CP: Ten

Crude Play

Come straight to the store after school, I love you!

From: Mum

“Um…” You blink at the message, “No, thanks.” You shake your head to yourself as you walk down the sidewalk. She’s gonna kill me. You think as you make your way over to Sungjong’s house.


You knock a few times and his mother smiles warmly at you, “He’s up in his room – come on in, Sweetheart!” She says cheerfully, you give her a quick bow and dash your way inside the house.


You practically barge your way inside Sungjong’s room without knocking – like you own the place. You walk over to his bed dropping your bag in the process, you grab each sides of the duvet and you yank it off his body.


“You little liar!” You snap glaring at him; he blinks at you weirdly before he rolls over and jumps to his feet.


“Sorry!” He laughs waving his hands in the air, “I stayed home for a reason!” He says defensively, you continue glaring at him before you huff and relax.


“I was alone, you know,” You state drily, “Why did you stay home anyways? You texted me saying you’d come late to school.” You cross your arms over your chest and glare at him one more.


“I had to get the mail before my parents did,” He snaps, you watch as he looks through his drawers. He pulls out a white envelope and tosses it over to you. “Do you know how much trouble –”


“Your parents won’t kill you, Sungjong,” You wave him off as you open the envelope, “Mine, however, will have my head on a platter.” You admit as you rip the letter open and skim in. 


“You’re a ,” Sungjong mumbles before he walks over to his study table and sits on the chair, he spins and stops to look at you, “Well?” He asks.


“I got in.” You mutter, clenching the white paper in your hands and grinning widely. “I got in!” You pace around the room the grin never leaving your lips. “I got in.” You repeat.


“You don’t sound that surprised or excited.” He points out and you stop, you look at him and roll your eyes.


“Mum sent me a text – I’m supposed to be at the store,” You confess.


“And you’re here because…?” He trails off and stares at you, “You’re going to be the death of your mum.” He chuckles.


You sit on his bed and cross your leg over the other. You place the letter on your lap and you frown inwardly. “I didn’t ask to be stubborn,” You say grimly.


“Don’t sulk,” He says, “You’re supposed to be thinking of a song.”


You roll your eyes and blink at him, “I need you to tell your parents.” You blurt out.


“What?!” He shouts shaking his head frantically. “Are you out of your mind?”


“But…” You lift the letter and throw it at him, “The auditions are three hours away from here! I’ve got no money to take a train there – alone!” You exclaim, “Besides, they need an adults signature there – I’m not 18 yet.”


“Wait till you’re 18 then,” He rolls his eyes.


“No!” You shake your head stubbornly glaring at the letter that is now lying on the floor.


“What’s your goal?” He questions earning a weird look from you, “Don’t give me that look – you know what I mean.” He rolls his eyes once more and snorts.


“…” You swallow thickly, “Won’t tell you.” You mumble lowly.




“Where the hell have you been?” Your mother hisses the second you set your foot into the store.


“You said hell, mum,” You giggle weakly and give her a quick bow. “I lost track of time.” You inform drily, you swing your bag off your shoulder and casually walk behind the counter. “Hey,” You greet her with a small smile.


She raises her eyebrow at you and shakes her head, “I’ll be in the back with your father,” She pauses and looks at your up and down, “Think you can handle things here on your own?” She asks curiously. You mentally roll your eyes before you wave her off, the smile never leaving your lips until she was out of sight.


You rest your hands on the counter and groan inwardly as you wait for costumers. You begin to hum a song as you tap your fingers on the counter. You start twirling small circles on it out of boredom, the sound of a bell indicating that someone walked in the store pulls you out of your thoughts.


Your eyes trail after the costumer until she’s out of sight behind one of the fruit aisle. You don’t bother going to see what she wants, you love waiting for people to ask you for help – you hate trailing around behind people like a creep because you know how annoying and uncomfortable that is.


When five minutes go by without the woman showing signs of buying or leaving, you decide to hop off your chair and go ask her what she’s looking for.


You find her by the meat aisle and you clear your voice to get her attention from the prices. You notice she’s holding a shopping basket and you wonder what time she got it, you shrug and look at her.


“Is there anything I can help you with?” You question as politely as you can. She looks at you with a confused look making you feel like an idiot before she shakes her head and smiles.


“No,” She answers softly. You nod and you walk forward to walk past her but she stops you, “Do you sale cigars here?” She asks.


“You mean cigarettes?” You turn to look at her and you raise your eyebrow, “You don’t strike me as someone who would smoke.” You inform thoughtlessly before you cover your mouth, “…” You whisper, “I didn’t mean –”


“You’re funny,” She giggles, “Nothing I’m buying here belongs to me – I’m just an assistant – I have to get what my list says,” She shrugs holding up a white sheet.


“Oh…” You mumble dumbly, “The cigarettes are at the front – I’ll get them ready for you.” You don’t want for her to respond; you quickly walk over to the counter and place a packet of cigarettes on the counter. Smoking is gross. You think as you wait for the lady to finish.


Three regular costumers enter and smile at you warmly before they walk further inside. You smile back at them and give them a smile wave.


Your mother pops up beside you and looks at you up, “Homework?” She questions seriously.


“No,” You reply, “I have a test tomorrow though.” You say rubbing the back of your head.


“Go home and study,” She ushers you out.


“Gladly,” You mutter with a small smile lingering on your lips as you reach out for your bag on the ground.


“Am I a bad parent?” She asks out of the blue. You freeze; something about that question makes your heart freeze. You look at her with a confused expression; she looks back at you before she quickly looks away. The look in her eyes kills you a little.


“No.” You answer firmly, “You just got stuck with a curse – me,” You joke softly before you swing your bag over your shoulder, “I joined the singing auditions.” You quickly spin around and head for the door before the words can sink into her brain. “Sorry!” You scream as soon as you’re by the door, you walk out and run home.





I drunk an energy drink, I’m currently giggling like an idiot because that's what those drinks do to me, I don’t think I’ll get any sleep tonight so yay me for updating. I hope you guys enjoyed this update the lady in the store is somewhat relevant and I promise, I’ll post up the next today tomorrow or in a few hours! Until Next Time and may the rest of your day be awesome :]¡ Not edited.

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HAHAHAHA your gif lol
spring-rain #3

And I can really relate to the parents; my parents won't ever let me do something like this ;___;
Woohyun's annoying
tihikix33 #5
LOLLL nice gif.

I wonder if she gets accepted or not. I have a feeling she does though.
Oh yeah, Woohyun is a little .

But he's hot so what does it matter
Well, at least her parents are letting her audition. Though, the least they could do is wish her good luck.

~ FlyingHigh