There's Always a Fix

FriDATE The Thirteenth


FriDate the 13th

October 23, 2011




“What do you mean you got back together?”


Ken broke the kiss when the two found out that we were eavesdropping. Thanks to Olly’s interruption. She just ruined the romantic reunion.


“Olly, what can I do? I still love him.” She turned hysterical upon Bianca’s innocent answer. I tried to calm her down but she retorted.


“Calm down?! You are telling me to calm down?” Man, this girl is one hell of a frantic.


“How can I calm down, Theodora? We gave our word to the poor guy.” The truth is if we were to disappoint this nerd, we will lose our dignity. I mean, we talked him out of his Science project, Debate Face-off, Math Match and Star Wars Role Play.


Bianca was all smiles when she made her goodbye to Ken. I couldn’t hate her for being happy. So I did that one thing I thought was right. I dragged Olly upstairs as she continued blabbering.


“Olibia, there is always a fix.” I tried to give her hope. Fortunately, our fix has arrived. And when the idea registered to Olly’s mind, she smiled like an idiot.

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@jetsora, thank you talaga ha. Actually I wanted to pick out celebrities to embody the characters kaya lng mas feel ko na original para mas mafeel ko. Hahaha.
there's this thing that i wanted to say<br />
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AYOS TO!!! :))))
Thanks to my persevered friends who really wanted to do the "Disastrous Date" theme. I was eyeing on the vacation something or "A place I wanted to visit" 'cause I'd like to write an article about France then I ended up writing the story. Got a little help too. :) Hahaha. Well I really prefer original characters for this one 'cause I can't think of someone that fits my characters. There are Kimerald stories here? I'm not a fan but not a hater too. But I'm okay with Gerald and Sarah. 'Cause their genre is always romantic comedy. :)
I like this! It's so original and my first time to see a pinoy story here on aff! (screw kimerald stuffs here in aff. Lol. No offense on their writers though. -.-) and this seems soooo cute! :D i'd love it if we had a writing project like this in class!