
Double uality

Turning on the shower, Luhan sighed in delight as the hot water touched his skin. School had finally ended and he was looking forward to all the clubbing with his friends and had his mind set on finally getting a girlfriend, especially now that his parents were starting to nag about it. 

Once Luhan turned off the shower, he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around his waist. He was starting to get annoyed as it kept falling off so he just held it instead as he walked back to his room, heading for his closet to pick out some clothes.He then stepped on something and groaned a bit as he always kept his room perfectly clean. In fact, he hated messy rooms so it definitely wasn't him leaving something on the ground. Luhan looked at the floor to see what stepped on, eyes widening. "What is-" he started, picking the object that seemed to be a up from the ground. At that moment his towel once again dropped to the floor and his parents had burst into the room. Luhan turned around and his eyes widened even more as he immediately dropped the and pulled up his towel to hide his body. "I-it isn't what it looks like!" Luhan said, trying to explain himself. His parents looking at him in shock then smiled. "Ah, finally! We always knew you were gay!~" his mom exclaimed happily. "I'm glad you finally came out of the closet, even when we caught you on it." his dad added while laughing afterwards. 'what the- always knew??? Is this a joke'  Luhan thought, not sure if he was angry with the fact his parents are thinking he's gay because of this incident, or the fact they thought he was before this. "Mom, dad, I am not gay! this is a misunderstanding!!" Luhan said, trying to get himself out of this situation. "Oh don't bother Luhannie, I'm going to sign you up for a special summer school right now!" his mom said enthusiastically as she left the room. Luhan widened his eyes. "What!? Summer school!?!?" he shouted in disbelief. Though he had yet to find out that he'd wish it was just a summer school. 

About a week had passed and Luhan was packing the last stuff. He was still angry with his parents, who did not seem to notice this at all as they kept on being their cheerful selves. After a few hours Luhan had finally packed everything he needed, and just in time as well. His parents brought him towards the train station and handed him his ticket along with the letter of acceptation from his new school, who Luhan didn't even know a thing about yet. Luhan was about to step inside the train while waving his parents goodbye. "You are not coming back until you've found a potential husband!" His dad laughed after him. Luhan face palmed himself and then waved one last them before quickly sitting down on a seat. the only beneficial thing from this all was that he'd be away from his parents. He loved them, but they were way to optimistic about everything while Luhan was the opposite. Luhan closed his eyes as he would be in the train for a long time. Once he opened them and had arrived at the station, a taxi was waiting for him. He stepped in and after about an hour he had arrived at the gates of the school. Luhan took out his luggage from the car and looked up at the school. "Wow... Daebak." he said, amazed with the size of the school. It felt as if he had arrived at Hogwarts. It seemed as there were a lot of dorms so the school must have a lot of students. So why has he never heard of the school before? He sighed and went through the gates, pressing on the doorbell of the school.

Luhan sighed as it seemed as if no one was coming. He was about call his parents until someone then finally opened the door. "Ah, you must be the new student... Luhan right?" a guy said who reminded him of Dumbledore. Did he really arrive at hogwarts? Of course this guy's beard and hair wasn't that long but still. Luhan nodded his head in response and the old man gestured him to follow him inside. Luhan looked through the empty hallways, figuring it wasn't as possible as he thought from the view outside. Was there even anyone at all? Luhan sighed a bit and they then entered the hallway with all the dorms. Luhan widened his eyes. There were a lot of people, running and goofing around. Luhan chuckled a bit before noticing something, there were only guys. Luhan looked at the man that was guiding him to his room and asked "Excuse me, is this part of the dorms for males only?". The elder then looked at him while laughing. "This academy is for males only young man, did you not read anything about this school yet?" he explained. Luhan's facial expression changed to a disappointed and annoying one. Are his parents serious? Sending him to an all boy school just because he is supposedly gay? Luhan took a deep breath before he finally arrived at the dorm. "People here share their room with 3 due to lack of space. We hope you won't mind." the elder said to him as he gave him the keys to the dorm. "Who are you here anyway?" Luhan asked, looking at the old man. "I'm the principal, so I accept you to give me a lot of love and presents in the future, and of course expect you to give me compliments about how young I look!" the principal laughed. Luhan kinda laughed along and the principal then went away. 

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LaxanaLeonheart #1
Chapter 6: Is it weird that I want Kris and Luhan to be together??? XD
keruinggirl #2
Chapter 6: Let it be hunhan.. Sehun has suffered so much
joanna20 #3
Chapter 6: Author nim ty for updating. I ship Kris & lu and sehun & lu. So I am okay with any pairing. I get hope happy ending only for all of them.
Chapter 5: Yesssss Sehunnie don't ever give up. You need to make Lulu yours. Kris....I don't like him -_-
I want hunhan. And because i'm a saddist I loved when Lulu got in a car accident +-+
noddy1 #5
Chapter 5: Poor sehunnie
I kinda admit I forgot my login- don't kill me! ono
LaxanaLeonheart #7
Chapter 4: Haha a Luhan Love Triangle mwuahahaha XD I love Luhan harems,hes so shippable~! Update soon author-nim~! Fighting!
Chapter 4: Hunhan pleaseeee.TT
Chapter 4: Goshhhh I'm heart broken right now!!!!
Luhan should know that Sehun is the one who saved him and why can't he remember Sehunnie??? I ING HATE KRIS. HunHan all the way
Okay where did all these subscribers come from, cus it's impossible that they came from my crappy writing ; ^ ; <3