Kris was also sensitive about the topic. Whenever Sehun brought it up, Kris went would immediately change the topic or interrupted Sehun or anyone who he figured was about to talk about Luhan. Sehun couldn't help but to be bothered by it. He has never seen Kris acting like this before. Surely if it were to be one of his other friends he wouldn't mind talking about it at all, even calling them an idiot. Sehun remembered this one time he was food poisoned and all Kris would do was joke around and make fun of him for being 'dumb enough to eat everything'. Kris acting weird on Luhan's matter wasn't all that bothered him. He kept on thinking about Luhan's facial expression when looking at Kris. He knew that if he weren't to take action soon, he'd lose Luhan. Even if he was convinced to be straight now, Luhan wouldn't ever to be able to completely reject his ual orientation from the past. Just forgetting he once fell in love with another guy, did not mean he wouldn't be able to fall in love with another again. Sehun sighed, hating that he only figured that out now.  

As Sehun was in the class class, he was surprised to see Kris not attending. Although he was the 'cool kid', he'd hardly skip any classes. He had a good relationship with all of the teachers, some a little too good, and always got good grades. He would only skip if it were to be important. As class ended he heard some guys from another class talking. "Have you heard? That kid who got into a car accident last week has regained consciousness today". Sehun's eyes widened and a bright smile curved upon his lips. He didn't hesitate for a second and immediately left the campus to visit the hospital. As he arrived, he ran straight up to Luhan's room, receiving several warnings to not run but he ignored them except for the last one since he was only a few steps away from Luhan's room anyway. He wrapped his fingers around the door's handle and pushed it down, slowly opening the door. The door was halfway open and the bright smile on his face instantly faded and changed into a terrified one. All he saw were a bunch of doctors standing around a bed, about to bring a corpse. 

Sehun sat down on one of the chair's in the hallway. There were no tears as he was still processing everything, confused and unable to think. One of the doctor's then tapped his shoulder and he looked up at her with a blank expression on his face. "I wanted to condolence you, were you his son?" She asked. Sehun blinked and he looked at her confused. "The guy of room 203, he wasn't your father?" She asked again, trying to explain herself. Sehun shook his head, even more confused. "W..Wasn't there a boy around my age in that room earlier..?" he asked, still confused. The woman shook her head and pointed above her. "Ah, that boy. He regained consciousness so he was moved to another room. You've probably been scared to death then, right?" She laughed a bit, gesturing to follow her. "Come on, I'll bring you to him. Are you close to him?". Sehun took a deep breath, both relieved and angry by the mistake. He felt bad for being happy it was someone else in Luhan his place but he couldn't help it. He followed the doctor and nodded his head at the question. "We're... Childhood friends,.. Even though he can't remember." Sehun explained, an awkward laughter escaping through his lips. The woman smiled a bit ad then responded. "He can't remember?". Sehun nodded and tried to explain himself. "He lost his memories in a previous car accident.. I wouldn't know what to do to make him remember.." He said, sighing. They were now on the right floor and the woman chuckled a bit, stopping to stand in front of him. "You know what I like about memories? They're never really forgotten, just... lost somewhere inside your head. When we study and forget stuff during a test, we claim to have 'forgotten' the answer, but the moment we look at the answer again, we remember it again. We however didn't make a new memory of it, we recalled it. If you are a forgotten answer to him, show him your chapter to make him remember." She said and then pointed at the door Luhan was in before walking away. Sehun looked after her, the words stuck in his head. It was like a riddle to him. He knew the words well, but didn't understand what they meant to say. "Show him your chapter.." He mumbled as he stood in front of the door. He shook his head, trying to forget the whoe situation for a bit and opened the door. He smiled as he saw an alive-and-well Luhan laying in front of him, having just woken up. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." Sehun teased and Luhan smiled in amusement, stretching as he went to sit up straight on the bed. "Hey, I've only been sleeping for an hour. Before that I had a load of tests and some visitors." Luhan said, attempting to defend himself. Sehun puckered his lips a bit, sitting on the chair next to the bed. "So I'm not the first visitor then? Hmpf, how disappointed." he said jokingly. Luhan laughed a bit and shook his head. "My parents were the first to visit me, and after Kris came as well." he said. Sehun's mood dropped for real this time, though he tried not to show it too much. "Ah... Kris? So that's why he skipped class.." he laughed awkwardly. "He did?" Luhan asked, tilting his head a bit. Sehun nodded his head. "But hey, do you know what I've been through today? I didn't know you changed rooms, and in your previous room a corpse was getting carried away the moment I had burst inside! You owe me for scaring me." Sehun laughed, trying to hide his  true emotions. Luhan chuckled a bit and shook his head. "Aigo, how is it my fault you're such an idiot?" he laughed, and Sehun joined him. They talked for about a half hour. It could've been longer but Luhan had to rest before taking some final tests and getting released. 

