Date Me Under 3 Stars

Date Me Under The Stars

It doesn't take too long for your mum to bring back the food, nor is it for your dad to finish building the tent. Your dad decides to save the campfire until you're already a couple of days in, or if the families were willing to gather to make an enormous flame altogether, which was what he did in the previous times he came here.

"See, isn't this nice?" your dad says contentedly. "We're surrounded by the wilderness, I feel like my worries have already melted away." 

"That's nice, dad," you reply blandly, putting a chicken wing aside. Whipping out your phone again, you decide in the afterthought to might as well finish that JRPG game you installed in your phone awhile ago.

"What are you playing?" your dad asks.


"Honey bun, I didn't drive five hours just for you to go on your phone, so," he pinches it off of you.


"What's wrong with your generation and phones? Trust me, you can live without this," he brandishes the phone, "for seven days."

"Seven days! But dad!"

"Walk around! Explore the area, just don't wander off into the woods," he encourages. "Trust me, camping is going to change the way you look at life. Or maybe, people will~” 

"Listen to your father honey. He knows what he's saying," your mum smiles.

"What if I get kidnapped?"

"There are park rangers all over the place."

"Even some in disguise," your mum winks at your dad.

"Dad, I thought you were just a volunteer."

"Volunteer park ranger," he corrects, smiling. 

You sigh for the nth time. There's no telling when you're ever going to win an argument against your parents, but for now, you decide to relent. It might be a good thing to 'explore the area' for a while because if there's one thing you cannot absolutely stand, it's being in the presence of cheesy lovers (cough your parents). You stand up.

"Bring a torch with you, just in case," he proffers the item, which you accept.

"Yes, this'll totally blind my kidnappers," you mumble sarcastically. You start walking around the clearing, not really sure where to go. Well, on the one hand, you probably could just walk around, hoping that you'll find something interesting there. 

But speaking of 'interesting', you remember your dad saying something about the hall being worth checking out..



Look around the place some more

Check out the hall

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and here i was thinking i could make an interactive with all of GOT7


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Chapter 31: Ah I'm excited for the next chapters! Can't wait! :)
kookielover135 #2
Can't wait for the next few chapters :) -w-