Turn-Off #9 : Emoticons.

kimcheeese's Turn-Offs.

#9 : Emoticons.

I admit, emoticons are cute, but they make your work seem very...weird. I've seen quite a few authors on AsianFanFics that uses emoticons when writing (ex: ><, ^^, O_O). This is not a good way to show the emotion or facial expression the character is feeling.

Pooh Bear's emotion was like this TT_TT. He was sad that his friend went to the park without him. When he found out, his eyes were very wide like this O_O and he almost died like this x_x.

Okay, because of that little emoticon, I understood that he was crying, shocked, and on the verge of dying(?), but I would have much rather prefer you telling me in letters instead of little icons you use in texting. Texting to me, is basically an informal way of writing, so basically everything in texting, is informal. Unless if you're a grammar Nazi and actually text your friends like you're writing an essay, then that's a totally different story. Though majority of us aren't.

So basically anything that deals with emoticons is a big no-no. If you can't explain a persons facial expression then...well, you're just simply screwed. Just try your best. I'm sure majority of us would much rather prefer a person who says something like this:

Pooh Bear was shocked when he found out his best friend went to the park without him. He stared down at his phone, speechless, not sure if he should forgive his friend or not.

Something like that would've been better than adding emoticons. I didn't even explain his facial expression but I'm sure majority of you guys enjoyed my lovely writing than the emoticon writing.

#10 : Texting. (// xFurtive.)

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mysoulisstarving #1
Chapter 5: LOL.., omg I had a "you" story even with the feature of changing the name with the reader's username and I regret it now..,but yeah, you are funny... "according to his ..." LOL
Yoruclaw #2
Chapter 14: oh please update. this is truly the best.
Yoruclaw #3
Chapter 7: ive read a story like that, but i enjoy the author being part of the story. its like theyre a character in it.
Yoruclaw #4
Chapter 5: :( fine then~ but the male one was really funny
Yoruclaw #5
Chapter 4: ikr! It gets so annoying! like, seriously people?its a waste of time reading and writing and i only wanna read it in the story.
Yoruclaw #6
Chapter 1: You are really funny. You make me laugh my head off.
Chapter 12: GOD. YOU READ MY MIND. These are absolutely things that turn me off when reading ffs. Sometimes the stories are amazing but these are just major turnoff.
Hahah great help and fun to read as well (:
I read this to get some tips on my writing style, but ended up using this as a referrence when editing my story! Haha. These tips were blunt and honest. Thanks!