Chapter 9

Paralyzed Love

Kyungsoo heard his phone ring over and over again..He avoided you. He even avoided your knocks on his door and how you bombarded him with messages. How can someone change that extreme just in one day?

When it was late he decided to take some sleep, but it didn't last for long. He awakened in shock, his body sodden with sweat and eyes whiden in shick. Heavily breathing he rubbed his eyes and sat himself up. A Nighmare...No, just a horrible dream of something that happened some years ago.



Valentines-Day...A Day that should be all lovey-dovey. A day everyone should be happy. A day where people find together. A day some fall in deep depression...

Yes, it was Vaentines-Day, the Day Kyungsoo always looked forward to..Well, to sit at home and wait until the day ends. He always thought that day was useless, I mean who needs a day to tell someone how much you like them? Right, all those stupid lovey-dovey-couples everyone hates on Valentines-Day. Just like Kai and his oneday Girlfriend, he can't even remember her name nowadays. He and his oneday Girlfriend decided to go out that day, which Kyungsoo really had a problem with. He and Kai always used to play Video Games on that day, curse about those stupid couples and order some Pizza..But now he was also one of those couples..Damn him.

Kyungsoo thought that he could maybe chill out with his mom, but he found out that she had a date..A DATE! How can she even get the thought of replacing his dad? He had a big row with his mom, shouting at her what she even think she's doing..Unbelievable how egoistic her son was, she just left him alone, heading to her date. When he was all alone he just couldn't take it anymore..Tears started to run down his face. ''I'm a ing egoistic cripple, with no ing girlfriend, who's ing alone on Valentines-Day, because his ing best friend don't even want to hang up with him..You are really something Do Kyungsoo.''

He cried bitterly into his palms, thinking of how pathetic he was, when he saw a bottle of whiskey standing in front of him..Kyungsoo isn't the type of drinking, but since the day was already ruined, he didn' care anymore. He took the first glass he saw and poured himself a glass of whiskey. When he tried a little sip, he hated it, but it felt like his problems slowly faded away the more he drank. One glass changed into two and more..Everything in his eyes looked blurred and it felt like the whole room would rotate, but again he didn't care and continued drinking. He drank and drank when he suddenly fell out of his wheelchair, not moving anymore. Minutes went like hours when suddenly Kai walked in, shouting Kyungsoo's name. Wondering where he could be, he walked into the living room, where he saw Kyungsoo lying on the ground. Kai immediately called the ambulance, running over to Kyungsoo, feeling his puls. He was alive, but damn drunk. Kai knew what he had done, since he already smelled the whiskey when he entered the room. Binge drinking is a real bad thing and Kai knew that, which was one of the reasons why he panicked and started to cry, when he was alone with Kyungsoo. A big relieved sight was heard, when the doctor finally entered the room. They brought Kyungsoo into the hospital where they had to pump out his stomache..

That was the day Kyungsoo never ever touched alcohol again.


Kyungsoo was now wide awake..Even though he knew that he should go and get some sleep, he moved into his kitchen to cook something for himself. Spaghetti! He loved them and you should know that Kyungsoo is a great cook! He loved cooking, especially cooking for Kai or his mother. When he opened the Cabinet for his spices, he saw a bottle of Vodka next to the things he needed..He didn't know why, but deep inside he told himself that it's okay drinking alcohol one more time, which was a bad decision. He opened the bottle and took one last breathe before taking a little sip and once again, it looked like his problems slowly started to fade away. Since he didn't drink for years, it didn't take long and he was already tipsy and a few minutes later totally drunk. Kyungsoo always gets very emotional when he's drunk so all his feelings for you came up, how he thinks that you deserve something better and that it won't work with both of you. Before a tear could run over his face, he took his phone and called you.




''Hello?'' You said with a sleepy voice, not knowing who it could be, because you just answered the phone without even looking on it.

''Heeeey Babeyguuurl..'' Kyungsoo said with his drunky and over-nicely voice.

''K-Kyungsoo..Is it you?'' You sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes.

''No..Listn is' ya precus Shehuuun~~''

''The heck are you even talking about?''

''All I wan' to say iiiiis tha' is' over with us my dear Mrs Purfekt..''


''Noo BUT! Go and fin' ya flowa-boy an' get out of ma Life..I don' want' ya anymoar.'' He said annoyed, which made you feel like the saddest person alive.

''K-Kyungsoo but..But I-I-'' Tears started to run over your cheeks, the sadness written on your face. The last thing you heard was that he said a cold 'take care' and hung up. ''...But I love you!'' You cried, taking the phone away, knowing that he already hung up. Even if his words were swollen, you didn't realize that he was actually drunk, what made the situation even worse. Kyungsoo drank the whole night, which caused a big hangover the next day. Well he could remember that he broke up with you, but not how much he hurt you with this. It really broke your heart that you cried the whole night, your eyes swollen and red, like they've never been before. You looked terrible. When you finally decided to get out of your bed, where you cried the whole night, the first thing you did was checking your phone, hoping that Kyungsoo would have called you, or at least sent you a message that everything has been a mistake..But nothing. You only saw the empty Backround of a cute picture of you and Kyungsoo you took a few days ago. You wanted to cry again, but your tears were already shed, your heart broken into a thousand of pieces. Of course you tried calling him the whole day, but he avoided you and you gave up..It looked like it was officially over.




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The story is so nice..thank you
Chapter 11: Cute story :)
Chapter 11: wutt? oh my... I just realize that I don't leave comment on previous chapt yet.
I'm too excited, 'til forget leave a comment. forgive me please.
jessi828 #4
Chapter 12: omg amazing
ExoLkpop #5
Chapter 11: Omo daebak!!! I love this story!! Can u do another one of these?!
Yourscent #6
Chapter 12: Yay they're together!!! Wish she'll tell her that kyungsoo is the one that saved her when she was bullied and she's been loving him since then.
Chapter 12: Finally they are together. Even got daughter and son. And Kai telling kyungsoo son and daughter about how they Met and get married. I wonder kyungsoo know that she is the one that he save from being bullied.
Chapter 10: Oh no. Kyungsoo you must be okay if not she will be sad. Kyungsoo don't even remember her.
Chapter 9: yah! kyungsooo why did you break up with her.. you need to know the real reason
reeson #10
Chapter 9: Nooooooooo don't break up