Chapter 4: Dreams pt.1

Double uality

It was already Friday evening, classes were over for everybody until Monday when Luhan also had to start attending. The weekend gave him an opportunity to hang out with everyone and make some friends. After the incident at the swimming pool he hadn't really talked with Sehun and Kris that much. In fact, Kris only came back late in the evening when Luhan was already asleep. Sehun would mostly come back some earlier, even though they always left together. Kris once asked Luhan to join them, but he declined after Sehun gestured him not to. Luhan never asked why either, since he already figured.  
Today however seemed a bit different. It seemed as if they were getting ready for something big, so of course Luhan's curiosity took over again. He stood up and grabbed Sehun's wrist as Sehun wasn't standing still for even a second. Sehun turned to Luhan who had grabbed his wrist and blinked. "Something wrong?" he asked. Luhan looked down as he was still holding Sehun his wrist and then quickly let go. "Ah... You guys seem to be really busy preparing for something so I got curious.." he explained as he awkwardly scratched his nape. "Oh right, we should've invited you along. You see, it somehow became a tradition to our class to go clubbing every Friday evening in town." Sehun explained while laughing a bit before scanning the room for Kris, who locked himself in the bathroom for a shower. "There will be girls as well." Sehun winked. He actually didn't invite Luhan on purpose because of that reason, but since he asked he thought he was supposed to act as normal as possible and invite him anyway. Maybe it was a chance to get close to him again as well, and what were the chances of Luhan finding love in a club? Maybe a one night stand but it would be unfair to not let Luhan have any while he did have a lot before Luhan came back into his life. Sehun was desperate to change back to when he first arrived and slowly started to hate Kris, who was obviously determined to get Luhan. He knew Kris and the way he looks at Luhan too well, and him not being interested in Kris at all made it even more tempting for Kris. 
He loved Kris as his best friend, but he also hates him since even if he explained the situation Kris would only turn it into a game of who gets him first. He just didn't know what to do anymore. 

Luhan quickly got ready to go out. Sehun and Kris were already finished and waiting for Luhan to ready up, of course getting impatient as Luhan was like a slug. As he finally finished, they all went to the gate of the academy where they gathered with some other people from their class. Some of the guys glanced at Luhan and then looked at Kris in confusion who then scolded them for it, telling them he was one of 'them' now, whatever that meant. As everyone was walking and joking around with each other, Luhan stayed in the back and didn't talk to anyone. He just walked after them like a cat who was ignored. Sehun as well was joking around with everyone though when he looked back and saw Luhan all alone he felt sad. He moved to the back and then wrapped his arm around Luhan's neck, giving him a wide grin. "Hey, we're taking you along with us and you're here all quiet?" he said jokingly. Luhan stayed quiet for a while and took a deep breath before sighing. "Molla... I just don't know what to talk about since all of you only talk about ual stuff..." Luhan mumbled in response. Sehun frowned a bit, mostly because he couldn't deny that and felt bad that Luhan was still left out even after Kris his words. Being accepted by Kris was probably the most important thing in the academy, because if you weren't then that would mean you're an outcast. Though it made sense that just by not being an outcast you automatically have a lot of friends. Sehun removed his arm from Luhan's neck, a bit surprised by the fact that Luhan didn't push him away yet. Kris looked back at Sehun and Luhan, raising an eyebrow at the two. "Hey slugs, you're not dragging your houses along so hurry up." he grunted. Sehun snorted a bit and grabbed Luhan's wrist, gesturing with his head to come along and dragged him back to the front. 

As they finally arrived at the club, Luhan started to feel nervous. The people who were standing in line all looked at him with a somehow disgusted look on their faces. He then heard one of the girls whispering to her friend "Aish, another has joined them. Too bad, he would've been cute if he were straight". Even though Luhan wasn't actually gay, those words really bothered him. He then felt two hands covering ears and he looked up. "K.. Kris?" Luhan said as his eyes widened. "You're still new and not used to this kind of critique right? Just cover your ears and only look at that what matters." said Kris. Luhan closed his eyes as he listened to those words, feeling comforted. As Kris turned away to his friends again, Luhan opened his eyes and looked after him. It was weird. As he looked at Kris he felt his heart slightly skip a beat and he rested his hand against his heart, softly murmuring to himself. "Why..". Sehun looked at Luhan who was still in the same position. He noticed his hand on his heart and he knew a gaze like that way to well. Sehun bit his lip and looked over to who he was staring at, and his nightmare became reality. Unable to control his emotions, Sehun walked away from the group in a quick pace and headed back for the academy in tears. The group were a bit confused but didn't think too much of it as a few seconds later they continued with their jokes and laughter, except for Luhan as he was a bit worried. He tapped Kris his shoulder who then turned around. "What?" he answered coldly which slightly scared Luhan. He gulped and then pointed at Sehun. "Uhm.. Shouldn't someone go after him?" Luhan proposed. The group overheard the conversation and some snorted while one answered annoyed "Then you go, we're not going to ruin our evening because of one person walking away". Even though Kris said he was one of them, Luhan sure didn't feel like that and walked away towards the academy, trying to catch up with Sehun. He looked back at Kris, who was staring back at him but turned his face back to the group when noticing Luhan was looking. 

