Chapter 3: Who are you?

Double uality

It was Luhan's second day at the academy and he was completely bored. Everyone was in class except him since he would only start classes next week so he had no one to hang out with. Luhan looked at his phone to check the time, only 1pm. He then remembered there was a private pool aside from the pool that was used for class. He got up and changed into his swimming pants, grabbed his goggles and a towel before heading out towards the pool. He felt a bit nervous as he came across a class that was about to head for the cafeteria. Almost all of the boys stared at him with a smirk and even whistled after him. Luhan took a deep breath and increased his walking pace a bit. As he reached the pool he was relieved to see there was no one else there as he expected. He put on his goggles and hanged his towel over a bench before diving into the water. As he dived in, he figured he should've turn on the light as it was really dark. Luhan was about to go back above the water until his feet got stuck in something. He stayed calm as he tried to get his foot free but he couldn't see anything, making it really hard. He slowly started to panic as the urge to breath became more urgent. His sight became hazy as he moved his body aggressively in the water, desperate to get his foot free but he quickly lost consciousness. 

10 minutes earlier. 

Looking at the class smirking after Luhan annoyed Sehun. As they reached the cafeteria he kept quiet even tho normally he'd had a bunch to say. The other kids were starting to talk about it, wondering if he was sick. Sehun overheard all of the conversations and got annoyed. He stood up and walked away. "Since I'm sick that means I can go to my room now, right?" he said with a grin. Even tho he's one of the popular guys around the academy, he hated this place. It was a place everyone viewed as a joke as well as a paradise where they could do whatever they wanted with whoever. When Sehun first arrived at the academy, he didn't view it like that at all, until he met Kris that is. Kris was and still is the biggest player you could imagine. He could get anyone he wanted, and everyone wanted him. Though he the rule to not do it with anyone who had feelings for him. And for a long period, Sehun had became an almost perfect copy of Kris. That was until Luhan came to the academy. Ever since, all that was on Sehun's mind was him. He wanted to stop being like Kris and win him all for himself before anyone else could touch him. But he knew he had to start from scratch which is why he was heading for the swimming pool, and not his dorm. As Sehun walked inside he was a bit confused. The lights were turned off yet he recognized Luhan's towel that was hanging over the bench. His eyes widened as he saw something move in the water, desperate to get out of it but couldn't. Sehun didn't hesitate for a second and quickly ran up to the spot where all the movements came from before diving in. He kept his eyes open even though the amount of chlorine in the water was irritating his eyes a lot. He saw Luhan unconscious and being held back by a rope that was used to hang chlorine tablets in, but since the tablet was already dissolved, Luhan's feet seemed to be it's replacement. Sehun pulled Luhan back a bit to loosen the knot that had tightened because of Luhan trying to go up and freed his foot. He then swam up to him,wrapped his arm around Luhan's waist and pulled him up above the water where Sehun lifted Luhan onto the edge of the pool before getting out himself and quickly giving Luhan CPR. He hesitated a bit as he had to do mouth to mouth, being a bit nervous about it but quickly performed it anyway. 

As Luhan finally spit out all of the water and started breathing again, Sehun quickly went to get his towel as at the same moment Kris walked in, who ran towards Luhan in curiosity of what had happened. Before Sehun was able to get back with the towel, Luhan had opened his eyes and looked at Kris. "Y..You saved me?" he asked. Kris stared at Luhan for a bit before finally answering hum. "Yeah, I saved you." he said with a slight grin. Sehun who had came back with the towel couldn't believe what he had heard. Upset, he threw the towel at Luhan without saying anything and quickly walked away as he would always do. Luhan smiled a bit at Kris before realizing his clothes weren't wet. "But if you saved me... How come your clothes aren't wet?" to which Kris answered with a smirk "Well Sehun got you out of the water, and I brought you back to life with my kissing skills princess.". Luhan glared at Kris as gave him a playful push. "CPR isn't considered a kiss you you know." Luhan said. "But thanks for saving me I guess.. I should thank Sehun as well!" he continued, reminding himself he owed his life to Sehun as well. "He probably went back to the dorm, you can thank him later. But you should dry yourself first before I'll do it myself." Kris smirked as he wrapped the blanket around Luhan, who was clueless at what kind of person Kris really was. A part of him hated him, though another part just thought that maybe it was just the way he jokes around without any wrong intentions. But he guessed it was too early to judge and should for now just be thankful of him. Luhan got up without saying anything in response to his last 'suggestion' and kept the towel wrapped firmly around him before heading towards the exit. "You owe me, don't forget that!" Kris shouted after him. That was the one thing he knew for sure about Kris, he was arrogant. 

