Her point of view pt2

New York

Frantically she begins to push the crosswalk button. That was him, she was sure of it. "Jeans, red plaid shirt, backpack,  jeans, red plaid shirt,  backpack.  Come on, dammit!" She harshly whispers. As fast as the light changes from red to green she battles the crowd of people and impatient drivers. Making her way to the curb she makes a quick decision to go straight past the tall business building housing a small diner on the ground floor.  At the end of the block  she begins to scan the crowd. He is no where to be found, he's gone.  The excitement that coursed through her veins now has turned into disappointment again.  Her posture changes with the way she feels.  "No way on earth I will find him again. " She starts her walk back down 108th. Nearing the corner where it happened she stops in front of the diner and stands facing the street. Throwing her hands up in the air finally giving up. "Too many people in this city to even try. Stop even thinking it was him. You were just thinking about him and just molded the man who caught you. " She shakes her head "that's it, just a stranger." Making her way back to where she needs to go she stands at the trash lined gutter and pulls her phone out.  "I wonder if he still has the same number? "

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