CP: Four

Crude Play

You jump up and down with a banner in your hands as you scream your lungs out. The feeling of seeing your favorite band live gives you a strong sensational feeling that you think no one can understand if you are to explain why. When WooHyun opens his mouth to sing the lyrics of the song Crude Play is currently performing into the microphone, your heart skips a few beats and you forget how to scream.


You continue waving the banner and shouting his name, humming to the song loudly and hoping for him to look your way. You know that is impossible, the music is way too loud and you think your ears are going to get damaged and bleed but you continue your loud screaming. You don’t need to music sheets some people are holding because the lyrics are glued to your brain and you sing along without tripping on your tongue.


WooHyun’s voice is angelic in your ears, his low voice makes your insides twist and turn – in a good way – his deep voice makes your skin crawl and makes you form a smile on your face but sometimes his voice makes you cry when he’s singing an emotional song.


The song he’s singing now is a little noisy and for people to jump and scream to. You forget how to act like a girl when someone is shoved to you and you hastily push the person away, cussing like there’s no tomorrow before you go back to cheering.


You think you might lose your voice after this event because it starts coming out hoarse, you look to your side hoping to see Sungjong but the guy is nowhere to be found. You sigh in frustration and you turn back to the stage. Your eyes twinkle at the sight of WooHyun’s sweaty buff – you’re a little biased – body and you smile sheepishly at him. The grin he has plastered on his face as he sings makes your legs turn to jelly.


Your eyes trail away from him to the man at the back playing the drums – DongWoo is your second bias in Crude Play. You start screaming his name with your hoarse voice and you turn your WooHyun banner around, there’s DongWoo’s face. You jump and scream blood murder – not like the people surrounding you aren’t doing the same – worse even.


The bass solo that comes in played MyungSoo with a bit of the guitar mixture played by Hoya makes your smile grow larger. Not having a Banner for the two, you start clapping your hands like a retarded walrus after placing your banner between your legs to hold it close by because there is nowhere to hide it.


WooHyun sings most of the song with the three voices backing him up only when needed. You stare in awe as WooHyun plays his guitar alongside HoWon – I don’t think Woohyun and HoWon play the guitar but hey, let’s pretend they do, so stfu LOL – seeing them in stage and preforming one of your favorite songs just makes you all warm inside and you keep clapping.


When the song is over DongWoo, Hoya and MyungSoo exchange a few words with the noisy crowd that you don’t understand – you don’t care to understand – before they walk off stage leaving WooHyun using a towel to wipe the sweat all over his face off before he warps it into a ball and throws it in your direction.


Your eyes widen as you watch the towel fall and you feel like breaking down into pathetic sobs when some tall person grabs it before you get the chance to shine. You curse your height and pout even though you know no one cares at the moment – they all groan in frustration and turn back to WooHyun who is now walking off the stage.


Having no idea what the hell is going on – this being your first time attending a concert, you poke someone beside you and you ask what’s happening. She tells you it’s break time for about 10 minutes and you nod thanking her afterwards but you remain standing there like a retard waiting for Sungjong to magically appear in front of you.


You pull out your cell phone from your back pocket and you speed dial his number, he picks up after your third try and you groan in irritation. People scatter around and away going to buy drinks or just something to eat leaving the concert arena almost empty.


“We’re supposed to stick together, you know.” You remind him angrily before he gets the chance to say hello.


“I got a date – ” You interrupt him before he goes on.


“Just get your back here and stay with me – we have to stick together!” You shout earning an annoyed snort in response.


“Fine,” He sighs, “…quit perioding on me though!” He hangs up before you can say anything in return. You glare at your phone before you shove it back in your back pocket. Perioding is not a word. You think as you hold the banner in your hands and wait patiently for the concert to pick up from where it left off.


You feel the sudden urge to pee a few minutes later and you frown in discomfort. You see a man walking around on stage and you quickly make your way through the bodies that are covering your way to heaven. You stop in front of the stage when you see the guards glaring at you and you gulp.


“I just want to go to the toilet – that’s all!” You scream defensively and the man fixing the microphones on stage looks down at you.


“What kind of ticket do you have?” He questions seriously and you give him a weird look.


“What?” You question back, you gasp when the man grabs your wrist and stares at the stamp that is fading on your wrist.


“Regular ticket, huh?” He rolls his eyes, “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.” He snarls before he turns to one of the men in uniform and nods his head. You jerk your wrist from his grasp and glare at him. “Don’t give me that look,” He chuckles. “Guys, show her where the toilets are.”


A guard leaves you in front of the ladies room and gives you a stern look. “Hurry up,” He says firmly and you nod anxiously.


You step inside the ladies room and you drop your banners on the floor carelessly before you dash into one of the stalls. You fling it open a little too hard and you slam it shut before you lock it, you turn around ready to sit down and do your business. You pull down your pants and you hear the sound of something dropping in water.


You quickly turn around with your pants half way down and you scream at the sight of your phone in a not-so-clean toilet.


“What the – Oh my god! Mum’s gonna beat the living day lights out of me!” You panic not knowing what to do but you do know that you’re not going to put your hands in it to get the phone out. Water and technology never get along. You sigh and lean against the stall’s door for a few minutes before you pull your pants up, your peeing urge seems to go away.


You try to open the stall door but it doesn’t turn causing you to frown. I’m a locked in here? You blink as you furiously and impatiently tug at the door.


“Hello! Guard man?” You shout when you fail how to get out, pound on the tiny door in frustration. Your angry screams and yells for help soon die down when you hear the loud sound of cheering from somewhere outside the ladies room. Your ears twitch at a familiar voice and your eyes sting.


I’m missing my favorite song! What the devil!You start kicking the door hoping to it to burst open like you see in movies – movies make things look so easy – your leg starts hurting from all the force you’re using to kick the door and you soon give up. Where is that guard?


“I am going to die in here?” You think not caring how dramatic you sound, you continue, “My life is over.” You grab your hair and scream, you turn back to the toilet and you cover it with the lid before you sit on it after giving your phone one final look.



That’s what you get for putting your phone in your back pocket LOL. She’s delusional, leave her alone LOL. Crude Play is a rock band, not a kpop/krock band and that’s why WooHyun sings the whole song alone – almost the whole song, whatever song it is LOL and there is no rapping and stuff. I think it has been 34 days since I updated this…UHHHH LOL yeah. Until Next Time :]¡ Not proofread.

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HAHAHAHA your gif lol
spring-rain #3

And I can really relate to the parents; my parents won't ever let me do something like this ;___;
Woohyun's annoying
tihikix33 #5
LOLLL nice gif.

I wonder if she gets accepted or not. I have a feeling she does though.
Oh yeah, Woohyun is a little .

But he's hot so what does it matter
Well, at least her parents are letting her audition. Though, the least they could do is wish her good luck.

~ FlyingHigh