As Luhan got back to the dorm he noticed that Sehun wasn't back yet. He didn't give much thought to it and just dried himself before grabbing some clothes, changing into them. He finished by drying his hair and then noticed Sehun had left his phone on his desk, which was weird since most people from their age would always have their phone with them. Luhan got a bit curious to what kind of person Sehun was and unlocked his phone, which for some reason didn't even have a password on it. He opened the gallery and scrolled through the maps, trying to find something that weren't selcas or something ual related. He then saw a map with the title of it being his name, which of course got him curious and he clicked on it. At that exact moment Sehun got into the room, who stared at the phone in Luhan's hand. "Yah, what are you doing with my phone!?" He said annoyed, still feeling angry for what Kris had done and accidentally took it out on Luhan. Luhan quickly pushed the back button twice and gulped before handing back his phone. "Mian.. it was laying on your desk so I got a bit curious.." Luhan apologized while looking down, biting his lip. "So that makes it alright to look at what's on my phone. Real logic you've got there." Sehun said while rolling his eyes before reminding the special map he had in his gallery. "How much did you see?" he asked, slightly worried that he might've seen it since if he wanted him to find out, he wanted to tell him himself. "Ah-h, nothing much really! I just looked at your playlist, you got a really good taste in music." Luhan lied, trying to smile a bit to which Sehun sighed in relieve. "Ah really? Thanks I guess.. But next time if you want to know something about me, then ask okay?" He said, feeling miraculously better after seeing Luhan's adorable smile. Even when they were kids it had always been the one thing that made his heart flutter and brighten up his mood no matter what. Luhan quickly nodded his head. "I promise!" he chuckled while holding up his pinky. Sehun couldn't help but to flash a quick smile and linked his pinky with Luhan's, making him feel nostalgic. "Ah also.. Kris told me you were the one who pulled me out of the water, so thank you and I guess I really owe you."  Sehun looked at Luhan confused. Did Kris actually tell him the truth? He guessed he noticed Sehun wasn't happy with what he did, even though it was actually the fact that he got caught halfway. "Well if you're really thankful, then go out with me sometime." Sehun asked, a bit nervous about Luhan's reply even though it was completely different from what he had expected him to say. "Ah.. I think I need to clarify something. I am a hundred percent straight. My idiotic parents misunderstood a rather weird situation I ended up in and then sent me here. So if that hurt you, I am really sorry though if we could just be friends then perfect." Sehun felt really embarrassed and quickly tried to talk himself out of it. "Mwoya.. I didn't mean it in any romantic way! I just wanted to hang out with you sometime, as friends with you treating." he said before the 'I'm not gay' statement reached his slow brains. "Wait, so you really have no interest in guys and never had? Like really never, not even in the past?" Sehun continued, worried that everything he had wished for his whole life would just be crushed like that. Luhan gave him a rather judging look and nodded his head once. "Yeah I'm not... And as far as I can remember I never were either nor have I ever had that kind of interest in another guy. Please make that clear to Kris as well please, whenever he talks to me he always manages to gross me out." he said. Sehun didn't know what to think or say. The longer he looks at Luhan to more he knows for sure it's the same one, yet the way he acts and based on his statement of never having liked the same gender crushed him completely and it made him doubt, or rather he was left in disbelief. 

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LaxanaLeonheart #1
Chapter 6: Is it weird that I want Kris and Luhan to be together??? XD
keruinggirl #2
Chapter 6: Let it be hunhan.. Sehun has suffered so much
joanna20 #3
Chapter 6: Author nim ty for updating. I ship Kris & lu and sehun & lu. So I am okay with any pairing. I get hope happy ending only for all of them.
Chapter 5: Yesssss Sehunnie don't ever give up. You need to make Lulu yours. Kris....I don't like him -_-
I want hunhan. And because i'm a saddist I loved when Lulu got in a car accident +-+
noddy1 #5
Chapter 5: Poor sehunnie
I kinda admit I forgot my login- don't kill me! ono
LaxanaLeonheart #7
Chapter 4: Haha a Luhan Love Triangle mwuahahaha XD I love Luhan harems,hes so shippable~! Update soon author-nim~! Fighting!
Chapter 4: Hunhan pleaseeee.TT
Chapter 4: Goshhhh I'm heart broken right now!!!!
Luhan should know that Sehun is the one who saved him and why can't he remember Sehunnie??? I ING HATE KRIS. HunHan all the way
Okay where did all these subscribers come from, cus it's impossible that they came from my crappy writing ; ^ ; <3