Park Jungmin

Our Love Continues

I went to Jungmin's dorm right after I left Hyungjun's. I had no idea if Jungmin even wanted to see me since I picked Kyu Jong over him. I arrived at his door and knocked. The door opened and Jungmin stared down at me. I smiled in greeting and then the door slammed shut in my face. I huffed and pounded at the now closed door. 

"Yah! Park Jungmin! Let me in so we can talk!" I shouted, hoping he could hear me.

"No! You broke my heart!" Jungmin's shouting was muffled a bit due to the closed door.

"Will you at least let me explain?" I pleaded.

That did it. The door reopened and Jungmin let me in. We sat on the sofa, a measurable distance between us. He looked at me, his face as as stone and not showing any emotion.

"So explain. You reall roke my heart back then..." he trailed off.

"I know and I'm so sorry, but I can't help how my heart feels." I apologized sadly.

Jungmin was quiet for a long moment as I shifted uncomfortably. He finally sighed loudly. "I guess that's good enough We can't control who we love. Apology accepted." Jungmin said with a small smile.

"That means a lot to me to have your forgiveness, especially since your enlistment is soon..." now it was my turn to trail off.

"Yeah. I'm a little scared, but I'm excited too. Do you think I'll do well?" he asked.

"I think you will." I agreed.

"Enough about me. What have you been up to?" Jungmin asked, changing the subject.

I gave him the same explanation I gave Hyungjun. At the end, he gave me a proud smile.

"It was a lot of hard work and I can't even tell you how many times I wanted to give up." I admitted.

"I'm glad you didn't. Look at how much you achieved. I'm proud." Jungmin praised me.

I beamed at him. Before I knew it, the time had gotten late and it was getting dark. Jungmin checked the time and whistled. 

"Wow, its late. Youngsaeng should be getting home right about now." Jungmin remarked.

"Youngsaeng? I thought he enlisted?" I asked curiously.

"He did as a conscripted police officer. Have you been by to see him yet?" he asked.

"Not yet. I'll make sure to though." I answered.

We said our farewells and I headed off for a late night visit with Youngsaeng.


Author's Note: Another update! COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!

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Hey guys~. The next chapter is almost done. Life has gotten in the way of writing :(


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sweetaselle #1
Chapter 20: NO, this is not the end
keenie73 #2
Chapter 20: Aww_ to sweet and short. Thank you for final chapter, always wish they would contine on forever.
sweetaselle #3
Chapter 20: Ok *cries* I wish it wasn't ending, but awaiting the last chapter.
sweetaselle #4
Chapter 19: NOOOOOO WHAT??? I'm interested in this still... *breathes, talks to self* Still more chapters, keep reading before spazzing.
sweetaselle #5
Chapter 17: Reading... well, catching up honestly. SPAZZING at the fact that they might go public now. KYUUUUUUUUU <3
keenie73 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for keeping us posted.
keenie73 #7
Chapter 18: Thank you for updating. I hope she doesnt get to much harassment now that they are public. True fans should be happy for them.
bosy8915 #8
Chapter 17: welcome back . long time no see . my bias is kyu so im reading and crying at the same time and of course we reading the story how we can not . Can't wait for the next chapter
sweetaselle #9
Chapter 12: Lovely <3 Just caught myself up on the last two chapters :D Great job, author-nim! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 10: Sorry author-nim for not commenting as much but Kyu Jong oppa is really cute! Keep up the good work FIGHTING