Chapter Twenty [M]

The Fakefriend

Luhan and I were seated in the sofa of the living room as Lujian sat across from us in a matching armchair.

Lujian looked hesitant and worried as me and Luhan waited for him to explain himself. I’d asked them earlier if they would’ve liked to have the conversation without me there but Lujian had insisted on me staying, having dragged me in to the whole thing himself when he had threatened me.

“Do you mind spilling whatever you’d come here for?” Luhan said after we’d waited long enough for Lujian to speak. Luhan was still pissed that his brother was even there and the dragged didn’t make him happier.

“I just don’t know where to start.” Lujian said, sighing. Luhan rolled his eyes.

“Then you can come back when you do.” Luhan said, getting ready to stand up so he could lead Lujian out of the house.

“No!” Lujian said, making Luhan sit down again. “I’m gonna tell you today.”

“I know that-“ Lujian continued “That I must seem like a real to the both of you.”

“You don’t say?” Luhan asked “stealing my last boyfriend from me and then threatening my second?”

“I know, I know.” Lujian said, sighing in shame “My method may have but… I want both of you to know that I only did all that because I wanted to keep you safe, Luhan.”

Luhan scoffed, not believing him. But I wasn’t so sure. There was something about his voice that sounded so sincere and I wondered how such a noble wish could’ve turned out so badly.

“Please let me explain.” Lujian said and I could tell that Luhan was about to deny him, so I was quicker.

“Please do.” I said, gripping hold of Luhan’s hand discreetly and squeezing it, hoping he would trust me. He didn’t tell his brother to go away after that, so at least that was something.

“As I think both of you know,” Lujian began “when I told my parents that I wasn’t only interested in girls, they completely despised me, they still do.” I nodded to indicate that Luhan had told me such a thing. According to Luhan, Lujian had acted like he had only because suddenly the little brother had become their parents favorite and that it was possible Luhan was going to steal Lujian’s title as the heir.

“I may not seem like I care about anyone or anything, but that isn’t true.” Lujian said “And when my parents had that look of disgust upon their face when I told them it hurt like hell. I got really depressed but through it all, I had only one bright thought in my mind: that I would make sure nobody close to me was ever going to need to go through what I had. I would protect them to every cost.”

I looked to Luhan who’d dropped some of his anger and was now listening to his brother. He still seemed doubtful of where this was going but I could see that there was something new in his eyes when he looked at his brother. Maybe it was compassion, or even pity, but something was always something.

“Fast forward a bit and I visited you in the US, Luhan.” Lujian said “I had planned to surprise you and instead, I accidentally caught on to you and some guy holding hands. I was shocked, looking at the two of you and seeing the apparent adoration in your eyes for that boy.”

My stomach twisted at that, not wanting to hear what Luhan had felt like with other guys. I had to remind myself that it was now my hand he was holding.

“I got scared,” Lujian continued “not because my little brother may or may not be gay but because this meant that there was a possibility that you’d have to go through what I had with our parents. That my beloved little brother would have to suffer like I had if this ever got out.

And that’s when I may have started taking the wrong path. Now I know that what I did wasn’t… that great.  I only wanted that boy away from you so that our parents wouldn’t find out like I had. It was easier for me to keep your secret if you didn’t flaunt it around you like you did when you were together with someone.

So I took him away from you.”

“And for that, I’ll always have a grudge against you.” Luhan said bitterly. Though I could tell that in all that bitterness, there was something much more sweeter. Luhan had gotten a new looked upon his brother, the words having shone it’s light on another part of the story, telling him about a brother who in the end really did care.

“I know.” Lujian said “And therefore I have to apologize as well as explain. I know I did so many things wrong but I hope now, you’ll at least know why. And of course, I plan to make a lot less mistakes in the future.

anyway, you moved away from America and came here and I worried that things would just repeat itself. So I tried at first to get your friend Sehun away from you, worried that you’d fall for him and that I’d have the same problem yet again. But Sehun didn’t let himself get tricked away from you, and fortunately for my plans, you didn’t fall for him.

But then-“ Lujian said, turning to me “you came along.”

