CP: Six

Crude Play

It goes on like that for a few weeks – you call WooHyun’s number and he never picks up. You frown and tears well up in your eyes, your lower lip quivering. Maybe he gave me a wrong number? You think as you place the cordless phone back in its place. You hop off the kitchen counter and blink away the tears; you clear your throat and walk into the living room.


“Are you ready to get going?” Your head snaps to the stairs and you give your father a nod.


“Yeah,” You answer and flush him a warm smile.                  


“Are you all right, sweetheart?” He questions with his eyebrow raised and you nod frantically. You walk past him and towards the main door, you slip your feet into your shoes and you throw your jacket on.


You step outside the house and you wait patiently for your father to get out of the house. When he steps out he locks the door and places the key under the doormat with your family’s name on it.


You enter his van and lean your head back after buckling your seatbelt.


“You’re quiet.” Your father mumbles as he starts the engine, “Lemme guess,” He places his hands on the sterling wheel and stares at you as if studying you and your expression – you suddenly feel like a science project.


“Are you still upset about your phone?” He questions.


“Well,” You clear your voice, “No, but mom’s voice is still echoing in my ear.” Your statement is responded with a laugh from your father.


“Don’t worry,” He says in an amused tone, “She’s already saving to buy you a new one – oops.” He groans and you giggle loudly.


“I knew she loves me!” You exclaim earning a strange look from your father.

“You’re on weird kid.” He comments and you mentally roll your eyes. “There’s an old phone your mother used to use – use that one. Has the house number though,” He adds.


“Thanks,” You mutter.


“Say,” He begins, “How was the concert? Did you meet your hero? You never did tell us about how it went.”




You shove your earphones in and you start humming to the familiar tune with your eyes closed as you bobble your head up and down to the beat. You open your eyes and you continue packing the goods on their right places. From where you are standing, you can see your father by the cushier looking through whatever he looks through when he’s there.


You’re in the baby section and the smell makes you melt. Babies smell nice – when they haven’t pooped. You think as you shiver at the thought of poop. You open your mouth and you vocal cords open.


You sing as freely as you can because there are no costumers in the store yet because of the ‘closed’ sign against the glass doors outside. You have to pack at least half of the goods before your father decides to open it for costumers. 


You pull your mp3 from your hoodie pocket and skip to the next song, your hum automatically changing to match the songs. You sing the lyrics without stopping to think – you wish you can remember school work like you remember lyrics.


You aren’t the sharpest tool in the flied but you aren’t dumb either – you just need a bit of guiding and your parents are doing a good job because your grades are always average much to your parents’ relief.


Your humming comes to an abrupt stop when you feel the old phone ringing; you pull it out and immediately answer it without paying attention to the number. “What, Sungjong? I’m working.” You snap with a sigh.


“…” The person on the other line clears his throat, “You called?” Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, you look over at your father behind the counter and you see him opening the store.


“Who are you?” You asked impatiently, “I have stuff to do you know,” You roll your eyes.


Says the girl who keeps calling me continuously,” He huffs, “Do I owe you something? I doubt you’re a fan because this number is private–


“WooHyun?” You ask uneasily and the person on the other line falls silent. That isn’t WooHyun, well, the voice isn’t his. You frown trying to register the person’s voice and pair it up with a face but nothing comes to mind.


WooHyun?” He repeats in disbelief, “Did that little bastard give you my number?!” He hisses and you pull your phone from your ear with a wince.


“Who are you really?” You ask shakily, “And yeah, WooHyun wrote this number – to reach him but you’re not him…” You trail off and clear your throat, you feel like bursting into tears. “I knew it was too good to be true – what the ?” You mutter forgetting you’re still on the phone.


If it’ll make you feel better,” The person sighs tiredly, “You’re not the first he has tricked.” The man chuckled and before he can say anything else you hang up and glared at the phone.


“Ugh,” You groan, “Why can’t anything nice happen to me – why is my life so sad?!” You shout.


“Get to work, honey,” Your father orders after your outburst, “And no phones during working hours – you know the rules.” He adds as an afterthought, “Your mother wouldn’t like that.” He adds again and before he can continue, you interrupt him.


“Dad, I get it.” You gritted your teeth. What to do now? You then shrug; My hero played a prank on me!


“That’s really sweet,” You giggled stupidly to yourself as you continued you tasks for the day in the store with a dumb grin plastered on your face. When you’re done packing everything in their place, you bid your father goodbye not wanting to stay stuck in the same place you go home.


You hear your mother’s favorite soap opera as you walk past the living room to the stairs, you take the first step on the staircase and your mother stops you.


“Honey? Is that you? I need to talk to you,” She calls from the living room and you roll your eyes. I was about to take my nap. What does she want now? You think as you turn around and walk to the living room.


“Yes, it’s me – you don’t have any other kids, do you?” You joke earning in glare in response. She pats the empty space beside her and you sit next to her. “What is it?” You ask unsure.


“Speaking of not having any kids but you,” She leans forward grabbing the remote from the table and turns off the TV. “The phone bill was in the mailbox today,” She continues, “Are you familiar with this number?”


“…” You stare at the paper she’s holding and you swallow. You look away and stare at the ground. She pokes your forehead with a sigh.


“If you want to call someone – ask for your dad’s phone!” She snaps, “Cordless phones don’t come cheap, calling a private number rises the bill up –” You space out.


Poor kid got tricked LOLOL you thought that was WooHyun who answered the phone in the previous chapter? Really? LMAO I wonder who the guy is >_____> I know who he is obviously LOL do ya? Until Next Time :]¡

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HAHAHAHA your gif lol
spring-rain #3

And I can really relate to the parents; my parents won't ever let me do something like this ;___;
Woohyun's annoying
tihikix33 #5
LOLLL nice gif.

I wonder if she gets accepted or not. I have a feeling she does though.
Oh yeah, Woohyun is a little .

But he's hot so what does it matter
Well, at least her parents are letting her audition. Though, the least they could do is wish her good luck.

~ FlyingHigh