Chapter 1 - One Afternoon

Are we alone?

The world is cruel, it gives you a bit of happiness and when you're happy enough and you can't let go anymore, it will just take it away from you and watch you as you grieve.
It's scary when your happy, in just a snap everything could be so, so lonely. This is why I never talk to anyone, this is why I refrain myself from being happy because once they see you happy, they'll take that happiness away from you.

I had a friend when I was a kid, he was my bestfriend. I love him so much and everyday when afternoon comes we'd play at the park, one day we saw a lost puppy whimpering helplessly, where is his mother? The poor pup was scared when we approached him, he was shivering with fear as I try to pet him hoping that this would calm him down, he was very scared. What had happened to him? My friend lift him up and whispered to his ears "Now, now don't cry, you have a family now" he smiled at me and I knew I would see him more than often.

The puppy grew to be a wonderful and playful dog with lots of energy, I would visit my friend's house and I'll hear him bark happily "Shh shh calm down now Tiger, tell me where is Seokjin?" Then Tiger would run to the kitchen and bark as if he is saying 'here here, Seokjin is here' and I'd find my friend there washing the dishes.

But one unfortunate afternoon while Seokjin was cooking, he forgot to turn the stove off, a small fire turned into a huge one then it was too late to put it down ourselves, we were so near the door when we heard a bark, "Damn!" Seokjin said "Tiger is trapped" I tried to stop him "It's too dangerous" but he didn't listen, it took him so long to go down ... too long ... and he never came down. The fireman killed the fire but the fire killed my bestfriend, he inhaled too much smoke causing his death, I was devasted. After that I never left my house, I never went to the park and everynight I had nightmares, but only I know, I have no one to tell, they are all dead.



School is starting today, I'm finally a highschool student, I can't wait to graduate and start college and then maybe I could get a decent job and maybe after that I'd forget but  I must go first to Seokjin's grave and pray for goodluck, "Come on Tiger, let's go" "Arf arf!"

It is a beautiful day today, quite and all I can hear is the wind blowing and the birds chirpping, I popped my earphones out and pedalled away while Tiger is following me, not too long and I'd be in the place where I could finally meet my bestfriend, I sat near his grave and prayed that I can finish this year smoothly and that he is doing well in heaven, I promise him that I would forever takecare of Tiger.



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Chapter 14: I've just read this and yay! jikook happy ending ♥
it's funny when jimin always appears on the right time when tae about to '' kookie. hehehe.
and it's cute when jimin change from bossy to cutie. jimin is so possessive for his kookie
subreddit #2
Chapter 14: cries tears of happiness
blueffect #3
Chapter 13: Is it really end ?? I saw a "completed" there and ohh really
blueffect #4
Chapter 12: nice uptade :DDD but it is too short :(((((
Chapter 10: Noooooooooooo~ taehyung noooooo!!! TT^TT Vmin is a nono!
Chapter 9: Noooo~ kookie don't succumb to his touches!
Chapter 8: Yaaas taehyung yaaas!!!
Tae_kook #8
Chapter 8: Ohhh I really hope it would be ending with TAEKOOK