I looked at Lujian back, wanting to hear more.

“I could tell that my brother had fallen for you the moment he first mentioned you, calling you his friend with that little twist at the end like he does when he’s lying.” Lujian said “I knew I had to try and get you away from him to not put Luhan in danger of facing our parent’s wrath. I tried, but didn’t succeed. I knew what I did to Adam wouldn’t work on you, Yixing. I could see like you truly cared for my brother, something Adam didn’t do on the same level. But whatever I did, you tackled my attempts like they were nothing, staying fiercely loyal.

And that made me realize something. Maybe my whole plan of keeping Luhan single was wrong. Maybe what I truly needed was someone to share my concern with, someone who’d look out for Luhan when I couldn’t.”

“I don’t need to have someone looking out for me.” Luhan muttered but I could tell that he was touched.

“Of course you don’t.” Lujian smiled “but just in case, I wanted to have someone by your side who’d do anything for you, even if it meant possibly losing his own family for it. And that someone is you, Yixing. When you told me that you’d told your parents everything, I knew. If you were willing to possibly give up your parent’s love to keep a hold on Luhan’s, then I’m positive you’d do anything for him.”

Lujian smiled at me then, something that looked like pride glinting in his eyes. And in that moment, I could feel that me and him made some kind of silent pact. Both of us sure that the other would protect Luhan to their every extent, though in completely different ways and use completely different methods. We’d be Luhan’s guard for the future, because one day his parent’s would find out, and when they did, me and Lujian would be there to protect him.


“I still don’t know what I feel about all of this.” Luhan sighed. Lujian had left fifteen minutes earlier and now we were alone at his house. We were in his room, chilling on his bed.

“He has done some pretty bad things.” I said, thinking of the betrayal with Adam “but at the same time, he did all those things only because he wanted to protect you.”

“Yeah…” he said “I know. But it’s just so hard to forgive him just like that, like: Oh, you did all these horrible things only to protect me? How… sweet?”

“I get what you’re saying.” I said “It’s up to you, but remember: you only have one big brother and you will not get another one.”

Luhan was quiet after that and I could tell he was deep in thoughts. I decided to distract him for a while.

“Hey.” I said and Luhan looked to me “Let’s not think too much about it, okay? Let it sink in and you can think about it tomorrow instead.”

“Yeah…” Luhan sighed and nodded “You’re probably right.” Then, he smiled “Then what do you suggest we do instead?” I grinned.

“Oh, I don’t know.” I said, still grinning “Maybe…” I traced one finger along his stomach, leading up to his face, turning it to me properly.

Luhan looked at me with anticipation, eyes glinting as I stared back at him.

Slowly, I leaned closer and gently kissed his lips, a feathery light touch. I could hear Luhan’s sharp intake of breath. Then, I pulled away and looked at him, really looked at him.

There was a question in his eyes, wanting me to give him a clear answer. When I didn’t, Luhan spoke it out instead.

“I’m ready if you are.” He said, his eyes glinting. My heart skipped a beat, doing weird things in my chest. It was suddenly harder to breath but I couldn’t deny how happy and excited his words made me feel, so much so that I lost my breath.

“You sure?” I asked, letting my hand caress his cheek before finding it’s place at the back of his head in his hair.

He nodded, smiling all the while.

“I am.” Luhan said, confirming it just to make sure I didn’t miss anything. There was as if a switch inside me and suddenly, everything seemed possible and wonderful.

I don’t know who leaned in to the other first because all I could tell was that now our lips were clashing together hungrily.

I could feel Luhan’s hands over my back, gliding my shirt up over my body, exposing my skin as he went.

A thrill went through me as I threw my shirt to the floor and it was as if a fire had been spurred inside of me. I was too impatient for anything such as simple as undressing. I only wanted to keep touching Luhan and not bother with the undressing part.

Luhan seemed to be on the same track and quickly, we undressed, helping each other as we continued to kiss, never wanting to leave each other’s company for even a second.

Luhan fell back against the bed, chest facing me as I loomed up over him. Both of us were still wearing our underwear but besides that, we were .

