CP: Five

Crude Play

You glare at the door with such hatred and if looks could kill, the door would have been burning to ashes and dead. Rage and frustration seems to build up in your chest and you find it hard to focus. Screw logic, you stand up from your only seat and you being pounding on the door like a mad woman.


“Someone get me out before I get angrier!” You threaten no one, you hear your favorite song ending and you pound even harder – if that is even possible. “Please get me out of here!” You shriek pathetically.


“Calm down.” You tell yourself, you step away from the door and you raise your hands in the air – you bring them down slowly trying to calm your breathing and your flaring nostrils. When you’re a little calm, you hold the lock and you turn it.


What the ? You think when the stall’s door opens. You hear a new song start and you quickly step out of the stall. You look around the bathroom trying to find the banners you abandoned to pee – none of them are in sight.


“So they stole my banners and didn’t bother to help me out. I hate this world,” You say with a huff before you walk back into the stall – you pee without closing or locking the door. After vowing to kill whoever stole your banners, you run out of the ladies’ room and you blindly follow his soothing voice.


“You shouldn’t be here!” You turn to your side and you stare with wide eyes at a security guard. You spin around and you run in the opposite direction – you hear him shouting for you to stop and of course you don’t.


You stop in front – you think it’s in front – of long dark curtains and you glare at the guard. “I bought tickets to come to this concert and I’m going to enjoy it!”  Well, my dad did but that’s not the point, you think. Before you get a chance to do anything, someone else grabs your arm and pulls you away from the large dark curtains.


“What are –?” You gulp, the man holding your wrist is trice your size and he is glaring down at you.


“You’re coming with me.” He informs sternly and you give him a pathetic nod, still gulping at him like a fish seeking for water.




“Where have you been?” Sungjong screams over the loud sounds coming from the speakers. You cross your arms over your chest with the look of annoyance printed all over your face. You’re glad the security guard shoved you back in the crowd instead of throwing you to the police – you’re still pissed but you try not to show it.


“Shut up, I’m still mad.” You snap before you turn to the stage, you stare at WooHyun and you smile. Your anger completely gets wiped away when you hear his voice – a few years ago, it didn’t cross your mind that you’d be jealous of an object and the thought of it was ridiculous – that was all before you stumbled upon Crude Play. You want to be the microphone he is holding and touching – as crazy as that is and sounds – it’s your sad life.


Your shoulder deflated and you let out a loud sigh that is nothing compared to the song that starts. Your ears twitch and your eyes grow wide – the familiar beat fills your ears and WooHyun’s soothing voice comes.


Your favorite song, you then get confused. Why is this being played again? You think, it’s not that you don’t want to listen to it but – the intro of the song starts. Remix version of your favorite song. Better than nothing. Happiness fills your insides and you begin to jump like you were earlier.


“Crude! Crude! Crude!” You chant along with the rest of the crowd, you look at Sungjong and you smile widely at him. You stop jumping and hook arms with his, “Come on, Malchik Gay!” You tease wiggling your eyebrows.


“I hate you!” He shouts with a laugh.


“WooHyun, I love you!” Someone next to you screams loudly and you wince before you glare at her.


Excuse me.You think with after an eye roll at her and before you can give her a piece of your mind Sungjong tugs your arm roughly.


“Don’t just stand there!” He yells waving his free hand in the sea of hands and you join him seconds later with a large grin plastered on your face.



“I’m beat,” You say as soon as you enter your room, your parents are asleep – you found them sleeping on the couch, waiting for you probably. You step out of the bathroom with a sigh and yawn tiredly as you dry your hair with a towel. You quickly change into your pajamas before you crawl into bed and wait for sleep to overtake you.


You spend half of the night tossing and turning, you frown as you sit up and you lean against the bed’s headboard with a frown. You crawl out of bed and get to your feet – you’re sleepy as hell but you can’t seem to fall asleep.


You look through your nightstand and you spot a tiny paper, you pick the paper and you stare at it blankly. You sneak out of your room and you carefully make your way downstairs to the kitchen with the paper.


You grab the cordless phone and you shakily dial the number on the small paper, you call and wait for the person to pick up. The phone rings a few times but no one picks up, you frown and cancel the call before you try again. You have no idea what you’re going to say but you call again anyway.


And this time someone does pick up the phone – with your tired brain and the person’s groggily voice, your brain fails to register who’s on the other side.


“Hello?” The person answers tiredly.


“WooHyun?!” You shriek and giggle stupidly – the next thing you hear is someone snoring on the other line.  “…” You blink, “…hello?”

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HAHAHAHA your gif lol
spring-rain #3

And I can really relate to the parents; my parents won't ever let me do something like this ;___;
Woohyun's annoying
tihikix33 #5
LOLLL nice gif.

I wonder if she gets accepted or not. I have a feeling she does though.
Oh yeah, Woohyun is a little .

But he's hot so what does it matter
Well, at least her parents are letting her audition. Though, the least they could do is wish her good luck.

~ FlyingHigh