∞ Chapter 9 ∞



They all began running wherever they could go. They passed a long hallway with many doors.

They kept running, then the guys heard a very familiar sound, the sound of a sword being dragged on the metal floor. They all froze.

"What's that sound?" SeYong asked. The guys were already sweating and shaking so much. 

"Grab a weapon guys." SungGyu said shaking.

Everyone practically grabbed what they could. 

SeYong looked intently at the figure coming to them, he was very tall and buffed. He had blood stains all over. He had a big sword, a big pyramid headgear, and a enormous apron of... Human flesh???

That was the dude the boys saw earlier, and SeYong had no idea. The boys called this dude the Pyramid head.

SeYong was scared but he didn't show it, he randomly kicked a door and signaled everyone to go inside. Luckily the room was big enough for them all.

They barred the doors with a thick, heavy metal rod. Everyone was ready to attack whatever would come to them.

Everything became quiet for a moment.


And then suddenly, the Pyramid head stabbed his sword at the door twice, forming an X. They boys slowly walked backwards.

He then punched the door hard to open the X mark, he managed to stick his arm in and tried to pull the metal rod out. The huge cockroaches appeared and entered the room through the hole the Pyramid head made.

SeYong then grabbed his gun and shot the arm of the guy outside a couple of times.

The dude outside was hurt, he pulled his arm out. He transfered to Plan B.

He then inserted his sword and waved at it frantically inside.

The boys stuck to the wall as much as they could to avoid the sword. 

The boys tried kicking the large cockroaches away from them but it was no use. The large cockroaches kept entering the room, the room was almost filled with these cockroaches.

The boys were about to give up again but then the cockroaches seemed to weaken. The Pyramid Head outside pull his sword which was dissolving in the air. He then got mad and slammed his sword at the wall, which still was halfly dissolved, squishing a large cockroach on the wall.

The cockroaches started to decompose at a rapid pace, melting like black ice. The hole on the door seemed to be recovering by itself. The walls were getting their paint again. The floor was getting its color again.

They were back to the normal school, at a storage room. 

"Hoya! Do you still have the key?!" Woohyun asked.

'OH YEAH! The key!' Hoya thought. He randomly tapped his back pockets, and his pockets. It was in his pocket. He took out a key which had a keychain label. It said Grand Hotel.

"We should try going there. Maybe its an important place to go." DongWoo said.

They all decided to go to the nearby abandoned hotel. They used the key at the front door, and it unlocked. They all went inside to reveal a once beautiful lobby but it's all burnt now, burnt and dusty.

They all crept to the reception desk, and at the reception desk they saw a little ceramic doll. It wore a red floral dress, it had straight hair, it was a pretty doll.

SungJong was about to pick it up but MyungSoo told him not to. They all just went away from the doll but SungJong felt that the dool wa staring at him but ignored the feeling.

They went deeper into the hotel. The hotel seemed to get darker and more burnt as they go deeper into the hotel.

They saw this picture that's been really burnt compared to the other pictures at the hotel. It was all grey, DongWoo touch it but the moment he touched it, everything crumbled to ashes. 

It revealed a secret passage, and the boys hesitantly went in. The passage was filled with ceramic dolls, hanging from the ceiling, they were tied by their feet, hands, head. It was creepy. The boys felt that the dolls' eyes we're following them.

After crossing a very long passage, they arrived at a huge room. Everything was dusty. 

The room had huge destroyed raisers at each side.. Well they looked like raisers. The curtains were all burnt and ripped. Everything was messy and dusty.

The guys reached the middle of the room and they saw a figure coming near them. She looked like a normal girl, but with greasy hair, pale skin, and blood smeared on and looked awfully like SungJong.

Everyone started shaking. The girl then spreaded her arms wide and then her arms catches on fire and said with aegyo in her voice, "Look at me... I'm burning~"

Everyone practically screamed and ran out of the room. On their way out, SungYeol saw an iron ring with a strange designs at the middle. He then realizes that, that may be the iron ring Alessa was chained into, then he the bumped into a woman, she literally fell on her .

"AHHH!" The woman shreiked. The guys began to calm down now since they were far away from the room. (not because they saw a girl alright!) 

"Aigo! I'm so sorry!" Sungyeol said.

"Wew! It's alright!" The woman stood up and dusted her clothes. "I'm Jessica~"

"Hey, I'm Su---" He said but the sirens interuptted him.

"Oh no! RUN TO THE CHURCH!" Jessica began running. The boys practically followed. "FASTER!!!!" Jessica ordered.

While running to the church, they encounter the crazy woman they met on the stairs of the church. Many people in black were also running to the church.

The boys stopped by the woman. SungJong was hiding behind HoYa this time. Jessica was mad and started to get a big rock.

"Ma'am, I think we saw your daughter." SungGyu said.

The woman seemed to ignore what he said. She then grabbed SeYong and told him, "Don't go in there. The Cult members are damned."

Just as she finished talking, Jessica threw a rock at her head and screamed, "FILTH AND LIES DAHLIA!!!!!! SHUT UP! EVEN THE DARKNESS DOESN'T WANT YOU!"

Dahlia held her head, SungGyu went near her and confronted her about her daughter.