And even though I should’ve gotten used to this sight by now since me and Luhan had been practicing lots during the past week, his beauty still shocked me.

His hair was all messed up and he looked a bit breathless, but still a smile was upon his lips. He reached his hands up to me, as if I was some kind of saint he wanted to touch, and I willingly met them. I leaned down towards his body as his hands roamed over my back.

Our lips touched again and it was such a wonderful kiss. I could feel the heat in it but at the same time there was so much love in it, burning throughout my whole body. I couldn’t get enough of it.

Luhan’s hands found their way to my waistband and I could feel how he wanted to pull them off, wanted more and more. And I couldn’t resist such a request.

I let him undress me completely  and felt a thrill go through my body at his touches.

My breath hitched as I felt Luhan kiss my throat as his hands continued to do their magic on me. It felt amazing.

“You too.” I breathed right before I steered Luhan’s lips up to mine again, sharing a heated kiss. Luhan let go of me and instead pulled down his own underwear, me helping him as best as I could.

Skin touched skin and I could feel Luhan moan in to my mouth.

I reached my hand  out to Luhan’s nightstand, lubricant being well at my reach by now since we’d placed it there for easy access.

My whole body was vibrating with energy as I put it out over my hand, warming it up with my own body heat, creating friction between my fingers and my palm.

Luhan was well aware of what I was doing and since by now, we’d been through similar things as we’d trained he knew what to do next, still it filled me with butterflies.

Luhan spread his legs gently, letting my body take place between them. I didn’t hesitate to position myself perfectly so that I could have access to him with not only my fingers. I was sitting at my knees between his legs and Luhan smiled at me once again, encouraging me to go on.

“You tell me when you’re ready.” I whispered high enough for him to hear before I inserted one of my slippery fingers in to him.

I could hear Luhan in a breath and for a few moments I was worried that I had hurt him. I glanced up at him but he just continued smiling, a smile mixed with something much more pleasurable.

He nodded for me to continue. And that, I did.

I continued working on him, feeling myself more and more wanting to step over that last threshold, wanting both of us to become one for real. To others it may just seem like but to me, it was so much more than that.

Luhan was the person I loved, the person that made me happy and the person who’d be there for me not matter what. In just a few couple of weeks, he’d become so important to my day to day life and I wanted nothing more than to spend my every breathing moment making sure he was happy. To me, this was life changing because I wouldn’t only be having with some random person I called my partner, no. It would be yet another straw to bring me and Luhan closer.

I kissed his inner thigh as I continued, having gotten up to three fingers as I continued to prepare him. Luhan was huffing where he lay, face disoriented with his eyes closed. He was breathing hard and I could tell it wasn’t because this was something difficult, but something enjoyable. And to me, that’s what was important.

“Okay…” Luhan said, the words coming out as half a moan “I think I’m ready.”

I stopped my movements, looking at him.

“You sure?” I asked “I could do this some more, just to be safe.”

“No.” Luhan smiled “I’m sure. I feel like it’ll work just fine.”

I bit my lip, feeling like the world had dropped under me. Now, there was nothing to stop me anymore, nothing that I would have to do before doing what I had been wanting to do for so long now.

“If you say so.” I said, leaning down to kiss Luhan before I positioned myself. A part of me wanted to just do it right away, to let go of any restraints I had, but I still had to keep in mind to be careful. We may have been preparing and training for this for a week now but that didn’t mean I could just go berserk. This was still his first time.

My lips left his, both of us smiling blissfully as our noses touched. As I pulled out some extra lube over me, just so that there wouldn’t be a shortage of it, I let my lips clash with Luhan’s again, wanting to feel him as much as possible.

I put myself right at his entrance as we kissed and with another small touch from Luhan’s hands on my back, wanting me to continue, I began pushing inside.

It was tight, but oh so good, and even though it felt like I already was going to explode of pleasure I couldn’t stop kissing Luhan. I was watchful of him as I tried to feel his every pore with my hands, searching for any sign of this being too much, of him hurting too much.

I let our faces separate so that I could look at him and saw him looking concentrated, his brows pulled together as he bit his lower lips. I hesitated, and he noticed.

