Chapter 2

My Passion

*(his thoughts) Wow!.. her eyes..they're beautiful. her skin is so pale and white. her lips are a light shade of pink..she's..she's so..beautiful.*

you bowed your head again and as you leave you noticed that around his neck was a Canon Rebel TXi camera. your eyes bulge as you stared at his camera with glee. he was confused for a moment as to why you were staring at him with a smile and acting giddy. then he followed where your gaze was at, it wasn't him you were happily staring at but his camera. he felt bittersweet about it but then let out a small smile and walked to where you were.

"did you want to try out my camera?" he asked you while tilting his head sideways a bit

your eyes widened at his kind gesture and your happily nodded your head, "please?!"

he then let out a small chuckle and handed you his camera. you moved closer to him and began to carefully take the camera from him. your hans brushed against his in the process. you shyly look up at him and began blushing as you were holding his camera. he looked up into your eyes and the both of you shyly looked away. after you played with all of the functions on the camera you handed it back to him and he placed it back around his neck.

"you like my camera?" he asked you

"NEH! it's one of the cameras that i've always wanted, a Canon Rebel XTi" you answered cheerily

"so, i'm guessing you know about photography?" he asked

"know about it?! it's my life!" you exclaimed

he gave you a quizzical look so you explained, "i've been doing film photography since i was eight years old. my passion for photography just expandedwith each passing year."

you were now looking down at the ground shyly smiling. he saw your sweet smile as you talked about photography and began to smile himself.

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TripleS-A_plus #1
aww. sweet! i love this story! <3 please update more! :D
Sherie #2
I really love this story :))!
yuki-ah #3
thanks love!~
i kind of just got a bit unbusy so i'm trying to update as much as i can ^^
Sherie #4
I really love the story ^^. thanks for posting and creating this :D
Please Continue !! ^^ n Update soon ! Can't wait for the next chapter =D
yuki-ah #6
thank you! haha<br />
it's getting there (^^)/<br />
I've uploaded at 5 chapters and i'm still going!~
janatheprincess #7
I like your storrrrrryyy. :) It's so nice. I hope you finish it.