Luhan mumbled to himself as he was walking back the path towards the academy, annoyed and still not having found Sehun. "What's with this guy jeez... First he makes me the outcast, then he saves my life, then grunts at me, then acts nice again,... Aish!" he said annoyed, kicking an empty tin that was laying on the road. He sighed and then grabbed the tin later on, throwing it in the first thrash can he saw and then looked over at a bench. It seemed as if someone was crying. Luhan went a bit closer and his jaw dropped as he saw it was Sehun, immediately running over to him in relieve though forgetting the fact he was on a road and a car hit him, not having been able to break on time. 
Sehun looked up as he heard the crash happening in front of him. A man stepped out of the car and tried to see if the person he had hit was still alive, but he wasn't moving and the man freaked out. He went back into his car and then drove away. Sehun couldn't believe how cowardly that man was and quickly ran over to the person who was hit, only to see that it was Luhan. "My God... no.." He said as he shook his head in disbelief. He quickly took out his phone and called an ambulance, some doctors telling him what do while waiting and he performed everything they asked him to. As the ambulance finally arrived they quickly carried him inside, Sehun being allowed to come along and held Luhan's hand until they reached the surgery room. He sat down on one of the seats and waited for any news. He prayed for him to be alive, but questions slowly started to fill his head. Why was Luhan even there in the first place? He was worried that he went after him. If so, Sehun couldn't forgive himself. It would mean that if he didn't get so emotional and cowardly, Luhan still would be healthy and well. He was anxious. 'What if he died from the injuries?' he couldn't stop thinking the worst.
A couple of hours passed and

Sehun fell asleep in the chair, being waken by a doctor. "Your friend is going to be fine, his injuries weren't that severe. We are however worried about his head, especially because according to his medical records he still hasn't fully recovered from the last car accident he was in". Sehun blinked at the doctor in confusion. "Last... Car accident..? What hasn't he recovered from then!?" Sehun asked, confused and full of questions. "Memory loss. He's unable to remember a part of his childhood, nothing severe though. We are more worried about the situation now and the test results may take a while. If you want you can visit him but not for long, he has just woken up". Sehun didn't know what to say or feel. He was confused yet everything became so much more clear for him. He however needed time to process everything. Another hour had past and he was still sitting there in silence, still not having gone into Luhan his room. After a few more minutes all was finally clear to him. If his memories are still to be saved, he was determined to bring them back at all cost. Sehun stood up and walked towards Luhan's room, slowly opening his door and walked towards him, watching him sleep. He sat down on the chair next to the bed and slowly reached to caress his cheek, his hand slowly moving down to his chest to where his heart was. "You are so cruel.." Sehun said softly in a shaky voice, letting outa soft chuckle as his eyes felt teary. He moved up his hand again and lightly pressed his finger against his lips. "I won't give up on you". 



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LaxanaLeonheart #1
Chapter 6: Is it weird that I want Kris and Luhan to be together??? XD
keruinggirl #2
Chapter 6: Let it be hunhan.. Sehun has suffered so much
joanna20 #3
Chapter 6: Author nim ty for updating. I ship Kris & lu and sehun & lu. So I am okay with any pairing. I get hope happy ending only for all of them.
Chapter 5: Yesssss Sehunnie don't ever give up. You need to make Lulu yours. Kris....I don't like him -_-
I want hunhan. And because i'm a saddist I loved when Lulu got in a car accident +-+
noddy1 #5
Chapter 5: Poor sehunnie
I kinda admit I forgot my login- don't kill me! ono
LaxanaLeonheart #7
Chapter 4: Haha a Luhan Love Triangle mwuahahaha XD I love Luhan harems,hes so shippable~! Update soon author-nim~! Fighting!
Chapter 4: Hunhan pleaseeee.TT
Chapter 4: Goshhhh I'm heart broken right now!!!!
Luhan should know that Sehun is the one who saved him and why can't he remember Sehunnie??? I ING HATE KRIS. HunHan all the way
Okay where did all these subscribers come from, cus it's impossible that they came from my crappy writing ; ^ ; <3