CP: Seven

Crude Play

You slam your locker shut after pulling out your biology book for your next class; you don’t lock it because you know Sungjong probably has something in it that belongs to him. You hope no one steals anything inside – there’s nothing worth anything in your locker but your school textbooks and a calculator. Who wants to steal textbooks?


“Heard you got tricked by your hero,” The voice startles you but you try not to show it, you turn around and use your free hand to push the person’s face away from yours.


You take in a deep breath and blink rapidly at him, “You need to stop it – stop trying to kiss me!” You shriek stepping away from him.


“Don’t flatter yourself,” He pokes your forehead before flicking it. You slap his finger away and glare up at him.


“Mount Everest,” You comment scowling at him. “What do you want?” You ask him when he doesn’t stop blocking your way, “Come on,” You sigh. “Sungyeol,” You begin, “You’re annoying – go away.”


He corners you at your locker and shows you his gummy smile. “I have something you want,” He says in a singing voice wiggling his eyebrows.


You stare at him waiting for him to get done with whatever he wanted to do or say. He has always been like this – annoying and clingy.


“Where’s Sungjong?” He questions pulling away and he crosses his arms over his chest staring down at you.


“With his girlfriend,” You shrug, “Can I go now?” You raise your eyebrow waiting for an answer.


“Been on Crude’s webpage these past few days?” He inquires with a sly grin on his face.


“No,” You shrug, “I’m on strike – didn’t you see my – ”


He interrupts you, “I don’t pay attention to your stupid blog,” He admits and you scowl at him but say nothing. “You should visit it sometime,” He informed.


“Why?” You grumble wrinkling your nose as a sign of impatiently.


“Sing for me,” He whispers earning a glare from you; you blink rapidly at him before you shake your head.


“Why should I?” You ask impatiently, “Look, dude, I gotta get to class.” You say grumpily, you step on his foot not so gently when he imitates your expression, “I don’t look like that.”


“I want to know if your voice is still irritating,” He says exaggerating the last word with a smile.


“My voice is not irritating!” You exclaim, you hold your textbook and slam it on his chest shoving him away. “Thanks for slaughtering my confidence.”


He grabs your arm before you can get away from him, “Sorry, Midget,” He apologizes even though you know he doesn’t mean it. This isn’t the first time he has called your singing irritating, you know he doesn’t mean it but it still hits a painful nerve. Singing is the only thing I’m good at. You think shrugging out of his grasp.


“Make sure to check the webpage when you get home today, hm?” He looks you in the eye and you give him an annoyed look when the bell rings signaling that it’s time for classes.


“What’s gonna be on it?” You scoff, “WooHyun’s joke about a prank he played on a fan?”


“You flatter yourself too much.” He rolls his eyes before he flicks your forehead again, “Who knows – you might be the lucky one and get a chance to have a duet with WooHyun,” He pauses, “Which you won’t because my cousin is participating and she’s amazing.”





You impatiently wait for the video posted a few hours ago on the webpage to load. You stand up from your chair and pace around your room picking the clothes and throwing them on your bed just to pass time for the video.


You drop yourself on your bed like a sack of potatoes and you stare up at the ceiling rubbing your hand over your face with a sigh. You spread your hands at your side and take in a deep breath before you exhale.


You flip yourself on your stomach minutes later and you lazily reach for your headsets and tiny mp3 player. You scroll through the mp3 and shuffle a few times trying to find a song to help you relax your mind.


“This thing is so useless,” You mumble tiredly and flip to your side staring at the window. You sit up and walk back to your study table; you sit down and smile when the video is ready. You make yourself comfortable and right before you click play, a knock on your door is heard.


“Yeah?” You ask not moving an inch or turning to look at the door. When no one responds, you proceed to watch the video. The second you hit play, another knock is heard.


What is it?!” You shriek impatiently. “Jesus!” You add, still stubbornly sitting on your chair and hoping for the person to go away.


“Time to do your homework – your father’s waiting for you downstairs!” That isn’t your mother’s voice.


What the heck? What’s grandma’s wrinkly doing here?It’s not that you dislike – you do dislike your grandma because she stills lives in the past – you don’t hate her though. 


“Don’t make me wait out here,” Her scratchy voice comes and you roll your eyes turning to your laptop screen with an irritated expression.


You start the video anyway – she can wait for a few minutes. Glad I locked my door. You bite your lower lip waiting for the video to actually start.


Hey, everyone, its Crude play!” You squeal in your sit like a mentally challenged person and clapping your hands happily.


We all hope you enjoyed our concert a few days ago and this is a video message to thank all our supporters – you guys are amazing and we love you!” WooHyun makes a heart with his hands and your heart flutters, you cheeks flush bright scarlet.


But the video isn’t only going to be about that,” MyungSoo cuts in giving WooHyun a look of disapproval for some reason. “We’re still in town because we’re hoping to find a lucky winner – two to four lucky winners actually –” He gets off by DongWoo.


He’s making it sound boring so I’ll make this quick,” He continues with the smile you admire so much. You stare at him with adoration in your eyes as you wait for him to speak; you continue to ignore the knocks on the door.


If you,” DongWoo points at the screen, “Love music - come to our studio and audition. We’ll be the judges and I’m sure – ” WooHyun interrupts him.


We’re sure you all have amazing voices – get a chance to sing on stage with us.” He grins before he stands up and walks away from the camera’s view. You frown when you can’t see him, you turn to your side as if you can see him but you’re met with your laptop’s back.


We – ” The video takes a random pause and your brows furrow. You press R on your keyboard like a manic and you being too impatient to wait for it to load; you slam your laptop’s lid down and stand from your seat. You stretch and let out a yawn before you walk to the door. You unlock it and you’re met with your grandmother, she glares at you and you smile back at her innocently.


“I had headphones on!” You quickly exclaim and hiss in pain she drags you to the living room by your ear.


The story is still getting glued if that’s the right word to use LOL and I’m finding it a little sloppy because the full plot hasn’t been stuck to my brain yet but I know how it ends so it’s all good LOL I just have to make roads to get there x.x. Don’t worry she’s gonna see WooHyun soon like in chapter 21 or something LMAO jk Until Next Time :]¡ Not edited.

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HAHAHAHA your gif lol
spring-rain #3

And I can really relate to the parents; my parents won't ever let me do something like this ;___;
Woohyun's annoying
tihikix33 #5
LOLLL nice gif.

I wonder if she gets accepted or not. I have a feeling she does though.
Oh yeah, Woohyun is a little .

But he's hot so what does it matter
Well, at least her parents are letting her audition. Though, the least they could do is wish her good luck.

~ FlyingHigh