CP asdfghjkl i dunno how to spell 11 LMAO jkjk

Crude Play

Two days have gone by and your parents haven’t said a word to you. You’re sure your mother has told your father about it because he seems to be avoiding you.


You stare at yourself in the mirror and sigh loudly. You style your hair away from your face, trying to make it into a different style. You flick your bangs away from your face, “I’m such a bad kid,” You mumble to yourself; a tear escapes your eye. You quickly wipe it away and give yourself a two soft slaps. Get a hold of yourself. You think and glare at yourself. You had this coming.


You look at your door through the mirror when you hear a soft knock, “Come on in – I’m decent.” You announce not bothering to turn around. Your eyes meet with your mother’s through the mirror and you quickly look down at the sink.


“Your father and I made an agreement…” She says after what seemed like an eternity, “Look at me.” She orders firm but you can hear the softness. You hesitantly lift your head and lock eyes with hers through the mirror; she heaves out a sigh and shakes her head. “We love you.” She tells you with a small smile. “You need to trust us more, sweetheart.”


“You hate me singing – you’re against me singing.” You point out harsher than you intended to. You swallowed thickly and look away. “Sorry,” You apologize.


“You don’t get in – if you don’t pass the auditions,” She pauses ignoring your previous statement, “If you don’t get through the auditions – forget about singing or anything that has to do with it.” She sternly informs you. “You cut out your silly dreams about being a star and marrying that guy.” Her words hit you hard, harder than they should.


You bite your lower lip to stop yourself from saying something you’ll regret but your mouth loves running ahead of your brain. “You say I need to trust you guys more but you always step over all my ing dreams!” You hiss out gripping the sides of the sink until your knuckles whitened.


“Language!” She shouts angrily, “Mind your language around me, young lady.” She adds firmly and crosses her arms over her chest.


“Mum,” You hiss out again, “My dreams are not silly. You of all people shouldn’t say that!” You shout throwing your arms in the air and inhaling deeply, “You’re supposed to ing support me like all parents support their damn children!” You scream.


“Well, I’m not like other parents!” She screams back just as loud, “I’m only looking out for you – I’m older than you and I know more than you do.” She hisses, you can see the veins popping at the side of her neck – you know you’ve crossed your line but that doesn’t stop you.


“You’re right,” You say and your shoulders shagged, “You’re not like other parents because other parents give two s about their children’s dreams and actually help out.” You stare at the marble ground and bite the inside of your cheek. You crossed the line, you . You think to yourself and your eyes begin to water.


“You’re sixteen.” She whispers weakly.


“I know.” You grit your teeth, “Doesn’t make me stupid!” You shout carelessly.


“The man you see in those videos, pictures and those stupid profiles you read about him isn’t the man you think he really is because no one is perfect. You’re only 16; you haven’t seen what life does to people.” You look sharply at her as if glaring before you look down at the ground again.


“I really don’t want to hear that coming from you – you never give me what I want.” You mutter shrugging your shoulders, you feel the wetness on your cheeks and you raise your hands to your face. You use the back of your hand to wipe the tears away. You look over at your mother and she looks lost.


You want to take your words back but you know the damage has been done.


“What’s going on in here?” Your father’s voice comes from the doorway and you immediately tense up and your heart skips a beat. Your mother raises her head and stares at you before she shakes her head. You see how the sides of her lips curl upwards into a fake smile.


She turns to your father and shakes her head as if you tell him not to question you both. Your father looks over at you and raises his eyebrow; he opens his mouth to say something but your mother places her hands on his chest and shakes her head once more.


Your father closes his mouth and nods his head in understanding – he looks down at your mother and as if they are silently communicating with their gazes, your father wraps his arms around your mother and drags her out but not before giving you a stern look that clearly screams We – need – to – talk – about – this – later kind of look.


You spend half of the night standing in front of your mirror, staring at your reflection and sighing every now and then. You ruffle your hair in frustration before you groan, “Why am I so stupid?!” You hiss hoarsely, you clear your throat as your run your hands through your tangled hair.


Nice going, you stupid. You glare at yourself angrily. You open the tap before you place your hands under it and you cup them together. You watch the water flow before you splash the cold water on your face to hide the tears from the world.


This is getting ridiculous. You mumble as you continuing splashing the water on your face and causing your blouse to soak wet because of how careless you’re being.


You blindly grab a towel to dry your face; you inhale your own scent before exhaling heavily. When you’re done drying your face, you place your towel aside and walk out of the bathroom into the hallway before you walk past your parents’ room to yours.


You hear their hushed voices, your mother’s soft cracking voice and your father’s firm but gentle voice. You decide respect yourself and their privacy – you quickly walk to your room and close the door before you lock it.


You’re planning to stay locked in for the rest of your life. Your phone beeps signaling a new message.


Lights out. Now. We’ll all talk when mum calms down. You’re grounded for three months, sweetheart, you know what that means.

                                                                                         From: Dad          


You lean against the door and you run your hand over your face, the tired sigh escapes your lips and you decide that you will not see the light of the day the next day.




She’s a bit of a , guess I should’ve placed that in the foreword LOL She’s going to have a few conflicts with her parents’ about what she really wants  - she doesn’t even know what she wants, kinda. WooHyun appears in the next chapter, along with the rest of CP. Promised a chapter, well, here it is so enjoy it like good little patient readers LOL. Until Next Time :]¡ A chapter will be up tomorrow as well. Don’t get too spoiled though LOL. Not edited.

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HAHAHAHA your gif lol
spring-rain #3

And I can really relate to the parents; my parents won't ever let me do something like this ;___;
Woohyun's annoying
tihikix33 #5
LOLLL nice gif.

I wonder if she gets accepted or not. I have a feeling she does though.
Oh yeah, Woohyun is a little .

But he's hot so what does it matter
Well, at least her parents are letting her audition. Though, the least they could do is wish her good luck.

~ FlyingHigh