His point of view pt2

New York

The moment she takes her first step off the curb he slips into the dingy diner.  Finding a booth that give him secrecy and yet a view of the street. He sees her dart past him. A part of him is happy that she never lost her determination. Remembering a time when she used to joke with him about being in love with her. "One day I'll get you to say it." Or "I love you too." He wasn't even aware of what was happening then. He smiles at those memories,  a wave of guilt slaps him in the face because even though he doesn't want to be found a part of him is excited because she knows he remembers him, but he is here hiding from her. Hiding from the one person who always loved him no matter what. Never judging him for the mistakes he made. From the corner of his eye he sees an unfamiliar yet familiar silouett standing right in front of him. As she faces the street he studies her she has changed so much. For a moment he gets a glimpse of her face. It's mixed with chaos and excitement and sorrow. She still is beautiful her lips are fuller and her eyes seem to shine even through the tint of the window. Lost in her he watches as she looks down the street she just ventured back to the road she has yet to travel. She throws her hands up as if the fight in her has drowned in the sea of people. For a moment sadness shatters him and he wants to go after her but the thing she does next breaks him. She lowers her head and begins to walk to her uncharted destination. What would he have said to her anyway? " I was the one who grabbed you." "I'm glad you made it." Heleans back in the booth and pulls his phone from his pocket.   He holds it a bit before he begins to til it in his hand. He taps it against his hand before a glow hits his eyes. 

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