“Keep going.” He reassured, sounding uptight. I did as he asked and when I felt myself having gone in as far as I could, I stayed there for a while, wanting to make sure Luhan got used to this.

I bent down to kiss him again and he welcomed me, throwing his arms against my neck as both of us stayed still. I could tell that this was really strange for him, probably even a bit painful, but for me, it was some kind of pleasured torture. I wanted nothing more than to move, to make both of us feel better, but I stopped myself. I wanted this to not only be a nice experience for me, but for the both of us.

“I think you can move.” Luhan said, sounding more relaxed. I took that as a great sign and slowly pushed myself out before going in again.

Under me, I felt Luhan’s body begin to relax more. The longer I was at it, the better it seemed to get for him.

Further in, when Luhan began , I could tell I was doing something right. I must’ve been at the right angle, pushing the right buttons, because suddenly, it was as if he changed under me. He squeezed down harder on me, making not only him but me feel more pleasure as he did.

“Do that again…” He moaned and I did, over and over, making both of us feel lightheaded.

“I love you, Luhan.” I said, caressing his face, kissing his lips. He smiled against my mouth.

“And I love you, Yixing.” He said, and together, we received the last piece of pleasure, both of us drowning in ecstasy as our lips parted in our last moans.

Afterwards, when both of us was cleaned up and felt fresh again, we curled up to each other’s bodies. I was smiling like a crazy person, as was Luhan, and nothing besides the two of us existed in the universe.  

“Promise you’ll never leave me.” Luhan whispered right before we fell asleep.

“I promise.” I said. “Do you promise not to leave me, either?”

“I do.” Luhan told me. And blissfully, we fell asleep.


The next day I awoke with Luhan right by my side, looking like an angel as he slept. He was curled up against my body, one of his arms around my waist to keep himself close. Me in return had my fingers in his hair, having pressed his head against the crook of my neck.  I could smell his hair, the smell making me want to kiss him.

As if he’d heard my thoughts, he slowly awoke. At first, he was a little disoriented but then, when he saw my face, a huge smile appeared on his face.

“Good morning.” He mumbled and then stretched his neck up to lightly peck my lips with his.

“Good morning.” I answered, smiling back “Slept well?” I let my fingers thread through his locks as I looked at him. It was so soft.

“Yeah.” Luhan said, looking blissfully happy.

We spent the rest of the day in his bed, talking, watching series and just cuddling to some music. But even though it all was wonderful, I couldn’t help but wonder about Luhan’s own well being. I knew he hadn’t said anything about it hurting yesterday but it that didn’t mean that it didn’t.

“How are you feeling today, by the way?” I asked him as we watched some old drama we’d discovered both of us loved.

“Fine.” Luhan said “Why?”

“Well, I was worried I hurt you yesterday.” I said. Luhan blushed, which was so like him I couldn’t help myself from emitting a small laugh.

“It hurt a bit.” Luhan admitted “but I got used to it. It doesn’t hurt now, though.”

“I’m sorry.” I said, kissing his forehead gently.

“don’t be.” Luhan said “We both know it was impossible for it not to hurt. And it was only during the first two minutes, then I got used to the feeling and it stopped hurting. And it wasn’t unbearable exactly.”

“Still, I would be sorry even if it hurt as much as a mosquito bite.” I said “I want you to always be happy and to never go through any kind of discomfort.” Now, it was Luhan’s time to laugh.

“Thank you for your concern.” He smiled “But I can take a little pain when later on, I’ll receive pleasure.”

“That’s a relief… I guess?” I said and suddenly, the air changed around us.

“Do you…” Luhan began “want to do it again… like… now?” he asked, looking like that’s at least what he wanted. I smiled mischievously.



When evening came, I had to return home and then it was Monday and school started up again. Funnily enough, I had completely forgotten all about seeing Tao and Sehun together when me and Luhan was out on our date. Well, I had even forgotten everything about Lujian after mine and Luhan’s first night together, so it wasn’t that strange.