"Maam, I think we saw your daughter. Why does she look like SungJong?" SungGyu said in a panicking voice.

Dahlia cryptically tells him,  "Evil wakes in vengeance, be careful what you choose."

The dark world started to take over. The boys ran to the church then a piercing scream was made from Jessica.

The Pyramid Head appeared behind her and the Pyramid Head stabbed Jessica brutally. After stabbing her, the Pyramid head grabbed her body.

The boys were stuck for a while, until SeYong grabbed them all inside. Just when they reached inside the church, the Pyramid Head threw Jessica's dead body at the church doors.

They had enough time to close the doors but the blood of the body still went in and splashed on all the guys. The door ended with a slam, causing everyone to look at their direction.

"WITCHES!!!!" Screamed a person who looked awfully like Jessica. Everyone then followed the woman screaming, "WITCHESSS!!!! WIIIITCHESSSS!!!!" 

A woman in front then gestured them to keep quiet, everyone turned quiet then the woman who looked like Jessica rushed to the person in front.

"CHRISTABELLA! They killed my daughter!!!" The woman said.

"Silence dear, they're boys, they cannot be witches. Your daughter chose to stay outside, she deserved such punishment." Christabella said.

Whatever Christabella said was like law. No one dared to question her.

"May we help you gentlemen?" Christabella asked with a smile.

"We need a way out of this town Ma'am" SungGyu said.

Christabella laughed at his statement, "There is no way out child, but if you really desire a way out, there is ONE way." Christabella said.

"What is it?" WooHyun asked.

"You must find this demon at Cedar Grove Sanitarium, it might give you the way out. That demon knows where the other demon, who controls the town's shift of realities, is. You must face the demon to know your answer to---" Christabella stopped talking as she noticed SungJong.

"YOU!!!! SIN INCARNATE!!!!" Christabella pointed at SungJong. The boys tried to run outside, but the people kept grabbing them and scratching them. 

They all went out, in torn clothes and everything but they were still complete. What the religious cult doesn't know that, the outside world is fine again.

They ran and saw this beautiful hotel, not Grand Hotel, but Lakeview Hotel. It was also abandoned but this hotel seemed better than the other one. They were all really tired so they all decided to go in.

When they reached inside, they were stunned. There were a lot of stores: clothing stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, and etc.

They were all closed since they were abandoned but the doors weren't locked at all. They all entered a convenience store first since they were very hungry. The boys just got the food there and ate them, no one was there anyway. 

The food was great, they were still fine and weren't spoiled. They also got a few drinks. SungGyu got and kept a few important stuff in his bag like extra food, drinks, batteries for his flashlight. Since there were flashlights there, all of them got one in case, and extra batteries. 

"Use them when needed, we'll use one at a time only." SungGyu said to the guys.

DongWoo just realized something, "Guys, where's SeYong?"

Everyone just realized that too. They all went around the convenience store then suddenly the door bursts open. It was SeYong but he had more stuff stuck to him which cannot be seen clearly by the boys. 

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" HoYa asked. 

"Wew, chill guys~ I was just at the weapon shop." SeYong said.

They all stared at him with awe.

"Come on, we need weapons guys." SeYong said gesturing them to follow him to the weapon shop.

"Hyung, can we at least take a bath first? or at least change or clothes?" SungJong said pointing to their clothes and faces. Their faces were so dirty and their clothes were smothered with blood stains, and they were torn.

"Well, changing wouldn't hurt, I think I saw a bathroom right down the hall." SeYong said.

They just wiped themselves with a wet towel and got changed at the clothing store. 

They all chose to wear black and something light weight., after that they went to the weapon shop.

Everyone chose a weapon they were comfortable with.

They all went back to the convenience store and got what they needed, also went to the pharmacies to get some first aid kit, and they went to a random room after.

They all took turns for look outs. Just when SungGyu was about to doze off while looking out, the door suddenly banged. Everyone woke up, startled.

Then the door bursts open and everyone starts shouting on top of their lungs.



Author's Notes:

Wew! My longest chapter so far!!! I made the hotel part seem normal, to rest my readers' minds from disgusting scenes.

Guys! I'm not a Jessica Anti alright? I like her alot. REALLY! It's just that she fitted the role for me. Alright? Don't hate me for what I did to Jessica~ I also don't like what happened to her here. hahahah!

hmmmm~ Comment more guys~ Pleeeeeeeease~ Your comments make my day! 

Who do you want to appear next??? O.O The story will be filled with new characters that come and go. :D

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Chapter 12: ugh, the suspense. i can't handle it! >//< i need to know what happens next~~ ;A;
Saengieeeeeeees?! O__O
"Silence, dear. They're boys. They can't be witches."

I was particularly laughing. LOL! *cockroach roll!*
thanks for the update. ^^
next please~
Omg this is so good :D
update soon ^^ really wonder what gonna happen next..:/
Update soon! I'm getting goosebumps. Yikes DX
update soon~~ ^^
@4everLovinKpop: wahhaha! thank you? I guess~ Weeee~ I will!
@LightSchwarz: Weeeeee! hahahaha! Don't worry. There isn't any worm. That's just how i described it. but there never was a worm there. jhahaha!
@neow_neow: hahaha! not a worm hole. but it just looks like one! hahaha!