
Kameko to Takeru [on Hiatus for unknown time]

My view again:

As I woke up it was very early in the morning. I slept through the whole afternoon and night! I stood up and looked around. Takeru wasn't there. At last! He left. But as I thought this I remembered when he cared about us that much yesterday. I frowned. Am I missing him? Well, nevertheless did my stomach sent clear signals - I was hungry. I changed into some cloths - for the very impossible case that Takeru wasn't gone - and went over to the kitchen. Nobody was there. I sighed. It was Wednesday. I looked at the clock. ! It was 9 o'clock! I would be really late for school even if I ran there like crazy.

"Don't go. It's really late. Just stay at home one more day. Okay?" a sleepy voice came out of the corridor. Then a very sleepy Leiko appeared. Her long brown hair was a complete mess and she rubbed her eyes which very swollen as if she stood awake really long yesterday before falling asleep. If any of her lovers would see her like that they would immediately ran away. "But you have to make me breakfast. Then I call the school." I rolled with my eyes.

"Okay." I said. "I'll do that." While preparing the breakfast I saw how Leiko sat down on the couch and closed her eyes. What did she do that she was this dizzy? I didn't really wanna know especially cause she was ill yesterday. I concentrated at making breakfast. After cleaning the table I put everything on the table.

"Leiko! Breakfast!" I touched her shoulder and she sat up. Suddenly.

"Breakfast." I said. She look anxious.

"What?" she murmured. Then  she fainted. I stared at her.

"Don't joke around. I made breakfast." But she didn't react. I shook her and still no reaction. Suddenly someone knocked at the door. I ran towards it and opened up. Someone completely unfamiliar stood there. As he saw me he looked weird. As if he saw something unbelievable disgusting. I looked down. I was wearing some black pants and a black t-shirt. I looked up again and saw directly into his eyes. We stared at each other for some seconds then I said:


"I'm the house owner. I'm here to inform you that we haven't received your rent yet. Therefor, hereby I like to remind you of the contract in which we agreed that - after a single refusal of paying - you have to pay fifty percent more rent. I'm here to remind you of that fact. Hence we have to demand the money from you. Now, of course. Or else you have to pay an other fifty percent, so two rents instead of one." he said in a nasty officially way that made him immediately really unpopular with me.

"Eh, okay.. but I'm not the tenant. I'm sorry. She's not at home. Sorry." I said curt and closed the door immediately. Then I ran back to Leiko and looked into her eyes. I had to open them because she was still unconscious. Her eyes nearly didn't react to the light falling into her opened eyes. But I could feel her breathing. I stood up again and called the ambulance. After telling them where I was and what Leiko looked like I hang up and waited. Then the door bell rang. I immediately ran towards the door and opened it. There were the paramedics I ordered. I sighed with some relief and led them to Leiko. They put her on a portable deck and brought her to their car. I entered, too. We drove to the hospital and I had to wait outside the operating theatre. Seconds, minutes and hours came and were gone but no sign of Leiko. After a really long time - it felt like it - some nurse came to tell me that I could see Leiko now. I went into the hospital room and saw her sitting on one bed. She looked like she was doing well again. I sighed in relief and went over to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded slightly dizzy and laid back down. She smiled slightly in pain and closed her eyes. I just sat down beside her and watched her sleep.


"What happened?" an agitated voice said suddenly. I opened my eyes. What happened?

"You were sleeping. But what's with Leiko?" Takeru said looking at my frowning face.

"She fainted so I called the ambulance just in case. I don't know the details yet." I answered slightly yawning. Then I looked at Leiko. She still wasn't awake. I frowned again. What the hell was up with Leiko? Did she have any disease?

Suddenly it knocked and the door was opened. Some men came in white smocks. They went around in the room from bed to bed. I hadn't realized that there were other patients in the room, too, when I entered. The room was a four-bed-room. Two of the beds were occupied. One old woman and a teenager laid there at the other side of the room. Takeru looked nervously at the doctors as they went over to Leiko and us.

"She still hasn't woken up yet?" one of them asked. I nodded. They made some notes and went out. What the-? Why didn't they tell me anything about her state? Am I this unimportant? Am a not her sister?

"What ers. They didn't even tell us what's up with Leiko. Even to you, her relative! Doctors these days..." Takeru said angrily. I smiled a little but it disappeared right after. Then a nurse came in.

"I am sorry but the visiting hours are over now. Please leave." she said and immediately disappeared so I couldn't even ask her about my sister. Takeru grumbled to himself as we left the hospital. It was late now. How long did I slept in there? I sighed and went on. Takeru looked quizzically at me. I just shook my head. Nothing. He looked at the ground. Then we reached my house. I wanted to say good bye but he pushed the door open and went into the stairwell. I took a deep breath once intentionally and walked after him. As we reached my flat and went in we sat down on the couch. Suddenly my stomach growled. Takeru grinned. I couldn't bring myself up to smile, too. He dropped it and said:

"I cook you something delicious, okay? Just stay on the couch." I nodded dizzy again. I heard him rumbling around in the kitchen and soon after that delicious smells forced their way into the living room. My stomach growled again. I stood up and looked at a set table. I sat down and began to eat. Takeru sat in front of me and ate, too.

"Was it delicious, or what?" he asked proudly. I just nodded and stood up.

"Thank you for cooking me a meal. But you have to go now. I would like to sleep now." I said. He stared at me.

"No, I won't go. I'll stay the night here. You can't be alone right now. Okay?" he said intended. I took a deep breath before nodding. Then I headed my room.

"I rinse then." I heard a quiet voice out of the kitchen.

After laying down on my pillow I immediately fell asleep.

I know it's a bit short and hm.. full of disease but I still hope you like it. Comment, please!

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I finally updated, yay! It really makes wonders happen if someone comments.. ^___^


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Chapter 6: chapter 6 is very nice
Chapter 6: Nice one.. This is the first time I've read a Japanese fanfic..And it features one of my j-pop biases, Takeru..I'm really glad I found your fic. :) And the story's interesting..

Hm...I've read some errors in the way you construct the sentences but I believe there's always a room for improvement so good luck and keep up the good work.. :)
Chapter 11: more more plz
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Sorry for taking your space. It's rare to find japanese fanfic
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Chapter 9: LOL "takeruly" that's good, I like that! xDD
Dahye_ssi #7
Lov3nit3 #8
XD I have been reading your SuG fanfic and i just want to say that it is amazing so far!!!
Hilyen_Yellow #9
I loved the first chapter so far!! The plot seems interesting, update some time!!