But I remembered it when I came around the corner to my classroom. There, right by the door, Tao and Sehun stood together, talking. Both of them began laughing at something Tao had said. I instantly recognized something interesting, having learned all the signs you could learn about Tao’s behavior patterns. How he pretended to be casual when he really was nervous, how he got that glint in his eyes whenever he saw someone he was attracted to.  How he seemed to lean in to the people he in secret wanted to touch. They were all there when he stood and talked to Sehun, the signs.

It shocked me and I wondered if Tao himself had even noticed it. Maybe he didn’t think of Sehun like that, but something told me that one day, he would.

“Good morning guys.” I said as I came closer. Both of them turned to me, a bit surprised that I had been able to sneak up on them without me noticing.

“Hey,” Tao said “Good morning.”

“I should head off to class.” Sehun said, smiling at Tao and then giving me a tight smile before leaving.

“Still doesn’t like me.” I sighed but Tao petted me on the head affectionately.

“Someday he will.” He said “Right now, you’re still the guy who stole the one he was in love with.”

“I guess so.” I said. There was a pause and then I spoke again “About Sehun… what’s between the two of you anyway?”

“Me and Sehun?” Tao asked and I could tell that he was blinking way too fast, something he did when he had something to hide “Nothing, we’ve just been bonding some since our situations are quiet similar.”

“Both victims of unrequited love?” I asked to which Tao nodded, still blinking furiously. I decided not to press too hard, if Tao one day wanted to tell me the truth, he would. Though, I think I already had a pretty good idea of it.

“I have something to tell you, by the way.” I said. Tao seemed happy with the change of subject and looked eager to hear what I had to say. I gestured for him to lean down a bit so I could whisper in his ear. He did.

“I did it with Luhan this weekend.” I whispered.

“WHAT!?” Tao exclaimed and I instantly tried to shush him. “Sorry, but what?” he said, having changed his volume to a much lower one “Why didn’t you call me?”

“What?” I asked “you mean you wanted me to call you during my romantic weekend?” Tao thought about it for a while.

“Yes.” He said and I hit him playfully on the shoulder.

“Not gonna happen, man.” I said “One day you’ll understand.” I winked at him and he seemed to know that I was referring to Sehun when I said ‘one day’ because he suddenly got a light tone of pink across his face.

“Don’t worry.” I said “I won’t tell anyone”

“No, Yixing!” Tao said “It’s not like that, you know. I’m not like-“

“-me?” I asked, referring to me liking guys. I proceeded to say: “Sure you’re not.” With a twinge of sarcasm to my tone.

Tao opened his mouth to argue again, but shut it again, realizing it was no use. Then, our teacher came around the corner I just had come from and both of us hurried in to the classroom to take our seats, and then yet another school day started.


After school, I couldn’t find Luhan where we usually met up after school. I had been to his classroom only to have Sehun told me he’d already headed outside. Therefore, I was now walking across the school yard, searching for him as I went.

I happened to find him right outside the school gate, a familiar car having pulled up to him. Lujian.

I decided to wait for them to have finished speaking before appearing, waiting discretely in the background until Lujian drove away before I went up to Luhan.

“How did it go?” I asked “Has your brother come to take back all those things he said before?”

“No.” Luhan said “It seems like he was genuine.”

“As you’d thought?” I said, posing as both a question and a statement at the same time.

“I started believing my brother the moment he told me about his own heartbreak with our parents.” Luhan said “I may have still been a bit uncertain, and I still won’t forgive him completely for his methods of protecting me, but… I understand him.”

“And with understanding, you’ve decided to overlook his wrongdoing?” I asked. Luhan nodded.

“It’s true I won’t forgive him, but I can at least give him the chance to make it up to me in some way, right?” He said, looking to me “It’s as you say, I’ll never get another big brother.”

I pulled Luhan in to my arms, kissing him gently, happiness filling me at his resolution about his brother. I wasn’t completely okay with what Lujian had done, but I believed in second chances and after the last time I’d met him, I was sure that he was one of those people who deserved one.

“I’m proud of you.” I said. Luhan grinned back at me.


I noticed that we’d started to get a crowd, girls staring at us looking flustered and guys looking pissed that their girlfriends took such a big interest in us.

