Date Me Under 21 Stars

Date Me Under The Stars

"Well, I guess I'm jumping to conclusions a bit too fast," you say, starting to get comfortable with the idea. "So, okay, I'll come!"

He beams, and you can't help but smile along. He seems to be really excited for you to join. "Sweet! We'll be here from three or so, and wear something like you are now, yeah?"

"What will we be doing?"

"Who knows!" he laughs. "But come anyway, and we'll see from there. You're actually going back, yeah?"

You nod.

"I'll catch ya later then!" the two of you wave at each other as you start walking back to your camp. He cups his hand around his mouth and hollers, "You won't regret this~~"

Hopefully not, you think.


To be continued...

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and here i was thinking i could make an interactive with all of GOT7


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Chapter 31: Ah I'm excited for the next chapters! Can't wait! :)
kookielover135 #2
Can't wait for the next few chapters :) -w-