Sehun got home late at night, having spent the rest of the day at the city in attempt to buy a 'welcome back' present. He did find something, but he was still wondering whether or not Luhan would like it. He kept staring at in while laying down on his bed, quickly hiding it as the door opened. "Oh, Kris! .. Where have you been..?" he asked. Even though he did know, he didn't want to look suspicious. Kris didn't really give an answer and just shrugged his shoulders before letting himself fall down on his bed. "Just somewhere." he murmured into the sheets of the bed. Sehun went up to him and inhaled his scent, almost gagging at the strong scent of alcohol. "Jeez, how much did you drink? You smell worse than a corpse." He said as he ran back to his own bed, trying to get away from the sickening smell. Kris groaned and hid under his blanket, whining a bit. "Just leave meeee..". Sehun chuckled a bit. No matter what Kris did, he couldn't really hate him. After all, Sehun was the only one who was able to see every bit of Kris, even the embarrassing drunk sides of him which he would murder someone for if they saw him like that. Then again, Kris could handle a lot and would hardly get drunk. He'd only drink enough till the point of being completely wasted if there was something serious. But he figured Kris would tell him only if he felt it was necessary. Asking him drunk would only result in a thousand pillows aimed at Sehun's face. 

It was night and both Kris and Sehun were asleep. 
Around 4AM Sehun suddenly felt someone shaking him and he woke up. He looked at the figure that was shaking him through half lidded eyes. "Kris...?" he mumbled, verifying if it was really Kris. "Good you're awake." he heard him say. Sehun rubbed his eyes and the lamp on his nightstand. "What's wrong?" Sehun asked with a tired voice, yawning afterwards. "I-" Kris started before running towards the bathroom. All he could hear after was the sound of someone puking his lungs out. Sehun grunted and shouted after him.  "Just tell me tomorrow and get all of that alcohol out of your system first!". He then turned off the light again and went to sleep, a bit happy since his bond with Kris still didn't seem damaged if he was prepared to tell him. It also worried him however. Was it that urgent that Kris had to wake him at night? Normally Kris would always talk to him after class the next day. Sehun sighed and tried to clear his mind for now, trying his best to quickly fall back asleep. 

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LaxanaLeonheart #1
Chapter 6: Is it weird that I want Kris and Luhan to be together??? XD
keruinggirl #2
Chapter 6: Let it be hunhan.. Sehun has suffered so much
joanna20 #3
Chapter 6: Author nim ty for updating. I ship Kris & lu and sehun & lu. So I am okay with any pairing. I get hope happy ending only for all of them.
Chapter 5: Yesssss Sehunnie don't ever give up. You need to make Lulu yours. Kris....I don't like him -_-
I want hunhan. And because i'm a saddist I loved when Lulu got in a car accident +-+
noddy1 #5
Chapter 5: Poor sehunnie
I kinda admit I forgot my login- don't kill me! ono
LaxanaLeonheart #7
Chapter 4: Haha a Luhan Love Triangle mwuahahaha XD I love Luhan harems,hes so shippable~! Update soon author-nim~! Fighting!
Chapter 4: Hunhan pleaseeee.TT
Chapter 4: Goshhhh I'm heart broken right now!!!!
Luhan should know that Sehun is the one who saved him and why can't he remember Sehunnie??? I ING HATE KRIS. HunHan all the way
Okay where did all these subscribers come from, cus it's impossible that they came from my crappy writing ; ^ ; <3