“We should get out of here.” I said, grabbing hold of Luhan’s hand instead of hugging him.

“Agreed.” Luhan said, having noticed all of the eyes upon us.

“My mom’s making her famous meat pie tonight.” I said “Want to come over?”

“Absolutely.” Luhan said “I love your mother’s cooking.”

And like that, hand in hand, we walked in to our future together. Rough times would come, mixed with the magical ones, but together we would withstand them all. The promise we’d made each other that night of our first time together would burn in our minds for decades to come, keeping us together more than any wedding vows ever would.

“Promise you’ll never leave me.”

“I promise.”



And that's the end to this story! I hope you liked it~ It always feel strange to finish a story and post the last chapter. It spend so much time on writing and plotting these stories so when they end it changes my whole daily life! Sure, I still write but I don't write the same story and to me, that's a big deal! 

I want to thank each and everyone of you who've read this story! (Weather you've been with me from the beginning of it or read it all the way through, begining to end, after I'd finished it) The whole point of me writing is to see how people react to what I write! I love writing on it's own but it becomes something completely different once other people get to have their opinion on it! So thank you so much for commenting! (Comments are like my favorite thing ever, just for your information!)

I hope you've all had fun reading this story because I've had fun writing it! ^^ Love you lots, and I hope you'll read lots of wonderful fics after this one! :D

Thank you for reading, byeee~

(Oh, I almost forgot! Happy birthdayto one of my lovely readers, Sugar-and-Salt! I hope you've had/will have a lovely day! <3)

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Sorry for the long wait you guys but I don't have the time to write~ Forgive me :( x


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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 20: even after all this years it´s a great story
hors-la-loi #2
Chapter 20: Hello ! This is the sweetest and the hottest fic I've read since a while. Like, how can you write so perfectly ? this is long but I've never been bored, the feelings are well described but it's not too cheesy, and that taohun in the background... LayHan is awesome alone but with some TaoHun, it's perfect.
Where did you get that idea from ? A guy wants to have a fake boyfriend to avoid stalkers ? Really ? But it was such a great story so I don't mind !
Thank you for this masterpiece <3
Chapter 20: wow, this story is so sweet ! charming Yixing and his fake boyfriend finally fall in love, and the most important is their families's support ( I pretty care this point lol) thak you author-nim for such a nice story
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ give you a heart ~
Txxgen #4
Chapter 20: Omg this is fabulous. So cute!!
Apolo423 #5
Chapter 20: You should totally make a fanfic for Tao and sehun. I'd definitely read that, ugh I really wanna know what blooms between them if they were to get feelings for one another :3
Btw loved this story sooooo much <3
Chapter 1: I was unbelievably down before reading this but the moment I started it I was cheered up omg. THIS WAS ADORABLE IM SCRECSNDNSN
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 20: A perfect sweet ending for a perfect ff.
Liked to read it from chapter one till the end.
Thanx for the ff
Chapter 20: First of all: Awwmygod, thanks for mentioning me x3
I actually read this on my birthday, right after I woke up~ c:
Lujian was kind of a good guy, as expected. Still, my favourite sentence was Luhan's doubtful: 'How... Sweet?' xD
I think it's understandable that he has to debate with himself whether to give him a second chance or not.
(Considering that he gave in so quickly proves that Lulu's a good guy as well. Must run in the family.)

It was so cavities-inducingly sweet to read how much Lay is into any and everything about Luhan c:
That's some pure adoration there~
This was such a nice story where everything was pictured in a really relatable way~
I enjoyed reading about Lay's friendship to Tao, about Lay's self-discovery, his approaching to foreign territory...
Thanks for sharing this storyyy~ x3
I'll watch out for your other works~
Chapter 20: OH MY GOD this is soooooo sweet...i love the ending sooo much^^
Thiennie #10
Chapter 20: O my God, it was such a good story. You did amazing job and to be completly honest, I cried a little when I found out that it's completed. I loved every moment of Lay and Luhan's history and I love you so so so so much for writing it. Greetings from Poland, thank you for sharing it with us :)